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Lift Station L74 (Met Council) Conditional Use Permit and Lift Station (L75) Conditional Use Permit, 06-31-CUP and 06-32-CUPAGENDA ITEM: 06 -31 -CUP Lift Station L74 (Met Council) Conditional Use Permit and 06 -32 -CUP Lift Station L75 (Met Council) Conditional Use Permit AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGENDA NO. 6k ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolutions, Location Map, Draft PC Minutes of 05- 23 -06, Lift Station Plans, Narrative APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Approving Lift Station L74 for Metropolitan Council Environmental Services subject to conditions. and Motion to Adopt a Resolution Approving for Lift Station L75 for Metropolitan Council Environmental Services subject to conditions. 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: June 20, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE The apphcant, Metropohtan Council Environmental Services is requesting approval of conditional use permits to allow construction of two hft stations which are mtegral to the construction of the interceptor project now underway One of the hft stations m located on the Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant (L74) site and the other is located along County Road 42, west of DCTC, on property owned by UMORE (L75). The apphcant has included a project description which provides information regarding both the lift station and interceptor projects. PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission reviewed the item at their May 23, 2006 meeting The Commission heard the staff report and additional information from the apphcant's representative Jim Roth There was no one who spoke at the pubhc hearing and there were no questions for the apphcant. The Commission unanimously approved the two conditional use permits for the two hft stanons. DISCUSSION The footprint of both of the buildings approximates 4,000 square feet and is relatively square. Each site will contain a paved driveway and parking lot as well as building and landscaping. L74 Lift Station The station will be located on the 35 acres Wastewater Treatment site in the eastern portion of the community. The site currently gams access from 140` street and the station will use the same driveway as the existing facility The hft station is located west of the treatment plan Building elevations illustrate a structure that is more industrial m character with little adornment. The entire facade is masonry with pedestrian doors, windows and overhead doors breaking up the elevations. Because of the type of use, there are few windows, however the design calls for recessed brick panels consistent in size and rhythm of the windows. Grading will occur on the site to facilitate construction of the building Grades are slightly steeper in the northwest, prompting the need for a retaining wall along the western edge. Seven deciduous trees, three ornamental trees and three coniferous trees will be installed as part of the site development. L75 Lift Station The building is located by easement on a 257 acre parcel owned by UMORE. Access will be via a private driveway with direct access unto County Road 42. Should development ever occur m the area, the City would look to relocate the driveway so it does not directly access County Road 42. The access, in the interim, should be paved and curbed consistent with the city standards for any development. The building elevations differ from the previous lift station because of its location. The exterior materials continue to be all masonry although the building undulation and peaked roof are more reminiscent of a residential structure than a utihtanan building The most visible elevation will be to the north There the design has some variation m bnck and a pedestrian access is provided. The south elevation has the overhead door with both the east and west having aluminum louvers. The site slopes from west to east. Grading will occur to provide a flat building pad. The driveway grade is relatively steep with a 5.8% grade. However, httle traffic is expected In recognition of the higher profile location, there are 15 deciduous tress, 15 coniferous trees and nine ornamental trees proposed Consistent with the landscaping ordinance, and due to the site's visibility, foundanon plantings should be added to the plan. Immediately adjacent to the building and paving, the lawn will be maintained with the outside edges planted in a native prairie mix Staff recommends a few modifications to the proposed site plan for L75. The apphcant should submit a utility plan showing extension of watermam under CR42 for final review and approval The plans should be modified to provide foundation plantings around the building and the maintained area should be irrigated. The driveway should realign m the future when development occurs so that it does not directly access CR42. For both of the plans, staff is requesting the applicant work with the Fire Marshall to locate fire hydrants in the appropriate locations. And extenor materials samples are requested for all materials, both the masonry and other. Staff is hoping items such as the louvers can be colored or coated in such a way that they blend into the building facade rather than contrast with the masonry colors. CONCLUSION Staff is comfortable with the two applications and supports moving forward with the project. The two lift stations are an integral part of the entire interceptor project which will provide sanitary sewer service to much of the community. There are minor concerns noted which primarily have to do with aesthetics on the more visible UMORE site. Recommended conditions of approval are provided to address these concerns. RECOMMENDATION Approve the attached resolutions. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2006 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) FOR LIFT STATION L74 WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Metropolitan Council Environmental Services requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the construction of Lift Station L74 to be located at 4005 140` Street, Rosemount and legally described as: The Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW1 /4 of SE1 /4), except the East 35 feet and the North 125 feet thereof, Section 19, Township 115, Range 18. WHEREAS, on May 23, 2006, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Conditional Use Permit application for land located at 4005 140 Street in Rosemount, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for the construction of Lift Station L74 which is an integral part of the interceptor project m Rosemount; and WHEREAS, on June 20, 2006, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission recommendations for the Conditional Use Permit and agreed with the Planning Commission's findings; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Conditional User Permit for the construction of Lift Station L74 at 4005 140 Street subject to 1. The apphcant set the fire hydrants consistent with City standards for review and approval by the Fire Marshall 2. The apphcant provide a sample of exterior material associated with the proposed building for staff review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 2006 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: William 14 Droste, Mayor Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2006 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) FOR LIFT STATION L75 WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an apphcanon from Metropolitan Council Environmental Services requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the construction of Lift Station L75 to be located at the intersection of CSAH 42 and Auburn Avenue, Rosemount, legally described as follows: The South Half (S1/2) of Section Twenty eight (28), Township one Hundred Fifteen (115) North, Range Nineteen (19) West. WHEREAS, on May 23, 2006, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Conditional Use Permit application for land located by easement on a 257 acre parcel owned by UMore m Rosemount at the intersecuon of CSAH 42 and Auburn Avenue, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Conditional User Permit for the construction of Ltft Station L75 which is an integral part of the interceptor project in Rosemount; and WHEREAS, on June 20, 2006, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission recommendations for the Conditional Use Permit and agreed with the Planning Commission's findings; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Conditional User Permit for the construction of Lift Station L75 at the intersection of CSAH 42 and Auburn Avenue subject to: 1. The apphcant set the fire hydrants consistent with City standards for review and approval by the Fire Marshall. 2 The apphcant provide a sample of exterior material associated with the proposed building. 3. The apphcant provide foundation plantings around the building and irrigate areas to be maintained as shown on the landscape plan for staff review and approval 4. Should development occur surrounding the site, the apphcant will realign the driveway so there is no direct access unto County Road 42. 5. The apphcant provide a utility plan showing extension of the watermain under County Road 42 for staff review and approval. ADOPTED this 20th day of June, 2006 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk William H. Droste, Mayor PROPERTY 10 NUMBER 34-01900 -010 -06 FEE OWNER COMMON NAME PAYABLE 2006 TAXES NET TAX SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL TAX 8 SA PAYABLE 2007 ASMNT USAGE EXEMPT SITE MAP 2006 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES (PAYABLE 2007) METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMM LAND LOT SIZE METRO WASTE CONTROL BUILDING 230 5TH ST E TOTAL 1 542778 TOTAL 60 FT SAINT PAUL MN 55101 1672 35 42 TOTAL ACRES SCHOOL DISTRICT 199 42,531 ROAD R/W SO FT LOCATION SW1/4 SE1 /4 SECTION 19- 115 -18 PAYABLE 2007 HOMESTEAD STATUS NON HOMESTEAD WATERSHED DISTRICT VERMILLION RIVER LAST QUALIFIED SALE DATE AMOUNT 2006 BUILDING INFORMATION (PAYABLE 2007) NO DATA AVAILABLE ZONING ROSEMOUNT Zone P Publo/quasi -public VOTE Dimensions rounded to nearest foot 3opynght 2006 Dakota County Ta drawing is neither a }egad), recorded map nor a survey and is not Intended to be used as one "Ns de8bmg is a comptlahon of records, information and data located in various city, county, and .late offices and other sources, affecting the area shown and 8 to be used for reference purposes mly Dakota County IS not responsible for any Oa0curacles herein contained If discrepancies are cued please contact Dakota County Survey and Land Information Department PLAT NAME SECTION 19 TWN 115 RANGE 18 TAX DESCRIPTION SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 EX E 35 FT 8 EX N 125 FT 035810 1911518 PROPERTY ID NUMBER 34- 02810-011 -50 FEE OWNER PAYABLE 2006 TAXES NET TAX 000 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 000 TOTAL TAX SA 000 PAYABLE 2007 ASMNT USAGE EXEMPT NOTE Dimensions rounded to nearest foot REGENTS OF U OF MN 335 MORRILL HALL 100 CHURCH ST SE MINNEAPOLIS MN 55455 -0110 Copyright 2006 Dakota County Th,s drawing is neither a legally raco,ded map nor a survey end Is not mlenbed 10 be used as one This dlaiwng Is a compilation of records, information and data located in various city, county end state offices and other sources, affecting the area shown, and Is to be used tor reference purposes only Dakota County is not responsible for any mace/moms herein contained If discrepancies are found, please contact Dakota County Survey and Land Information Department SITE MAP 2006 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES (PAYABLE 2007) LAND 1,781,900 LOT SIZE BUILDING TOTAL 1,781,900 11,204,890 TOTAL SO FT 257 23 TOTAL ACRES 501,485 ROAD RNJ SO FT SCHOOL DISTRICT 196 LOCATION NW1 /4 5E1/4 SECTION 28- 115 -19 PAYABLE 2007 HOMESTEAD STATUS NON HOMESTEAD WATERSHED DISTRICT VERMILLION RIVER LAST QUALIFIED SALE DATE AMOUNT 2006 BUILDING INFORMATION (PAYABLE 2007) NO DATA AVAILABLE ZONING ROSEMOUNT Zone AG AgrlwNural PLAT NAME SECTION 25 TWN 115 RANGE 19 TAX DESCRIPTION GOPHER ORDINANCE S HALF OF SEC 25 EX UNIVERSITY ADO 2611519 Draft Excerpt of Minutes from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of May 23, 2006 5.d. 06 -31 -CUP Lift Station L74 (Met Council) Conditional Use Permit and 06-32 CUP Lift Station L75 (Met Council) Conditional Use Permit. Community Development Director Lindquist summarized the staff report Metropohtan Council Environmental Services requested approval of conditional use permits to allow construction of two lift stations which are integral to the construction of the interceptor protect now underway One of the lift stations m located on the Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant (L74) site and the other is located along County Road 42, west of DCTC, on property owned by UMORE (L75). Chairperson Messner invited the applicant to come forward. Jim Roth of the Met Council addressed the Commission. The Met Council is constructing an outfall treatment pipe in association with this project. Lift Stations are required to accommodate the flow L74 is designed to serve the eastern third of Rosemount. L75 will receive flow from L74 and will serve the central part of Rosemount Mr Roth described the building design and materials for the L75 building L75 is designed for a residential area and meets the requests of the personnel at UMORE Mr. Roth also described the building design and matenals for the L74 building. The structure is designed architecturally to be more compatible with the industrial district. Chairperson Messner opened the Pubhc Heating. MOTION by Schultz to dose the Public Hearing Second by Schwartz. Ayes: All. Nays• None Motion approved. MOTION by Schwartz to recommend approval of a conditional use permit for L74 Lift Station subject to the following conditions. 1. The applicant set the fire hydrants consistent with City standards for review and approval by the Fire Marshall. 2. The applicant provide a sample of exterior material associated with the proposed building. Second by Schultz. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion approved. MOTION by Schultz to recommend approval of a conditional use pertmt for L75 Lift Station subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant set the fire hydrants consistent with City standards for review and approval by the Fire Marshall. 2. The applicant provide a sample of exterior material associated with the proposed building. 3. The applicant provide foundation plantings around the building and irrigate areas to be maintained as shown on the landscape plan for staff review and approval 4. Should development occur surrounding the site, the applicant will realign the dnveway so there is no direct access unto County Road 42. 5. The apphcant provide a utility plan showing extension of the watermain under County Road 42 for staff review and approvaL Second by Schwartz. Ayes: All. Nays: None. Motion approved. Ms Lindquist stated this item will proceed at the June 20, 2006 City Council meeting. 1 %I I 1 I I+ -.4- 0 0 rr I I Li ni IN y ease GM lam monuv eatucetua n.umn umecm�wu�mK.un TM wm. q 1 n e uw n mammy ti an n s.m w ma. rc I 43317 Eason a 1SCO4 1 %I I 1 I I+ -.4- 0 0 rr I I Li ni IN y ....o ac Il MI I T IN AISDIATON REVISIONS van ���1 0 TOP OF MASONRY RYdR 0 LM Cf 3IN 6pM(0 L74 WEST ELEVATION 1R' OVERFLOW WARM PRE MEIMM06D pE1q'L41ETWMSOM !MEL MN' MW LONER TIP 1.i PMFIN.YYNd VhAIEAU DCOI IS iuurcam NOTES caw-E1 e lies, enterrounann wnrranovne s. rf1 I S 0 TOP OF MASONRY RYdR 0 LM Cf 3IN 6pM(0 L74 WEST ELEVATION 1R' OVERFLOW WARM PRE MEIMM06D pE1q'L41ETWMSOM !MEL MN' MW LONER TIP 1.i PMFIN.YYNd VhAIEAU DCOI IS iuurcam NOTES °ARROW SOLP9IIR FINZWEIMASIltIG .SRX:k rfl 1 RE-MUM MO( ?Ma PIP FIBERGLASS DOCR,PLJ.k MNOVIVII131.1.GLASS tra MO/MU IMECI.I PANEL -ANCV ALUM UttAkiVill PPOTIOLUMNUMOVEJNEk131,COR SEE Vkl PORIIV OTIS I OP nes Hayed R teen Company NAS373171,111/01 g iw k s z a a ra nm a a a I 7 L74 SOUTH ELEVATION 3 L74 NORTH ELEVATION A1. 115 P P ROVED RECORD DRAMS Ilai0:MTILCICSDIPTRO ICElaG,Cfrir 11.12MIlk etlt10 cemacir P4P074 oeicnico.loo, TOP OP MA-SPIRY E. 1%47 70, OF MASONRY e I2.0 TOP Cf k‘SCNRY &MAI TOP OF ILOSCNRY PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Rastuoura ROSEMOUNT INTERCEPTOR UFT STATIONS 174 2. L75 L74 EXTERIOR ELEVADONS PANNF-SOTA TOP OF 5,S13 a. 144.,A A1.3 cp 120 Jv L75 NORTH ELEVATION L75 SOUTH ELEVATION IIIDM MEW SHINGLED rwtMMSm uswm MeuwuIZnanC A ROY/OM UMFAm MM[RMUNm wwww O.EFVun ma j SU I4Z3 Hnm MOB j aro OR na••..wn.tunent inn I I`�� M V ad ask I n nen PEY6iMa9 NEN910KK en Jv L75 NORTH ELEVATION L75 SOUTH ELEVATION IIIDM MEW SHINGLED rwtMMSm uswm MeuwuIZnanC A ROY/OM UMFAm MM[RMUNm wwww O.EFVun ma j SU I4Z3 Hnm MOB j ay. eammtrua maaaanOle f• rV Y• Nv.11:0w w .WYCMTICNI Or ietvard R Cress Canparry lerffA nr ,rdr o L75 EAST ELEVATION APPROVED RECORD DRAWING m•w.wovxm 620510 mama aeon O8 onom PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTU; ROSEMOUNT INTERCEPTOR LIFT STATIONS L74 &US L75 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS P OSEMOWI MINNESOTA A2 ,v EL cc f co co tu co a. ea co cc 1 01 en en 4 0 co 8 i co To a 2 CO Background Project Description Rosemount Interceptor Lift Stations Conditional Use Permit Application City of Rosemount T The Rosemount Interceptor is a combination of gravity sewer, forcemam sewer, and pumping stations. The attached map shows the route of the interceptor and locations of the Lift Stations. L74 is located at the Rosemount WWTP site at 4005 140 Street East. L74 will serve development in the eastern one -third of Rosemount. D Lift station L75 is on UMORE Park property located approximately 4000 feet west of Akron Avenue on County Road 42 opposite the intersection of Aubum Avenue and County Road 42. L75 will serve the central third of Rosemount and will also repump flow from L74 The western one -third of Rosemount will be served through a gravity connection to the new interceptor near the intersection of County Road 42 and Biscayne Avenue The length of the interceptor is 10 miles, approximately six of which are located in Rosemount. The description of the interceptor system is: In 2004 the Rosemount Facility plan was adopted by the Metropolitan Council with a recommendation to take the Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) out of service and construct an interceptor to transport and treat flow from Rosemount at the Empire WWTP. The timing of the project was such that the interceptor pipeline could be constructed concurrently along a common alignment with the Empire WWTP effluent outfall transporting treated wastewater from the plant to the Mississippi River near Pine Bend. The project is needed in order for Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) to meet its wastewater service needs to accommodate community growth in Rosemount. The Rosemount interceptor is a 10 mile pipeline extending from the existing Rosemount WWTP site located at 4005 140 Street East to the Empire WWTP located near 197 Street and Biscayne Avenue in Empire Township Because of the topography of the land between the two sites, two sewage pumping stations or lift stations are required to elevate or lft the sewage to elevations where the sewage can flow in gravity pipelines to its destination MCES has designated the two sewage pumping stations L74 and L75 in accordance with its convention for designating sewage pumping stations. This Conditional Use Permit Application is to meet the City's requirements for conditional uses of the sewage pumping station sites. From L74, sewage is pumped in dual 18 -inch pipes to a high point on County Road 42 near Blaine Avenue. The route of the forcemam is west along 140 Street to a location 1300 feet west of STH 52, thence south across open land to CSAH 42, thence west along the south side of CSAH 42 The length of the forcemam from L74 is approximately 9800 feet From the end of the L74 forcemam near Blaine Avenue the sewage flows by gravity in 36- inch and 42- inch pipes to the L75 site on the south side of County Road 42. A major trunk connection is to be located at Akron Avenue to connect with the existing MCES interceptor APR 2 6 ZOOS By and to serve the center part of Rosemount north of County Road 42. This trunk sewer is to be constructed as part of the Akron Avenue /County Road 73 improvements From L75, the sewage is pumped in dual 24 -inch pipes The route of the forcemain is west along CSAH 42 and has a length of 550 feet From the end of the L75 forcemain, the sewage flows in gravity interceptor to the Empire WWTP in 42 -inch and 48 -inch pipes that follows an alignment west on CSAH 42, thence south on Biscayne Avenue. Lift Station Features Both lift station are to be built -in -place structures designed to provide long -time service in the MCES system. The buildings are designed to accommodate additional and larger equipment to accommodate growth in Rosemount. For example, initially each lift station will have four (4) sewage pumps. The building is sized to accommodate up to six (6) sewage pumps as flows increase. Other lift station features are. Concrete, bnck and masonry construction. Standby diesel power generator to operate the station in event of a power failure. Ventilation odor control using activated carbon filters. Forcemain odor and corrosion control using liquid chemical addition. Site grading and landscaping to enhance site appearance. Construction Contracts and Schedule The lift station will be constructed in one construction contract. The interceptor pipeline is being constructed under three separate contracts, all of which are underway and are scheduled for completion in late 2007. The tentative schedule for the lift station construction contract is: Advertise For Bids Receive Bids Construction Ndtice to Proceed Substantial Completion Final Completion Activity Date June 2006 July 2006 October 2006 March 2008 June 2008