HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the July 12, 2006 City Council Work Session ProceedingsPursuant to due call and notice thereof, a City Council Work Session was duly held on Wednesday, July 12, 2006, at 6:35 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Sterner, Baxter, DeBettigmes, and Shoe Corrigan attending Staff members present were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator Weitzel, Finance Director May, City Engineer Brotzler, Patks and Recreation Director Schultz, Administration Intern Hudyma, Communications Director Cox, and Recording Secretary Hanson Staff members Fmance Director May and Parks and Recreation Director Schultz arrived at later times. Also present was Attorney Bob Vose of Kennedy and Graven. UPDATES DISCUSSION ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JULY 12, 2006 WATER SHORTAGE. City Engineer Brotzler discussed the possible water shortage, the current levels of water m the towers and a plan for future water bans Mayor Droste questioned working with Apple Valley and if other cities enforce watering bans. A discussion was held regarding the pubhc view if Rosemount is the only city with a water ban Council Member DeBettigmes asked why Rosemount is different than other cities Mr Brotzler offered possible reasons. Mayor Droste suggested the City tighten the policies and restrictions for watering. Mr. Verbrugge pointed out that the current Ordinance does not include an emergency water ban Discussion took place on procedures if there is an emergency. The City Council directed staff to post a message on the website asking citizens to voluntarily lnmt watering. 2.A. Settlement Agreement with Charter Communications. Assistant City Adnumsttator Weitzel summarized the Franchise Fee Review Audit conducted in 2005. Apple Valley, Farmington and Rosemount are currently considering a settlement agreement and mutual release with Charter Coinmumcations. Lakeville recently concluded negotiations with Charter and the settlement agreement is structured on the negotiations. Attorney Vose discussed the settlement agreement Council Member DeBettignies inquired about the late fees. Discussion took place on the next step. Mayor Droste asked if everybody agreed with the settlement. Attorney Vose stated the settlement agreement is in good order, unsure of how the settlement number was arrived at. Further discussion took place on why the settlement number is only $1,250. Discussion took place on whether or not to even pursue a settlement or leave the issue open for now. Council agreed to wait and pursue this matter at a later time. 6b 2.B. Renaming County Road 38. City Administrator Verbrugge suinmanzed the issue. The McMenomy" name was discussed and then eliminated. Discussion took place on whether or not the streets should have a number and a name and /or more than one name. Bonaire Path was considered Mayor Droste mentioned that historical significance in a name is difficult to single out; it should maybe be based on an accomplishment or donation in the area. Council Member Sterner suggested "Keegan" based on surrounding characteristics of the road, and "McMenomy" could possibly be used in future areas which would be more appropriate. Mr Verbrugge stated that Bonaire Path should be used to avoid conflict in choose one name over another It was agreed that Bonaire Path should be used for now and an historical name could be researched at a later date. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated that a consensus on "Keegan" was reached but now it's turned down, this issue should never have come to the table again after "McMenomy" was first discussed at a previous meeting and then "McMenomy" was not agreed to. Amendment to the 2006 Fee and Fees Policy Parks Dedication. This item was pulled from the agenda of the City Council meeting on Tuesday, July 11, 2006. Mayor Droste discussed the decline in the housing market and the rise in commercial building. Parks and Recreation Director Schultz discussed park dedication and the methods and expenses of other cites, mostly compared with Apple Valley. City Administrator Verbrugge discussed the importance of keeping up with the current fair market value. Mr. Schultz stated that Farmington bases their fees on appraisals. Further discussion took place on how fees should be determined and what prices of land should be raised to depending on what type of land it is. There was a general consensus to place the number at $85,000 $90,000 or about a 12 -15% increase. The Council agreed to charge $85,000 per acre for residential parks dedication. Mr. Schultz also mentioned that John McMenomy has offered McMenomy Woods for sale. 2.C. 2007 Budget. City Administrator Verbrugge summarized the issue of compiling the prehminary budget for all City operations in 2007. Finance Director May discussed enterprise funds, sources and uses and taxes. Mr. Verbrugge discussed the decline in revenues and the levy subsidies for the ice arena. Discussion took place on the history of the ice arena and its current status. Mr. Verbrugge further discussed levies. Discussion took place on personal services and positive expectations. Assistant City Administrator Weitzel discussed health insurance plans and the experience ratings Mr. Verbrugge discussed the future timeline, issues to discuss at future meetings and when a preliminary and final levy should be presented. Additional discussion took place on current City debt numbers and how that affects the residents. Council Member Shoe Corrigan inquired about the equipment costs, special program costs, and pubhc works. Mr. Verbrugge and Mr. May summarized what those categories consisted of CIP discussion is scheduled for October. Decision was made to move Departmental review up in the schedule (instead of October). Mayor Droste suggested challenging employees \council members to become more efficient Council Member DeBettignies inquired on the pohce budget and Mr. Verbrugge clarified how it is set up. Council Member Sterner asked about reserves and whether they'll go up or down Mr. Verbrugge and Mr. May confirmed that they will go down and gave a further explanation. Council Member Sterner stated that we should base our city comparisons on cities more comparable in population size and area and made additional comments on the pohce budget with respect to how many officers are assigned per resident and whether or not that could be addressed. Mr. Verbrugge further detailed the proposed police budget and what it consists of. Council members should review calendars if there are any conflicts with future budget meetings. ADDITIONAL UPDATES. Next City Council meeting is on July 18 Park dedication should be put back on the City Council agenda The Softball team has a presentation, also presenting EDAM award, and announcing National Night Out. Council Member Baxter addressed issue of the efficiency of member using laptops for meeting information. How could the process become more efficient? Discussion took place of putting packets onhne or on a server Mayor Droste addressed the issue of what to do with the packets legally. What is pubhc record and the risk of not having paper packets? Boy Scouts were mentioned for the parade and that candy and pens have been ordered. Discussion took place regarding the Comprehensive Guide Plan 2008 deadline and the procedures Mayor Droste adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recordmg Secretary