HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Chief of Police ReportAGENDA ITEM: Chief of Police Report AGENDA SECTION: Response to Public Comment PREPARED BY: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 4a ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum from Chief Kalstabakken APPROVED BY RECOMMENDED ACTION: No action is requested f ROSEMOUNT City Council Meeting: June 6, 2006 CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE Ms Lorrayne Ingram approached the City Council during the Public Comment portion of the May 16 City Council meeting. Chief Kalstabakken has provided a summary of follow -up actions in response to Ms. Ingram's expressed concerns 4 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Mayor and Council Members City Administrator Verbrugge From: Gary Kalstabakken, Chief of Police Date: June 1, 2006 Subject: Response to Public Comment raffic and Noise Issues At the May 16, 2006 Council Meeting, Lorrayne Ingram spoke dunng the Pubhc Comment portion of the meeting Ms Ingram expressed frustration concerning trucks being driven m her neighborhood at unsafe speeds, with unsafe equipment and with loud exhaust She followed up by providing more specific information about the properties being complained about m an e -mail message. Since the May 16, 2006 meeting, the following actions have been taken: The code enforcement official has visited each of the residences identified and has given written notice to the homeowners of violations observed, Rechecking for comphance will be done according to estabhshed procedures A police sergeant spoke to the homeowner at the residence where several pickups were identified as being driven by visitors to the home and /or owned by the homeowner o The homeowner was warned about the illegal equipment on some pickups located on the property These trucks are used for "off- road" use and the owner was warned not to drive on the streets with these trucks o The homeowner was advised to tell the visitors to the home to drive slowly to and from the residence, not to rev their engines and to otherwise respect the sanctity of the neighborhood. Police officers have performed additional patrols in the area and have also conducted observation of the area for vanous time periods No traffic stops have resulted from these activities The possibility of holding a neighborhood meeting regarding the noise and traffic issues is being considered. In a more general response, the Pohce Department reahzes that traffic safety and traffic enforcement is a priority for the community The officers of the Department are expected to make traffic enforcement a part of their daily duties In addition, we continue to designate a SAFE Zone (Selective Area for Enforcement) monthly. The SAFE Zone receives concentrated enforcement and is typically designated based upon a specific citizen concern received or upon areas known to be of concern based upon crash data or prior citizen complaints.