HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Public Workd Quality Standards, Public Works Annual Report 2005AGENDA ITEM: Public Works Quality Standards, Public Works Annual Report 2005 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer Rick Cook, Operations Superintendent Jim Koslowski, Public Works Supervisor Christine Watson, Management Analyst AGENDA. in li ATTACHMENTS: Public Works Quality Standards, Public Works Annual Report 2005 APPROVED BY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion 4ROSEMOUNT City Council Work Session: May 24, 2006 ISSUE: BACKGROUND: CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY With a goal to become more proactive in our delivery of services, the Public Works Department has developed the attached Public Works Quality Standards. This document highlights the objectives and quality standards that have been estabhshed for the daily acuvtues and responsibilities of the Department. In addition, we have developed the Public Works Annual Report 2005 to summarize the accomplishments and activities for the Department in 2005, and to define the vision for the future of the Department in 2006 and beyond. The Public Works Department is made up of 26 employees, including six in the Engineering Division. Our daily tasks and activities are very visible to the public, often providing mimediate benefits to those we serve Because of this, it is important that we stay focused on providing the most efficient, cost effective service possible. By defining out objectives and quality standards for routine activities, we are better equipped to monitor our success, and to make appropriate adjustments if /when our service falls below acceptable standards. The Public Works pualzty Standards has become the "service manual" for the Department. With objectives and standards established for all of the major areas of responsibility, it clearly defines the expectations of what, when, and how each task shall be performed. When performance falls below the defined levels, adjustments must be made With the Public Works Quality Standard, we have a benchmark for our performance, and we can systematically re- evaluate our tasks, our expectations, and what resources are necessary to effectively carry out the responsibilities defined within In addition to the Public Works Quail? Standards, we have created the very first Public Works Annual Report, which summarizes the activities and initiatives of the Department in 2005 It provides an overview of the work we do, a breakdown of staff -hours (and in some cases, costs) associated with our activities, and it defines our future vision for the Department. It is a comprehensive "look inside" the Pubhc Works Department. SUMMARY: As the City expands m population and maintained area, our Department must change accordingly to accommodate the increasing demands of that growth. Our focus is to continue to be proactive in our services, and more technologically advanced m our asset and data management We will continue to use the Puhlzc Works Qualstyy Standards as the benchmark for our daily acuviues. We will also continue to prepare a Publw Works Annual Report to summarize our progress, and to periodically re- evaluate the vision for the future of the Department. We would request Council comments on the Public WorksQuakty Standards, as these standards will be used in the future to evaluate staff, material and equipment needs to perform to the standards outlined Public Works Annual Report 2005 !iROSENOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Purpose and Mission Statement The Department Organization Chart New in 2005 Customer Service Engineering Division Developer Projects Map City Projects NPDES Municipal State Aid Streets Pavement Management Program Map of 2005 projects Map of 2005 sealcoat streets Miscellaneous Projects Street Maintenance Winter Operations Utilities Maintenance Map Testing /sampling schedule Parks Fleet Management Maintenance Fuel Charts Mileage Summary Vision for 2006 and Beyond Long -term project schedule 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Annual Report 2005 Page 2 Pages 3 -5 Page 3a Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 -11 Page 8 Page 8a Pages 9 -10 Page 11 Page 12 Pages 13 16 Page 14a Page 14b Page 17 Pages 18 -21 Pages 20 -21 Pages 22 -24 Page 23a Page 24 Pages 25 -27 Pages 28 -34 Page 28 Page 30 Pages 31 -34 Page 34a Pages 35 -36 Page 36a PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to summarize the activities and initiatives of the Public Works Department during the calendar year 2005, and to define the vision for the future of the Department in 2006 and beyond. MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to enhance the quality of life through responsive, efficient, and cost effective delivery of services consistent with community values. With sound management, fiscal responsibility and professional care, the Department will preserve and protect the infrastructure resources of the City, creating a safe, clean and enjoyable environment for residents and businesses. 4 ROSEMOUNT x ROSENOUrrr PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Annual Report 2005 2 THE DEPARTMENT The Pubhc Works Department is lead through a cooperative effort between the Operations Superintendent and the City Engineer. The Operations Superintendent and Public Works Supervisor work together to manage a staff of 15 maintenance workers, 2 mechanics, and 1 custodian. Rick Cook Operations Superintendent Rick has been with the City of Rosemount for 34 years. After joining the Department as a welder /maintenance worker, Rick has lead the Department for the past 30 years, and seen it grow from the onginal 2 employees, to its current staff of 20. 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT The Engineering Division is lead by the City Engineer and is comprised of five staff members, including a Project Engineer, Sr. Engineering Technician, GIS Coordinator, Management Analyst, and the Department Secretary. Andy Brotzler City Engineer Andy has been the City Engineer since January 2002. He has overseen several major projects, including the extension of Connemara Trail, improvements to Trunk Highway 3, and the construction of Rosemount's first and only overpass. Public Works Annual Report 2005 3 -a a 0 a) a e co 8 2co c Q 2 0_ z o CD s �EN 0 0 o\ r z c t k 9 (E e< >5 cc) Jim "Kose" Koslowski Public Works Supervisor Jun has been with the City for 16 years. He began as a carpenter /maintenance worker, and assumed the responsibility of Pubhc Works Supervisor in March, 2005. Jim assists the Operations Supenntendent in the day -to -day management of all Public Works activities. Parks The parks crew has a combined 54 years of service to the City. Together, they maintain over 260 acres of park space in 23 parks. Although the maintenance crews log most of their work hours within their specialty areas, all of them work together whenever necessary to accomphsh certain tasks such as snowplowing, mowing, street sweeping, etc. Cooperation between the groups is essential to maintaining the performance levels established in 2005 in our new Quality Standards. 9ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Utilities The utihties crew has a combined 79 years of service to the City. Together, they maintain the water supply system, sanitary sewer system, and stormwater system. Streets The streets crew has a combined 48 years of service to the City. Together, they maintain 100 miles of streets and 65 miles of sidewalks /trails. Public Works Annual Report 2005 4 Mechanics The mechanics have a combined 22 years of service to the City. Together, they maintain over 90 vehicles and heavy machinery, and over 200 pieces of equipment. Photo Not Available Custodian Cheryl Ratzlaff has been the City's custodian for the past seven years. She is responsible for all custodial service to City Hall 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Engineering The Engineering Department represents the City in all new development projects. They maintain close contact with developers, contractors and residents to ensure compliance with all City policies and codes relating to the construction of our infrastructure. The year ended with our own Vern LeBeau being recognized as the City of Rosemount lsmplovice of the Year! Vern exemplifies a positive work ethic and consistently displays the Core Values of Teamwork, Integrity, Accountability, and Professionalism Public Works Annual Report 2005 5 NEW IN 2005 Our People The Pubhc Works Department added three new positions in 2005 in an effort to enhance our overall efficiencies: In March, a Management Analyst was added to the Engineering Division. This position was primanly needed to provide data management support for the entire Department Data management, scheduhng, process tracking, and administrative support are some of the key functions of this position. Also in March, the Public Works Department added a supervisory position to assist the Operations Superintendent with the day -to- day management of the Department. The Public Works Supervisor oversees the work of the maintenance crews, schedules and tracks the progress of various activities, and manages all administrative duties related to purchases, task code tracking, and payroll. In August, a GIS Coordinator was added to the Engineering Division. This position was added to provide geographic data management and mapping services to the Pubhc Works Department, and to other Departments within the City. This position provides technological support, and serves as the contact person for all software and hardware upgrades within the Department. ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Our Projects In 2005, special focus was given to the following projects: The implementation of Microsoft Project. This project- management and scheduling software allows us to effectively manage our time and resources, helping us to define and resolve any deficiencies in our processes. The development of the Public Works Qualiti Standards, an operating manual that defines the objectives and standards for all day -to -day activities of the Public Works Department. Extensive research of various asset management software packages. Our chosen package, Carte(iraph, is designed to help the Department become more efficient and cost effective in our dehvery of service, and to better gather, organize and retrieve information about our assets, our customers and our activities Enhancements to our GIS system, which continues to evolve with the addition of our GIS Coordinator. A new GIS Technician (added to the staff in 2006), will assist with the ongoing improvements to out GIS in frastructure. Enhancement of the Public Works and Engineering web page, including Frequently Asked Questions, city project updates, an explanation of the Pavement Management Program, and other information on wetlands, railroad crossings, water quality, etc. Public Works Annual Report 2005 6 CUSTOMER SERVICE Our success as a Department depends upon the satisfaction of our customers the residents and businesses in our community. We provide numerous services diverse in nature. From sewer, watermain and street repairs, to snowplowing, street sweeping and mowing, our work provides direct and immediate benefit to our customers. Timely, cost effective solutions are part of the mission we stnve to fulfill In 2005: Utilities staff responded to over 6,500 location requests from Gopher State One Call Over 200 staff -hours were spent responding to water /sewer alarms outside of normal business hours Over 12,000 staff -hours were spent on park maintenance, perhaps our most visible and customer oriented service Over 7,600 staff -hours were spent on street maintenance, including plowing, sweeping, pothole repair, and street sign maintenance. 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Annual Report 2005 Our dedication to customer service will be enhanced in 2006 with the implementation of CarteGraph software. The CALLdzrector module is an application designed to track customer issues from origination to completion. With dynamic links to the WORKdzrector module and our GIS system, we will have the ability to instantly generate work orders at the onset of a problem, map /view the problem area, and record and track the progress as the problem is resolved. CarteGraph Better Govet nment This software, along with the addition of our new mobile hardware, will allow us to: Establish standard operating procedures for each type of customer request Monitor the progress of a work order Log the customer information in a database for future retrieval View /pant caller history 1 Track and record call-back activity Search for similar work orders or requests Schedule work assignments Automatically print /email work orders Our new mobile technology (including laptop computers m utility trucks, hand -held computers, and GPS units) will allow us to streamline our day -to- dav activities, and more efficiently achieve the standards of the D epartment. 7 Name Contract Amount Miles of Street Connemara Crossing $380,009 24 Glendalough 5 $831,955 .32 Glendalough 6` $961,005 .66 Harmony $2,265,739 .79 Harmony 2n and 3` $1,516,822 1.11 Meadows of Bloomfield 3c $1,580,316 1 08 $7,535,846 4.2 ENGINEERING DIVISION Developer Projects The Engineering Division serves as the niain contact between developers, contractors, and property owners. Engineering staff is responsible for ensuring that the installation of all public infrastructure is supervised and inspected by City representatives. These observations ensure that all construction in the public right -of -way is conducted m accordance with City plans and specifications. New development construdton site Engineering staff is also responsible for managing the funding for all public improvement projects, serving as the central administrator for the flow of funds from the developers to the 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT contractors. Securities (letters of credit) from the developers are also administered through the Engineering Division. These securities ensure compliance with the terms and conditions of the subdivision agreements, and are periodically reduced or released upon satisfactory completion of the subdivision requirements. In 2005, the Engineering staff managed over S7.5 mullion of new development contracts, which added more than four miles of new streets and utilities to the City's infrastructure. Developer projects under construction in 2005: Public Works Annual Report 2005 Street construction wah new curb and gutter 8 0 0 E RAVIaaVOVa 1 te,\ 0 0 2 co tn 0 a z 0 0 `a 0 NONNVHS Ins ire (£L HO) 3AV NONNV z re (EL No) 3AV NOLINV (s HIS lal DOD BLVD P Name Contract Amount Connemara Trail Overpass $1,491,272 TH 3 Improvements $1,105,486 SCADA System $401,629 Bacardi Tower $2,257,700 Wellhouse #12 $544,265 Well wellhouse #14 $834,018 2005 Pavement Management $1,425,720 2005 Storm Sewer Itprovements $49,652 $8,109,742 City Projects The Engineering Division also managed more than $8 1 milhon of City -owned projects in 2005, as summarized below. City -owned projects under construction in 2005: Trunk Highway 3 In July of 2005, improvements to Trunk Highway 3 were completed, with the addition of turn signals at Connemara Trail and McAndrews Road. Turn lanes were also added at the intersection of TH 3 and McAndrews, facilitating safer, easier traffic flow through this increasingly congested area. New signal at T1-13 and McAndrews Road 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Connemara Trail Overpass In August of 2005, an his tone event took place with the opening of Rosemount's first overpass. The $1.5 million Connemara Trail overpass provides much needed access for the residential developments located at the east end of Connemara Trail. Public Works Annual Report 2005 Connemara Trail Overpass 9 Bacardi Water Tower Construction on the $2.25 million Bacardi Tower began in 2005, and is scheduled to be completed in November 2006. This will be the Cttti's fourth tower and will hold 1.5 million gallons of water, increasing our water storage capacity by 75 #BIER TOWER The tower is on the same rumpus with the new Pare Station and the Czly's 8`" well lmprc 1 at W achterLake �i ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT I I� I19 I, H l II II 1 I ��111, IIa:IIYIdP�,!h>zn"�H�Ih�Ii� llll!IIII 2005 Storm Sewer Improvements Engmeenng staff monitored the progress of the storm sewer improvements at Wachter Lake, Geronomie Pond and Deepwoods Court. These improvements will prevent future storm drainage issues in these areas. Public Works Annual Report 2005 liaardz Tower under construction Geronom,c Pond 10 National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Storm water runoff from snowmelt and rainfall is a leading source of water pollution, potentially harming the water quality of rivers, lakes and ponds. In 2003, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandated enforcement of an NPDES permit to cities with a population between 10,000 and 100,000. Rosemount corm water holding pond The NPDES permit requires affected Cities to develop and follow a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) which contains the following six minimum control measures: Public education and outreach Public involvement Illicit discharge detection /elimination Construction site erosion control Post construction erosion control Pollution prevention As part of the SWPPP, the Engineenng staff holds a publicly- advertised annual meeting to encourage panic: a tion and 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMHNT discussion regarding its storm water quality. Staff also meets annually with builders and developers to review City policies regarding erosion control. Engineering staff invest hundred of hours each season monitoring construction projects for erosion control issues. In 2005, over 75 citations were given to builders and developers, resulting in 16 projects being shut down until all necessary issues were corrected. Public Works Annual Report 2005 An example of faulty erosion control An example of good erosion control measures 11 Municipal State Aid Streets The Engineering Division is responsible for the administration of the Municipal State Aid Streets (MSAS) program. This program provides State funding assistance for the construction and maintenance of local City streets that meet certain State criteria. The primary funding sources for the program are the State gasoline tax and vehicle registration tax 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT At the end of 2005, the City had 24.3 miles of ehgible streets designated on the MSAS system. This creates an average annual allocation of $650,000 of aid from the State. The Engineering Division annually reviews the existing MSAS mformauon to add or revise local streets that comply with MSAS regulations. Public Works Annual Report 2005 12 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The Pavement Management Program is designed to protect and extend the useful life of paved surfaces throughout the City. With careful planning and diligent effort, the goal is to maintain the highest performance standards while reducing the overall Tong -term costs of managing the City's street infrastructure system. As part of the Pavement Management Program (PMP), the City utilizes ICON, a specialized software application which allows staff to identify, inventory and track the growth of the street system, its structural performance and overall condition. Field inspections are performed be engineering staff on a rotating basis so that each street is inspected every three years. 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street seouon I scheduled for improvements in 2006 Based on the information gathered from the field inspections, ICON assigns a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranging from 1 to 100 to identify surfaces most in need of improvements. Improvements can range from sealcoating, to a complete reconstruction with utility upgrades. The following improvements are part of the City's Pavement Management Program: Sealcoat This is the surface application of an asphalt emulsion followed by the placement of small graded aggregate. This process creates a wear resistant coating that protects pavements from oxidation and the effects of moisture. Mill and Overlay (Resurfacing) This process removes the top 1 2 inches of distressed or cracked pavement and replaces it with a new layer of hot mix asphalt. Public Works Annual Report 2005 13 Reclaim /Recycle This process is used when a complete reconstruction is unnecessary, but the road surface is in need of more improvement than sealcoatng or resurfacing can provide. In this process, a mill /reclaim machine removes the entire full-depth road surface and grinds the asphalt to a specific gradation that can be reused as a base for a new full -depth road surface. Reconstruction This process involves the full reclaim /recycle process, along with other infrastructure improvements such as watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and /or small utility upgrades. It also involves complete curb and gutter removal and replacement. All yards and driveways that are disrupted during a reconstruction are restored to a comparable state upon completion of the street reconstruction. The 2005 Pavement Management Program covered 4.1 miles of City streets. Improvements included: complete reconstruction on 146 Street West, Dodd Court, and a portion of Darhng Path overlays on 130` Street West and Connemara Trail (between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway) rehabilitation throughout the Rahn Additions southeast of 145t Street and Chippendale Avenue Connemara Trail overlay in 2005 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 146` Street West Canada Avenue complete reconstruction in 2005 Public Works Annual Report 2005 14 in ommom. I[L LIM 3AV rvOtlNv N t o o p U a m 0 N 3 I 33 L IL Htl33) 3AV 3 W Vla 3POU 301 3AV NO flC ilk 0 41111111k L I I 31 510 n L A 3AV 3MM9 ftt FVSS HNdUH0 I )[C Htl60) H tlJ 0 0'1`!10 jtiC j _J[1- 1 1L LiIJ� �O NJ(S -i :r K fa kvs31 Hive [Non I Ii I 'Ili' n iI' S 1,6 III Chrome Avenue •',PII u'iv I R roth i' Dodd Boulevard aI 0" 146`' Street West Cimarron Avenue West Dodd Boulevard 147`'' Street West Cimarron Avenue West 148 Street West Upper 149 Street West Chorley Avenue Upper 148` Street West Upper 149` Street West 146 Street West Cimarron Avenue West Chippendale Avenue 147 Street West Cimarron Avenue Chippendale Avenue 148` Street West Cimarron Avenue Chippendale Avenue Upper 148` Street West Cimarron Avenue Chorley Avenue 149` Street West Upper 148 Street West Chorley Avenue Upper 149` Street West Cimarron Avenue Chorley Avenue •iii I ii L 4 i S et 'iII i' o 7I' ii• pi .i I r Qm III lid ;ii lilil 'I I I I I,II" Ado' i iPiNG• IiiI• 7 �IIII II lb I' ,iI IIi IIIIi I I ,II ,.iil "'i�' ;,nIII Damask Court Dodd Boulevard North end Damask Avenue Dodd Boulevard U er 150` Street West Dallara Avenue West Dodd Boulevard U. ter 150 Street West U..er 150` Street West West end Dallara Avenue West Danbury War West McAndrews Road west side McAndrews Road east side 140 Street East Blaine Avenue Cla ton Avenue HE 752 i j6 e 'i1 `iii 4i '!ii A. i I O III L• r b 4 �.diiP i 15 i �5'i' .6 II j mill III "94 p i� tti�1 '�I�I O' •4{ ii�'15�Ii1 .ii'15i i' Shannon Parkway McAndrews Road 145 Street West 145 Street West Diamond Path Shannon Parkway Biscayne Way Biscayne Avenue 145` Street West 140` Street East Conley Avenue 145t Street East (Cty Rd 42) In June of 2005, the Rosemount City Council approved a 5 -Year Capital Improvement Plan that includes improvements to the following areas: 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPRRTMENt 2006 Improvement Area 2007 Improvement Area 2008 Improvement Area Public Works Annual Report 2005 15 !iI Str111 dli !u m ^liiil!!' nu, i (1P 9IVII? Claret Avenue Shannon Parkway 145` Street West 160 Street (Cty Rd 46) Claret Avenue 155` Street West Cornell Trail West Cornell Trail West Shannon Parkway 156` Street West (west side 156t Street West Shannon Parkway Chippendale Avenue Crestone Path 156 Street West Cornell Trail West Crestone Court Cornell Trail West South end Cornell Court North Cornell Trail West North end Cornell Court South Cornell Trail West South end Danbury Court 156t Street West North end Columbary Court 156` Street West North end Cambrian Avenue Lower 147 Street West South end Camero Lane Cambrian Avenue South end eet d IIi iIiIII6�i 6 IIII' Iln i,,,, i om, sill aiiil!III Ir iiiiill idllj I ,,,iNpil it a;llll� ilii i Claret Avenue 151" Street West 155` Street West Chokecherry Avenue 152 Street West 153` Street West Chokecherry Avenue 154' Street West 155` Street West Circle Avenue 153`' Street West 154` Street West Columbia Way 153 Street West 155 Street West 153"' Street West Shannon Parkway Chokecherry Avenue 154` Street West West end Chokecherry Avenue 155` Street West Shannon Parkway Chokecherry Avenue Columbary Circle 153"' Street North end Deepwoods Court McAndrews Road South end Danbury Way \Vest McAndrews Road North end Biscayne Avenue 130 Street West way to Railroad Tracks 126 Street West Biscayne Avenue Bacardi Avenue Bengal Avenue West 130` Street West North end 128 Street West Bengal Avenue West Bacardi Avenue 130` Way Bengal Avenue 130`'' Street West 2009 Improvement Area 2010 Improvement Area 9 ROSEMOUNT PUELIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Annual Report 2005 16 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS In the spring of 2005, several of the Public Works maintenance workers helped with the construction of the new central filing room at City Hall. Central filing mom at City Hall The new filing room provides a central location for the Engineering Division to store project files, plats, as -built drawings, a draftmg table, and the map printer /scanner. Other Departments also utilize the central filing room. New rolling lateral files 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Over 350 staff -hours were spent hauling dirt, grading, and building a retaining wall at the new site of ;Meadows Park. Meadows playground, surrounded by the new stone retaining wall Progress continued at Meadows Park with the addition of playground equipment and new soccer and baseball fields. Public Works Annual Report 2005 New ball field at Meadows Park 17 STREET, SIDEWALK AND TRAIL MAINTENANCE The Public Works Department has a crew of five maintenance workers dedicated to year -round street, sidewalk and trail maintenance. They provide ongoing structural and operational maintenance for 100 miles of City -owned streets, 66 miles of sidewalks /trails, 141 cul -de -sacs, and 16 parking lots. 1 'ram and Joe cleaning sidewalks in the spring The most visible and time- consuming activities include snowplowing, street sweeping, gravel road grading, and pothole repair. Other responsibilities, such as ditch mowing, road sign maintenance, litter removal, and ornamental banner /flag maintenance required almost 500 staff -hours in 2005. Over 8,000 total staff hours were spent on street- related activities in 2005. Technological advances in 2006 will allow our street crews to better manage our street sign and street light invcntones. 'ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Street crews add holiday decoratzOnz to the CR d2 shopping area Using GPS units and handheld computers with the new CarteGraph software, our street crews will be able to document the exact location and condition of all our street related assets. Information from annual sidewalk and trail inspections will be entered into a database, helping our crews to be more proactive in maintaining a safe, clean, enjoyable environment for all residents. Public Works Annual Report 2005 Gravel roadgradzng 18 23% Street related Tasks in 2005 Other Banners/Flags 7% 4% Streets Signs 6% Sidew alk/Trail 4% Fbtholes /Paving 16% Gravel Roads 18% �C ROSEMOLN T PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sand and Salt Purchases by Year Public Works Annual Report 2005 19 Salt Sand Year Tons Cost Avg Cost /Ton Tons Cost Avg Cost /Ton 2003 871.69 $31,481.93 $36.12 2774.93 $10,136.12 $3.65 2004 733.58 $27,016.90 $36.83 1431.64 $5,800.96 $4 05 2005 1430.35 $56,115.72 $39.23 997.49 $3,742.37 $3.75 Totals 3035.62 $114,614.55 $37.76 5204.06 $19,679.45 $3.78 23% Street related Tasks in 2005 Other Banners/Flags 7% 4% Streets Signs 6% Sidew alk/Trail 4% Fbtholes /Paving 16% Gravel Roads 18% �C ROSEMOLN T PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Sand and Salt Purchases by Year Public Works Annual Report 2005 19 Winter Operations The City of Rosemount Public Works Department performs snow and ice control operations on 263 lane -miles of road Of these 263 lane miles, 96 lane -miles are considered Priority they are the first to be plowed and sanded. Once the Prionty routes are completed, the drivers begin their regular snow plow routes, consisting of 123 lane -miles of paved roads and 44 lane -miles of gravel roads. As the streets are being cleared, six pickups with plows begin clearing the 141 cul -de -sacs throughout the City. Upon completion of the cul- de- sacs, these drivers move on to the remaining areas, which include: 21 miles of bituminous trails 6.5 miles of sidewalk 3 water towers 5 wells 6 lift stations 10 ice rinks 3 parking lots (Bloomfield Park, Schwarz Park, Jaycee Park) From time -to -time, it becomes necessary to remove the accumulated snow from the down own area. From start to finish, downtown snow removal operations take between five and six hours, depending on the amount of accumulation and the existing 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT weather conditions. For safety reasons, operations begin early (when there is less traffic), and are generally completed before the morning rush hour. All winter operations in the City are performed by all 17 Public Works maintenance eniplovees using 6 plow trucks, 2 loaders, 1 grader, 7 pickups, 1 tractor, 2 skid steers, and 2 machines with blowers. Plowing typically begins when a snowfall exceeds two inches. A two -inch snowfall takes approximately 125 staff -hours to plow (not including downtown operations). Public Works Annual Report 2005 Winter .alt storage faalrly 20 Date Inches Hours 1/21/05 9.0 195 2/14/05 3.0 102 2/20/05 3.0 106 3/19/05 8.0 135 12/1/05 2.0 107 12/14/05 8.0 248 12/30/05 4.0 185 Total 37.0 1,078 Snowfall events in 2005 2 inches or more In 2005, Public Works maintenance crews spent over 2,500 staff -hours keeping our streets, sidewalks and trails clear of snow and ice. Crews used over 2,400 tons of sand and salt throughout the year, which spanned the two winters of 2004 -2005 and 2005 -2006. In the fall of 2006, we will continue to shift to using more salt and less sand for winter ice control Environmental experts suggest that winter sand breaks down on roadways, and the finer particles carry heavy metals into the storm water system. Eliminating winter aggregates is predicted to enhance water quality run off. 4 ROSE MOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT With the shift to the more expensive salt, we should see a significant decrease in the spring sweeping and clean -up costs, as well as long -term benefits to the overall surface water quality in our community. Already in 2006, significantly less sand was cleared from the streets during the spring sweeping operations due to a shift from less sand to more salt during the 2005 -2006 winter. Residential sprang street sweeping S pran g sweeping requires a izgnzficant znves time and resources Public Works Annual Report 2005 21 Miles of watermain 111 Miles of sanitary sewer 85 Miles of storm sewer 73 Water service connections 5,989 Sanitary service connections 5,869 Sanitary lift stations 8 Storm bft stations 5 Wells 7 Towers 3 Hydrants 976 Gate valves 1,265 Catch basins 2,515 Sumps 1,749 Average gallons of water pumped per day 2 1 mil UTILITIES The Public Works Department has a crew of five maintenance workers dedicated to the ongoing maintenance of the underground infrastructure system, including over 100 miles of watermain, 80 miles of sanitary sewer, and 70 miles of storm sewer. Crews spend much of the summer cleaning the sanitary and storm sewer systems in order to prevent costly backups and overflows. East side water lower Four employees working full-time throughout the summer are able to clean approximately 1/3 of the City's sanitary sewer lines and catch basin sumps. Beginning in 2006, all catch basin sumps will be inspected annually, and cleaned and documented as necessary in order to comply with NPDES guidelines. 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Our utility crews also ensure proper functioning of the water supply and distribution system, which includes seven wells, three towers, and nearly 1000 hydrants, plus an additional well and water tower currently under construction. In 2005, crews spent over 7,200 staff hours on water- and sewer related tasks. In addition to assisting with street and park inainte nancc, the utility crews manage all of the following: Public Works Annual Report 2005 22 Task Hours Computer /clerical 686 Hydrants 535 Locations 744 Water meters 837 Water sampling /testing 393 Well houses 1,313 Catch basins /sumps 953 Jetting 530 Lift stations 365 All other tasks 930 Total staff hours 7,286 In 2005, utility crews responded to two sanitary sewer backups and one watermain break. The sanitary backups were cleared within one hour each, and the watermain break was repaired m 4.5 hours, minmii>ing the overall downtime for the affected residents. A.J. flushes a hydrant to clear mineral deposit: 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Some of the more time- consuming tub ty related tasks include: Sumps 14% Utility related Tasks in 2005 Lift stations 5% All other tasks 13% Well houses 19% Sampling/ testing 5% Water meters 11% Locations 1O% Public Works Annual Report 2005 23 U L cc ct uJ w Z 2 C Te 3AV 3NAVOSIO 0 3 r y G 7 0 J d IN ED Q 0 0 0, f1\ 3AV 3NAVOSIS sc 1� 11: J HVS5J HLVd UNMAN HVSO) 1-11Vd ONOWVIO 5 0 0 t Regular water testing and sampling ensures safe, clean drinking water for all residents. Samples are taken daily by members of the Utility crew, and come from various locations throughout the City, such as gas stations, apartment buildings, businesses, park shelters, etc. This list of sampling sites is numbered and given to the health dept, and the sites are referred to by number only, not by address. The main requirements for a testing site are: The sites must allow daily, long -term access for us to draw samples The sites must be distributed evenly across the system, not clustered in one area Testing and sampling activities are performed according to the following schedule: Daily Chlorine Residual to monitor the level of chlorine left in the water after disinfection. Fluoride to monitor fluoride levels to assure compliance to standards. Monthly Coliform bacterial samples twenty (20) samples collected on first Wednesday of each month from selected sites on the distribution system, and sent to an independent lab (certified by the State) for testing. Quarterly Fluoride two (2) samples taken from a site on the distribution system, one to be tested by us, and the other to be tested by the State. This accomplishes two things: it assures compliance with required fluoride levels, and it allows us to verify that our testing equipment is calibrated properly. Annually/semi-annually Lead Copper sampling is done per standard, but we are currently on a reduced monitoring schedule and no samples are due in 2006. Nitrate five (5) samples due in August, to be sent to State for testing. Radon none required in 2006. THM /HAA5 trihalomethane /haloacetic acid samples due in August, to be sent to State for testing. Radiochemicals five (5) samples collected in February, sent to State for testing 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Annual Report 2005 24 Amenity Qty Ball fields 20 Soccer fields 14 -24 Playgrounds 16 Ice rinks 10 Tennis courts 6 Basketball courts 7 Shelters /pavilions 12 PARKS The Public Works Department has a crew of five maintenance workers dedicated to the maintenance of 260 acres in 23 parks. Over 12,000 (full time and part-time) staff -hours were spent on park- related tasks in 2005 in an effort to provide a safe, clean and attractive environment for residents to enjoy. Scbwar Pavkplaygro und In addition to mowing an average of 220 acres per week (some areas are mowed multiple times per week), the crews spend a significant amount of time maintaining the following other park amenities: 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Landscape construction, fertilizing, tree trimming, weed whipping, and trash pickup are some of the other important' daily tasks that help keep the city's open spaces in excellent shape. Part -rime workers are hired in May and work through the summer assisting with park maintenance, as well as other activities such as sewer jetting and catch basin cleaning. Over 6,700 hours were logged by our part- time crew in 2005 (accounting for over 50% of total staff -hours dedicated to park related activities). Public Works Annual Report 2005 Enckson Park ball fields By assigning the part -time workers to tasks requiring less skill (mowing, weed whipping, trash pickup), the full -time parks crew is able to focus on tasks requiring more skill, such as landscape construction, tree trimming, fertilizing, shelter maintenance, and playground inspection /maintenance. 25 Task Hours Field maintenance 1,852 Rink maintenance 1,362 Landscaping 1,561 Mowing /trimming 3,874 Tree maintenance 940 Playgrounds /shelters 668 Turf management 1,030 All other tasks 738 Total staff hours 12,025 In the summer of 2005, Public Works maintenance crews began installing new park signs throughout the City. These signs display the new City VIS (Visual Identity System) that was adopted in 2005. Ornamental retaining walls were also installed with each new park sign, providing a modern and inviting welcome for park visitors. Park related tasks in 2005 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT With park maintenance being the most visible and customer- oriented service provided by the Public Works Department, we constantly strive to maintain the highest standards in environmental safety and stewardship. Public Works Annual Report 2005 Ryan trims a boulevard tree Mark plants a tree at Meadows Park with the mei of the new bobcat purchased in 2005 26 Playgrounds/ shelters 6% Tree maintenance 8% Turf management 9% Park related tasks in 2005 Mowing/ trimming 32% All other tasks 6% Field maintenance 15% Landscaping 13% Rink maintenance 11% 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Annual Report 2005 27 FLEET MANAGEMENT Maintenance The Public Works Department employs two full-time mechanics dedicated to fleet management. They are responsible for maintaining over 200 pieces of equipment, 61 City vehicles, and 23 heavy machines including street sweepers, tractors, loaders, utility trucks, snowblowers and lawnmowers. Fire Department vehicle being serviced Efficient and cost effective fleet management is the backbone of the department, keeping the vehicles and equipment m peak condition in order to effectively carry out the responsibilities of the department. Over 6,000 staff -hours of work were dedicated to fleet management and maintenance in 2005. 9 ROSEMOLINT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT In 2005, an asset replacement schedule was developed as part of the Quality Standards. In the future, this will assist in determining which assets are due for replacement in any given year, making it easier to determine our budgeting needs. Prior to being replaced, each asset will be evaluated to determine its overall condition, and given one of the following replacement recommendations: replace immediately replace in 6 months replace in 12 months do not replace (evaluate again in one year) Using this procedure, our goal is to: Maximize resale /trade value Minimize downtime resulting from major repairs Avoid costs associated with overextending an asset's useful lifespan Public Works Annual Report 2005 Public Works maintenance building and vehicle storage garage 28 Seasonal 7% Misc Cleaning 5% 20% Fabrication 8% Fleet- related tasks in 2005 Maintenance 16% Repair 44% 9 11011, r 29% 0 -3 yrs 3 -5 yrs 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS O£PARTMEI{T Age of Vehicles 6 -8 yrs 9 -12 yrs Age of vehicle Public Works Annual Report 2005 more than 12 yrs 29 Fuel During the last half of 2005, nationwide fuel costs increased dramatically due to the damage caused to oil refineries in the Gulf Coast region following a severe hurricane season. Costs have gradually decreased since that time, but budgeting for unstable fuel costs will remain a constant challenge in the future. Fuel Expenditures from 2002 to Present Change n Cost/Gallon 2002 to 2003 2003 to 2004 2004 to 2005 Change In Cost 2002 to 2003 2003 to 2004 2004 to 2005 Change in Gallons 2002 to 2003 2003 to 2004 2004 to 2005 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Diesel 7 5% 25.4% 35.7% Diesel 1 0% 39.1% 65 4% Diesel -56% 10.4% 22.6% The Public Works Department supplies fuel for all City vehicles and equipment. In 2005, the City consumed more than 58,000 gallons of diesel and unleaded fuel. Fuel usage is historically the highest in the summer months, and lowest in February, April and November. Unleaded 8.3% 23 1% 21.5% Unleaded 8.6% 31 2% 39.9% Unleaded 0 3% 5 9% 15.6% Public Works Annual Report 2005 30 Diesel Unleaded mliii`I I!' ii i G al,ld 4 11 Cast' 49.b61l0ti! Gallon Cost, gygidallon,,,,,iilil 2002 18,011 $19,175.32 $1 06 30,208 $32,527 04 $1 08 2003 17,003 $19,366 26 $1.14 30,307 $35,310.47 $1 17 2004 18,770 $26,933 89 $1 43 32,109 $46,343 87 $1.44 2005 23,004 $44,536 72 $1 94 37,107 $64,831 87 $1 75 2006 YTD 5,899 $11,550 78 $1 96 9,003 $15,14533 $1 68 Fuel During the last half of 2005, nationwide fuel costs increased dramatically due to the damage caused to oil refineries in the Gulf Coast region following a severe hurricane season. Costs have gradually decreased since that time, but budgeting for unstable fuel costs will remain a constant challenge in the future. Fuel Expenditures from 2002 to Present Change n Cost/Gallon 2002 to 2003 2003 to 2004 2004 to 2005 Change In Cost 2002 to 2003 2003 to 2004 2004 to 2005 Change in Gallons 2002 to 2003 2003 to 2004 2004 to 2005 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Diesel 7 5% 25.4% 35.7% Diesel 1 0% 39.1% 65 4% Diesel -56% 10.4% 22.6% The Public Works Department supplies fuel for all City vehicles and equipment. In 2005, the City consumed more than 58,000 gallons of diesel and unleaded fuel. Fuel usage is historically the highest in the summer months, and lowest in February, April and November. Unleaded 8.3% 23 1% 21.5% Unleaded 8.6% 31 2% 39.9% Unleaded 0 3% 5 9% 15.6% Public Works Annual Report 2005 30 4 ROSE MOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Annual Report 2005 31 O O O O O "n 7 M ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT O O O O O 0 O O M N N suonr.9 O O O Public Works O O ufl Annual Report 2005 O 32 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Annual Report 2005 33 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Annual Report 2005 34 Vehicle Number Description 3510 Squad Taurus 04/06/98 8 2 57,037 6,916 3520 Squad Crown Vic 06/04/03 3 1 83,964 27,242 3530 Squad Crown Vic 06/04/03 3 1 108,015 35,045 3540 Squad Crown Vic 03/24/04 2 3 49,159 21,592 3550 Squad Colorado 07/06/04 20 37,344 18,749 3560 Squad Explorer 08/05/98 79 60,929 7,698 3570 Squad Crown Vic 06/05/03 3 1 78,846 25,604 3580 Squad Crown Vic 03/24/04 2 3 53,480 23,490 3590 Squad Impala 05129/01 5 1 22,697 4,452 35100 Squad Explorer 06/16/04 2 0 7,400 3,616 35110 Squad Crown Vic 06/26/02 4 0 94,554 23,510 35120 Squad Impala 07/20/05 1 0 1,794 1,882 Average of all Police Vehicles 16,650 3591 Fire Suburban 01/01/99 7 5 42,079 5,605 3590 Fire Rescue 01/01/90 16 5 21,486 1,301 3598 Fire Pick Up 02/24/03 3 4 6,393 1,905 3599 Fire Pick Up 01/01/99 7 5 15,120 2,014 35180 Fire Ladder 10/28/96 97 7,143 738 35181 Fire Pumper 01/10/02 4 5 5,567 1,243 35183 Fire Pumper 01/01/86 20 5 35,693 1,740 35192 Fire Pick Up Grass 07/06/00 6 0 4,222 704 35193 Fire Pick Up Grass 05/28/97 9 1 8,082 888 35194 Fire Pick Up Grass 01/01/91 15 5 8,667 559 35195 Fire Tanker 01/01/74 325 53,347 1,640 35196 Fire Pick Up Hose 01/01/92 14 5 5,277 364 35197 Fire Tanker 03124106 0 3 200 723 Average of all Fire Vehicles 1,494 306 Pick Up F350 Dump 04/02/99 7 3 33,631 4,634 307 Pick Up F350 04/26/99 72 48,703 6,772 310 Pick Up F350 Dump 05/29/03 3.1 10,755 3,471 311 Pick Up F350 05/08/03 3 2 24,581 7,788 312 Pick Up F350 05/08/03 3 2 20,813 6,594 330 Pick Up F350 12/01/89 16 6 23,713 1,429 331 Pick Up F350 03/11/03 3 3 22,914 6,912 332 Pick Up F350 03/04/03 3 3 16,589 4,975 333 Pick Up F350 03/05/03 3 3 13,383 4,017 334 Pick Up F350 02/24/03 34 18,151 5,408 335 Pick Up F150 11/01/91 14 7 44,221 3,012 336 Pick Up F350 05/05/04 2 2 19,294 8,926 340 Pick Up F350 08/25/95 10 9 59,302 5,459 341 Pick Up F350 04/03/97 9 3 58,870 6,361 342 Pick Up F350 04/03/97 9 3 63,260 6,835 343 Pick Up F250 06112100 6 1 55,306 9,126 344 Pick Up F350 Dump 07/06/00 6 0 27,419 4,574 345 Pick Up F350 11/30/00 56 63,707 11,393 Average of all Pick Up Trucks 5,983 430 Dump Single 6/21/95 11 0 82,354 7,459 431 Dump Single 2/02/98 8 4 73,485 8,728 432 Dump Single 5/26/00 6 1 38,620 6,324 433 Dump Single 5/21/01 5 1 35,173 6,869 434 Dump Tandem 5/21/01 5 1 42,093 8,220 435 Dump Tandem 7/27/05 0 9 5,013 5,366 436 Dump Single 7/27/05 09 2,108 2,256 Average of all Dumps 7,161 602 Car Parks 9/01/00 58 117,495 20,125 611 Car Inspections 1126195 10 6 110,872 10,452 612 Car Inspections 4/30/00 62 32,385 5,242 613 Car Inspections 4/03/00 63 30,579 4,891 614 Car Inspections 6/16/05 10 5,398 5,158 Average of all Cars 9,173 71,290 starting mileage when acquired Mileage Summary Purchase Years Since Current Average Date Purchase Mileage Annual Mileage G 1Chns1PW Annual Repod\Mileage Summary Updated 07/03/2006 VISION FOR 2006 AND BEYOND We're excited about the future of the Public Works Department! We recognize that the future is shaped by the decisions and actions of today. As the City continues to grow, our services must adapt to meet the changing needs of a diverse population. We must embrace technological change, and utilize our past experiences to continually improve upon our services, today and in the future. In 2006 and beyond, we will add the necessary procedures and resources including staff, equipment, hardware and software that will allow us to fulfill our mission: to enhance the quality of life for all residents and busuiesses in our c New laptop computers will he mounted in two utzkty trucks for eaij access to znformatzon zn the field 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT With the development of the Public Works Quahty Standards, we now have clearly- defined objectives and service level standards to guide our daily activities. A long -term project schedule (see last page) will help us to effectively budget time and resources for larger projects New mobile technologies will allow us to complete routine activities more efficiently and accurately than ever before. Hand held computers will be used for playground inspections, trail /sidewalk inspections, and other routine tasks that require tracking and documentation. Public Works Annual Report 2005 CarteGraph Better Government .4 Implementing CarteGraph software will be a mayor focus rn 2006 gees a new hand -held computer to docume playground inspections 35 Our street signs and street lights will be entered into our new CarteGraph database, creating a more accura [e mVcnton• of our City assets than ever before. A comprehen rave znvento9y of street szgns and street kghts will be created using the new GPS unzt Using our new GPS units, we will have accurate location information, allowing faster, easier access when maintenance becomes necessary. We're proud of the work we do in Public Works. Our customers receive immediate benefits from our services. Our goal in 2006 and beyond is to continually strive to meet the goals of Council, to improve our customer service, to become more proactive in our activities, and to consistently fulfill the objectives defined in the Public Works Quality Standards. 9 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT New vehicles and equipment will be added to the fleet in 2006. Among them, an additional Groundmaster mower will be added for the first time since 1992. In those 14 years, our mowable acreage has increased by 40 with another 25% increase projected for the next two years. This third unit will allow us to more efficiently maintain our expanding park and open spaces. Tony mows at Erickson Park with one of three Toro Groundmaster mowers Public Works Annual Report 2005 36 szoz x x X x x vzoz X x x x czoz X x x IZzo X Ix x I xJ x x x I IZ O Z x x I xJ x x x Iozoz x I xJ x X I6l0Z x x x I9lOZ x x x X x x I Li. 0Z X x X x x 9lOZ L x x x I9 i0 x X Ix X I I x I xJ X x I6loZ X x x x Ix x ZIOZI x Ix Ix x x I x II �1 Ix X X IoPaz I x X x I600ZI X X X x I800Z1 Lx X x x x x ILOOZ I x X X x F x 900Z x x X 9002 X Water Tower Inspection Connemara Tower (11 /15/01) I Chippendale Tower (4/7/04) I East Side Tower (10/8/04) Bacardi Tower Flat Roof Inspections 'Building Exterior Painting /Staining I Fire Station 41 Fire Station #2 11e1 I I Public Works I Park Shelters /Pavilions 'Budding Interior Painting I Fire Station #1 I Fire Station #2 IleH kUC 1 I Public Works Park Shelters /Pavilions Soccer Goal Painting Overlay Tennis /Basketball Courts IStripmg /ColorcoatCourts (Picnic Table Refinish IPark Bench /Planters Refinish (Parking Lot Sealcoat L 0 U N O a E L a c O —J 2 v m L U N 5 m_ 2 a m F 0 c 0 0_ a a m 0 5 2' o m J d Q a 0 0 m v C L V CO 0 D Public Works Public Works Quality Standards 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I Vehicles and Equipment Pages 2 -3 Section II Pedestrian Surfaces Page 4 Section III Bituminous Roadways Page 5 Section IV Street Sweeping Page 6 Section V Boulevards and Ditches Page 7 -8 Section VI Signs and Traffic Markings Page 9 Section VII Gravel Surfaces Page 10 Section VIII Water Supply and Page 11 Distribution System Section IX Sanitary Sewer Collection Page 12 System Section X Storm Drainage System Page 13 Section XI Building Maintenance Page 14 Section XII Winter Operations Pages 15 -19 Section XIII Park Maintenance Pages 20 -26 Section XIV Appendix Page 27 Created August 2005 Revised May 2006 Overview and Mission Page 1 Statement OVERVIEW The purpose of this manual is to clearly define the Objectives and Quality Standards for the various functions and activities of the Rosemount Public Works Department These Objectives and Quality Standards are established as a framework to effectively carry out the mission of the Public Works Department. MISSION STATEMENT Our mission is to enhance the quality of hfe through responsive, efficient, and cost effective delivery of services consistent with commumtv values. With sound management, fiscal responsibility and professional care, the Department will preserve and protect the infrastructure resources of the City, creating a safe, clean and enjoyable environment for residents and businesses. 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 1 VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT OBJECTIVES To keep all city vehicles and equipment m excellent working condition in order to o maximize their resale value o minimize repair /replacement costs o extend their useful life To ensure all vehicles and equipment are maintained for safe operanon. To minimize downtime resulting from major repairs. To eliminate unnecessary costs related to overextending the useful lifespan of out assets. DUALITY STANDARDS Regular preventive maintenance shall be performed and recorded for all vehicles and equipment according to a schedule based on manufacturer's recommendations Vehicles and equipment shall be cleaned as necessary During the winter, vehicles and equipment shall be cleaned within three (3) days of becoming dirty. Maintenance and repair priority shall be given according to the following: 1. Fire and Rescue 2 Police 3. Seasonal vehicles and equipment 4. Off season vehicles and equipment A (CarteGraph) database shall be maintained and updated to include the following information for each asset. 1. Asset description 2. Purchase price 3 Purchase date 4. Maintenance costs since purchase 5. Current value 6. Expected replacement date 7. Evaluauon date Vehicles and equipment shall be evaluated for replacement six (6) months prior to their scheduled replacement date. Replacement dates will be determined from the guidelines in the following list, and the evaluation shall be documented using the Asset Evaluation Form provided in the Appendix. 9C ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 2 Average Expected Asset Life (in years) Asphalt Mill 10 Automobile 10 Backhoe 15 Compressor (160 -185 CFM) 10 Dump Truck (single axle) 10 Dump Truck (double axle) 12 Easement Machine 12 Fire Truck 20 Jetter Truck 12 Mower (Groundmaster) 6 Mower (6' trim) 10 Mower (21" push) 10 Overhead Shop Crane 15 Pickup Truck 7 Portable Generator 10 Road Grader 15 Sand Blaster 10 6 -foot Sht Seeder 15 Skid -Steer 10 Snow Blower (mounted) 20 Sprayer Attachment 15 Street Sweeper 10 Striper (ball fields) 12 Trackless 10 Tractor 15 Tractor (backhoe- loader) 15 Tractor (front endloader, 4 -5 yard) 15 Tractor (mulu -use with ditch mower) 12 Trailers 10 Trash Pump 6" 15 Tree Spade 10 Turf Vacuum 10 Vibratory Roller 10 Vactor Truck 12 Vehicle Hoist 10 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards PEDESTRIAN SURFACES OBJECTIVES To provide a safe, smooth pedestrian surface with minimal defects. To protect the investment of the sidewalks and trails, and extend their useful life. To ehnunate hazards to pedestrians and bicycle riders QUALITY STANDARDS Sidewalk and trail inspections shall occur annually in the spring, with results documented on the Sidewalk and Trail Inspecuon Forms provided in the Appendix. Concrete sidewalks shall be scheduled for repair when: o pitting exceeds 1 /4 inch in depth and 4 inches in diameter. o Joints or cracks protrude more than' inch o there is severe diagonal cracking. Bituminous trails shall be scheduled for repair when: o there are severe signs of weather damage, polishing or bleeding surfaces. o bumps or depressions exceed 1 inch and cover up to 10 feet of surface area. o bumps or depressions at pedestrian ramps exceed inch. Refer to the "Winter Operations" section (page 15) for a summary of the snow and ice removal standards for pedestrian surfaces. 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works Quality Standards PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4 BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS OBJECTIVES To provide a smooth, safe riding surface with mmnnal defects. To ehimnate hazards to vehicular and pedestnan traffic. To protect the investment of the road surface and subgrade. OUALITY STANDARDS As part of the City's Pavement Management Program (PMP), one -third (1/3) of the City's streets shall be inspected annually Observations shall be entered into the ICON software apphcation in order to develop and mamtain a 5 -year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) The 5 -year CIP will be developed as part of the PMP to maintain an average Pavement Condition Index (PCI) of 75 for collector streets, and 60 for local streets. Cracks shall be sealed when the width exceeds 1/2 inch. Repairs and /or crack filling shall be completed prior to sealcoatmg on all streets scheduled for sealcoating that year. The cause for water ponding exceeding one (1) inch shall be repaired and ehmmated. Cross slope of pavement from the center line to the edge of the pavement shall be uniform over the section of the road. Concrete curb and gutter settlements exceeding two (2) inches shall be repaired. Bituminous surfaces shall be scheduled for repair when: o depressions or bumps exceed two (2) inches and cover up to ten (10) feet of surface area. o depressions or bumps exceed 1/2 inch at railroad track crossings, catch basms, manholes, valveboxes, or other sinular structure. o ruts, corrugations or pushing exceed one (1) inch, or are located m the wheel path. o there is surface alligatormg or checking. o broken pavement edges, potholes, breaks or ravelled areas exceed three (3) inches in diameter o severe surface pohshmg causes excessively slippery conditions when wet. o bleeding surfaces constitute a hazard to the road user. Refer to the "Winter Operations" section (page 15) for a summary of the snow and ice removal standards for bituminous roadways. 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WOPNS DEPAIITMENT Quality Standards 5 Street Segment From To 143r Street West Rosemount Middle School South Robert Trail (Hwy 3) 145 Street West Cameo Avenue Railroad Tracks 146t Street West South Robert Trail (Hwy 3) Burnley Avenue Lower 147t Street West Cameo Avenue Burma Avenue Cameo Avenue Lower 147 Street West 143r Street West South Robert Trail (Hwy 3) Lower 147t Street West 143r Street West Burma Avenue Lower 147 Street West 145 Street West Burnley Avenue 146t Street West 145t Street West STREET SWEEPING OBJECTIVES To prevent injuries and annoyances arising from street debris. To prevent damage to pedestrians, property and vehicles caused by loose objects being displaced by traffic. To promote safety by removing debns that could create a fire hazard or cause skidding conditions To comply with NPDES Phase II by preventing clogging of storm sewers, catch basin grates and inlets, and silting of storm water ponds. To enhance the appearance of the community DUALITY STANDARDS Street sweeping shall occur as needed, generally between April 1st and November 30 based on the traffic and pedestrian volume, and on the amount of debris which is observed on the roads. Winter sand sweeping for all urban streets shall be completed by April 15 each year. All urban streets shall be cleaned three tunes annually; in the spring, summer and fall The Central Business District* shall be cleaned monthly between April 1" and November 30 each year. The Central Business District* shall be cleaned prior to Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Leprechaun Days. It shall also be cleaned immediately after Leprechaun Days. The Central Business District includes the following areas (refer to the Appendix for a map of this area); 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 6 BOULEVARDS AND DITCHES OBJECTIVES To prevent roadside vegetation from becoming a traffic hazard and /or acting as a snow fence. To maintain proper drainage. To minimize erosion onto street surfaces. To minimize the growth of noxious weeds. To enhance the appearance of our community. QUALITY STANDARDS Vegetation along boulevards shall be mowed when the height exceeds 4 inches. See Exhibit A below for a listing of the boulevards that are maintained by the City. All ditches shall be mowed at least once by June 15 each year. Debris shall be removed from ditches twice annually m the spring and fall, and whenever necessary throughout the season Overgrowth shall be removed from ditches annually in the spring. Standing water observed in ditches shall be eliminated Erosion shall be minimized along ditch bottoms and adjacent to the roadbeds. Noxious weeds along roadside ditches shall be cut before going to seed Any branches on boulevard trees that hang down within 10 feet of the street surface shall be trunmed. Trimming shall occur between Nos ember 1" and March 31" each year 4ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 0 (I,VA ,j') i I 1 fIN I f*YH(�) i Shannon Parkway (east side) pI F'R O i ill�i�.. i'�'. �l "�i0!�� ...a County Road 38 (1f r .�I I�IIII ���I =c tli6d;; I Houses L S 1.22 Shannon Parkway (east side) Connemara Trail County Road 46 2.11 Shannon Parkway (west side) December Trail County Road 46 .84 Diamond Path (east side)' County Road 42 County Road 46 .99 Chippendale Ave (both sides) 2' 1 45 Street West County Road 46 3 0 145 Street West (south side) Diamond Path Dalian Avenue West .37 145 Street West (south side) Family Resource Center Family Resource Center 11 145 Street West (north side) Shannon Parkway 2n house west of Chipp. .45 145` Street West (north side) Bloomfield Path County Road 42 .15 County Road 42 (north side) Diamond Path Retail center 1.31 County Road 42 center islands Diamond Path Highway 3 1 38 Dodd Boulevard (south side) Twin Puddles Chippendale Avenue 1.05 Highway 3 (east side) South end of Kwik Trip County Road 42 .28 Highway 3 (east side) Park Ride lots Park Ride lots .10 Connemara Trail (north side) Highway 3 Eas t side of Meadows Park 1 08 Connemara Trail (south side) Highway 3 St. Joseph's Church 45 Connemara Trail (south side) St. Joseph's Church Bloomfield development 24 Bloomfield Park East side West side 13 Biscayne Avenue (east side) St. Joseph's Church Railroad Tracks .30 Biscayne Av enue (west side) 145' Street West County Road 42 .45 Boulder Trail (both sides) Biscayne Avenue West end 1.0 Business Parkway (east side) Brenner Ct (back yard) Boulder Trail 29 Business Parkway (west side) 148 Street County Road 42 .20 Business Park center islands .18 Connemara Water Tower .18 Total 17.85 EXHIBIT A BOCLEVARDS MAINTAINED BY THE CITY 1 Portions of these boulevards are mowed on both sides of the sidewalk or trail, up to the fence (or landscaping) of the property owner. 2 Does not include the area in front of the Rosemount Commons townhome development. 3 Except for retail properties and the townhome association 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 8 SIGNS AND TRAFFIC MARKINGS OBJECTIVES To provide clean and legible traffic signs that are visible in both day and night conditions To know the condition and location of all signs. To provide clearly- defined pedestrian markings on pavement. QUALITY STANDARDS Annually review and maintain inventory for all traffic and street signs for clarity and reflectability in accordance with the Manual on Umform Traffic Control Devices, and repair /replace accordingly Maintain a record of all traffic and street signs that includes date of installation and expected replacement date (in general, a street sign is expected to last ten (10) years). All signs shall be evaluated six (6) months prior to the anucipated replacement date. Repair or replace all bent or broken sign posts within five (5) days of notice. Crosswalk markings shall be painted annually according to the following criteria: o a 24" stop bar at controlled intersections o two 12" bars at mid -block crossings and uncontrolled intersections Streets shall be scheduled for striping based on observations made during annual road surface inspections. High quality latex paint shall be used for all striping. Sign or signal obstructions such as weeds, trees, shrubs and /or construction materials shall be removed within seven (7) days of nonce 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 9 GRAVEL SURFACES OBJECTIVES To provide a smooth, safe riding surface with minimal defects. To ehmmate hazards to vehicular and pedestrian traffic To protect the investment of the road surface and subgrade. To maximize visibility by preventing excessive dust formation. DUALITY STANDARDS Cross slope shall be adequate to carry water off the surface into the ditches Calcium Chlonde shall be apphed annually (scheduled by Dakota County). Grading shall occur annually, and whenever necessary throughout the season. Gravel surfaces shall be repaired when: o corrugations (washboardmg) exceed one (1) inch. o loose aggregate berms exceed two (2) inches along the shoulder or centerhne. o potholes exceed two (2) inches in depth and two (2) feet in diameter. o tuts exceed two (2) inches in depth Refer to the 'Winter Operations" section (page 15) for a summary of the snow and ice removal standards for gravel surfaces. 4ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 10 WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OBJECTIVES To efficiently provide a safe, clear and uninterrupted supply of drinking water. To ensure the system will be able to perform to meet the demands for daily use and fire protection To keep unaccounted -for loss of water to less than I0 To extend the hfe of all components as long as possible QUALITY STANDARDS All hydrants and valves shall be accessible and easily operable at any given tune. Hydrants shall be raised to maintain break -off flange at two (2) inches above grade. Hydrant flushing shall be completed twice annually m the spring and fall, with advance notice pubhshed m the newspaper and on the City's website, and records kept for each action and /or repair Hydrants shall be painted every 8 to 10 years. All valves shall have at least two (2) recorded ties to them for locations. Water towers shall be inspected every five (5) years. Check and record well pumps and motors in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Well pumps shall be inspected every seven (7) years. Gate valves shall be inspected and operated every five (5) years. Check and record chlorine, fluonde and polyphosphate feeds and pumps weekly. Samples shall be taken annually to test for substances on the EPA pollutant hst. Satisfy the Minnesota Department of Health requirements by. o Taking monthly bacteriological samples o Recording flows and fluoride usage 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 11 SANITARY SEWER COLLECTION SYSTEM OBJECTIVES To minimize chances of property damage resulting from main line backups To safely and efficiently collect and transport sewage to MWCC collector mains. To minimize surface water inflow. DUALITY STANDARDS One -third (1/3) of the City's sanitary sewer lines shall be jetted annually on a rotating schedule Known problem areas shall be jetted more frequently as needed. Records shall be kept for each action /repair. Sanitary sewers shall be televised prior to street reconstruction projects. Lift station wetwells shall be cleaned twice annually in the spring and fall. Lift stations shall be inspected 2 -3 times per week. Dry well pumps, motors and packing shall be serviced according to the manufacturer's instructions. Non functioning pumps or motors shall be repaired or replaced within 48 hours. Broken forecemams and sanitary sewer lines shall be repaired within 48 hours. 4ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 12 STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM OBJECTIVES To maintain the proper operation of the storm drainage system m order to minimize the chance of property damage resulting from plugged outlets or mlets, To comply with the requirements of the NPDES permit. QUALITY STANDARDS All of the City's catch basins shall be inspected annually. All catch basins found to be more than 50% full shall also be cleaned that year. Records shall be kept for each inspection and /or repair. Storm ponds shall be mspected annually in the spring. Catch basin grates shall be cleaned when more than 25% of the grate is obstructed. Curb box inlets shall be cleaned when any obstruction is blockmg the inlet opening. Grates on flared -end sections or drop inlets shall be cleaned when more than 25% of the opening is obstructed. Sand deltas from flared -end section outlets shall be cleaned when they reach a depth of 1/3 of the opening height, but m no case shall the depth exceed eight (8) inches. Missing grates or castings shall be replaced immediately upon reporting. Broken grates or castings shall be replaced within one (1) week, unless they pose a hazard to bicycles or pedestrians, in which case they shall be replaced immediately. 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 13 BUILDING MAINTENANCE OBJECTIVES To protect our investment To provide a safe, clean, professional environment for the City's employees, elected officials and citizens QUALITY STANDARDS FOR EXTERIOR ENVIRONMENTS: Building exteriors shall be inspected annually for major disrepair, with observations recorded on the Building Exterior Inspection Form provided in the Appendix Chipped, peehng, cracked or dull painted surfaces shall be repaired. Cracked or broken windows shall be replaced within 72 hours. Cracks exceeding 1/8 inch shall be repaired Garage doors and pedestrian doors that do not open and close freely shall be repaired within two (2) days of nonce. Flat, asphalt- surface roofs shall be mspected every three (3) years for leaks or other damage (contracted work). Building exteriors shall be painted every 6 -8 years. QUALITY STANDARDS FOR INTERIOR ENVIRONMENTS: Building interiors shall be inspected annually for major disrepair, with observations recorded on the Building Interior Inspecuon Form provided m the Appendix. Tile floors shall be cleaned daily (except at the Fire Hall, where they shall be cleaned weekly). Carpeted hallways, offices and conference rooms shall be vacuumed daily. Restrooms and locker rooms shall be cleaned daily. Fingerprints and other marks shall be removed from all windows and glass surfaces daily. All trash and recyclables shall be picked up and deposited into appropriate pickup containers daily Council chambers, conference rooms and lobby areas shall be dusted weekly Council chambers shall be vacuumed bi- weekly or as needed. Marks on walls shall be painted as needed. Cracks or other damage to walls shall be repaired when reported. All carpet receiving heavy traffic such as hallways, council chambers, etc. shall be cleaned every six (6) months using a shampoo /steam cleaner. All other carpet shall be cleaned annually Non working lights shall be replaced within one (1) day of notice or request. Building mtenors shall be painted every 4 -6 years. Carpet shall be replaced every 12 years. 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 14 WINTER OPERATIONS Plowing, Ice Control, Downtown Snow Removal OBJECTIVES To reduce the hazards of icy conditions for motorists and pedestrians. To reduce economic losses to the community and local industry caused by workers and customers unable to get to their intended locations. To facilitate the handling of emergencies by fire and pohce officials. To maintain safe, passable school bus and winter recreation routes To minimize the amount of damage to streets and property caused by City equipment. QUALITY STANDARDS: Winter Operations shall begin when: o snow accumulation exceeds two (2) inches. o drafting snow creates hazardous travel conditions. o icy conditions seriously affect travel. o snowfall occurs during peak travel times. o The Pubhc Works Supervisor determines a need. Operations shall be temporarily suspended after 12 consecutive hours to allow personnel adequate time for test. Operations may also be temporarily suspended for the following conditions: o severe cold o significant winds o limited visibihty o extreme ice Plowing shall occur according to the following priority schedule: 1. streets or lots defined as Pnority Plow Routes (see "Exhibit A" below) 2. streets providing access to schools and commercial businesses 3 low volume residential streets 4. City parking lots 5. sidewalks, trails, ice rinks Sidewalks and trails shall be cleared after all streets are cleared (see `Exhibit B" and "Exhibit C" below for a hst of sidewalks and trails cleared by the City). 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 15 The Public Works Supervisor shall determine when snow shall be removed from the downtown area Downtown snow removal shall commence when all street plowing is completed. Mailboxes damaged by City equipment shall be permanently repaired at the City's expense as soon as time/weather permits. In some cases, immediate temporary repairs may be necessary to avoid mail delivery disruptions. Permanent repairs shall be completed by May 30L''. Upon review by Public Works personnel, damaged sod shall be repaired at the City's expense as soon as tune /weather permits. Repairs shall be completed by May 30` CITY PARKING LOTS TO BE PLOWED (aside from those on the Priority hst) Bloomfield Park Schwarz Park Jaycee Park Wells, Lift Stations, Towers CITY RINKS TO BE PLOWED Central Park Bloomfield Park Jaycee Park Middle School Caulfield Park Chippendale Park Biscayne Park 4 ROSEMOUN'T PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Quality Standards 16 TET LOT diii..,..L,' II II I i °ii ;liiiii 130th Street West Hwy 3 Bacardi Avenue 140 Street East Blame Avenue County Road 42 143' Street West Cameo Avenue Hwy 3 145 Street West Diamond Path County Road 42 151" Street West Shannon Parkway Canada Avenue 155` Street West Shannon Parkway Chippendale Avenue Auburn Avenue Connemara Trail County Road 42 Biscayne Avenue Boulder Trail Connemara Trail Bloomfield Path Auburn Avenue 145 Street West Brazil Avenue 145t Street West Pubhc Works buildings Busmess Park All Streets All Streets Cameo Avenue 145` Street West 143' Street West Canada Avenue County Road 42 Hwy 3 Carousel Way Chippendale Avenue 151s Street West Chili Avenue 145` Street West 143 d Street West Chippendale Avenue 145`" Street West 160` Street West Cimmaron Avenue County Road 42 151" Street West Claret Avenue County Road 42 151`t Street West Conley Avenue County Road 42 140 Street Connemara Trail Diamond Path Auburn Av enue Crestone Avenue County Road 42 151 Street West Delft Avenue Dodd Boulevard Upper 148` Street Dodd Boulevard Delft Avenue Chippendale Avenue Evermoor Parkway Diamond Path Connemara Trail Pine Bend Trail Hwy 55 RR Tracks (bituminous) Shannon Parkway McAndrews Road 160 Street Upper 148' Street Diamond Path Delft Avenue Pohce Station (at City Hall) Fire Station #1 Fire Station #2 EXHIBIT A PRIORITY PLOW ROUTES 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PIIRIIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 17 1LI� WAY j FRONI11 140t Street West (south side) East side of Birch Park West side of Birch Park 145"' Street West (north side) Central Park ped ramp County Road 42 145` Street West (north side) 3405 property Chili Avenue 145 Street West (south side) TOPS Pizza Chippendale Avenue 146 Street West (south side) Ratzlaff Burma Avenue 151" Street West (south side) Claret Avenue Cimarron Way 156 Street West (north side) Shannon Parkway 4037 property 158` Street West (north side) Chippendale Avenue West side of Winds Park Birch Street West (north side) East side of Birch Park West side of Birch Park Burma Avenue (west side) 146 Street West Lower 147 Street West Canada Avenue (east side) 145 Street West 148 Street West Central Park 145 Street West Shelter Chili Avenue (west side) 145 Street West 143 Street West Chippendale Avenue (east side) County Road 42 Carrousel Way Chippendale Avenue (west side) 145` Street West County Road 42 Claret Avenue (east side) 151" Street West 152' Street West Connemara Trail (north side) Shannon Parkway Auburn Avenue December Trail (north side) December Way West side of Lions Park Fire Hall #1 North Side South Side Hwy 3 (east side) Park and Ride lot Park and Ride lot Hwy 3 (east side) County Road 42 Kwik Trip Hwy 3 (west side) 143 Street West 3025 property Jaycee Park Park shelter Park shelter Lower 147 St W (north side) Burma Avenue 14690 property EXHIBIT B SIDEWALKS CLEARED BY THE CITY 4I ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 18 1 T p, gi0 oiii ,t iiiudltl i a P M 'ITO ii it l (Ili i1,11ii�aaia r..., �1 �iiii ioi n..d.fi 145" Street West (south side) e u;�II�II1111 Diamond Path TOPS Pizza 145 Street West (south side) Biscayne Avenue County Road 42 160 Street West (north side) Diamond Path Biscayne Avenue Biscayne Avenue (east side) County Road 42 South of Biscayne Way Biscayne Avenue (east side) North of 145 Street Beech Street West Biscayne Avenue (east side) RR Tracks Connemara Trail Biscayne Avenue (west side) Boulder Trail 145t Street West Bloomfield Path (north side) W of Bloomfield Park E of Bloomfield Park Central Park Koch Trail Shelter Entire Koch Trail Chippendale (east side) 145 Street West County Road 42 Chippendale (east side) Carrousel Way 160 Street West Chippendale (west side) County Road 42 160 Street West Connemara Trail (south side) Diamond Path Auburn Avenue County Road 42 (both sides) Diamond Path Hwy 3 Diamond Path (east side) County Road 42 160` Street West Dodd Boulevard (south side) County Road 42 Chippendale Evermoor Parkway (west side) Shannon Parkway Connemara Trail Hwy 3 (west side) County Road 42 Sidewalk Hwy 3 (west side) Middle School Park Community Center Jaycee Park Danbury Avenue Shannon Parkway Shannon Parkway (east side) 160 Street West McAndrews Road Shannon Parkway (west side) County Road 42 160` Street West EXHIBIT C TRAILS CLEARED BY THE CITY 'ROSEMOUNT Public Works Quality Standards PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 19 PARK MAINTENANCE OBJECTIVES To protect and enhance the City's recreational areas, open spaces, trees, prairies, wetlands, and other natural resources. To provide a safe, clean and attractive environment for residents to enjoy. To remain environmentally conscious m the selection and application of fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals used m the parks. To be courteous and responsive to resident concerns, offering tunely, fiscally responsible solutions. To protect our investment and increase the hfespan of out public assets. DUALITY STANDARDS Park Maintenance includes full management of the following components: 1. Baseball /Softball Fields 2. Soccer Fields 3. Football Fields 4 Play Structures 5. Tennis Courts 6. Basketball Courts 7. Volleyball Courts 8. Ice Rinks 9. Furnishings 10. Shelters /Pavilions 11 Lighting Systems 12. Parking Areas 13 Trees /Landscaping 14. Turf Management 15. Waste /Debns Management All City parks and public areas are managed by an outside contractor for refuse pickup and removal. It is the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Department to oversee and evaluate the performance of the contractor to ensure compliance with City standards. Quality Standards have been established through careful consideration of several factors, including public visibility, safety, overall functionality, and frequency and type of use. The following matrix indicates the amenities that are available at each location, along with a number indicating the assigned maintenance level (defined below). *ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 20 4 ROSEMOUNT Maintenance Level Assignments Furnishings refer to tables, benches, grills or other such structure. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Quality Standards 21 Irrigation System Baseball Fields Football Fields Soccer Fields Volleyball Court Play Structure Tennis Court Basketball Court I °DI Furnishings She lters /Pavilions Lighting System Parking Area Turf Management Birch Park 1 1 1 2 3 Biscayne Park 1 2 1 3 Bloomfield Park 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Brockway Park 1 Business Park 3 Camfield Park 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 Central Park 1 1 1 1 1,2 1 1 2 Chance's Park 1 1 3 Chippendale Park 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 3 Claret Park 1 1 1 3 Connemara Park 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 Dalian Park 1 1 1 3 Erickson Park 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Inmsfree Park 1 1 1 2 1 2 Jaycee Park 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kidder Park 2 2 1 1 3 Lions Park 1 1 3 Meadows Park 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 Schwarz Park 1 1 2 1 3 Shannon Park 1 1 1 1 1 1 Twin Puddles Park 2 2 1 2 3 Winds Park 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 Carrolls Woods 3 City Hall Public Works 1 1 1 2 Community Center 1 1 1 2 Family Resource Center 1 2 1 3 Fire Station 1 1 1 2 Fire Station 2 1 1 2 HRA Lots 3 Koch Trail 1 3 Middle School 1 1 Former site of St. Joseph's Church 1 3 4 ROSEMOUNT Maintenance Level Assignments Furnishings refer to tables, benches, grills or other such structure. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Quality Standards 21 Quality Standards for all Parks and Public Areas Each park and public area will undergo a monthly general inspection from March through October. The purpose of the mspecuon is to identify any major areas of disrepair to fencing, benches, parking lots, playing fields, irngauon systems, sidewalks /trails, turf, shelters, play equipment, or any other amenity located within each area Those repairs deemed necessary and Immediate by the Public Works Supervisor shall be assigned a pnonty above that of regularly scheduled maintenance Inspection observations shall be recorded using the Monthly Park Inspection form provided m the Appendix. Duality Standards for Trees and Landscaping All public area trees and landscaping will be maintained at the same level according to the following guidelines. Newer trees and shrubs shall be pruned and inspected annually. Mature trees and shrubs shall be pruned and inspected as necessary. Newer trees and shrubs shall be fertili>ed annually. Additional mulch shall be added around trees and shrubs every two (2) years, or sooner if needed Downtown planters shall be inspected annually and repaired if necessary before April 30. Downtown benches shall be removed by November 30 and repaired /refinished during the winter if necessary. Retaining walls shall be inspected annually and repaired if necessary. Quality Standards for Schwarz Park Skateboard Area Skateboard area shall be inspected every eight (8) weeks (from March through November) for equipment defects or other safety concerns. This will include a full inspection of all gates and fencing Inspection observations and any resulting maintenance shall be formally documented and filed Debris shall be removed twice weekly. Quality Standards for Play Structures LEVEL 1 Inspected every eight (8) weeks from March through November. Inspection observations and any resulting maintenance shall be formally documented and filed. Play surfaces (mulch, sand, pea gravel) shall be maintained weekly, with appropriate surface material added as needed. It ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 22 Quality Standards for Lighting Systems LEVEL 1 Inspected annually for operation and aiming o ball field lighting inspected m early spring o ice rink lighting inspected in late fall Bulbs replaced within two (2) weeks of notice or request Bulb replacement, aiming and lens cleaning shall by performed by an outside contractor. Quality Standards for Baseball /Softball Fields LEVEL 1 Aglime enrichment annually, and as needed throughout the season Graded monthly Foul lines mowed twice weekly Infield ungated weekly (or more when conditions are excessively dry) Dragged daily during athletic season (once weekly during off season) Outfield Turf Management according to Level 1 requirements (page 27) LEVEL 2 Aglime enrichment every other year Graded once per season Dragged daily dunng athletic season (once weekly during off season) Outfield Turf Management according to Level 2 requirements (page 27) Quality Standards for Soccer Fields LEVEL 1 Striping done weekly (full fines and circles) Boundary lines mowed twice weekly Overseedmg goal areas each fall, other areas as needed Turf Management according to LEVEL 1 requirements (page 27) Goals painted every two years LEVEL 2 Striping /mowing done weekly Overseedrng goal areas if /when necessary Turf Management according to LEVEL 2 requirements (page 27) Goal painted every two years 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works Quality Standards PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 23 Quality Standards for Football Fields LEVEL 1 Full tine striping done weekly Boundary hnes mowed twice weekly Overseeding midfield each fall, other areas as needed Turf Management according to LEVEL 1 requirements (page 27) LEVEL 2 Striping /mowing done weekly Overseedmg midfield if /when necessary Turf Management according to LEVEL 2 requirements (page 27) Quality Standards for Tennis Courts and Basketball Courts LEVEL 1 Net adjustments, hardware adjustments, gate maintenance, and debris removal performed every two weeks Crack mspectton /seating twice annually (spring, late summer) Color coat and repaint fines every 4 -6 years Surface overlay every 6 -8 years Repamt backboards every four (4) years LEVEL 2 Same as LEVFT 1 with no color coating or line striping Quality Standards for Volleyball Courts LEVEL 1 Surface areas shall be mspected and maintained weekly, with additional material added as needed. Poles shall be painted every four (4) years. Grass volleyball courts shall be overseeded as needed. Quality Standards for Furnishings LEVEL 1 Picmc tables, park benches, grills, and park signs inspected annually in early spring and repaired /replaced as necessary Picmc tables, park benches, and park signs sanded /painted /stained every 2 3 years 9 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 24 Quality Standards for Shelters /Pavilions LEVEL 1 (enclosed buildings) Swept /vacuumed after each scheduled use (most likely daily) Restrooms cleaned after each scheduled use (most likely daily) General operational inspection shall be performed monthly (this includes fire extmguisher /alarm inspections, light bulbs, plumbing, heating, etc Furnace filters shall be replaced every three months Exterior shall be painted /stained every 6 -8 years Roof shall be Inspected every 4 -6 years LEVEL 2 (open buildings with roof only) Swept every two weeks General operational inspection shall be performed twice annually (spring, fall) Exterior shall be painted /stained every 6 -8 years Roof shall be inspected every 4 -6 years Quality Standards for Ice Rinks LEVEL 1 (Rinks with warming houses) Snow removal fast priority (after streets) Flooding 6 days /week Shaving as needed to maintain a smooth, usuform, high ouahty surface Edging performed every two weeks Closing date conditional upon weather (usually the second week of February) Buildings cleaned daily by attendants Building inspected weekly by park staff for cleanhness and general operation LEVEL 7 (Rinks without warming houses) Snow removal second priority (after streets) Flooding 5 days /week Shaving as needed to maintain a relatively smooth, good quality surface Closing date conditional upon weather (usually the second week of February) 4 ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 25 Quality Standards for Parking Areas LEVEL 1 (asphalt lots) Lots shall be swept annually in the sprmg Crack sealed and sealcoated every 5 7 years Mill /overlay every 17 22 years Snow removal first priority (after streets) LEVEL 2 (gravel lots) Gravel topdressmg apphed and graded as needed No snow removal on gravel parking lots Quality Standards for Turf Management LEVEL 1 (Irrigated athletic areas) Irngated daily (every other day dunng odd /even restrictions) Mowed 2 -3 tunes per week Weed whippmg shall occur every two weeks Fertilized three (3) times between April and October Herbicide application twice annually Debns removed with each mowing Aerated twice annually (spring and fall) De- thatched annually m the fall Overseeded as needed LEVEL 2 (Irrigated non athletic areas) Irngated daily (every other day during odd /even restrictions) Mowed 1 -2 times per week Weed whipping shall occur every two (2) weeks Fertihzed twice annually Herbicide application annually Debns removed with each mowing Aerated annually De- thatched annually in the fall Overseeded as needed LEVEL 3 (Non- irrigated areas) Mowed when necessary Weed whipping shall occur every two (2) weeks Debris removed with each mowing Fernli7er and Herbicide apphed annually Aerated annually De thatched annually in the fall ISROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Quality Standards 26 4ROSEMOUNT Public Works PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT APPENDIX Quality Standards 27 ASSET EVALUATION FORM Asset Number /Description Purchase Date Purchase Price Current Value Average Annual Maintenance Cost To Date Average annual maintenance cost as a of Current Value Current Mileage or Current Hours Current Overall Condition: (poor) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (excellent) Describe any major repairs or maintenance due in the next six (6) months: Recommendation: Replace immediately Replace in six (6) months Replace in twelve (12) months Do not replace (evaluate again in one year) Estimated Replacement Cost Comments: Evaluation performed by Date Shannon Parkway 0 1 2 3 see detail Connemara Trail 0 1 2 3 see detail 145th Street West 0 1 2 3 see detail 150th Street West (CR 42) 0 1 2 3 see detail 160th Street West 0 1 2 3 see detail Jaycee Park 0 1 2 3 see detail 153rd Street West 0 1 2 3 see detail 155th Street West 0 1 2 3 see detail Winds Park 0 1 2 3 see detail Chippendale Avenue 0 1 2 3 see detail Chip to Chestnut 0 1 2 3 see detail Chippendale to Cherry 0 1 2 3 see detail Dodd Boulevard 0 1 2 3 see detail Cimarron to Colorado 0 1 2 3 see detail Diamond Path 0 1 2 3 see detail Evermoor Parkway 0 1 2 3 see detail Inmsfree Park 0 1 2 3 see detail Daffodil Path 0 1 2 3 see detail Danube Lane 0 1 2 3 see detail 137th Street West 0 1 2 3 see detail Crolly Path 0 1 2 3 see detail Crolly Path to Shannon 0 1 2 3 see detail Shannon Park 0 1 2 3 see detail Couchtown Path 0 1 2 3 see detail Glendalough 5th /6th Trail 0 1 2 3 see detail Carrolls Woods Park 0 1 2 3 see detail Schwarz Park 0 1 2 3 see detail Dearborn Path 0 1 2 3 see detail Dane Avenue 0 1 2 3 see detail S Robert Trail (Hwy 3) 0 1 2 3 see detail 142nd Street West 0 1 2 3 see detail Koch Trail 0 1 2 3 see detail Biscayne Avenue 0 1 2 3 see detail Bloomfield Path 0 1 2 3 see detail Auburn Avenue 0 1 2 3 see detail Autumn Path 0 1 2 3 see detail Meadows ofBloomtld 1st 0 1 2 3 see detail Autumn Ct 0 1 2 3 see detail Meadows Park 0 1 2 3 see detail 0 1 2 3 see detail 0 1 2 3 see detail 0 1 2 3 see detail 0 1 2 3 see detail Street Trail Inspection for Year Address Damage Date (mo /day) By Damage 0 acceptable 1 severe weather damage 2 bumps or depressions exceeding 1" 3 bumps or depressions exceeding 1 /2" at pedestrian ramps Street Address Damage 0 acceptable 1 severe weather damage 2 bumps or depressions exceeding 1" 3 bumps or depressions exceeding 1 /2" at pedestnan ramps Trail Damage Detail Ratin Date Repaired o 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 Street Address Damage 0 acceptable 1 severe weather damage 2 bumps or depressions exceeding 1" 3 bumps or depressions exceeding 1 /2" at pedestnan ramps Trail Damage Detail Ratin Date Repaired Evermoor Parkway 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Danube Lane 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Daffodil Path 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 sce detail Drumchffe Way 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Couchtown Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Couchtown Path 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Cromwell Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Crompton Court 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Crosslough Trail 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail ClareDowns Path 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail ClareDowns Way 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Clover Lane 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Cobbler Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 144` Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 143"' Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Davenport Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Cobalt Avenue 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 see detail Covington Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Crestview to Shannon 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail December Trail 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 151" Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Crestone Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Claret Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Claret Park 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Cimmaron Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Canada Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Carrousel Way 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Chokecherry Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 153 Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Danbury Avenue West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 155 Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Darieehng Path 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Darting Path 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 sce detail 156 Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail tipper 156` Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Danville Avenue West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Crystal Path 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Crocus Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Cardinal Street West 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 sce detail Cicerone Path 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 158 Street West 0 1 2A 28 2C 3 see detail Chippendale (Carrousel to Dodd) 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Chippendale Park (Chrysler) 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Chili Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Canada Avenue 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 see detail Lower 147` Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Cameo Avenue 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 see detail Street Sidewalk Inspection for Year Address Damage Date (mo /dav) B Damage 0 acceptable 1 pitting exceeding'' inch 2 cracks protruding more than ''A inch (A =less than 1" B 1 to 2" C greater than 2 3 diagonal cracking 143` St W (Mid School) 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 see detail 144 Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 146 Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail S Robert Trail (Hwy 3) 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Burma Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 146 Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Burnley Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Central Park /City Hall 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 145 S treet West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Blackberry Way 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Boxwood Path 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Blanca Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 148 Street 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Business Parkway 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Boulder Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Bloomfield Path 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Beech Street West 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 see detail Banyan Lane 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Bentley Way 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Audobon Way 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Azalea Path 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Aurora Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Bayberry Trail 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Avalon Path 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 see detail Auburn Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Atwater Way 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Autumnwood Trail 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Autumnwood Way 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 142 Street West 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 see detail Avant' Avenue 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 see detail 140 Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Belfast Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Birch Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Belmont Trail 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 138 Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 140` Street 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Birchwood Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Birdsong Path 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail 136` Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Birnamwood Trail 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Autumn Court 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Azalea Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Autumnwood Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Autumn Path 0 1 221 213 2C 3 see detail Atwood Trail 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Atwood Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Street Sidewalk Inspection for Year Address Damasle Date (mo /dayl B Carnage 0 acceptable 1 pitting exceeding t/. inch 2 cracks protruding more than Y inch (A less than 1" B 1" to 2" C greater than 2 3 diagonal cracking 139 Street West 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Atrium Avenue 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Athena Way 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Connemara Trail 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 see detail Street Sidewalk Inspection for Year Address Damage Date (molday) B Damage 0 acceptable 1 pitting exceeding Y. inch 2 cracks protruding more than inch (A less than 1" B 1° to 2" C greater than 2") 3 diagonal cracking Street Sidewalk Damage Detail Address Ratin Damage 0 acceptable 1 pitting exceeding ''A inch 2 cracks protruding more than' inch (A less than 1" B 1" to 2" C greater than 2 3 diagonal cracking Date Repaired 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 2B 2C 3 0 1 2A 213 2C 3 Street Sidewalk Damage Detail Address Ratin Damage 0 acceptable 1 pitting exceeding ''A inch 2 cracks protruding more than' inch (A less than 1" B 1" to 2" C greater than 2 3 diagonal cracking Date Repaired 148TH ST W U. 148TH ST RDSTW 143RD /'45TH ST VIA 146TH L. 147TH 147TH ST W 11 147TH ST W 148TH ST W 142ND ST W 147TH Q L. 138TH ST 0 138THSTW z 0 N 138TH ST W CC 139THSTW, 2 Q Q ur n 2 W D rc 00 rc <1 0 140TH ST W 0 s m 0 4 m O 0 m CONNEMARA y Li BR NNER h CT BOYSENBERRY C 151ST CT OU TRI. Central Business District Downtown Sweeping Area N 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Building Inspected By Date Action(s) taken: Recommended action(s) for any damage: Building Exterior Inspection Form Date: ^0K Slight Damage Major Damage n/a Comments, Doors Locks Windows Gutters Landscaping Siding Paint Foundation Walkways Lights Flags /Poles Signs Building Inspected By Date Action(s) taken: Recommended action(s) for any damage: Building Exterior Inspection Form Date: Building Inspected By Date Recommended action(s) for any damage: Action(s) taken. Building Interior Inspection Form Date: OK Slight Damage Major Damage n/a Comments Doors Locks Windows Paint Lights Restrooms Signs Carpet Tile Floors Counter Tops Ceiling Tiles Building Inspected By Date Recommended action(s) for any damage: Action(s) taken. Building Interior Inspection Form Date: Location Monthly Park Inspection Inspected By Date Recommended action(s) for any damage: Actions) taken. Date: OK Slight Damage Major Damage n/a Comments Parking Lots Turf Fencing Backstops Tenors Courts Basketball Courts Sidewalks /Trails Irrigation System Shelters Benches Tables Gulls Ball Fields Play Equipment Lights Location Monthly Park Inspection Inspected By Date Recommended action(s) for any damage: Actions) taken. Date: 19303 x x x x x 1bzoz X x x Ix 1£zoz1 Ix X Ix Izzoz X I x x x X x x 1I30Zl X x x x X X 10Z0z X x x x I61.0z x x x 181.031 X x x x x Ix IL 1.0 X Ix x x x 191 X x x x 91031 x x x IbIOZJ x X x x x 1021 Ix X x x Ix x 31.031 x x x x x x 1.1031 x I I x x x 01.03 X L x 6002 x x Ix 80031 X 1x 1 X x X Lx Lou 1 x Ix i Ix X 90031 I Ix X x x 2005 X Water Tower Inspection Connemara Tower (11/15/01) I Chippendale Tower (4/7/04) I East Side Tower (10/8/04) 1 Bacardi Tower 1 'Flat Roof Inspections 'Building Exterior Painting /Staining I Fire Station #1 I Fire Station #2 IIeH Xl I Public Works Park Shelters /Pavilions I 'Budding Interior Painting I Fire Station #1 I Fire Station #2 IIeH APC I sJoM 3IIQnd I Park Shelters /Pavilions I 1 'Soccer Goal Painting 1 'Overlay Tennis /Basketball Courts 1 Striping /Colorcoat Courts 1 Picnic Table Refinish Park Bench /Planters Refinish 1 'Parking Lot Sealcoat m v m 0 U N U m_ Q a E d c 0 0 J E m c N N N 3 0 a o 'm a C m a 0 Public Works