HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the June 14, 2006 City Council Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 14, 2006 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a City Council Work Session was held on Wednesday, June 14, 2006, at 6:33 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145t Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Sterner, Baxter and Shoe Corrigan and DeBettigrues attending. Staff members present were City Admuustrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, Community Development Director Lindquist, Assistant City Administrator Weitzel, Communications Coordinator Cox, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Administration Intern Hudvma and City Clerk Domeier. City Administrator Verbrugge pulled Item 2 d from the agenda and moved the discussion to the July 12, 2006 work session to allow the pubhc an additional chance to provide input on the renammg of County Road 38. DISCUSSION 2.a. 42152 Interchange Project Update City Engineer Brotzler provided a recap and status report on the 42/52 interchange project. Mr Brotzler focused on the current activities The City, Dakota County and MnDOT have identified what the anticipated tight -of -way needs are for the project. State statute allows the City to map where future right -of -way areas will be located to ensure the City has opportunities to acquire the right -of -way without additional costs. Should the City Council adopt an official map; it would be recorded with Dakota County then against the property owners so the City and the project would have protection if improvements were made without City approval. Property owners would not receive compensation if permits were not pulled for projects If a property owner apphes for a building permit or a developer has a concept, the official map would define where the future property lines would be located. Most property owners know about the map and the amount of land to be acquircd for the project There is a Right -of -Way Acquisition Loan Fund Program ("RALF") admuustered through the Met Council Once the official map has been adopted, the City can tap into the RALF funds to acquire the right -of -way and MnDOT would repay the loan. Mr Brotzler added that staff will continue to work on the map with Dakota County and MnDOT. Council Member DeBetttgnies questioned the additional right -of -ways near the railroad spurs and if any conversation have taken place with the railroad regarding abandoning the area Mr. Brotzler responded that the conversation will take place in the future. Further clarification on the map regardmg survey notations and calling out the dimensions will be needed to put the official map together. When the map is ready for final review, the City would facilitate a pubhc review and the County and MnDOT staff would conduct the meeting The next step is to bring the map to Council for adoption and forward it to the County for recording Council Member Sterner had map questions relating to the monuments. Mr. Brotzler stated the monuments are for the survey. Council Member Sterner was concerned with how many structures would be moved due to the remaking of the intersection. Mr. Brotzler estimated six buildings. Community Development Director Lindquist stated a hardship must be found by the program administrator in order to use RALF funds. 6b ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 14, 2006 Mr. Brotzler outhned the final design. Dakota County is currently developing an RFP to begin the final design work on the interchange project with federal funds that have been received by Dakota County in the amount of $250,000. A local match of 20% would take place and given the City's unique storm water plan and design, WSB and the City would do the work the storm water work, estimated to be $40,000 and the County will cover the full amount of the 20 local match for the federal funding. Council Member Sterner quesuoned what the interchange does for the City. Mr. Brotzler responded that the interchange is just one component of the project and explained the cloverleaf design. An Ordinance must be adopted to allow the City to have an official map. The next step would be to hold a pubhc hearing where all property owners would be given notice to provide public comment 2.b. 2007 -2011 Dakota County C.I.P. Letter City Engineer Brotzler outlined the City of Rosemount's comments and requests for projects as part of Dakota County's 2007 -2011 Capital Improvement Program. Mr. Brotzler stated that Dakota County contacted staff about the CSAH 42 and Chippendale system. Based upon the traffic counts Dakota County wants to mstall left turn arrows with half of the cost would coming back to the City. Through further conversation with the county it was noted the City would like to see changes at Shannon Parkway and Diamond Path. The problem at Shannon Parkway is the age of the signal system which would require installation of new mast arms. In addition, there are geometric issues at Shannon Parkway that would need to be fixed to eliminate the off -set in the street centerhnes. Council Member DeBettigtues noted the ruts are rippmg the road apart. Council Member Shoe Corngan requested a traffic engineer's opinion for the traffic signals at Shannon Parkway. The Council requested the addition of the Shannon Parkway /CSAH 42 Intersection to the C.I P. letter. 2.c. Railroad Crossing Horn Update City Engineer Brotzler stated the manufacturer of the wayside train horns has been contacted and WSB sent a memo to the City outhmng the train horns in a greater detail. Mt. Brotzler stated the pros and cons m usmg the wayside train horns. There would still be the component of having to work with the rail hne to ensure they do not use their horns The cost to install horns would be approximately $75,000 per crossing Mr. Verbrugge stated the crossing at CSAH 42 already meets the standards for the genet zone. The next step would be going through the formal apphcation process. Mr. Verbrugge added if the City is going to try mtroducmg more residential as part of the downtown redevelopment at 145 Street, consideration should be taken to do a quiet zone m relation to future development and downtown redevelopment. Mr. Brotzler added any crossing with a 1 mile section would have to be a quiet zone as well which would include Bacardi Avenue. Council Member Baxter questioned how railroad management would feel about the quiet zone. Mr. Verbrugge stated the City would need to work with the railroads to make sure the ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 14, 2006 rail users are compliant. Council Member Baxter questioned how many complaints the City has received regarding the crossings at Biscayne or 145 Street. Mr. Brotzler stated comments have been taken from about a dozen individuals in a four year time period UPDATES 3.a. Health Management Program Update Assistant City Administrator Weitzel stated the Insurance and Benefits Committee appreciates the Council support of the program The Biggest Loser Weight Loss Competition incorporates the four core values adopted by the City. Ms. Weitzel noted 50 out of 80 employees formed twelve teams parucipatmg m the program. The top individual loser had a 9.86% weight loss accomplished by biking and working closely with a nutntiomst, the top team lost 5 05 and the total employee weight loss m May was 354.5 pounds. Ms. Weitzel outhned the critena for participating m the random drawing m June. Council and staff discussion ensued regarding the use of three confiscated IPods as random prizes for the end of competition. Mayor Droste stated his concern with the having an item such as an IPod for a prize and the public perception The tracking of the fund transfer was important to the Council. Mr. Verbrugge stated he will check to see if money received from auctioned items goes into the general fund. Mr. Verbrugge added that Ms. Weitzel and the Committee have done a great job in coordinating the competition and employees participating enjoy the program. Ms. Weitzel stated at the Council meeting on June 20t a resoluuon will go forth including the language to use objects donated, confiscated or abandoned personal property as prizes for the competition. Council Member Baxter stated it was a creative and wonderful use of the IPods. 3.b. Tax Forfeited Property Community Development Director Lindquist informed Council that the City was notified that the State of Minnesota acquired a parcel of land at the intersection of Cardinal St W. and Cicerone Path through tax forfeiture Ms Lindquist outlined the practice m making it available to the City and the process of auctioning the property off. Since there is no public use for the property, staff will make a request to auction the property off to the adjacent property owner. 3.c. Annexation Community Development Director Lindquist showed the Council a map of property located primarily in Eagan where 120 is on the south end. A developer wants to do a development off of the unconnected Dodd Road. Staff informed the developer that the City would require upgrading of 120 Street to an urban section up to Hwy 3 if the subdivision was approved with urban lots Staff had also questioned whether the Count would record a subdivision plat that contained lots in two different local jurisdictions. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 14, 2006 Ms. Lindquist questioned if the Council would consider potentially allowing Eagan to annex that land and 120` or half of 120th. If the road would be upgraded, Rosemount property owners to the south would benefit. Ms. Lindquist confirmed that Eagan would have to upgrade the road and questioned if there was any interest by the Council to allow for the annexation as part of a larger agreement. Council Member Sterner stated he would be opposed to the annexation because it is open space area. He preferred the area stay green area and undeveloped. Mayor Droste stated having a paved road would be a good thing. Discussion ensued regarding the City limit markers. Mr. Verbrugge stated parcels 17 -23, as depicted on the proposed layout, are parnally within the Rosemount corporate boundary. Mr. Verbrugge questioned if the Council would like staff to respond that the City will consider annexation if tied to other issues Mayor Droste stated it depended on where the City boundary line is located Ms. Lindquist stated there could be a clean line for urbanization and moving forward if annexation was considered. Council Member Shoe Corrigan would like something really good from Eagan if they annex lots 17 -23 Council Member Baxter preferred not to build with part of it in Rosemount. If Eagan and Rosemount could come to terms on a variety of issues that are mutually beneficial, he would support Eagan annexing the property. Council Member DeBettigmes would like to see what kmd of agreement could be reached. Ms Lindquist reminded Council that this proposal was brought forward by a developer and not the City of Eagan. Ms Lindquist summarized all comments by stating that the Council would potentially allow the annexation with an upgraded road and an agreement with Eagan that addresses additional issues such as drainage, sewer service, and road access that are of interest to both communities. 3.d. Bloomfield Park Shelter Parks and Recreation Director Schultz gave an update on the Bloomfield Park Shelter project. The Parks Commission finished working on the building design It had been suggested to build without the sun canopy for cost reasons. Based upon cost estimates, the current building cost would be close to $350,000. Currently, the fund balance in the park improvement fund is close to $1.7 million dollars. The Canopy option will be included as an alternate for the bid package. The Parks Commission is looking for council direction on moving forward with another warming house /shelter building Mayor Droste was concerned with the utilization of the shelter and the investments involved. He would rather spend the money on the athletic complex. Mayor Droste was curious about Jaycee Park rentals. Mr. Schultz responded that evening rentals are fairly slow and weekend rentals happen more often; however, the shelter is used most days with the Parks and Recreation seasonal programs. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated she would like to see it built with the fireplace and the canopy. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 14, 2006 Discussion ensued regarding the cost of the facility. Mayor Droste did not want a canopy or to incur that additional cost. Council Member Sterner questioned if there was completive bidding Mr Schultz responded that it would be pubhcly bid. A nonce would be placed in the construction bulletin. Council Member DeBettignics was concerned with the overall design of the shelter. He questioned the building having vaulted ceilings instead of a standard roof Mr. Schultz stated the gable roof could be an alternate choice and would talk about it further during the final design process. Council Member Shoe Corrigan questioned the policy of building the shelters when the usage rates are minimal Mr. Schultz stated the usage depends upon the group and the type of gathering Council Member Shoe-Cotngan asked why the City doesn't consider using the building as a teen center or a semor citizen Mr. Schultz responded the shelters are not designed or built for those types of uses. Council Member Shoe Corngan stated she would rather use the money towatds an athletic complex She suggested reducing rental fees to see if would up the usage Mayor Droste stated there are demands for other amenities and would the amount of money spent on the park shelter be the best mvestment. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan suggested forming a partnership with RAHA to do the second sheet of ice and provide some money towards a shelter The Council directed Mr. Schultz to have conversations with RAHA to see if they are interested in going forward together. Council Member Baxter summarized by stating he does not find a problem m the proposed structure costs. Mr Schultz added there will be ways to lower the costs. A June 26 joint meeting was scheduled with the Parks Commission to discuss the park shelter Council Member Shoe-Corrigan directed Mr. Schultz to take the comments to the Parks Commission for discussion at the June 26` meeting CALENDARS Mr Verbrugge questioned if Council preferred to meet on July 5 or 11` due to the 4 of July holiday. The Council agreed to meet July 11 The August 1" meeting was switched to August 2" due to National Night out festivities. Council Member DeBettigmes stated Officer Rosa did a stupendous job with the D.A.R.E. Program and congratulated Officer Rosa on his first successful year Council Member Baxter followed up by stating he was very Impressed with the relationslup Officer Rosa had with the students. Council Member Shoe- Comgan stated the landscaping at Rudy's Redeye Grill and the fountain at Rosemount Crossing looked great. Mayor Droste noted Torch Run will be held on June 21" at 9:00 a.m. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION JUNE 14, 2006 Mr. Verbrugge congratulated Ms. Lindquist, Mr. Cox and Ms. Weitzel who won the EDAM marketing award. Communication Coordinator Cox stated he hoped to have the state winning softball team at the first meeting in July Council Member Shoe Corrigan suggested bringing m the state track star as well. Mayor Droste adjourned the meeting at 9:01 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk