HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. County Road 42 and Akron Avenue AUAR, 06-16-CPAGENDA ITEM: 06 -16 -CP CSAH 42 and Akron Avenue AUAR AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, AICP; Senior Planner AGENDA NO. '.G1. ATTACHMENTS: Memo from Andrea Moffatt of WSB, Draft AUAR APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to release the CSAH 42 and Akron Avenue UAR for a 30-day public review and comment period. �t ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: September 19, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE On February 7, 2006, the City Council authorized the creation of an Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) to evaluate the infrastructure needs and environmental impacts caused by the development of approximately 1,500 acres north of County Road 42 and along both sides of Akron Avenue (the CSAH 42 and Akron Avenue AUAR). WSB staff and City staff have prepared a draft AUAR that is ready to release for pubhc comment. Releasing the draft AUAR for review does not approve the AUAR or any of the pohcies or mitigation measures contained within; it is only to proceed with the next part of the process, the pubhc comment period SUMMARY The release of the draft AUAR document will allow the general pubhc, as well as commenting agencies (neighboring communities, state agencies, Dakota County, etc an opportunity to review and comment on any errors, concerns, or conflicts with other plans and policies During the comment period, the City will be conducting an open house for both the general pubhc and the commenting agencies to provide an opportunity to asked questions of staff regarding the AUAR. After the comment period is over, staff will review and prepare written responses to the comments received, as well as revise the AUAR as needed. Following the staff revisions, the City Council will review the AU AR and authorize the release of the revised AUAR for a final 10 -day agency review. Aftei the agency review, the City Council can adopt the AUAR and begin to review and approve development projects within the AUAR area. The AUAR is scheduled to be ready for adoption in January, 2007. Andrea Moffatt, from WSB, will be givmg a presentation highhghtmg the AUAR at the City Council Meetmg. City Council authorizes Release of the Draft AUAR September 19, 2007 Pubhc Review and Comment Period October 9 through November 9, 2006 Commenting Agency Open House October 10, 2006 at 2.00 PM General Public Open House October 10, 2006 at 6.30 PM City Council Review of Revised AUAR December 2006 Agency 10 -day Review of Revised AUAR December 2006 January 2007 City Council Adoption of the Final AUAR January 2007 Important Dates in the AUAR process RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends a motion to release the CSAH 42 and Akron Avenue AUAR for a 30 -day public review and comment period 2 1 1 WSB Associates Inc Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Rosemount From: Andrea Moffatt, WSB Associates, Inc. Date: September 13, 2006 Re: Draft AUAR CSAH 42 /Akron Avenue WSB Project No. 1556 -65 Attached, please find a draft of the CSAH 42 /Akron Avenue Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) for review at the September 19, 2006 City Council meeting. Please note that there is an Executive Summary at the front end of the document that provides an abbreviated summary of the analysis and lists all of the mitigation measures. The purpose of the AUAR is to identify environmental impacts associated with development within the study area. These impacts have been evaluated for three different development scenarios in the area and compared to the existing conditions. The scenarios that were reviewed in the AUAR are as follows: Scenario 1— Comprehensive Plan In 2005/2006, the City completed an update of the Comprehensive Plan that provided new land use guidance for the study area as well as surrounding areas This land use in this scenario reflects the land use that is guided in the updated Comprehensive Plan. This scenario also reflects the anticipated development density that the City has experienced in the past. Scenario 2 Scenario 2 also represents the land use in the Comprehensive Plan with one difference in that the public /institutional use in Scenario 1 has been changed to commercial use in Scenario 2. Additionally, the density anal} zed in Scenario 2 takes into account the maximum density allowed by the Comprehensis -e Plan A Comprehensive Plan Amendment would be needed for the 10 acre public /institutional parcel if development were to follow this scenario Scenario 3 Scenario 3 alters the proposed land use by replacing the commercial uses in Scenario 2 with medium and high density residential uses. This "all residential" scenario also investigates the environmental impact of the maximum density allowed by the Comprehensive Plan. A Comprehensive Plan Amendment would be needed if development were to follow this scenario. C Documents and SemngstehAocd SemngslTemporory !menet FlesOLKILMEMO.091306-Mna (2) doc September 13, 2006 Page 2 of 2 Preparation of the AUAR included analyzing the following major environmental issues on the surrounding area: Traffic, air, and noise Storm water management Habitat and wetlands Wastewater Water use Erosion and sedimentation Parks /trails Historic /archeological resources Pollutants sources Other environmental issues identified through this process The AUAR also includes a mitigation plan for identified environmental impacts. The mitigation plan identifies specific measures that will need to be undertaken for development to occur in the area. This mitigation plan becomes the basis for which development can occur in the study area. It is important to note that these measures are simply identified in the AUAR and will need to be incorporated into the site design or completed prior to or currently with certain phases of development. The City Council is asked to review the AUAR and the impacts and mitigation measures outlined in the document. At the City Council meeting, the Council will be asked to authorize distribution of the AUAR to the required review agencies. Please note that authorizing distribution is neither an approval of the development nor an adoption of the AUAR. Once the Council authorizes distribution of the AUAR, it will be submitted to the required review agencies for a 30 -day comment period. Once comments are received, the AUAR will be revised based on those comments and responses will be drafted for all written comments. The City Council will again review the revised AUAR (likely in December) and authorize its submittal for a second 10 -day agency review. Once the second 10 -day review is complete, if no objections from the agencies are received, the City Council can adopt the AUAR. This is anticipated in January 2007. Once adopted, the AUAR will provide the basis for allowing development to occur in the study area. The AUAR will need to be updated in five years if all the development analyzed in the AUAR study area has not been developed. If you have any questions, prior to the meeting, please call me at 763 287 -7196. cc: Kim Lindquist, City of Rosemount Eric Zweber, City of Rosemount Andy Brotzler, City of Rosemount Dave Hutton, WSB Associates Chuck Rickart, WSB Associates Kevin Newman, WSB Associates C \Documents and Settings \ehz\Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK2\MEMO 091306 -hmee (2) doc E