HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of rthe May 16th 2006 Regular City Council ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING MAY 16, 2006 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeung of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Tuesday, May 16, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. m the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145` Street West Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Sterner, Baxter, DeBettigmes, and Shoe Corrigan attending Staff members present were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator Weitzel, City Attorney LeFevere, City Engineer Brotzler, Community Development Director Lindquist, Police Chief Kalstabakken, Fire Chief Aker, Finance Director Jeff May, and Recording Secretary Burr. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA City Administrator Verbrugge noted there is add -on mformatton for Items 6.f. and 6.g. Item 6 k has a revised resolution The item listed as 6 h. needs to be re -titled 6.m. They both relate to the same project, but they are separate acquisitions. Mr Verbrugge noted there is additional information for 8.a. and 8 b He also noted the calendar revision. It should reflect next Monday's meeting is a public meeting, not a public hearing. Motion by Droste. Second by Sterner Motion to adopt the Agenda with the additional information of 6.f. and 6.g., the revised information of 6.k., the addition of 6.m., the addruonal information for 8.a. and 8.b., as well as the calendar change. Ayes: 5. Nays: D. Motion carried. PUBLIC COMMENT Lorrayne Ingram, 3310 West 147 Street, noted she would like the City to have some sort of enforcement pohcy or code regarding trucks racing up and dour' the streets. She stated the trucks have been modified and are illegal. She has gotten the license plates numbers and called them m, and nothing seems to be done. She noted they dove 50 or 60 mph down residential streets and are often racmg each other. She stated her understanding is the police have to be able to catch them and have been unable to do so Mayor Droste asked what streets these incidents are occurring on. Ms Ingram responded she walks around the pond behind City Hall and hears it, and she heard it near the baseball fields She also sees them up and down 42 all day driving way beyond the speed limit. 6a Councilmember Shoe Corrigan stated something similar happened to her yesterday. The driver of a truck came up quickly behind her while she was turning into her driveway, honked at her, and sped around her. Mr. Verbrugge noted he will talk with Police Chief Kalstabakken and will report back at the next Council meeting RESPONSE TO PUBLIC COMMENT None. DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS /BUSINESS 5.a. Emergency Medical Services Week Recognition and Recognition of Public Safety Staff Police Chief Kalstabakken stated this is Emergency Medical Services Recognition Week, and the public safety agencies are being recognized for response to an accident on April 8. He introduced John Huot of LifeLink to discuss the accident in further detail. John Huot stated one of his jobs at LifeLink is to review the runs after a certain period of time. Mr. Huot provided a history of the medical care available in the 1850s. Mr. Huot described the accident of April 8, when the Eagan dispatch received a call about an accident with injuries. He noted the first officer on the scene decided to request a LifeLink hehcopter. That decision made the difference in saving the man's life. There was a man pinned under a car and a car on fire. Mr. Huot described the medics arrived and determined the patient needed rapid sequence intubauon, which only a handful of services in the country are using. About 15 minutes after the initial call was made, the helicopter landed At the same time, the fire department was putting a fire out. The patient was delivered to Regent's Hospital only 50 minutes after the accident occurred. Mr. Huot stated very few cities in the country could have responded in such a way. He also congratulated the Council on their support of the public safety staff Police Chief Kalstabakken introduced the two dispatchers working at Eagan that morning as well as the two Rosemount police officers on the scene that morning. Fire Chief Aker introduced all the firefighters present at the accident that morning. Mr. Verbrugge read aloud the letter of thanks from the father of the person injured that morning faxed a letter to City staff. Mayor Droste noted there are 42 firefighters and 23 police officers ready to serve the community every day. Their time and commitment is greatly appreciated by the Council. 5.b. Introduction of Allan Fink, Code Compliance Specialist Community Development Director Lindquist presented Allan Fink, the new Code Comphance Speciahst for the City He has been employed by the City for one month. She noted he has a lot of public contact in this position, so she thought it would be helpful to introduce him in a public setting. Mr. Fink introduced himself to the Council and provided some of his professional background He stated he has 21 years of expenence m police work, the last 9 years as a pohce sergeant. He noted he has vast experience responding to calls and dealing with the pubhc m a wide variety of situations. Mr. Fmk stated after 21 years as a pohce officer, he decided to shift gears for a different type of experience, and for the past year he was the facihtv maintenance manager for a church in Farmington, which provided him with an opportunity to view facilities from a new perspective. Councilmember Baxter welcomed Mr. Fink to his position and to the City. He advised Mr. Fink he is often interested about whether situations that may anse around town are code violations or not, and he will likely contact Mr. Fmk about them. Mayor Droste welcomed Mr. Fink and wished hum well m his position. 5.c. Proclamation of National Public Works Week Mayor Droste noted May 21 -27 is National Pubhc Works Week in Rosemount. He stated the Rosemount Pubhc Works Department is a team of 20 people dedicated to maintaining a safe, clean, and enjoyable environment for all residents and businesses The team's mission is to enhance the quality of hfe through responsive, efficient, and cost effective delivery of services consistent with community values. Mayor Droste continued the department consists of an operations superintendent, a Pubhc Works supervisor, 15 full -tune maintenance workers, two mechanics, and a custodian They are busy throughout the year maintaining 100 miles of streets, 65 miles of sidewalks and bike trails, and 270 acres in 23 parks throughout the City. Mayor Droste indicated the most visible activities include street sweeping, hydrant flushing, mowing, and plowing /sanding streets Behind the scenes, personnel maintains more than 200 pieces of equipment, 61 City vehicles, and 23 heavy machines including street sweepers, tractors, loaders, utility trucks, snowblowers, and lawn mowers. Mayor Droste noted the Department mamtams the underground infrastructure system, cleans the sanitary and storm sewer system, and ensures proper functioning of the water supply and distribution system. Mayor Droste thanked the Pubhc Works Department for all of their hard work to keeping the City's infrastructure safe and efficient. Motion by Droste. Second by Sterner. Motion to approve the Proclamation of National Pubhc Works Week. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by DeBettigmes. Second by Shoe Corrigan. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda, Items a. through m, with the modifications. a Minutes of the May 2, 2006 Regular City Council Proceedings b. Bills Listing c. Receipt of Donation DARE Program d. Designation of Polling Locations for 2006 Election e. Mankato Rehabilitation Center Project (MRCI) Approve the issuance and Sale of a Commercial Development Revenue Note f. Receive Bids /Award Contract Evermoor Crosscroft 3` Addition Streets Utihty Improvements, City Project #403 g Receive Bids /Award Contract JJT Business Park 1" Addition Streets Utihty Improvements, City Project #402 h. Acquisition of Easements Old County Road 38, Phase II, City Project #387 i. NPDES General Stormwater Permit and SWPPP j. Glendalough 7 Addition (US Homes) Final Plat, 06 -25 -FP k. Rosewood Village 2n Addition (Topaz, LLC) PUD Administrative Amendment, 06 -30 -AMD I. Rosewood Storage, Inc. PUD Admuustrative Amendment, 06 -37 -AMD m. Acquisition of Easements Country Road 38, Phase II, City Project #387 Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARING 7.a. Old County Road 38 Eminent Domain, City Project #387 Mr. Brotzler stated the property is located at the corner of Highway 3 and 135 Street. He displayed an overhead illustrating the proposed easements. Mr. LeFevere stated the legislature has been considering significant changes to eminent domain legislauon. At the time this agenda was set, one of the provisions in the proposed legislation required a public hearing before a City Council decided to proceed with condemnauon. However, the final version of the legislation does not require public hearings for traditional public works projects. He noted pubhc hearings are still required for development and redevelopment projects. To be on the safe side, staff decided to set this pubhc hearing in case anyone wants to address the Council on this condemnation. Mayor Droste opened the public hearing at 8:05 p.m. Mayor Droste noted the Council will not be taking any further action on this item this evening. Mr. LeFevere noted the previously proposed legislation would have required the City to wait 30 days after the pubhc hearing before adopting the resolution However, since it does not apply to this situation, he assumes a resolution will be brought back to the next Council meeting, and this condemnation will be added to the others in this project. Motion by Droste. Second by DeBettignies. Motion to dose the public hearing at 8:07 p.m. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. Mayor Droste noted a resolution will be brought back before the Council at the June 20 meeting. OLD BUSINESS 8.a. Accept Bids and Award Sale G.O. Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness, Series 2006A Mr. May summanzed the sale of certificates of indebtedness, which will go towards public works equipment. He noted it is a five -year financing for the equipment. The second issuing today was for improvement bonds m the amount of $4 5 million He noted those bonds are for the special assessment share and water core share of the Old County Road 38 project; the rest of that project will be financed internally. Mr. May stated bids came in and were closed at noon today. There were four bidders on the certificates. They ranged from 4 to 4.29 percent. The estimate given earner by staff was 4.18 percent, so market conditions proved favorable. Mr. May reported for the improvement issues, staff had previously estimated 4.11 percent, and the actual 10 bids ranged from 3.96 up to 4.10 percent, with 3 96 percent being the winning bid Mr May summarized there were favorable rates and the sales went well Last Thursday he and Ms. Heaton had a ratings call with Moody's, which is held each time the City issues debt. Moody's took it under review Friday and had a lengthier than normal discussion. At this point the City's rating did not change from A -1. They spent most of the time discussing an upgrade to the City's rating. Councilmember Sterner asked if there is anything the City can do to improve its rating. Mr. May responded there is nothing staff and Council can do; it is determined by, among other things, the City's growing market value. Moody's does look favorably at the MUSA expansion just received. Councilmember DeBettignies asked what BBI means. Ms. Heaton stated the BBI is the Bond Buyer Index, which is an average rate of the week before from all bonds in all categones that were issued. She stated it is a tracking mechanism Interest rates are also tracked over tune. Since last year, interest rates are up 30 to 50 basis points, which is not a significant amount. Motion by DeBettignies. Second by Shoe Corrigan. Motion to adopt a Resolution Accepting Offer on the Sale of $370,000 General Obhgaaon Equipment Certificates of Indebtedness, Series 2006A, Providing for their Issuance and Levying a Tax for the Payment thereof. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. 8.b. Accept Bids and Award Sale G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series 2006B Motion by Sterner. Second by DeBetagmes. Motion to adopt a Resolution Accepting Officer on the Sale of $4,405,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 2006B, Providing for their Issuance and Levying a Tax for the Payment thereof. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS None. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Droste reviewed the scheduled meetings on the City calendar, also noting the City- wide garage sales this weekend and City Clean-Up Day on Saturday from 8:00 am 12:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 p.m. Second by Sterner. Ayes: 5. Nays. 0. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Allison Burr, Recording Secretary