HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Discussion of Transit Plan Work PlanAGENDA ITEM: Discussion of Transit Plan Work Plan AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director, Andy Brotzler, City Engineer AGENDA NO. A. ATTACHMENTS: Letter from WSB dated August 16, 2006 APPROVED BY RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide Staff Direction 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session Meeting: September 13, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND As part of the Council discussion on the Draft Transportation Plan the issue of transit has arisen. Staff has indicated that transit goals and objectives would be a component of the 2008 Comprehensive Plan update. However, if the Council desires a more detailed analysis of transit options and expectations, it is recommended that a study be carried out, similar to the Transportation Plan, to be referenced m the Comprehensive Plan. DISCUSSION An email was sent out on August 16, 2006 with the scope also included m your packet. The email is also attached for your information Staff did not receive any comments m response to the email Staff is looking for direction from the Council as to the level of investigation that would be appropriate regarding Transit in the community. CONCLUSION Provide Staff Direction. WSB Associates, Inc August 16, 2006 Mr. Andy Brotzler, P.E. City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street Rosemount, MN 55066 Re: Transit Plan Proposal Dear Mr. Brotzler: Infrastructure Engineering Planning Construction r-kS e WSB Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit th proposal for the preparation of a citywide Transit Plan As you are aware, WSB Associates, Inc. (WSB) recently presented the Draft Transportation Plan to the City Council. Comments at the City Council meeting on the transit section of the plan indicated that a more detailed Transit Plan was required. The purpose of this letter is to outline a preliminary Scope of Services for development of the transit plan, which would then be incorporated into the City's overall Transportation Plan. The following Scope of Services outlines the tasks for preparation of the Transit Plan. 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 4300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541 -4800 Fax 763 541 -1700 Task 1:, Data Collection ,h4,, This task will include collecting available data from the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, and the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority. This data will include, but is not limited to. Existing`transit route maps Existing transit service time and headways Future planned transit improvements in the Rosemount or adjacent areas Transit ridership data It is assumed that no transit ridership counts would be conducted. Task 2: Existing Transit Service Analysis The existing transit service provided by MVTA will be documented and evaluated as part of this task. This will include evaluating the current service, ridership, and any "holes" in the existing service that may exist. G \200SCoy Cowul\LTR- Transit Plan -wsb proposal 913 doc Mr. Andy Brotzler, P.E. August 16, 2006 Page 2 of 2 Task 3: Transit Needs Analysis This task will include a series of public meetings and other public outreach to determine what transit needs are for the community. It is proposed that a public meeting be held to collect any information from local residents on transit needs and concerns. In addition, a transit survey of the local residents would be conducted. This data will help determine if additional transit service is needed, and where it may be required. Task 4: Public Agency Coordination The Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, as well as Metro Transit (Met Council), will be included in a series of project meetings to ensure that all aspects of the Transit Plan are consistent with their requirements. It is estimated that up to three meetings will be held with these agencies. Task 5: Transit Plan Preparation The final product of the system analysis and coordination will be the development of a Transit Plan. The Transit Plan will be prepared documenting the existing conditions and the future needs and recommendations for future improvements for the transit system This plan will be prepared and submitted to City staff for review. Following review by City staff, the plan will be forwarded to the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority and Metropolitan Transit (Met Council) for their comments. Following the receipt of comments, the final plan will be submitted to the City Council for review and approval. This plan will ultimately be incorporated into the City's Transportation Plan as an attachment. WSB is available immediately to begin work on the Transit'Tlar Following receipt of notice to proceed, it is estimated that a Draft Plan can be submitted to City staff within six months of notice to proceed. It is estimated that it could take an additional month to receive review comments from Met Council and MVTA. If you have any questions or require n$± ditional information on this proposal, please feel free to contact me at 763- 287 -7181' Sincerely, WSB Associates, Inc. Charles T. Rickart, P.E., P.T.O.E. Project Manager/Principal 1h/sm 0 CounaTeLTA- Transit Plan web proposal 9-13 doe From: Lindquist,Kim Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 12:54 PM To: Droste,William; Mark DeBettignies (debett@charter.net); Baxter,Mike; Phil Sterner (sternerbp©aol.com); getkimmer©aol.com Cc: Verbrugge,lamie; Brotzler,Andy Subject: transit plan Attached you will find a draft scope of services for preparation of a Transit Plan in response to the Council discussion last Wednesday at the workshop session. WSB put this together to begin discussion about the process and product relating to transit. As the Council is aware, planning staff will be commencing work on the 2008 Comprehensive Plan update this fall. Part of the plan will include review of land use and transportation issues. For the most part the land use plan will be based upon the 42/52 study work that occurred several years ago. The transportation section will be based upon the Transportation Plan completed by WSB. A transit component will be included in the Comprehensive Plan, although it may not address all of the Council interests. Therefore, we have internally discussed the idea of developing a transit plan and referencing the material in the Comprehensive Plan; allowing for greater detail in the Transit Plan without requiring the City to process an amendment should we want to make revisions to the Transit Plan in the future. This is similar to the Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plans already adopted by the Council. Regarding the scope of services, planning staff believes the land use component needs to be farther along to have the land use interface with the transit issues. By looking at both issues, I believe the City will be in a better position to address future needs From that perspective, we could initiate some of the transit plan work, but would need to wait for the land use discussions prior to completion. Additionally planning and engineering staff would prefer to have a discussion with the Council about your goals for the study and end product prior to commencement of the study. We have tentatively scheduled this discussion for September. In the meantime, Eric Zweber, the new Senior Planner, has begun to meet with the County and MVTA to discuss transit issues, particularly the Robert Street Corridor Study. Eric will also be our staff person to the Cedar Avenue Technical Advisory Committee to provide City representation. Kim Lindquist Community Development Director City of Rosemount 651 322 -2020