HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Approve Agreement with Excel Energy for Utility Relocation - Old County Road 38, City Project #387AGENDA ITEM: Approve Agreement with Xcel Energy for Utility Relocation Old County Road 38, City Project #387 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P E City Engineer 1% AGENDA NO. 0.h. ATTACHMENTS: Relocation Agreement APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve an Agreement with Xcel Energ for the Utility Relocation to Accommodate Improvements on Old County Road 38 and Authorize the Necessary Signatures. 4 ROSEM0UNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting. September 19, 2006 ISSUE: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City staff requests Council authorization for the execution of an agreement with Xcel Energy for relocation of transmission power poles along the Old County Road 38 project corridor. BACKGROUND: Several Xcel Energy transmission line poles along the Old County Road 38 corridor need to be relocated to accommodate roadway widening. Engineering design, as well as construction of these relocations is performed in-house by Xcel Energy Because the current pole locations now exist within utility easements previously secured by Xcel, compensation to Xcel Energy by the City for both design services and construction related to the relocations are required. The agreement in question provides for Xcel's design, engineering, construction, admunstration, and other associated activities that must be performed m order to relocate their transmission poles and lines. A Relocation Agreement, attached here, has been drafted by Xcel Energy. This agreement has been reviewed by the Citv's attorney, and minor revisions requested by the City's attorney have been incorporated into the Relocanon Agreement as a result. These revisions have been reviewed by Xcel Energy representatives and are acceptable to Xcel Energy. Xcel Energy's estimated cost of the relocation is $600,254.00 for project construction and associated costs. Payment of 80% of this estimated cost, or $480,203.20, is required at the time this agreement is executed and must be made before relocation construction can begin. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council authorization for the execution of the attached Relocation Agreement with Xcel Energy and payment to begin relocation. G ENGPROJ 387 XcelEnergyAgreementCC9-19-06 doc WITNESSETH THAT: RELOCATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of 2006, between NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, a Minnesota corporation, dba, XCEL ENERGY (hereinafter referred to as XCEL ENERGY) and City of ROSEMOUNT (hereinafter referred to as City). WHEREAS, CITY has requested that XCEL ENERGY relocate a transmission line and appurtenances there "Facilities to accommodate the construction of a relocation project for City, and WHEREAS XCEL ENERGY's existing facilities are located on private property, XCEL ENERGY has requested reimbursement of the actual cost it incurs in relocating said Facilities and CITY agrees to so reimburse XCEL ENERGY; and WHEREAS, XCEL ENERGY has estimated the cost of this relocation to be $600,254. Attached hereto, marked Exhibit "A and made a part hereof, is a detailed and itemized estimate of the cost of the work to be performed by XCEL ENERGY in relocating said Facilities; Also attached hereto, marked Exhibit "B" and made a part hereof, are detailed plans indicating the facilities involved, their present and proposed location. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements set forth, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. XCEL ENERGY will relocate said Facilities in accordance with Exhibit "A Any changes in the relocation from that shown on Exhibit "A" will be coordinated with CITY. CITY w ill not require any XCEL ENERGY Facilities relocated pursuant to this agreement to be relocated at any future time, except at CITY expense. 2. CITY will pay the actual costs of such relocation. Such actual costs shall include the wages (including all fringe benefits) of all employees of XCEL ENERGY devoting time toward design, engineenng, construction. administration, or any other activity associated with said project, costs of any necessary nght of way, overhead costs associated with surveying, construction and other operations in the field (including but not limited to charges for mileage, equipment rental or cost, etc.); and matenal cost for all items associated with said construction CITY agrees that said costs include overhead charges based on matenal and labor costs associated with said project. At the conclusion of this project, XCEL ENERGY will prepare an invoice for all costs using its standard accounting practices and CITY agrees to pay same. ni oi merits ijc Settin \ma dwe l 00433\Local Settings \Temporary Internet i•"iles \�LKxC \�e oca �.on a greernen g City or Rosenount.doc reloagre.doc Page 1 of 2 3. Upon execution of this Relocation Agreement, CITY will pay $480,203.20 to XCEL ENERGY representing 80% of the estimated cost of relocating XCEL ENERGY's Facilities; ($600,254 X 80% S480,203.20) 4. Upon completion of the relocation project, XCEL ENERGY will furnish CITY two itemized statements of the actual cost of relocating said facilities CITY will pay XCEL ENERGY any excess of the actual costs over the 80% deposit received by XCEL ENERGY. Should the initial 80% exceed the cost, any overpayment will be refunded to CITY. 5. XCEL ENERGY will relocate its Facilities in coordination with CITY's construction, subject to allowances of extra time for stnkes or unforeseen delays in delivery of necessary materials, or other unforeseen contingencies, or because of XCEL ENERGY's need to transfer electncal energy without interruption. 6. CITY will indemnify and hold XCEL ENERGY harmless from and against all claims, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses (including attorney's fees) arising in connection with the relocation project, except such claims, Liabilities, costs and expenses (including attorney's fees) caused by the gross negligence of XCEL ENERGY. Nothing herein shall be deemed a waiver by CITY of the limitations on liability set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466; and CITY shall not be required to indemnify XCEL ENERGY in an amount in excess of the limitations set forth therein, less any amounts CITY is required to pay on behalf of itself, its officers, employees and agents for claims arising out of the same occurrence. After execution of this Relocation Agreement and the receipt of $480,203.20, XCEL ENERGY will proceed with the actual field construction as soon as possible and in a timely manner. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be duly executed as of this day of 2006. WITNESS: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WITNESS: NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY, dba, XCEL ENERGY i" les\ �LK�iC��te 'ior greemen e oserour.t.Gococal Settings \Temporary Internet reloagre coo Page 2 of 2 By Its By Douglas W Jaeger Xcel Energy Services Inc Authorized Agent for Northern States Power Company, a Minnesota corporation, d /b /a Xcel Energy Xcel Energy® Deposit for this estimate 8233 634 Requester Initial Date An "Appropriation Estimate" is provided by Xcel Energy at the specific request of a requesting entity (Requester) There is usually a cost associated with an Appropriation Estimate It is based on actual costs, including appropnate overheads, for the Xcel Energy resources and other telated expenses required to produce the estimate Prior to Xcel Energy preparing the Appropriation Estimate, Requester agrees to pay a deposit, and upon receipt of the estimate to pay Xcel Energy for the actual costs incurred in making the estimate, less the deposit. Requester Name. Address Appropriation Estimate Andy Brotzler Phone (651) 423 -4411 City of Rosemount FAX (651) 322 -2694 2875 145th Street West Rosemount,1\LN. 55068 -4997 Project Information Xcel Energy has rehed on the Scope shown below to produce the estimate. Consequential changes m the Project Scope (before- during or after actual construction) will necessitate a new Appropriations Estimate See attached design guide for a more detailed description. Transmission Line. 0703 Kegan Lake West to Open Line Location: Rosemount, MN County Rd. 38 between South Robert Trail and Akron Ave. Scope A section of 69 KV Transtmssion Line 0 703 between South Robert Trail and Akron Ave is impacted by the City of Rosemount's Hwy 38 toad widening Eleven 11 structures between Robert Trail South and the Kegan Lake Substation will need to be re laced d r-located due to the n w ro. d adin Xcel Ener• is distribution hne will be moved onto Line 0703 as under build. The under build will be considered betterment and not charge to the C i v of Rosemount See attached Design Guide for a detailed description. Project Assumptions Xcel Energy has relied on the Assumptions shown below to produce the estimate Consequential changes in the Project Assumptions (before, during or after actual construction) w711 necessitate a new Appropriations Estimate A new easement will be required for all structures East of South Robert Trail If the easement can not be acquired then steel poles will have to be utilized The use of steel poles will increase lead times and project cost The City of Rosemount will alert existing residents of Xcel Energy's necessary construction efforts. The construction lead time noted under construction milestones starts from the return of the Relocation Agreement and associated fee to Xcel Energy. -Page 1 of 3- If the city contractor starts grading before Xcel Energy has had a chance to relocate its existing structures the city will be responsible to maintain proper soil mounding around the structures. By signing below Requester agrees that this document sets forth the correct Project Information and Project Assumptions. Permitting Requirements Lead Time in Months Obtain New Easements Construction Requirements Xcel Energy has reviewed the construction requirements for this project, and estimates the following lead times are necessary to attain each milestone Construction Milestones Lead Time m Months Engineering Design /Material Req /Purch /Dehv Construction Total Lead Time 7-12 These are Xcel Energy's best estimates of lead time for the project However, there will be many factors that influence these lead time estimates, such as: permitting authorities and required siting approvals, inclement weather and other acts of god; equipment delivery; company and non company labor scheduling and availability, ability to schedule outages on the electric systems of Xcel Energy and other electric companies, emergencies occurring on the systems of Xcel Energy or other electric companies; and other factors not specifically identified here. Based on the estimated lead times, the estimated in- service date for this project would be twelve (12) months from the date Requester completes a Relocation Agreement or other construction contract, and makes appropriate payment as required by those documents. This Appropriation Estimate is Xcel Energy's best evaluation of the costs to complete the project as described above However, there will be many factors that influence actual costs, such as: construction requirements of permitting authorities to secure approvals, inclement weather and other acts of god, unexpected increases in material costs, unexpected increases or changes in labor charges; scheduling, availability, and /or mobilization, ability to schedule outages on the existing electric facilities of Xcel Energy or other electric companies, emergencies occurring on the electric systems of Xcel Energy or electric companies; and other factors not specifically identified herein. Xcel Energy will promptly notify Requester of any conditions of which it becomes aware that could. increase the Appropriation Estimate for the project by more than 2O increase the estimated tune from date of Relocation Agreement or other authorization -to- proceed to in- service date by more than 20% -Page 2 of 3- 4-6 1 -3 Total Cost from Detailed Estimate $325,200 Distribution Betterment $11,000 ($1,000 per structure) Appropnation Estimate of Costs $314,200 This estimate is vand 180 days from the date shown below. An Appropriation Estimate must be signed by both parties and dated. Each signature below is made contingent upon this document being signed by the other party Prepared By Colt Moedl HDR Engineering Inc. 6/29/06 Approved By: Approved By. Approved By Wiliam Pun Xcel Ener Transrmssfl ngineer /Sponsor Ant one Ja Xcel Energy Transmission Engineering Manager Andy Brotzler City of Rosemount -Page 3 of 3- Date Date XCEL Energy Substation/Transmission Minneapolis, MN Services July 21, 2006 PROJECT DESIGN GUIDE Location Line 0703 Rosemount, Minnesota Protect Title: Kegan Lake TR 830A Project Number: 10786292 I. Project Scope The City of Rosemount requires the relocation of Eleven (11) wood pole structures due to the upgrade of County Road 38 (SAP208- 105-01). They will be replaced with Eleven (11) wood pole structures Also the distribution line North of County Rd 38 will be placed on the new transmission line as under build Construction for this project is scheduled to occur between January 16, 2007 and January 29, 2007. II. Specific Design Features 1. Install six (6) 69kV (00 -00' to 00 -30') TC -0301 (N) horizontal post wood structures. This includes structures 1028 -1030 and 1032 -1034 2. Install one (1) 69kV (02 -30' to 10 °00') TC -0303 (P) horizontal post wood structure This is for structure 1027. 3. Install one (1) 69kV (10 -00' to 30 °00') TC -0304 (L) suspension wood structure This is for structure 1031. 4. Install one (1) 69kV special dead end wood structure. This will be structure 1026. This will be a non typical structure to prevent impacts to existing structure 1025 and allow for transition between 3 #6 Copper Conductor and 336.4 26/7 ACSR Conductor. 5. Install two (2) 69kV (60 -00' to 90 -00') TC -0306 (L) horizontal post dead end wood structures This is for structures 1035 and 1036. 6. Transfer approximately 3000 ft of 3/8" 7 Strand Steel shield wire 7. Install approximately 9000 ft of 336 4 kcmil 26/7 ACSR conductor 8. Remove eleven (11) 69kV wood pole structures -IOF2- XCEL Energy Substation/Transmission Minneapolis, MN Services July 21 2006 III. Outages 1. An outage on Line 0703 will be required for the duration of construction. The required outage for this project will be approximately two (2) weeks IV. Related Projects TR 830B Line 0742 East of Kegan Lake Substation SAP208- 105 -01 County Road 38 Upgrade Prepared by: HDR Engineering Inc. Reviewed and Approved HDR Engineering J.E. Anderson JEA 6/28/06 Project/Sponsor Engineer W.S Pim (,d f. 24- Const. Supervisor D.J Berklundc` f,._� 7- Z[ -0(o -2OF2- Approved Date PROJECT NO 10786292 IN- SERVICE DATE Proposed 2/5/07 LABOR ESCALATION 0.0% MATERIAL ESCALATION 0 0% LABOR ADJUSTMENT 7 0% ADMIN &GENERAL 45% INSTALLATION LAND LAND RIGHTS $15,000 EQUIPMENT MATERIAL P &W SUBTOTAL: CONSTRUCTION LABOR: $83,146 LABOR INDIRECTS $65,802 TRANSPORTATION $11,171 RENTAL COSTS $0 SUBTOTAL: ESTIMATE SUMMARY TOTAL INSTALLATION COST $270,638 Page 1 of 3 XCEL ENERGY MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT ESTIMATE LINE NAME NUMBER. Line 0703 Kegan Lake TR 830A PROJECT DESCRIPTION Relocation for County Rd 38 Upgrade near Rosemount MN ORIGINAL ESTIMATE. $325,200 DATE ISSUED 4/22/2006 REVISED ESTIMATE: xx DATE ISSUED TOTAL NET EXPENDITURE: $325,200 DESCRIPTION SEE DESIGN GUIDE THE LABOR FOR THIS ESTIMATE HAS BEEN BASED ON AVERAGE WEATHER CONDITIONS AND ON AN AVERAGE ANTICIPATED AMOUNT OF OVERTIME FOR CRITICAL OUTAGES AND CUTOVERS ALL COSTS ARE BASED ON CURRENT PRICES, WITH THE FOLLOWING FACTORS APPLIED AS APPROPRIATE. $44,004 INCLUDING SALES TAX $6,161 $50,165 $160,119 AFF $0 OHOURS E &S HDR $28,000 350 HOURS E &S MN. $7200 90 HOURS A &G 59,463 CORPORATE $691 SUBTOTAL: $45,354 1512 HOURS INCLUDING LIVING MISC EQUIP REMOVAL LABOR $20,900 LABOR INDIRECTS $16,540 E &S MN $0 TOTAL REMOVAL COSTS OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE LABOR $9,570 LABOR INDIRECTS $7,574 TOTAL 0 M COSTS $37,440 $17,144 TOTAL ESTIMATE: $325,222 DETAILED INSTALLATION ESTIMATE 380 HOURS INCLUDING LIVING MISC EQUIP 24 HOURS INCLUDING LIVING MISC EQUIP LAND AND LAND RIGHTS CODE QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION MATERIAL HOURS LABOR EASEMENT 1 LOT LAND COST OF EASEMENT $15,000 00 0 00 $0 00 $15,000 0 $0 STEEL TOWERS, POLES FIXTURES CODE QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION MATERIAL HOURS LABOR RENTAL $0 00 0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 0 $0 $0 WOOD POLES FIXTURES UNDERGROUND CONDUIT CODE QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION MATERIAL HOURS LABOR RENTAL CONTIN7 1 LT CONTINGENCIES $5,00000 90.00 $4.950 00 $0 00 TCO301(J) 6 EA WOOD POLE STRUC HORIZ TAN 69KV $417 56 120 00 56 600 00 $0 00 TCO303(K) 1 EA WOOD POLE STRUC HORIZ ANG 69KV $268 17 28 00 $1,540 00 $0 00 TCO304(G) 1 EA WOOD POLE STRUC HORIZ ANG 69KV $566 68 50 00 $2,750 00 $0 00 TCO306(G) 2 EA WOOD POLE STRUC HORIZ ANG 69KV $1,644 08 240 00 $13,200 00 $0 00 SPECIAL STR 1 EA WOOD POLE STRUC HORIZ ANGLE 69KV $950 00 140 00 $7,700 00 $0 00 TP0110 -BD 1 EA 0 H GUY ANCHOR TYPE B $60 26 20 00 $1,100 00 $0 00 TP0110 -HD 1 EA 0 H GUY ANCHOR TYPE H $432 75 60 00 $3,300 00 $0 00 TP0609 -114 2 EA SWAMP CULVERT 1P 14 FT $1,158 56 50 00 $2,750 00 $0 00 070173 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 40 PENTA CLS 3 $229 00 17 00 $935 00 $0 00 070290 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 55 PENTA CLS H1 $848 00 23 00 $1,265 00 $0 00 070360 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 65 PENTA CLS H1 $1,368 00 27 00 $1,485 00 $0 00 070393 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 70 PENTA CLS 3 $958 00 29 00 $1,595 00 $0 00 070420 2 EA WOOD POLE DF 75 PENTA CLS H1 $3,024 00 62 00 $3 410 00 $0 00 070420B 2 EA WOOD POLE DF 75 PENTA CLS H2 $3,218 00 62 00 $3,410 00 $0 00 070421 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 75 PENTA CLS 1 $1,381 00 36 00 $1,980 00 $0 00 070450B 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 80 PENTA CLS H2 $1,766 00 33 00 $1,815 00 $0 00 070451 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 80 PENTA CLS 1 $1,474 00 33 00 $1,815 00 $0 00 070453 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 80 PENTA CLS 3 $1,148 00 33 00 $1,815 00 $0 00 070470B 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 85 PENTA CLS H2 $1,955 00 35 00 $1,925 00 $0 00 070471 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 85 PENTA CLS 1 $1,677 00 35 00 $1,925.00 $0 00 $29,544 1223 $67,265 $0 Page 2 of 3 CONDUCTOR FITTING CODES CODE QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION MATERIAL HOURS LABOR STRING1 3600 FT STRINGING COSTS 3PH $0 00 252 00 $13,860 00 TCO301 M 6 EA MISC STR MAIL FOR TCO301 $272 58 0 00 $0 DO TCO303M 1 EA MISC STR MATL FOR TCO303 $17 72 0 00 $0 00 TCO304M 1 EA MISC STR MATL FOR TCO304 $24 96 0 00 $0.00 TCO306M 3 EA MISC STR MATL FOR TCO306 SPEC.STR $100 41 0 00 $0 00 030460 4200 LB COND -ALUM 336 4 ACSR 26/7 $5,615 40 0 00 $0 00 034480 300 FT SHIELD WIRE -3/8 7 GALV EHS $49 50 0 00 $0 00 034663 21 EA INSUL ITEM 8 -024 $2,407 86 10 50 $577 50 034781 105 EA INSUL ITEM 8 -032 $1,137 57 26 25 $1,443 75 0506 8 EA 3/8" EHS STEEL SW FTG CODE $130 97 0 00 $0 00 0523 3 EA 3f8" EHS STEEL SW FTG CODE $834 60 0 00 $0 00 5601 1 EA 336 4 ACSR 26/7 FTG CODE $98 87 0 00 $0 00 5616 7 EA 336 4 ACSR 26/7 FTG CODE $706 29 0.00 $0 00 5645 3 EA 336 4 ACSR 26/7 FTG CODE $968 00 0 00 $0 00 $12,365 289 $15,881 **EXCLUDES LAND AND LAND RIGHTS REVIEWED AND APPROVED TOTAL INSTALLATION HOURS** 1512 DETAILED REMOVAL ESTIMATE REMOVAL QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION SALVAGE HOURS LABOR Tree Clearing and Removal $0 80 $4,400 Removal of (11) Wood Pole Str s $0 300 $16,500 $0 380 $20,900 PROJECT ENGINEER /SPONSOR -W S. PIM CONSTRUCTION---- D J BERKLUND HDR ENGINEERING, INC.- —J E ANDERSON DETAILED OPERATIONS ESTIMATE UNIT DESCRIPTION TOTAL REMOVAL HOURS 380 DETAILED MAINTENANCE ESTIMATE Page 3 of 3 JEA HOURS AMOUNT $0 $0 0 $0 UNIT DESCRIPTION HOURS AMOUNT Transfer Conductor ends strs 24 $1,320 Transfer Static Wire 150 $8250 174 $9,570 APPROVED DATE f 7 -1 /ro! 1-Zit 6/28/2006 STRUCTURE TO BE REPLACED TYPE POLE (H /C) RELOCATION REASON 1036 TC -0306 80/3 STR 1035 1035 TC -0306 85/1 BIKE PATH 1034 TC -0301 85/H2 BIKE PATH 1033 TC -0301 80/H2 ROAD OBSTRUCTION 1032 TC -0301 75/H2 ROAD GRADING 1031 TC -0304 80/1, 55/H1 ROAD OBSTRUCTION 1030 TC -0301 75/H1 BIKE PATH 1029 TC -0301 75/H1 ROAD OBSTRUCTION 1028 TC -0301 75/H2 ROAD OBSTRUCTION 1027 TC -0303 70/3 BIKE PATH 1026 SPECIAL STR. 65/H1, 40/3 STR 1027 Relocation Engineering Agreement Exhibit -1 TR -830A Structure Replacement Detail 1 Char 033 Wei 'ond!at3/4 itsw W tathsIw 38 4 130 1 St viCg 13h W 3 131n2 St N I I' I Biacbay t Brmkway Golf Ckit Gol(Club 0 /L Loses 1301i St W 1-1 f net Siker laid St la 13Stk St Relocation Engineering Agreement Exhibit-2 TR-830A Impacted Area Line 0703 Comma Dal 13fn Si W St W Area of Concern 44' 5 Me W 30 1. 3 ww 133th St E EDS pJ r..14,44oFureD W o 0 0 C w CC U 3 O U O cn CC c0 w w o— d Z Q 0 0 c c w c 0) co O co U TB cC H O Q 0 M (N O o Z 1 0 0 0 Z O co j CO co W I H1' cr J n N 1 1 o 7 i O Q W i (P U) o 1 1 _0 n J 1 c I O r W J 1 z� I v 1 cn Q cc 1 00 /b �N °VIVO cr I EH 1 E 1'' a 1 co (3-. r i ri 1 r, co cnO In co: 6 too kir? z .q• 11 I f O r cc L) 0 Q C9 M Q 0 LU 1 O O U W 0 O O m 3 F— CL Cm W CO UJ �1- ,7 o_ dO /b bg6L °148 °8 £OLO °W£ °0 1 21 2 X W c N 0 0 Q 0 U c N O a) T c c W 0 U 0 m N 1 C O M co CC C co LL 0 0 U a) c 0) 0 t O ao 0 0 0 010 0 r n 0 0 0 0 0 (0 0C° 0 0 .o o 0 0 0 N 1 O u� "Pc., c� N;c� h y 0 L a5 iii a D) N r r N )t1 r N N N CV N t� r (0 0 a O) r ,O C� (N 11111 r- c c c c c c 0 'LL1LL 3 J_ O> j IL O.O O O O 2 I r }t i �r'�l �g�� CO .CO in CO 0 CO 0e0 O' n' (D. :n r•r In 0 0 0 0=0 0 0 010 N1 CO o O O t1 N m 11-1 n N (.0-1 (D a M 1 O r O_ t 0 N 0 N r M G O O N N_ O O a) O ,NI -c O 0 O c' H li 3 F 3,�,LL I- H H I- o oj o t o'o �o f o o o 00 0 o o o E o N r r Z tZ `Z Q Z Z r j o f Q c c Q t:! Z Z Z'Z z z z m M o m a) 7 Cs) Cn ;if 4 x x N Z' t S E y k 0 Lu t 1 j 7 a i 1 1 0 N 4 LL i ja I f o c f g°''sit0- M I a) )a N< 0 Y c` co N Q C E Q� y m o. 1 m N a te c in O c a v, a c Q N J C y O a Y !d 1 3 c c F LL cu E O N O 0 =0 M tm F a) 0 c TD O O W ro C d 0 co c a L Ir c m ti o- c 0) o c y) t a d a` w LL m O m a o cc U c C j :arx co 0 N N 0 c 0 0 0 0) z N 0 0 EMI a' iQED (D n m 1 $7,000 $7,000 $30,000 $30,000 $8,500 $50,000 $1,022 $59,522 $1,000 $6,000 $7,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $12,000 $12,000 $200,000 $200,000 $7,700 $7,700 Relocation Engineering Agreement Exhibit -5 Transmission Project Forecast -This forecast represents typical expenditures and commitments for this project based on average conditions Adjustments to this forecast may be necessary to factor in delays or expediting efforts Project: 10786292 Location: Rosemount, MN Title: Kegan Lake TR -830A Costs from Estimate Jun -06 Jul -06 Aug -06 Sep -06 Oct -06 Nov -06 Dec -06 Jan -07 Feb -07 Enoineenn Description Installation Removal Oper. Mainten. Cost $270,638 $37,440 $17 144 Total Estimated Expenditure $325,222 Material Construction Total TNE: $325 222 IIINBIIUIIIIIIIIIIHIIHI11111111111 NIIINNII N NIIINM UUI NMI 11111111111/11 MI 1111111111011,111111E IIIINUi1. INuiiiimtINIii m� _mss= —C C 1 1111 Nu 111' 1111111111111111111 OHM IIIIIN 11 1. N IUUNIIlif N niiiii11A IIIINIIiIiN IIIINUNUINUIII IN111111IN 1i ruIIiiio 1 I IIINIINIlI Nll o.�° NU 1 1M IIINIIU urnIIN °°1N i UI IINIU NN IHHINI PIIIUIUIIIIIIRR NNN1I1UIU Pill 11 NmII111nI1011NU111N_ MC .rte i U NIIIIIIIU owuiimthluu --2 mans ma Er 1 "ii U I NNIININUI HN KI P INNU U I III IIIIINiiuiii N1I1N I� 1ui u ulu EMI �I.....UUfluI I 1 1 1 C min SIN 1 N IN EN= 11i 111011111MOMMINEUMMIll i ec z7 c,(5' oi NM ill 111 III 1 III 111111 111111 MINN III MIMI MIIMMIIIIMI 11111111111111111111111 .1111 11111M111111111111 M111111 11111M111111,11111111111 11111111M11111011 1111M1 1111111M11111111111111111 1M11111 EMI 111111111, 1111 111 11111 1111 MIS MIMI HMI 1111 1111111 NUMMI WM Mt 111111111111 MEM 1 III 111111111111 1011111 EMI 111111 111111111 II M 10 MENU III API 11M111 11110MOM HIM 1111 I IIIIMMIMI MN M1111111111MIMMIMIMI 1 MEM MEOW MIME! 11111111111111 11111111111111111111 1111111 1 A .0 c a I t IIMMI11111111111111 MIMI MIME 111111111111111 11111111 111111111 M BM i, MIMI 1111101 MEM ,-.092 To .,--ir 11111111M1PRILIMIN mumpwAummmum ,N ;;:c,t i A 11111111611M111111111111 11,/, 11111111 INMEMOMEMIN Xcel Energy® Appropriation Estimate An "Appropriation Estimate" is provided by Xcel Energy at the specific request of a requesting entity (Requester) There is usually a cost associated with an Appropriation Estimate It is based on actual costs, including appropriate overheads, for the Xcel Energy resources and other related expenses required to produce the estimate Prior to Xcel Energy preparing the Appropriation Estimate, Requester agrees to pay a deposit, and upon receipt of the estimate to pay Xcel Energy for the actual costs incurred m making the estimate, less the deposit. Requester Name Andy Brotzler Phone (651)423 -4411 Address City of Rosemount Fax (651)- 322 -2694 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN. 55068 -4997 Deposit for this estimate $366 620 Requester Initial Date Project Information Xcel Energy has relied on the Scope shown below to produce the estimate. Consequential changes m the Project Scope (before, during or after actual construcnon) will necessitate a new Engineering Estimate. Transnussion Line: 0742 Kegan Lake to Wescott Locatton: Rosemount VIN County Rd 38 be tween South Robert Trail and Akron Ave. Scope. A section of 69 KV Line 0742 located b een South Robert Tra and Akron Av is im.acted b the 0 of Rosemount's Hi•hwa 38 road ex.ansion Xcel Ene will need to remove and relocate twenty -four (24) single pole wood structures due to impacts from the proposed road work Project Assumptions Xcel Energy has relied on the Assumptions shown below to produce the estimate. Consequential changes in the Project Assumptions (before, during or after actual construction) will necessitate a new Appropriations Estimate A new easement will be required for all poles and anchors requiring relocation. If the easement can not be acquired then the proposed line route may have to change and lead times will be increased. The City of Rosemount will alert existing residents of Xcel Energy's construction efforts. The construction lead time noted under construction milestones starts from the return of the Relocation Agreement and associated fee to Xcel Energy If the City contractor starts grading before Xcel Energy has had a chance to relocate its existing structures the city will be responsible to maintain proper soil mounding around the structures. If the soil condition near the existing pond (between Structures 1047 and 1049) is poor then a redesign with steel poles on foundations or wood 1d -frame type structures spanning the pond may -Page 1 of 3- be necessary. The use of steel poles will increase overall project cost and lead time The current design is to use wood poles with culvert protection in the area. By signing below Requester agrees that this document sets forth the correct Project Information and Project Assumptions. Permitting Requirements Obtain New Easements Construction R Xcel Energy has reviewed the construction requirements for this project, and estimates the following lead times are necessary to attain each milestone: Construction Milestones Lead Time in Months Engineering Design /Material Req /Punch /Deity Construction d Lead Time in Months 2 -3 2-4 Total Lead Time $-13 These are Xcel Energy's best estimates of lead time for the project However, there will be .many factors that influence these lead time estimates, such as pen-rutting authonnes and iequired siting approvals, inclement weather and other acts of god, equipment delivery; company and non company labor scheduling and availability; ability to schedule outages on the electric systems of Xcel Energy and other electric companies; emergencies occurring on the systems of Xcel Energy or other electric companies, and other factors not specifically identified here Based on the estimated lead times, the estimated in- service date for this project would be thirteen (13) months from the date Requester completes a Relocation Agreement or other construction contract, and makes appropriate payment as required by those documents. This Appropriation Estimate is Xcel Energy's best evaluation of the costs to complete the project as described above However, there will be many factors that influence actual costs, such as. construction requirements of permitting authorities to secure approvals, inclement weather and other acts of god, unexpected increases m material costs, unexpected increases or changes in labor charges, scheduling, availability, and /or mobilization; ability to schedule outages on the existing electric facilities of Xcel Energy or other electric companies; emergencies occurring on the electric systems of Xcel Energy or electric companies; and other factors not specifically identified herein Xcel Energy will promptly notify Requester of any condmons of which it becomes aware that could. increase the Appropriation Estmate for the project by more than 20 increase the estimated time from date of Relocation Agreement or other authorization -to- proceed to m- service date by more than 20% Appropriation Estimate of Costs: $521 500 This estimate is vand 180 days from the date shown below. -Page 2 of 3- An Appropriation Estimate must be signed by both parties and dated. Each signature below is made contingent upon this document being signed by the other party Prepared By Colt Moedl HDR Engineering Inc. 7/12/06 Approved By: Approved By. L. 2 -3i -06 William Pim Xcel Ener Trans i s on E a veer /Sponsor Date Anthon Xcel Energi. Transmission Engineering Manager Approved By: Andy Brotzler City of Rosemount -Page 3 of 3- 1-3L -oC Date Date XCEL Energy Substation/Transmission Minneapolis, MN Services July 31, 2006 PROJECT DESIGN GUIDE Location: Line 0742 Rosemount, Minnesota Proiect Title: Kegan Lake TR 830B Project Number: 10786614 I. Project Scope The City of Rosemount requires the relocation of Twenty -four (24) wood pole structures due to the upgrade of County Road 38 (SAP208- 105 -01). They will be replaced with Twenty -four (24) wood pole structures Construction for this project is scheduled to occur between January 30, 2007 and March 5, 2007. See attached Exhibit One for a detailed description of impacts. II. Specific Design Features 1. Install eighteen (18) 69kV (00 -00' to 00 -30) TC -0301 (N) horizontal post wood structures. This includes structures. 1032 -1038, 1047 -1051, 1054 -1056, and 1060 -1063. 2. Install two (2) 69kV (02 -30' to 10 °00') TC -0303 (P) horizontal post wood structure This includes structures 1039 and 1057. 3 Install three (3) 69kV (10 -00' to 30 °00') TC -0304 (L) suspension wood structure. This includes structures 1052, 1053 and 1059. 4. Install one (1) 69kV (30 -00' to 60 -00) TC -0305 (L) suspension wood structures This is for Structure 1064 5. Replace approximately 9300 if of 5/16" S.M. steel static wire with 3/8" EHS steel static wire Transfer of the existing wire will not be possible due to aging. 6. Replace approximately 27,880 ft of 3 #6 Copper conductor with 336 4 26/7 ACSR Conductor Transfer of the existing conductor will not be possible due to aging. 7. Remove twenty -four (24) 69kV wood pole structures 1 OF 2 XCEL Energy Substahon/Transmission Minneapolis, MN Services July 31, 2006 111. Outages 1. An outage on Line 0742 will be required for the duration of construction. The required outage for this project will be approximately five (5) weeks. Iv. Related Projects TR 830A Line 0703 West of Kegan Lake Substation SAP208- 105 -01 County Road 38 Upgrade Prepared by: HDR Engineering Inc. Reviewed and Approved HDR Engineering J.E. Anderson Project/Sponsor Engineer W S Pim Const. Supervisor------- -D.J. Berklund -20F2- Approved Date 7/12/06 7 -3/-4e 7- 3l -o6 PROJECT NO 10786614 IN- SERVICE DATE Proposed 3/16/07 DESCRIPTION SEE DESIGN GUIDE LABOR ESCALATION' MATERIAL ESCALATION LABOR ADJUSTMENT: ADMIN GENERAL: INSTALLATION LAND LAND RIGHTS: EQUIPMENT MATERIAL P W. CONSTRUCTION LABOR LABOR INDIRECTS TRANSPORTATION RENTAL COSTS. AFF E&S HDR E &S MN. A &G• CORPORATE' SUBTOTAL: w o 10786614 XCEL ENERGY MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA TRANSMISSION LINE PROJECT ESTIMATE LINE NAME NUMBER 0742 Kegan Lake Sub to Wescott Sub PROJECT DESCRIPTION. Kegan Lake East of Sub ORIGINAL ESTIMATE $521,500 DATE ISSUED 7/12)2006 REVISED ESTIMATE: xx DATE ISSUED TOTAL NET EXPENDITURE: $521,500 THE LABOR FOR THIS ESTIMATE HAS BEEN BASED ON AVERAGE WEATHER CONDITIONS AND ON AN AVERAGE ANTICIPATED AMOUNT OF OVERTIME FOR CRITICAL OUTAGES AND CUTOVERS. ALL COSTS ARE BASED ON CURRENT PRICES, WITH THE FOLLOWING FACTORS APPLIED AS APPROPRIATE 0.0% 0 0% 7.0% 4.5% ESTIMATE SUMMARY $10,000 $64,814 INCLUDING SALES TAX $9,074 SUBTOTAL: $73,888 $164,723 $130,362 $29,5D8 $0 SUBTOTAL: $324,593 $0 $32,000 $4,800 $17,932 $1.205 $55,937 2534 HOURS INCLUDING LIVING MISC EQUIP 0 HOURS 400 HOURS 80 HOURS Page 1 of 3 TOTAL INSTALLATION COST: $464,418 REMOVAL LABOR $31,200 LABOR INDIRECTS $24,692 E &S MN $1,200 TOTAL REMOVAL COSTS. OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE LABOR $0 LABOR INDIRECTS $0 TOTAL 0 M COSTS TCO303(K) TCO304(G) TCO305(G) TP0108 -CC TP0113 -12A TP0113 -13A TP0609 -212 070133 070332 070333 070362 070363 070391 070392 070422 TOTAL ESTIMATE: STRING1 STRING3 TCO301 M TCO303M W 0 10786614 $57,092 $0 $521,510 DETAILED INSTALLATION ESTIMATE LAND AND LAND RIGHTS CODE QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION EASEMENT 1 LT LAND COST OF EASEMENT STEEL TOWERS, POLES FIXTURES CODE QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION WOOD POLES FIXTURES UNDERGROUND CONDUIT CODE QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION TCO301(J) 18 EA WOOD POLE STRUC HORIZ TAN 69K 2 EA WOOD POLE STRUC HORIZ ANG 69P 3 EA WOOD POLE STRUC HORIZ ANG 691' 1 EA WOOD POLE STRUC HORIZ ANG 691' 1 EA 0 H GUY ANCHOR TYPE C 14 EA SCREW ANCHOR GS -12A 15000 LB 6 EA SCREW ANCHOR GS -13A 4 EA SWAMP CULVERT 2P 12 FT 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 35 PENTA CLS 3 3 EA WOOD POLE DF 60 PENTA CLS 2 9 EA WOOD POLE DF 60 PENTA CLS 3 3 EA WOOD POLE DF 65 PENTA CLS 2 6 EA WOOD POLE DF 65 PENTA CLS 3 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 70 PENTA CLS 1 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 70 PENTA CLS 2 1 EA WOOD POLE DF 75 PENTA CLS 2 CONDUCTOR FITTING CODES CODE QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION 9300 FT STRINGING COSTS 3PH 9300 FT STRINGING COSTS 1 SHLD WIRE 18 EA MISC STR MATL FOR TCO301 2 EA MISC STR MATL FOR TCO303 480 HOURS INCLUDING LIVING MISC EQUIP 20 HOURS 0 HOURS INCLUDING LIVING MISC EQUIP. MATERIAL HOURS $10,000 00 0 00 0 0 $10,000 0 MATERIAL HOURS 0 0 0 0 $0 0 MATERIAL HOURS $1,25269 360.00 $536 33 56 00 $1,700 05 150 00 $414 13 50 00 $87 14 30 00 $2,544 72 140 00 $1,19888 6000 $3,024 00 152 00 $144 00 15 00 $2,100 00 75 00 $5,643 00 225 00 $2,490 00 81 00 $4,332 00 162 00 $1,266 00 29 00 $1,169 00 29 00 $1,161 00 3100 $29,063 1645 MATERIAL HOURS $0 00 651 00 $0 00 223 20 $81774 000 $35 44 0 00 LABOR $0 00 0 $0 LABOR 0 0 $0 LABOR $23,400 00 $3,640 00 $9,750 00 $3,250 00 $1,950 00 $9,100 00 $3,900 00 $9,880 00 $975 00 $4,875 00 $14,625 00 $5,265 00 $10,530.00 $1,885.00 $1,885 00 $2,015 00 $106,925 LABOR $42.315 00 $14,508 00 $o 00 $0 00 Page 2 of 3 RENTAL 0 0 $0 RENTAL $0.00 50 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 00 $0 TCO304M 3 EA MISC STR MATL FOR TCO304 $74.89 0 00 $0 00 TCO305M 1 EA MISC STR MATL FOR TCO305 $156 60 0 00 $0 00 030460 12908 LB COND -ALUM 336 4 ACSR 26/7 $19,362 00 0 00 $0 00 034480 9300 FT SHIELD WIRE -3/8 7 GALV EHS $1,860 00 0.00 $0 00 034663 60 EA INSUL ITEM 8 -024 $6,879 60 0 00 $0 00 034781 60 EA INSUL ITEM 8 -032 $650 04 15 00 $975 00 0506 24 EA 3/8" EHS STEEL SW FTG CODE $392.90 0 00 $0 00 5601 3 EA 336.4 ACSR 26/7 FTG CODE $296 60 0 00 $0 00 5603 1 EA 336 4 ACSR 26/7 FTG CODE $121 08 0 00 $0 00 5616 20 EA 336 4 ACSR 26/7 FTG CODE $2,017 98 0 00 $0 00 $32,665 889 $57,798 TOTAL INSTALLATION HOURS** 2534 *"EXCLUDES LAND AND LAND RIGHTS REVIEWED AND APPROVED DETAILED REMOVAL ESTIMATE REMOVAL QUANTITY UNIT DESCRIPTION SALVAGE HOURS LABOR REMOVE (24) STRUCTURES $0 480 $31,200 $0 0 $0 $0 480 $31,200 TOTAL REMOVAL HOURS 480 DETAILED OPERATIONS ESTIMATE UNIT DESCRIPTION HOURS AMOUNT 0 $0 0 $0 0 $0 DETAILED MAINTENANCE ESTIMATE UNIT DESCRIPTION HOURS AMOUNT $0 0 $0 0 $0 PROJECT ENGINEER /SPONSOR -W. S. PIM CONSTRUCTION D J BERKLUND HDR ENGINEERING INC J E ANDERSON APPROVED DATE ,-'P JEA W 0 10786614 Page 3 of 3 3! -oL 7 2' -ot' 7/12/2006 STRUCTURE TO BE REPLACED TYPE POLE (H /C) RELOCATION REASON 1064 TC -0305 75/2 ROAD GRADING 1063 TC -0301 70/2 STR 1064 1061 TC -0301 60/3 STR 1060 1060 TC -0301 60/3 BIKE PATH 1059 TC -0304 65/3 ROAD GRADING 1057 TC -0303 65/2 BIKE PATH 1056 TC -0301 60/2 BIKE PATH 1055 TC -0301 60/2 BIKE PATH 1054 TC -0301 60/2 BIKE PATH 1053 TC -0304 65/2 BIKE PATH 1052 TC -0304 70/2 ROAD OBSTRUCTION 1051 TC -0301 65/3 ROAD OBSTRUCTION 1050 TC -0301 65/3 ROAD OBSTRUCTION 1049 TC -0301 65/3 ROAD OBSTRUCTION 1048 TC -0301 65/3 ROAD OBSTRUCTION 1047 TC -0301 60/3 STR 1048 1039 TC -0303 60/3.35/3 STR 1038 1038 TC -0301 60/3 ROAD OBSTRUCTION 1037 TC -0301 60/3 ROAD OBSTRUCTION 1036 TC -0301 60/3 ROAD GRADING 1035 TC -0301 65/2 ROAD GRADING 1034 TC -0301 65/3 ROAD GRADING 1033 TC -0301 60/3 ROAD GRADING 1032 TC -0301 60/3 ROAD GRADING Relocation Engineering Agreement Exhibit -1 '1R -830B Structure Replacement Detail Relocation Engineering Agreement Exhibit-2 TR-830B Impacted Area Comemare Tr 1th a 41 Area of Concern -1 St OMIT t tor E 2 ra. ilne■CarArtinr 1,2M.,ITZTir3 x W C a) N a) N a) Q 0) c 0) c .0) E c 11 c 0) 0 O O 0 0 a 0 CC 0CF- W up o Iz N o 0 O o 7 7 Q v N a ,moo O °o Z O O 0 on r 0 (I1 co o, 7 CO `Cr m O L0 J U cc r O Q CC Iz w Q co mco w 7 CC z 0 w07 z H-O cn cc) °WI °0 w 0 om z CC w w O c O m w 0 �w Li 0- z w a 0 d0 °k8 °8 7 Ln 0 1 a �JG6L SOLO "WE`0 0 E r' I 900 Taj o _..d Resource Names W Q 0 3 2 Q' a Q N W Q Eta a m o w __T.20n:maiaixa �2; U H m E E E E E E co!E 3'�3 c E E c 0' m e m m,m m V' �m' a c E E YIF H 1- F- H 1'F F F c,-d- .0.0 Q Fo 0_ 000 00 0 m m o fte n gsNlj G I p 0 m o O `D 0 O 0 0 o 0 0 P 0'0'0 N I -IN ci a n N d �iN u) CO O m m m 0!E m m g d O G O o `C 1 F LL 1- g i- l' `2 IE 1 N uet8 p b. 0 0 P 01 0 0 o O' O O O ,p O p C 10 0 0 M o W r N N r'- .N�m r a7 i a I m, a'ia 9 9 W te a CZ 9 a' a I- I-11- 1- '3'311 -i i.'.3" r'- J-,t.= LL 1- Work Complalr 1;,e,-.R le '0 0; 0,0 0'0[0,0 IT- I g a °i@1o1� °iae 0 0 ,=W0,0 0 z4i2'e ;o eugpeog i ,Q16 Z .=IZ 0 4 4 II I Z Z_ =+Ziz IZ.Z'Z ;IZ ILL. 1 o 4■4 G 'cc: ci Z.z 4 LL LL Task Name Duration L rn a 0742 KLK WESCOTT REL FOR CITY OF ROSENOUNT HWY 38 WIDENING SR #00493449 Field Survey Plan Mow/ Land Tie Dngs Prot Engrg Estimate Pm ale !VW Acquisitions Engmeermg Design final Trans Const 6 Review C0110 Package Order/Dal POles,Wee,Ins.SWS 0 Y LE o CD no CO LL As of 7f2712006 $14,000 $14,000 $35,000 $35 000 $8,500 $55,000 $2,000 $65,500 $1,000 $6,000 $7,000 $500 $4,000 $4,500 $500 $500 $500 $8,000 $8,500 $500 $30,000 $30,500 $500 $304,010 $304,510 $1,000 $50,000 $51,000 $500 $500 Relocation Engineering Agreement Exhibit -5 Transmission Project Forecast -This forecast represents typical expenditures and commitments for this project based on average conditions Adjustments to this forecast may be necessary to factor in delays or expediting efforts Project: 10786614 Location: Rosemount, MN. Title: Kegan Lake TR-830B Costs from Estimate: Jun -06 Jul -06 Aug-06 Sep -06 Oct -06 Nov -06 Dec -06 Jan -07 Feb -07 Mar -07 Apr -07 Enoineerin Description Installation Removal Oper. Mainten. Total Estimated Expenditure $521,510 Material Construction Total TNE: $521,510 Cost $464,418 $57,092 $0 frgo TO il. 1111,1111: INORIMIE 1111 01111111111/11M minmid on sip. maw 1 1 i imam ma m IMIIMI,PoinE111111 wanno II ONO 1111111 I 111111011111111 ..11 "I HIM 11111011111Etwa I 111 I i I 111111111111 011 m iii ii q I 1 H''' I I VI 1,1 :iiit: p\mmuni MIMI 111111111111115, mun omipmu 111 il MIMI Ha mg r 1 II mot 1 111,6 MN inflowEmirs" tre 311 I d.. ip r AILEI r c A '1 111 11 111 ar 1 i 7.7........, tv.,, -01 \ii 4/., ccr. 1 1 1 1 1; 1. w I s h 11 n'dde -H :I imrIIII l Z LJ 1111111 1 sa 1—® -1 IN► !i Erg 1 _I I I m" li o III III NI I 1 zsz 11 I ,..It, 1 111:..:, NMI Nt.:11101111111111 4 1 01! 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