HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the August 15, 2006 City Council ProceedingsCALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and nonce thereof, a City Council Regular Meeting was duly held on Wednesday, August 15, 2006, at 7.30 p.m. m the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Sterner, Baxter, and DeBettignies, attending Council Member Shoe Corrigan was absent Also present was City Attorney LeFevere Staff members present were City Administrator Verbrugge, Community Development Director Lindquist, City Engineer Brotzler, and Recording Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by the Eagle Scouts ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA 1. Consent Agenda- 6 h. Termination of Tower Lease Agreement Verizon Wireless. 2. Consent Agenda- 6.1. Authorize Payment to Fire Station Contractors. Motion by DeBettigmes. Second by Sterner. Motion was made to approve the additions to the agenda. Ayes: 4. Nays: 0. Absent: Shoe Corngan Motion carried. City Administrator Verbrugge requested to pull the Transportation Plan from agenda. The item shall be rescheduled for a later date when all Council Members can be present. PUBLIC COMMENT None. RESPONSE TO PUBLIC COMMENT None. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 15, 2006 DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS /BUSINESS a. Commendation for state track championship An award was presented to Andrew O'Donnell for has state championship in track competition. b. Commendation for attainment of Eagle Scout rank Awards were presented by Mayor Droste while a background of each scout was read by Council Member DeBetngmes Scouts present were Daniel Morgan Trust, Richard Logan Trust, Darnel Benjamin Hauck, Thomas Lee Powers, and Adam Lindsey. A group photo of the scouts and Council Members was taken Scouts not able to make it but were commended were Nicholas Dean Feiock and Tyson James Heckle. 6b. CONSENT AGENDA a Minutes of the August 2, 2006 Regular City Council Proceedings b. Bills Listing c. Appointment of Election Judges for 2006 Primary and General Elections (Resolution 2006 -92) d. Expenditure Approval Fire Donation Fund e. Expenditure Approval from the Donation Account Parks Recreation Dept. f. Progressive Rail Agreement to Reconstruct Crossing and Signals /Authorize Payment Old County Road 381132 Court West, CP #387 g. Set Public Hearing for Flint Hills Resources Pine Bend Project Series 2006 Private Activity Tax Exempt Financing (Resolution 2006 -93) Motion by Baxter. Second by Sterner. Motion was made to approve the Consent Agenda items a -g. Ayes: 4 DeBettignies, Droste, Sterner, Baxter, Nays: 0. Absent: Shoe Corrigan Motion carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 05 -40 -PUD Endres Properties 2 Addition Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, and PUD Concept Plan Community Development Director Lindquist presented the matter. At the July 18, 2006 meeting, the City Council had approved the drainage and utility easement vacation needed to execute this final plat. Also on tonight's Agenda, the City Council will be acting on the Adventure Zone Interim Use Permit for Lot 1 and Lot 3 of Block 1 Endres Properties 2" Addition. Leon Endres has applied for PUD Concept Plan, Preliminary Plat, and Final Plat approval to subdivide the Endres property located at 13420 Courthouse Blvd. Ultimately, three lots will be created, one for the existing Endres facility and two new lots for industrial use along State Highway 55 Endres Rosemount Holdings LLC owns approximately 50 acres of land for the Endres processing plant along the east side of State Highway 55 across from the.SKB landfill. Much of the site beyond the 10 acres occupied by the Endres facility is undeveloped. However, "The Adventure Zone a commercial outdoor recreational use for pamtball games is also established on the site If approved, the Interim Use Permit "IUP for the Adventure Zone will have to be amended with the new legal description for the parcel it will occupy. The site is in the General Industrial zoning district, located between Highway 55 and the Mississippi River. The property is also part of the Mississippi River Cnncal Corridor Area MRCCA which is an overlay district intended to protect and preserve steep slopes or bluffs and protect views from the aver and control erosion among other things The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources "DNR has had the opportunity to provide comments regarding the proposed preliminary plat and its potential impact on the regulated bluff areas In addition, the Minnesota Department of Transportation "MnDOT also reviewed the preliminary plat because it has direct access onto State Highway 55. PUD Concept Plan approval has been requested to illustrate how the proposed lots can be developed in hght of the MRCCA standards. The concept provides a development scenario for discussion and comment. Since the owner will not be the developer for the parcels it is unclear what the final site plans will look like However, it is useful for the city to determine if the Preliminary Plat is practical or realistic The apphcant could not commit to a detailed Master Development Plan approval at this tune, until future owners and businesses for the new lots are identified. Prior to development of the two new sites, Master Development Plan approval is required It is expected that the final master plan will need to be comparable m size and scope to the concept due to the individual site constraints. These constraints limit the options for site development. It is expected that the two new parcels, if approved, should not require additional variances from the ordinance standards than that reflected under the current submittal The DNR's role is to ensure that the MRCCA standards are enforced relative to the regulated bluff areas. With the exception of the protected bluffs and bluff setbacks, the traditional General Industrial standards apply Council Member Sterner asked about tree preservation and Ms. Lindquist stated that these are just concepts and staff will look at tree preservation closer m the final development plan. Council Member Baxter commented that he is grateful for the work that staff and Planning Commission has done due to the fact that this is all preliminary Mayor Droste asked if there are any sewer systems and water on the site or close to the site. City Engineer Brotzler explained where the closest sewer system and water is located. Ms. Lindquist confirmed that this is in the General Industrial zone and staff is currently modifying those requirements Mayor Droste stated that all septic systems and dram fields would need to be approved before any building site could be fmahzed. Mayor Droste asked the City Attorney if monies from the TIF district could be used to improve any of the outlots. Attorney LeFevere indicated staff would have to look at the TIF district plan more closely. Approving the motion does not impair the Council's abihty to spend money on other parts of the distract if allowed by the appointed plan. Mayor Droste stated the question on the TIF district needs to be answered so funds are utilized within the remaining time period. Council Member DeBettignies questioned why Adventure Zone is mentioned in the Resolution. Ms. Lindquist explained how the motion affects Adventure Zone. Motion by Baxter. Second by DeBetugmes. Motion to adopt an ordinance rezoning the property to POD GI, General Industrial Planned Unit Development (Ordinance B -171). Ayes: 4 Droste, Sterner, Baxter, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Absent: Shoe Corrigan. Motion carried. Motion by Baxter. Second by DeBettignies Motion to adopt a resolution approvmg the Prehmmary Plat and Final Plat for Endres Properties 2n Addition subject to conditions (Resolution 2006 -94). Ayes: 4 Sterner, Baxter, DeBettignies, Droste. Nays: 0. Absent: Shoe Corrigan. Motion carried. Motion by Baxter. Second by DeBettignies. Motion to adopt a resolution approving the PUD Concept Plan for Endres Rosemount Holdings LLC for the property located at 13420 Courthouse Blvd subject to conditions (Resolution 2006 -95). Ayes: 4 Baxter, DeBettignies, Droste, Sterner. Nays: 0. Absent: Shoe Corrigan. Motion carried. 06 -36 -IUP J C Nordberg, Inc. (DBA The Adventure Zone) Interim Use Permit Renewal of an Existing IUP for Commercial Outdoor Recreation. Community Development Director Lindquist presented the matter. The apphcant, J C Nordberg, Inc. (DBA. The Adventure Zone), requests renewal of their existing Interim use permit (IUP) to allow the continued operation of the Adventure Zone pamtball field The Adventure Zone is located on the western half of the Endres Processing site located at 13420 Courthouse Boulevard (Hwy. 55). The Adventure Zone has operated this pamtball game field m this same location under their existing IUP since 1994 The permit was last renewed m May of 2004 and allows this Commercial Outdoor Recreation use, subject to conditions, through 2007. The subject property is zoned and guided GI General Industrial. Pamtball fields are allowed through an interim use permit in the General Industrial District. The City is requiring renewal of this IUP at this time because the property owner (Endres Properties, LLC) wishes to subdivide their existing single parcel into three separate parcels for potential development The proposed subdivision would divide the Adventure Zone business over two separate properties The intent of this renewal is to modify the IUP to ensure it reflects the new legal descnpuons proposed by the plat. Staff and the Planning Commission are recommending approval of the proposed plat under a separate item on this agenda Should the City approve the renewal request, The Adventure Zone would continue to operate on Lots 1 and 3, Block 1 of Endres Properties 2n Addition through 2009 It should be noted that if the owner of Lot 1, Block 1 seeks development approvals for this property, the City may revoke the IUP requiring the Adventure Zone to cease operation. Council Member Baxter asked if there has ever been any complaints with this business, and it was confirmed that there hasn't been any. Motion by DeBettigmes. Second by Sterner. Motion to approve a resolution renewing the Interim Use Permit (IUP) for J C Nordberg, Inc to allow the continued operauon of the Adventure Zone, subject to conditions. Ayes: 4 DeBettignies, Droste, Sterner, Baxter, Nays: 0. Absent: Shoe Corrigan Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS City Administrator Verbrugge made an announcement that Dawn Weitzel, the Assistant City Administrator, is leaving and her last official day is Friday, August 18, 2006 She will be coming m for a few days over the next few months. Council Members all voiced then gratitude fox her services over the past three years Future City Council Schedule Jomt meeting Tuesday, August 22, 2006, with Planning Commission at 5:30p.m. Regular Planning Commission meeting after the joint meeting at 6:30p.m. City Council Work Session, August 23, 2006 at 6:30p.m Parks and Recreation meeting, August 28, 2006, at 7:OOp m. Port Authority and City Council regular meetings, September 5, 2006 at 6:OOp.m. and 7:30p.m. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:13p.m. Second by Sterner Ayes. 4. Nays 0 The meeting was adjourned Respectfully submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary