HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.d. St. Joseph Chruch Task Force4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session Date. September 13, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND At the City Council work session in August, there was discussion about the composition and process for the task force to discuss the final disposition of St Joseph's church. At that meeting the Council confirmed that they want a citizen's task force to review land use alternatives for the site on a short and long -term basis. Staff indicated we would come back with a recommendation on the task force composition, process, and duration. DISCUSSION Task Force Composition Staff is recommending that a 15- member group be assembled to discuss St. Joseph's church. The following is staff's recommendation for group representation, with at- large, neighborhood and business membership to be chosen by application: 1 City Council member 1 Planning commissioner 1 Park and Recreatton commissioner 1 Port Authority commissioner 1 Dakota County representative 1 School District representative 1 St Joseph's representative 2 Neighborhood representatives 4 At -large citizen representatives 2 Downtown business representatives Task Force Process It is expected that the application and appointment process would take until late this year. Rather than start up the group during the holidays, the Task Force would begin in January of 2007. Meetings would be monthly with the entire process taking approximately one year. AGENDA ITEM: St. Joseph Church Task Force AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director AGENDA NO. D. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Application APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide Staff Direction 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session Date. September 13, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND At the City Council work session in August, there was discussion about the composition and process for the task force to discuss the final disposition of St Joseph's church. At that meeting the Council confirmed that they want a citizen's task force to review land use alternatives for the site on a short and long -term basis. Staff indicated we would come back with a recommendation on the task force composition, process, and duration. DISCUSSION Task Force Composition Staff is recommending that a 15- member group be assembled to discuss St. Joseph's church. The following is staff's recommendation for group representation, with at- large, neighborhood and business membership to be chosen by application: 1 City Council member 1 Planning commissioner 1 Park and Recreatton commissioner 1 Port Authority commissioner 1 Dakota County representative 1 School District representative 1 St Joseph's representative 2 Neighborhood representatives 4 At -large citizen representatives 2 Downtown business representatives Task Force Process It is expected that the application and appointment process would take until late this year. Rather than start up the group during the holidays, the Task Force would begin in January of 2007. Meetings would be monthly with the entire process taking approximately one year. During the course of the meetings, there may be the need for professional assistance depending upon the subject matter discussed Staff would expect architectural and financial assistance from consultants. The architect would be used as a resource when discussing various land use options and potential impacts on the existing building. The City has already received a report from CNH Architects laying out the potential upgrades needed to the building to provide acceptable public accommodations. Under the State Building Code, new construction or renovations m the existmg building would be required to meet code requirements The building must also be brought up to code if there is a change in occupancy as defined by the building code. For the most part, the current occupancy of the building is assembly. Nevertheless, staff had obtained information relating to bringing the property up to code for handicapped accessibility and adding air conditioning to the site; two items that are typically expected m public buildings, whether required or not. Staff would also expect financial assistance from a consultant such as Mark Ruff from Ehlers and Associates as the task force begins to explore various programming ideas Because financial impacts are one of the areas the group should explore, a consultant will be used in determmmg capital and operating costs and possible funding sources. Two other items the group would rely on is information from the Facilities Task Force and from the Citizen's Survey to be conducted in early 2007. These two pieces of information will assist in assessing the level of pubhc interest, in particular public services associated with the St. Joseph reuse. Additionally, information compiled during the Facilities Task Force process will be used as part of the assessment criteria when determining final recommendations. Task Force Schedule To give the Council some idea of what staff would expect from the Task Force, we are providing the following outline of possible discussion topics. Meeting One Introductions, tour of church and school facility, review architect report on potential buildmg upgrades, review potential uses of buildings and ask for additional ideas. Meetings Two thru Seven Each meeting would be dedicated to one "use" topic Ideas would be Arts Center, Teen Center, Senior Center, Redevelopment For each topic an "expert" would be brought in who had a similar program, re, Lakeville and their Art Center, and how they went about it, what the program is, how it is managed and financed, etc. Meetings Eight thru Twelve Group discussion and pnoritization of various short, middle, and long -range uses for site. Explore modifications to building and site necessary for implementation Evaluate financial impacts and potential neighborhood impacts. Assess proposed uses based on agreed upon criteria matrix Assessment will weigh items previously discussed at the Council work session which can include: Use needs to be a generator of traffic /bringing Visitors to Downtown Impact on tax rate; either positive or negative Historic preservation within the Community Can the buildings /property achieve a variety of uses? What Community need is the reuse fulfilling? 2 Can the City provide a use that is financially self sustaining? If not, what type of subsidy is the City willing to take on? Does the site /buildings lend themselves to a particular use or conversely, do the buildings /site negate the ability to provide certain desired uses? CONCLUSION Staff has provided a recommendation as to the composition of the Task Force and the approximate time to conduct their work. While we have provided a general overview of the context of future meetings; we want to have enough flexibility built into the program to allow the task force to lead the process It appears that some outside consultant time will be necessary to arnve at a group recommendation although much of the work will be done m- house. If the Council has other considerations they would like to discuss prior to compilation of the Task Force staff would like direction at this time 3 Name: Home or work address. Phone: E -mail Address: FAX In order to have a better understanding of your background and interests, please provide the following information: (Attach extra sheets if necessary-.) How long have you lived or operated a business in Rosemount? years Do you have prior experience on City of Rosemount Commission yes If so, what Commission Please check the circle identifying which population you would like to represent. Provide a short paragraph summarizing why you are seeking an appointment to the St. Joseph's Facility Task Force. Briefly describe your background, experience and any other information not previously given that you believe should be considered regarding the appointment you are seeking. Return to: 0 Downtown Business Telephone: 651- 322 -6000 FAX: 651 322 -6080 Application for St. Joseph's Facility Task Force Rosemount Parks and Recreation Attn: St. Joseph's Facility Task Force 13885 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 0 Neighborhood Resident 0 Resident at large no Date Received: (For Office Use Only)