HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the April 18,2006 City Council Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION APRIL 18, 2006 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a City Council Special Work Session was held on Wednesday, April 18, 2006, at 8:34 p.m. m the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Sterner, DeBettignies, Baxter and Shoe Corrigan attending. Staff members present were City Admunstrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, Cormnumty Development Director Lindquist and Communications Coordinator Cox. Guests m the audience included John Domke and Rick O'Gara. DISCUSSION 2.a. SKB Expansion Report. Community Development Director Lindquist overviewed SKB's intent for expansion of its current facilities. Ms Lindquist explained issues to be investigated for the expansion including the potential impact on tax base, impact on economic development potential of the surrounding area, comparison to other communities with facilities in size and location; the municipal waste comparison to the existing conditions; other development opportunities in the proposed facility expansion location; and consistency m meeting goals and policies of the Comprehensive Plan and City Council. Rick O'Gara described land owned by SKB and the opportumty they have for an option to purchase land owned by Pine Bend Development Company east and contiguous to their land. The cells would allow continued construction and demolition waste, Industrial waste and possibly fly -ash all of which they are currently permitted to accept. Great River Energy owns land to the south and may be Interested in burning municipal solid waste (MSW) for energy if they do develop the site The site would have to be rezoned to a solid waste district and would require significant testmg by regulatory agencies. SKB would like an mdication from City Council if they are willing to consider rezoning of property to permit the expansion. SKB is considering an option on the property for five years. Council Member Baxter asked if it wouldn't be built until the current site is filled. Mr. O'Gara responded by saying yes unless there is MSW in which case they may proceed earlier. Council Member Shoe Corrigan questioned the end use plan Mr. O'Gara stated nothing could be done which needed foundation footings but the site could be a golf course for example. Council Member Shoe Corrigan questioned if the new site would come on line in approximately 10 years unless it was used for MSW? Mr. O'Gara stated yes and then probably another 10 years to fill it. Council Member DeBettigmes asked about the adjacent home. SKB is going to try to acquire the home although the current occupant has a kennel and prefers to keep it functioning. Council Member Shoe Corrigan was concerned about the odors. Mr. O'Gara said MSW at Pme Bend In Inver Grove Heights and Burnsville generally do not have odor issues. They are required to cover MSW daily with a 6 -inch dirt cover or synthetic cover. Council Member Baxter was impressed when he visited current operations and stated he needed to know more about municipal solid waste before giving an opinion. Council 6a ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION APRIL 18, 2006 Member DeBettigrues questioned the existing life of the operation and Mt. O'Gara stated it would probably be 10 more years. Council Member Sterner was concerned about what can go into MSW versus C D which is fairly clear. Mr. Domke stated they have an excellent management track record Theis approach is to design one -step beyond what is required by state law. Mr. O'Gara asked the Council to consider their plan. Council Members DeBettigmes and Sterner stated their interest in talking to other communities. City Administrator Verbrugge gave timeline suggestions. Recycling options were also discussed. Mayor Droste thanked SKB for their presentation and noted Staff would contact them for clanty on the issues. 2.b. Special Connection Charge In -Lieu of Assessments (132 Court and CR 38 Property Owners). City Engineer Brotzler recapped the issue that was discussed the past summer when the plan was to come forward with a connection charge policy but the Rohr situation has moved the need up to demonstrate no uncertainty for the Rohrs as the City acquires easements. Council Member Shoe Corrigan asked if the special connection charge was specific to this district or would it be applied to other areas. Mr Brotzler noted that the special connection charge would be a specific district only. Mr. Brotzler talked further about the North Central Sanitary Sewer area. Council Member DeBettigmes said the charge should apply to the whole area. Council Member Baxter thought the CR 38 project drove the issue. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated this charge would save the City money and time and other areas are different because there is not a developer to pay for the improvements. Council Member Sterner questioned if the City could go back to one stub for the Rohrs. Mr. Brotzler clarified that the Rohrs would only pay for one stub at the tune of connection and the City would carry the cost of the second stub in the event the parcel is subdivided in the future and new connection fees would be paid at that tune. Council Member Shoe Corngan directed staff to go forward with the special connection charge Mr. Brotzler stated he would work with Charlie LeFevere to bring the item back on May 2n 2.c. Joint Powers Agreement. City Administrator Verbrugge stated the City and County must enter into a Joint Powers Agreement for the maintenance and operations of the Rosemount branch Dakota County Library. A copy of the Joint Powers Agreement was part of the staff report for Council review and consideration. Mr. Verbrugge outlined the terms of the Agreement and noted that several items were either renegotiated or clarified. Mr. Verbrugge noted the demolition obligations related to the rectory and parish center buildings. The intent is to maintain control for the leased space for whatever the County wants to do Council Member Sterner suggested the possibility of moving the buildings versus the buildings being demohshed. Mr. Verbrugge stated the large cost of moving buildings. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL WORK SESSION APRIL 18, 2006 Council Member Baxter would like the City to have an approval of the end use of the building. Mr. Verbrugge stated the different access options, cost sharing of access construction, parking lot maintenance, snow plowing and monument placing. UPDATES a. Intern /Community Outreach Program City Administrator Verbrugge noted a Rosemount resident is participating in the public admuustranon program at Winona State University Mr. Verbrugge would like to offer an internship to the individual to job shadow the City Administrator and work on vanous projects m the City. Council Member Baxter considered the intemship a great idea. Mayor Droste stated it would be a good time for the intern to gather feedback on the athletic complex. b. Council Member Updates Council Member Sterner questioned the handling of emails. He proposed that the City Administrator and Communications Coordinator receive copies of all emails that the Council receives m order to provide feedback to the residents. Council Member Sterner requested an update on luting Mr. Verbrugge provided updates on the City Clerk and Senior Planner positions and the recent hiring of the part-time Utility Billing Clerk, Code Comphance Speciahst, Public Works Maintenance Work and the GIS Tech. Council Member Sterner also suggested keeping spending m Rosemount. Council Member Sterner noted a spaghetti supper fundraiser would be held for Heidi Ness who has ALS on April 29 Council Member Sterner suggested a railroad theme for the new library. Council Member Shoe Corngan wanted at the next work session agenda to talk more about 120 Street and beyond concerning rural residential and open space. Council Member Baxter would like the access issue on the CDA parcel to be discussed at a work session Mayor Droste stated he spent the day at the Capitol and met with Senator Gerlach who will be amending the air cargo bill for the transportation study. Mayor Droste also added that Burnsville has a three million dollar request for its Water Treatment Plant m bonding bill. Mayor Droste adjourned the meeting. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk