HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Administrative Plat, Greif Paper Packaging, 2750 145th St., Colliers Turley Martin Tucker, 06-38-ADM PLATAGENDA ITEM: Case 06 -38 -ADM PLAT —Administrative Plat Greif Paper Packaging 2750 145 St. Colliers Turley Martin Tucker AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I C.P Planner AGENDA NO. 6d ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, 06 -27 -06 PC Excerpt Minutes, Site Location Map, Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Park and Recreations Comments APPROVED BY: r RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve Attached Resolution. 4 ROSEMOUNT SUMMARY Applicant Property Owner(s): Location: Area m Acres: Number of Lots: Comp Guide Plan Desig: Current Zoning. Planning Commission Action CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: July 18, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Colliers Turley Martin Tucker Greif Paper Packaging Services 2750 145 Street West South of 145 Street West and East of Railroad 15.65 Acres 1 Existing Lot to be Subdivided into 2 Lots BP Business Park BP- Business Park Unanimously recommend approval on 6 -27 -06 The apphcant, Colhers Turley Martin Tucker, requests Admuustrative Plat approval for the Greif Brothers site located at 2750 145 Street West. Approval of this request will allow the subdivision of the existing 15.65 acres parcel into two separate parcels legally descnbed as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 Greif Addition. As proposed, Lot 1 would be a vacant 4.63 acre parcel for future development while Lot 2 would be approximately 10 49 acres in size and contain the existing Greif Brother manufacturing building. The site is currently zoned and guided BP Business Park. The apphcant has indicated that they hope to combine Lot 1 with the property directly to the south owned by Progress Land Company legally descnbed as Outlot 13, Rosewood Estates. While Lot 1 is zoned BP Busmess Park and Outlot B is zoned R -1, Low density Residential, the apphcant has indicated a desire to combine these two sites for either residential or public and institutional use To accomplish the protect development the City would need to grant a rezoning and approve a new site plan The updated standards for the BP district will be used to evaluate the future development proposal. Business Park Lot and Building Standards Category Lot 1 Lot 2 Required Proposed Status Required Proposed Status Lot Size 1 Acre 5 94 Acres Conforming 1 Acre 9 18 Acres Conforming Lot Width 120 ft 227 ft Conforming 120 ft 526 ft Conforming Green Space 25% N/A N/A 25% 30% Conforming Front Bldg Setback 40 ft N/A N/A 40 ft 121 ft Conforming Side Bldg Setback 10 ft. N/A N/A 10 ft 30/61 ft. Conforming Rear Bldg Setback 10 ft N/A N/A 10 ft 15 ft Conforming Front Parking Setback 30 ft N/A N/A 30 ft. 14 ft Conforming Side Parking Setback 10 ft N/A N/A 10 ft 15/12 ft Conforming Rear Parking Setback 10 ft N/A N/A 10 ft 58 ft Conforming PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission held a public hearing to review this application during their June 27, 2006 meeting After heanng from staff, the Commission had questions about the amount of green space on each lot Staff explained that properties in the BP District are required to provide twenty five (25) percent green space. Under the current proposal, the Greif Brothers site would only have approximately fifteen (15) percent green space. The applicant acknowledged this issue and pledged to work with staff to revise the plat to accommodate the green space standard After hearing no public comment, the Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve this Administrative Plat request, subject to conditions. The plat currently before the Council for action is revised to comply with the 25% green space requirement. BACKGROUND According to Section 12 -2 -6, Administrative Plats shall conform to all requirements of standard subdivision Property may be subdivided through an admuustranve platting procedure which combines the preliminary and final plat procedures in conformance with the following conditions: 1. The resultmg subdivision shall contain no more than three (3) parcels 2. The proposed subdivision shall be in areas where municipal streets and utilities are already in place and capable of serving the plat. 3. Future streets shall not be constructed and the proposed subdivision shall not interfere with proper development of neighboring adjacent properties 4. Resulting parcels shall conform to all zoning ordinance requirements. Staff finds that the proposed admunsttative plat conforms with the four standards outlined above. Land Use and Zoning The subject property is zoned and guided BP- Business Park. This property was recently rezoned from BP 1 to BP Business Park m conformance with the new BP Business Park zoning standards. Based on the information provided by the applicant, the lot and building performance standards for the two proposed lots are compared m the table below. As this table illustrates, both lots meet or exceed these performance standards 2 In addition to the setback requirements illustrated above, the new BP performance standards require buffer yards and increased setbacks for buildings abutting non commercial or non- mdustnal uses or districts. These buffer yards must contain landscaping and berming to provide a ninety (90) percent opacity screen to a height of at least six (6) feet and shall not contam any structures, parking, off street loading or storage. Should landscaping and beruvng be found ineffective by the City, it may approve screening walls and /or decorative fencing as an alternative. These screening walls shall be constructed of the same materials as the pnncipai buildmg and shall not extend more than thirty five (35) feet without a change in architecture to reduce its mass and appearance. The existing Greif Brothers building is larger than 100,000 square feet and abuts residential uses on its south and east sides (Rosewood Village Second Addition) If this were a new development the southern and eastern boundanes would be required to meet the new buffering and landscaping standards outhned above. While the site is currently zoned and guided BP Business Park, the apphcant has indicated a desire to rezone and reguide Lot 1 and combine it with the property to the south for either residential or pubhc and institutional use. Should the newly created Lot 1 be used for anything other than an industrial use, staff anticipates significant screening will occur on Lot 1 to be in comphance with the new buffering standards These buffering and screening requirements combined with the irregular and narrow design of Lot 1, and the 60 foot rear yard setback requirement for any residential use from the existing railroad may hmit the future use of this site, particularly in the northern portion of the property.. Streets Access While the Greif Brothers Addition as proposed will not require new streets, any future development of Lot 1 will require access to a public street Since the existing Greif Brothers site has three accesses to 145`" street staff recommends closing one of the three access points and allowing one new access on Lot 1, for no net gain Another option is for the two lots to share an access although staff expects, given the desired use of Lot 1 that a shared access would not be desirable. Staffs preference is that the westem access to Greif Brothers be eliminated although it is understood that the eastern and western provide the best access for the site Therefore the recommendation is that one be eliminated, with the decision up to the property owner. Meanwhile, staff will permit one access unto 145t Street for Lot 1 While it is typical to require a greater separation between the railroad and the drive, there is also an interest m providing appropriate geometries and distance between the new dnve and the Greif property Therefore staff is recommending the applicant site the driveway subject to final location approval by the City Engineer. Utilities The subject property is located with the City's Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) and sewer and water services are located m 145t Street The existing Greif Brothers facility is connected to these services. Any future development of Lot 1 will be required to connect to City sewer and water. Easements All existing drainage easements, drainage utility easement, or other type of pennanent easement across the existing parcel shall be shown on the plat and be recorded as they currently exist In addition, Lot 1 shall provide penmeter drainage and utility- easements These easements shall be illustrated on the final plat prior to release of the final plat for recording 3 Development Fees As with any subdivision, this apphcadon will be required to pay all applicable development fees, including but not limited to park dedication, GIS, sewer, water, and storm water fees. Given the uncertainty of the future use of Lot 1, staff recommends that all apphcable fees be paid pnor to development of either Lot 1, Block 1, Greif Addition or Outlot B of Rosewood Estates. This condition means that fees will be paid if the properties are combined based upon the total area of the site and the ultimate land use. Should the properties not be combined, as evidenced by the Rosewood Estates property being developed, then fees for Lot 1 should also be paid. Should the applicant agree to this condition, the City Attorney recommends placing restrictive covenants over both properties to insure all fees are paid prior to development. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the administrative plat request to subdivide the existing Greif Brothers 15.65 acres site located at 2750 145 Street West into two separate lots legally described as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 Greif Addition. This recommendation is based on the information provided by the applicant as well as the findings made in this report and is subject to the conditions noted above. 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2006 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN ADMINISTRATIVE PLAT ALLOWING THE SUBDIVISION OF THE EXISTING 15.65 ACRE GREIF PROPERTY INTO TWO SEPARATE PARCELS LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS LOTS 1 AND 2, GREIF ADDITION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an apphcanon from Colliers Turley Martin Tucker Greif Paper Packaging Services requesting Admuustrattve Plat approval for the Greif site at 2750 149h Street West, legally described as: All that part of Lot 65 of Auditor's Subdivision No 1, Rosemount, according to the plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for said County and State, (the same being all that part of the Southeast Quartr (SE 1/4) of Section 29, Township 115, Range 19, lying east of the railroad right of way;) which lies north of the north line of that certain easement dated December 15, 1943 and recorded in Book 51 of miscellaneous records at page 552, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Dakota County, and west of a line parallel to and 920 feet west of the east hne of the Southeast Quarter (SE Y) of Section 29, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, hfinnesota. Subject to the rights of the public and public utilities easements m the roadway along the north side of the prenvses herein conveyed, containing 16 6 acres, more or less WHEREAS, on June 27, 2006, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing to review an Administrative Plat application allowing the subdivision of the existing 15.65 acre Grief property into two separate parcels legally described as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Greif Addinon, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission found the proposal m compliance with the standards for an administrative plat, the development standards of the BP Business Park District, and the goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, based on these findings, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Administrative Plat for Greif Addition, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on July 18, 2006, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed and agreed with the findings and recommendation made by the Planning Commission; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Administrative Plat for Greif Addition allowing the subdivision of the existing 15 65 acre Greif property into two separate parcels legally described as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Greif Addition, subject to: 1. Lot 1 is permitted one access to 145th Street with the location subject to City Engineer review and approval The applicant must eliminate one access one existing access on Lot 2 prior to issuance of a building permit on Lot 2. 2. The applicant dedicate perimeter drainage and utility easements over Lot 1 and show all dedicated easements on the Plat. 3. No development fees will be paid at this time. The apphcant agrees that all appropriate fees (including park dedication and engineering fees) shall be collected at the time of building permit issuance for any development on either Lot 1, Block 1 Greif Addition or Outlot B, Rosewood Estates. The fee rates shall be as set forth m the Schedule of Rates and Fees for the current year of budding permit issuance The apphcant shall submit restrictive covenants over both lots to insure payment of these fees. The covenants shall be submitted to the City in a form acceptable to the City Attorney prior to release of the final plat for recording. ADOPTED this 18th Day of July, 2006 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk William H. Droste, Mayor RESOLUTION 2006 Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent 2 EXCERPT FROM MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING JUNE 27, 2006 5.b. 06 -38 -LS Greif Paper Packaging Services Administrative Plat. Community Development Planner Lmdahl reviewed the staff report. The applicant, Colliers Turley Martin Tucker, requests Adtnuustranve Plat approval for the Greif Brothers site located at 2750 145t Street West. Approval of this request will allow the subdivision of the existing 15 65 acres parcel into two separate parcels legally described as Lots 1 and 2, Greif Addition. As proposed, Lot 1 would be a vacant 5 94 acre parcel for future development while Lot 2 would be approximately 9.18 acres in size and contain the existing Greif Brother manufacturing building The site is curiently zoned and guided BP Business Park Chairperson Messner asked Commissioners for any questions. Chairperson Messner requested clarification of Page 3, business park lot and building standards with respect to lot coverage requirement of 75% and proposed 15 Lmdahl explained the percentages and what is allowed. The green space requirement is 25% and that the current green space the Applicant is providing under the current plan submitted is 15% so there is a 10% adjustment that needs to be made and they are trying to accommodate that. Chairperson Messner invited the Apphcant to come forward. John Stambrook, Progress Land Company, 6001 Egan Drive, Suite 100, Savage, Minnesota 55378, developer of Rosemount Estates, Rosemount Village and Rosemount Village 2 which are adjacent to the proposed lot. They are the contract buyer for the lot and are working with Greif on the configuration to accommodate the 30% They make a recommendation to angle lot line to eliminate the 90 degrees which allows them to accommodate a road more efficiently to access the lot and there should be no net gam or loss on the green space. Chairperson Messner opened the Public Hearing. No public comment. MOTION by Messner to close the Public Hearing. Second by Palda Ayes: All Nays: None. Motion approved. Chairperson Messner asked if Commissioners had any questtons. There were none. MOTION by Messner to recommend that the City Council approve an administrative plat allowing the subdivision of the existing 15.65 acre Grief property into two separate parcels legally described as Lots 1 and 2, Greif Addition, subject to the following conditions 1 Redesign of the plat to conform with the requirements for Administrative Plat approval including, but not limited to, conformance to the parking and green space standards prior to action on this item by the City Council. 2. Elimination of the existing western access to Lot 2 and creation of a separate access for Lot 1 from 145` Street West. The access to Lot 1 shall be a minimum of 150 feet from the adjacent railroad. 3. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer including, but not limited to, dedication of all required right -of -way for 145 Street West and all existing dramage easements, drainage utility easement, or other type of permanent easement across the existing parcel shall be shown on the plat and be recorded to exist as they do today across the two new lots. 4. No development fees will be required with the creation of the new lot, however all appropriate fees shall be collected at the time of building permit issuance. The fee rates shall be as set forth in the Schedule of Rates and Fees for the current year of building permit issuance. 5. Creation of restrictive covenants over Lot 1, Block 1, Greif Brothers Addition and Outlot B of Rosewood Estates requiring payment of all development fees for both property if either property is developed separately. Second by Schwartz Ayes: All. Nays. None. Motion approved. Mr. Lmdahl stated the item is tentatively scheduled to go before the City Council on July 18, 2006. In the interim, Staff will be working with Applicant to resolve the access and green space issues. a 1 PROPERTY ID NUMBER 34-03700 -02665 FEE OWNER COMMON NAME PAYABLE 2006 TAXES NET TAX SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TOTAL TAX SA NOTE Dimensions rounded to nearest foot GREIF PAPER PACKAGING SERVICES GRIEF BROTHERS GREIF INC TAX DEPARTMENT 425 WINTER ROAD DELAWARE OH 43015 -8903 PROPERTY ADDRESS 2750 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 96,791 92 6,440 98 10E 232 90 PAYABLE 2007 ASMNT USAGE INDUSTRIAL- PREFERRED LAND BUILDING TOTAL SCHOOL DISTRICT TbS:W i m OM NM Lw I II K fr J rkr B L SIM 4 ILM 18):COMP la -MAIM O SIPN s re 11/ III wan »e P aal aa� l Copyright 2006, DaKota County Th s drawing is neither a legally re_o•cec nap nor a survey and rs not intanoed to be used as one This crawng is a conpilatmn of records nfornation and data locate:'n venous cay county anc stare off ces anc ogle- sauwces afectmg the area show- a oe usec to- reference purposes any Deeo'a Ccurt a not responsible for any macarac,es hes N. ei° contained It c screpances are founo please contact Dakota County Survey and Land inrormahon Deoarlmen" Man Date June 15 2006 Parcels Up sated 3613112006 Aerial Photography 2004 SITE MAP 2006 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES (PAYABLE 2007) a LOT SIZE (EXCLUDES ROAD EASEMENTS) 664,285 50 FT 196 15 25 ACRES LOCATION NW114 SE1 /4 SECTION 29- 115 -19 PAYABLE 2007 HOMESTEAD STATUS NON HOMESTEAD WATERSHED DISTRICT VERMILLION RIVER LAST QUALIFIED SALE DATE AMOUNT PLAT NAME AUDITORS SUBDIVISION NO 1 TAX DESORPTION PT LOT 65 LYING E OF RR RAW W OF LINE PARR TC 920 FT W OF E LINE N OF JNE PARR TO 77 8 FT S CFN LINE SE 11429- 115 -19 001650 65 2006 BUILDING INFORMATION (PAYABLE 2007) TYPE INDLMANFG YEAR BUILT 1962 ARCH/STYLE FOUNDATION SQ FTNOT APPL FINISHED SO FT 172581 BEDROOMS 0 BATHS 6 FRAME C- CONCRETE GARAGE SQ FT 0 OTHER GARAGE MISC BLDG J m D4 -07eur0ro dal am. 7 4,4 4 w'1 Mx ma Srp6Nltl SLZf1 OIVO renawnp0 4 4 0SZ atP41 tMW L+1. iNd FtUIWII IAA 'Iuno mope! NOU1001/ A13210 »1 :/w 2 "'o z 0 5 nn a -ni of 3.tt.SZOON 9619% __i_ E st F61� i� 9� dOS =y a 0144,444 7 J 4 ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Jason Lindahl, Planner Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Andy Brotzler, City Engineer Morgan Dawley, Project Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: June 20, 2006 Subject: Greif Bros. Administrative Plat After reviewing the admuustrative plat for the Greif Bros. property, the Parks and Recreation Department has the following comments: The parks dedication requirement for this property is 10% of the total area based on the property being zoned Business Park. The park dedication fees m lieu of land are based on the Fees and Fee Pohcy set annually by the City Council. Based on a lot that is 6.07 acres in size, the parks dedication requitement for cash m -heu of land would be $51,595 (607acres x $85,000* per acre). Because the final use of this property has yet to be determined, staff would ask that the owner consider delaying the payment of the parks dedication by placing restrictive covenants on the property so they pay the park dedication fee when the site develops. The rate of $85,000 per acre is being proposed by the Parks and Recreation Commission to the City Council as an addition to the 2006 Fees and Fee Policy. Please call me at 651- 322 -6012 if you have any questions about this memo. G 12006WIammng Cases\06-3 8-ADM PLAT Greif Paper Packaging Services (2750 145th St W Adnunistranve PIatWark Comments for Graf Brothers Admrn PIa12 doc