HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the August 9, 2006 City Council Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 9, 2006 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Wednesday, August 9, 2006, at 6:34 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Sterner, Baxter, DeBettigmes, Shoe Corrigan and Sterner attending. Staff members present were City Admuustrator 'erbrugge, Assistant City Admuustrator Weitzel, City Engineer Brotzler, Cominumty Development Director Lindquist, Communications Coordinator Cox, Admuustration Intern Hudyma and City Clerk Domeier Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Police Chief Kalstabakken, Operations Superintendent Cook, Finance Director May and Fire Chief Aker entered the meeting at a later tune. DISCUSSION 2.A. Industrial Districts Zoning Text Amendment for the GI- General Industrial and HI -Heavy Industrial District Coininumty Development Director Lindquist brought the item forward to the City Council to ensure the members were comfortable with the amendment as it moves through the Planning Commission and Council review process. Ms. Lindquist noted several business owners have submitted comments during the planning process related to the text amendment. The creation of the Heavy Industrial district was intended to be a fall-back for properties that would no longer fit under the General Industrial zoning standards. She noted the primary issues to consider with the Heavy Industrial distnct is uses permitted include buildings or equipment and equipment also becomes a principal use on the site. Ms. Lindquist stated the second part of the public hearing on the text amendment will be held on August 22, 2006 Ms. Lindquist outlined the five main issues: inclusion of three businesses in the heavy industrial district; setback standards; height standards; map changes; and definition of a recycling operation. Ms. Lindquist also explained the process in bringing the rezoning and comprehenswe plan amendments that would require Met Council approval. Mayor Droste expressed concern with the height of the stacks and the possibility of having different requirements on the east side of Highway 52 for properties along the bluff area, near the Mississippi River. Ms. Lindquist stated the much of the area along the bluff is zoned general industrial and the height restriction is 75 feet. Council Member Sterner questioned the setbacks for outdoor storage and how the setback may hmit current business owners Ms. Lindquist stated the intent of staff and Planning Commission was to limit the outdoor storage because under the current ordinance there were very loose standards Discussion ensued regarding accessory structure setbacks and required screening. Council Member DeBettignies ieviewed the standards asking for clarification. Ms Lindquist stated the primary object is to screen the outside storage from the pubhc right -of -way. 6a. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 9, 2006 Council Member Sterner stated his concerns with the text amendment and the affect on current businesses. Ms. Lindquist recognized that there will be components of businesses that will be nonconforming, however, currently there are nonconforming businesses under the current standards. The intent of the ordmance amendments is to upgrade standards so that future development will be different than the some of the existing Ms. Lindquist stated the item is tentatively scheduled to go to the City Council on September 26 The City Council suggested bringing the item back at the September work session to address Council Member Sterner's concerns and staff would also provide information on the amount of undeveloped land m the general industrial distract. City Council was directed to bring any additional issues to Ms. Lindquist pnor to the August 22, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. Scott Doman, Plant Manager, CF Industries, Inc., 5300 Pme Bend Trail, Rosemount, stated CF Industries may possibly build a warehouse but with the split in zoning districts on their property feels growth may be limited. 2.B. St. Joseph Church Task Force Process Community Development Director Lindquist stated in order to fully utilize the citizen's task force; staff is requesting additional direction for the reuse of the property at the St. Joseph campus. Ms. Lindquist stated the variety of issues as outlined in the staff report. Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz stated the goal is not only to develop an end use but to consider plans for short term, mid -term and a long range plans. A decision should be made for the uses of the current facilities at the St. Joseph campus. The consensus of the City Council was for the church to stay and most likely remain in public ownership. Discussion ensued regarding the uses and having a gateway project that would include a fountain Council Member Shoe Corrigan suggested a possible mixed use for the site and looking into the housing at Cameo to incorporate it into a larger site. Discussion continued regarding the designation of the church as a histonc building. City Admuustrator Verbrugge stated the City would need to apply for historic status Ms. Lindquist noted there may be additional requirements after a budding is designated historic. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated several options for the building and the types of businesses that could operate out of the church. Mayor Droste stated the City should consider meeting the amenities needs of the City by offering a teen center, senior center or art center. The City Council continued to discuss the uses of the site and the potential uses of surrounding property including the blue house property to the north and the properties east of Caine() Avenue. The City Council questioned if retail uses or residential uses would work in the area. Council Member Shoe Corrigan suggested having representatives from the neighborhoods on the task force. Ms. Lindquist stated the composition of the task force is envisioned to include homeowners in the area, chamber or historical society representatives, City commissioners as well as a citizens chosen formal application process. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 9, 2006 Mr. Verbrugge stated the item will before City Council again at the September work session. 2.C. 2007 Budget City Administrator Verbrugge distributed an updated levy work sheet. Mr. Verbrugge stated the City received word from the County that the 2007 Fiscal Disparities distribution is up from 2006's $100,000 City Administrator Verbrugge summarized the staff report by outlining the proposed changes. Council Budget: Assistant City Adminustrator Weitzel stated the new initiatives include the increase to bimonthly newsletters. Communications Coordinator Cox stated the two types of newsletters distributed by the City. He added the cost factors include design, printing and postage. Mr Verbrugge noted the change to the Council budget also include the increase of community survey and decrease in community forum. He stated commumtc survey increase is in conjunction with the possibility of surveying residents for the athletic complex. Administration: Ms. Weitzel noted several new initiatives were incorporated including the bulk system, cable casting, and posting video of pubhc meetings on the website. Communications Coordinator Cox noted the bulk email would be provided by an outside firm and includes distribution of meeting agendas and pubhc updates. Mr. Cox noted the trend of streaming video of pubhc meetings on the website. He encouraged council members to view neighboring city's websites. A new initiative also included the increase m the amount of pubhc meetings shown on TV. Mr. Cox noted the staffing issues for the cable coordinator. Ms. Weitzel added the need to hire an administrative assistant in the Administration Department to assist with human resource duties and providing secretarial assistance to the City Administrator and Assistant City Administrator. She noted the decreases in the Administration budget including employee trarnmg, HIPP initiatives, labor consultants, and communications special programs. Ms. Weitzel added the elections budget includes sufficient money should a referendum question be present m 2007. Council Member Shoe Corrigan questioned if video streaming of public meetings would be cost effective. Mr. Cox stated the City would need to promote meetings available on line. Mr. Verbrugge suggested placing the item on a watchdog status depending upon the decisions of the cable cornnussion m moving forward. Community Development: Community Development Director Lindquist summarized the 2007 budget for the Community Development Department. Ms. Lindquist noted a revenue enhancement is the potential rental inspection program. She also noted the Code Compliance Specialist would take over the weeds inspection program and planning staff would be working on the 2008 Comprehensive Plan update. Ms. Lindquist provided a bnef overview of the revenue forecasting and the difficulty in projecting revenues due to the decrease in residential permits. Ms. Lindquist also stated the department goals for 2007. Council Member Sterner questioned the rental inspection program Ms Lindquist stated the Code Comphance Speciahst and Building Inspectors would work together enforcing the ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 9, 2006 program. Ms Lindquist added the program would address the types of complamts renters have about then landlords. Finance Department: Finance Director May provided the budget summary for the Finance Deparnment. Mr. May provided a brief overview of the insurance budget. He added that the general government budget includes changes to the auditing line item. Fire Department: Fire Chief Aker stated the new fire station will be operating in a couple of months. Mr. Aker stated the fire personnel will be split between the fire stations. He further added that by brmgmg more training sessions to the fire station the amount spent on sending personnel out for training has decreased. Parks and Recreation: Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz highlighted the Parks and Recreation budget He reviewed the increased cost in online registration and noted the cost could be cut dramatically due to the methods of storing data and the software required. The City Council suggested the Parks Department partner with RAHA to with online registration systems Mr. Schultz stated the Parks Department drives the timelme of the City newsletters. He suggested sending the newsletter only three times a year to incur a cost savings. Police Department: Police Chief Kalstabakken provided a 2007 Budget proposal overview for the Police Department Mr. Kalstabakken talked about the transition to an 800 MHz radio system and the Dakota Commumcanons Center. Council Member Sterner inquired about the replacement of fire arms schedule. Mr. Kalstabakken stated fire arms are replaced every 10 -15 years. Public Works: City Engineer Brotzler and Operations Superintendent Cook presented the 2007 Public Works Operation Budget Mr Brotzler highlighted the increases m the budget for government buildings, fleet maintenance, street maintenance and parks maintenance. He updated the City Council on the Dakota County Shop located on Biscayne Avenue and the implications should the City not be able to continue to use the facility. Mayor Droste questioned the storage issues. Mr. Brotzler stated where current equipment is stored and the alternative of storing equipment outside or possibly at the Genz Ryan site. Council Member Shoe Corrigan questioned what type of staff addinon is desired. Mr. Brotzler stated a years worth of tracking is needed to justify a sufficient staffing solution. Mayor Droste questioned efficiency with rising gas prices. Mr. Brotzler evaluated ways to save money department wide. UPDATES 3.A. Draft Transportation Plan City Engineer Brotzler stated the Transportation Plan has been updated per Council Member Sterner's comments and will be brought before the City Council on August 15Th. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION AUGUST 9, 2006 Mayor Droste was concerned with the transit plan component. Council Member Sterner stated he would contact Will Brannnig regarding the transit plan and funding options The City Council requested a memorandum outlining the changes to the Transportation Plan as well as the scope of the transit plan prepared by WSB Associates 3.B. Bloomfield Park Shelter Building Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz stated the Parks Comnussion discussed the shelter at its last meeting The Commission discussed the different options at Bloomfield Park. Mr. Schultz provided pictures of a park shelter m Hastings that the Commission showed interest in building. The City Council decided the focus of the money should be towards an athletic complex versus a park shelter. The City Council supported building a picmc /open sided shelter to serve the various fields and summer activities in Bloomfield Park 3.C. Donald Wachter Pohce Chief Kalstabakken stated Donald Wachter has requested to hunt geese on his property. Mr Wachter's 106 areas are zoned Business Park where hunting is not a permitted use. The City Council directed Mr Kalstabakken to consult with City Attorney LeFevere to gather further information for amending the current ordinance or developing a restrictive permit process. 3.D. Additional Updates City Admuustrator Verbrugge stated that the City Council will be calling for a public hearing at the August 15 City Council meeting regarding the conduit financing for Flint Hills Resources which will appear on the September 19 He added the MGM Ribbon Cutting is scheduled for August 16 at 3:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:58 p.m. Upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk