HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Minutes of the August 23, 2006 Special City Council Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL WORK SESSION AUGUST 23, 2006 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Wednesday, August 23, 2006, at 6:37 p.m. m the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145` Street West. Acting Mayor Shoe Corrigan called the meeting to order with Council Members Baxter and DeBettigmes. Mayor Droste and Council Member Sterner entered the meeting at a later time. Staff members present were City Administrator Verbrugge, City Engineer Brotzler, City Clerk Domeier, Community Development Director Lindquist, Police Chief Kalstabakken, Operations Superintendent Cook, Finance Director May and Fire Chief Aker. DISCUSSION A. 2007 Budget City Adminstrator Verbrugge stated the purpose of the Special Work Session was to continue the discussion of the preliminary budget for 2007. Mr Verbrugge reviewed the CIP work sheet. Community Development: Community Development Director Lindquist stated the intent to replace the welcome to Rosemount signs and small green signs throughout the City. Ms. Lindquist was directed to move forward with the replacement of signs. Finance Department: Finance Director May reviewed the status of the printers at City Hall He added that work station upgrades take place every two years replacing half of the equipment. Council Member DeBettignies questioned if the printers are networked Mr. May noted some printers are not on the network. Council Member DeBettigrues further questioned the use of computer towers at City Hall and the potential of cutting costs. Council Member Sterner requested staff to analyze the use and cost of copiers and printers. Police Department: Police Chief Kalstabakken discussed the upgrade of the radars, the replacement of handguns, emergency equipment and the installation into squad cars, the addition of a squad car and the DDC capital costs. Mr. Verbrugge noted the hand held radios would be financed through equipment certificates. Public Works: City Engineer Brotzler reviewed the street CIP for the CSAH 42 and Highway 52 interchange. Mr Brotzler also reviewed the pavement management program and further discussed the proposed reconstruction of County Road 73. Discussion regarding street reconstruction and the pavement management program ensued Mr. Brotzler noted the pavement management program is set up for seal coats, overlays, rehabilitation and reconstruction of existing streets. Debate regarding "quiet zones" and where to install the zones took place. Mr. Brotzler reviewed the costs for the Well House #15 and the painting of Connemara Trail tower. The Shannon Pond outlet was added m as a place holder but the actual year of construction is to be determined. 6c. General Government: Council Member DeBettignies questioned City software. Mr. Verbruggc sutntnanzed the need for software programs and a system to be used across the board. Ms Lindquist summarized the goals to increase efficiencies where systems could work together Mayor Droste stated his concerns with buying individual software packages. City Administrator Verbrugge distributed information on the market value growth and explained the calculations and percentages. Mr. Verbrugge also distributed market value comparisons of select Dakota County communities and discussed the differences of market value growth and tax rates. Mr. Verbrugge explained the progress made by Rosemount m reducing tax rate while experiencing market value growth is nearly identical to that of Apple Valley and much greater than Farmington; two communities that Rosemount is often compared when looking at growth and taxation issues. Mr Verbrugge stated that the City Council's approach to tax management pohcy is more consistent with a mature and nearly developed community than it is to a community expenencmg rapid growth. Mr. Verbrugge talked about the different scenarios for the tax rate. Mayor Droste questioned the operating increases and the proposed tax rate. Discussion continued regarding surrounding communities' budgets, the proposed levy, fund balances and permit revenues. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated concerns regarding the tax rate and where the City tax rate will be a few years down the road. She stated she would hke the City tax rate to decrease one to two percent. Council Member DeBettignies questioned the surplus in personnel costs. Finance Director May explained the reasoning for the surplus by indicating and explaining the expenditures for 2005, 2006 and 2007. Council Member Baxter stated he would like the total levy reduced to a 10% increase versus the 13.542 increase proposed. Mayor Droste echoed Mr Baxter's comments and recommendations. Council Member Sterner noted the tax rate over the last few years and stated he is comfortable with a reduction to the tax rate. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan stated a 10% number might be harder to attain. Mayor Droste was concerned with the rates the residents are expected to pay. City Admmnstrator Verbrugge suggested a 3 to 4% range for the levy. Council Member Shoe- Corrigan stated 2% is respectable. Council Member Sterner suggested a 1% increase. A 2% reduction was the general consensus of the City Council. Mr. May stated his concerns with the State's levy limits and tax freezes that could occur next year. UPDATES Police Chief Kalstabakken stated a resident would like to recognize two young individuals who assisted a child in a bicycle accident Mr. Kalstabakken quesuoned the approach the Council would hke to take in recognizing the individuals. The City Council directed Mx. Kalstabakken to bring the individuals in for recognition. Mr. Kalstabakken provided an update on the Donald Wachter parcel. He stated that City Attorney LeFevere beheved there was not an easy way to approach the hunting ordinance and did not encourage the wnung of an ordinance to accommodate one or two people. City Administrator Verbrugge provided an update of the energy saving upgrades. City Engineer Brotzler provided a County Road 38 update. He stated a response letter was sent to the Rohrs. He further added that a letter was sent to all property owners affected by the special connection charge for the properties in that area out]nung the changes m the connection period and the special connection charges. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:44 p.m. Upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk