HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.e. Acquisition of Easements - Old County Road 38/132nd Court West Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #387AGENDA ITEM: Acquisition of Easements Old County Road 38/132 Court West Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #387 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Enginee I Amount AGENDA NO. i p,C ATTACHMENTS: Payment Authorization, Map APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Authorize Payment for Permanent Roa ay Easement across Old County Road 38 of the Old County Road 38/132 Cou West Street and Utility Improvements Project to Soo Line Railroad Company as Recommended within the Executive Summary. Parcel Name Address Amount Parcel 17 Soo lane Railroad Company 501 Marquette Avenue, Muineapohs, MN 55042 $16,000 4 ROSEMOUNT BACKGROUND: CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: September 19, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As part of the negotiations with Soo Lme Railroad Company for the re- construction of the at -grade crossing, it was determined that the acquisition of a permanent easement is appropriate. The City has appraised the value of the easement at $16,000. Pending Council approval of this item, WSB will acquire signed easements for the property listed on the attached map. Staff is requesting that Council authorize payment to Soo Line Railroad Company: SUMMARY: Staff is recommending that Council authorize the payment for permanent roadway easement as proposed m the above motion. G \ENGPROJ 387\ AuthonzePavmen tEasementAcgmsmonCC9 -19 -06 doc ROADWAY EASEMENT NUMBER 31769 Date: 20 In consideration of the sum of Sixteen Thousand and No /100 Dollars ($16,000.00), the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, SOO LINE RAILROAD COMPANY, a corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, having its principal place of business at 501 Marquette Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402, and doing business as Canadian Pacific Railway, "Grantor") hereby grants, conveys and transfers unto CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a municipal corporation under the laws of Minnesota "Grantee a roadway easement "Easement described and conditioned as follows: 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: The Easement is granted over, across and through a strip of land 100 00 feet in width situated in Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota, shown and described A strip of and 100.00 feet m width over that part of the 100.00 foot wide Grantor's right -of -way, over that part of Government Lot 2, Section 21, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, the centerline of which is described as follows. Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 21, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, thence South 00 degrees 19 minutes 33 seconds West, assumed bearing along the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, 19.09 feet, thence South 88 degrees 58 minutes 37 seconds West, 1085 75 feet, to the point of beginning of said line to be hereinafter described, thence westerly and northwesterly, 437 29 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the northeast having a radius of 680.00 feet and a central angle of 36 degrees 50 minutes 43 seconds, thence North 54 degrees 10 minutes 40 seconds West, tangent to the last described curve, 803 09 Public Roadway Easement 806 07/04 Dakota County, Minnesota Agreement Number 31769 Page 1 of 10 Soo Line Railroad Company, Grantor City of Rosemount, Grantee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY feet: thence northwesterly, 85.65 feet, along a tangential curve concave to the southwest, having a radius of 700.00 feet and a central angle of 07 degrees 00 minutes 39 seconds; thence North 61 degrees 11 minutes 19 seconds West, tangent to the last described curve, 200 00 feet, and said line there terminating Said strip of and is to extend by its full width from the easterly right -of -way line of said Grantor, to the westerly right -of -way line of said Grantor. hereinafter referred to as the "Easement Area 2. PURPOSE: The Easement shall be limited to the installation, construction, maintenance, repair, replacement, and use of a roadway (the "Roadway for public vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress over, through and across the Easement Area. Except for Roadway lighting, the Grantee may not place utilities of any kind within the Easement Area. 3. RESERVATIONS: Grantor reserves unto itself, and its successors and assigns: (a) fee title to the Easement Area to itself; Grantee's maintenance and use of the Easement Area, however long continued, shall not vest in the Grantee rights adverse to those of the Grantor other than those granted by this Agreement, (b) the right and privilege to use Easement Area for the maintenance, construction, and operation of railroad tracks and facilities; (c) the right to permit other parties to use the Easement Area in a manner that does not unreasonably interfere with the Grantee's use of the Easement Area pursuant to this Agreement; (d) the right of incidental use of the Easement Area in a manner that does not unreasonably interfere with the Grantee's use of the Easement Area pursuant to this Agreement and (e) the right and privilege to use the Easement Area for any and all other purposes that are not inconsistent with the use thereof for the purpose or purposes permitted by this Agreement or which unreasonably interferes with or restricts the rights granted to Grantee. 4. TERM, TERMINATION AND EXPIRATION: (a) This Easement shall remain in effect so long as required by Grantee for Roadway purposes or until such time as Grantor determines that the use of the Easement Area for Roadway purposes is inconsistent with the safe Public Roadway Easement 806 07/04 Dakota County, Minnesota Agreement Number 31769 Page 2 of 10 Soo Line Railroad Company, Grantor City of Rosemount, Grantee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Public Roadway Easement 806 07/04 Dakota County Minnesota Agreement Number 31769 operation of railroad trains on or adjacent to the Easement Area The Easement shall be subject to termination or expiration as follows. (i) Abandonment In the event the Easement Area is not used for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months and Grantor serves upon Grantee a written notice alleging such non -use If Grantee, does not refute said allegation or use of the Roadway is not commenced within 30 days following receipt of said written notice, then Grantee shall be deemed to have agreed with Grantor's allegations and the Easement shall therewith be extinguished. (il) Removal In the event Grantee substantially removes the Roadway with the intent of not replacing it, then the Easement shall therewith be extinguished. (Ili) Breach If Grantee is unable or urwiiiing to cure a breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement within thirty (30) days (or such longer period as may be reasonably required if Grantee promptly initiates the cure and diligently prosecutes the cure to completion) following receipt of a written notice from Grantor detailing such breach, then this Easement shall therewith be terminated The foregoing shall be subject, however, to reasonable seasonal accommodations for any physical work to the Roadway required to cure a breach. (iv) Termination by Grantor The parties agree that the Easement Area is located upon or adjacent railroad right of way If, in the opinion of Grantor, rail traffic levels or rail infrastructure dictate that the existence of the Roadway is inconsistent with the safe operation of railroad trains, then Grantor may, upon 18 months advance written notice to Grantee terminate this Easement. The foregoing right of termination: A) shall not be unreasonably acted upon by Grantor; B) shall be supported by data evidencing a change in rail traffic or Infrastructure that gives rise to Grantor's decision to terminate the Easement, and C) shall be applicable to Grantor, its successors and assigns for only so long as the land adjacent to the Easement Area is used for rail transportation. (b) Upon termination or expiration of this Easement for any reason, except for portions of the Roadway within 10 feet of the centerline of any railroad track owned by Grantor, Grantee shall, its sole expense, promptly remove the Roadway from the Easement Area and restore the Easement Area to substantially its former state. In the event that Grantee fails to remove the Page 3 of 10 Soo Line Railroad Company, Grantor City of Rosemount, Grantee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (a) Public Roadway Easement 808 07/04 Dakota County, Minnesota Agreement Number 31769 Roadway, within thirty (30) days following receipt by Grantee of a written notice from Grantor that it intends to remove the Roadway, the Roadway may be so removed Upon receipt of a bill therefor. Grantee shall immediately pay to Grantor the costs incurred by Grantor in the removal of the Roadway, plus ten percent (10 5. ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE AND REMOVAL WORK: Division of Responsibility Grantee shall be responsible, at its cost and expense, for all work necessary to install, construct, maintain, repair, replace and remove the Roadway, except for those portions within 10 feet of the centerline of any railroad track owned by Grantor (the "Track Zones Grantor, unless it notifies Grantee to the contrary, shall install, maintain and remove those parts of the Roadway within the Track Zones at Grantee's expense; provided, that Grantor's expense shall in all circumstances be reasonable and customary in the railroad industry for the type of work undertaken Unless reimbursement has been paid in advance, upon receipt of a bill therefor, Grantee shall reimburse Grantor for such work within the Track Zones. (b) Roadway work by Grantee (i) Grantee, shall secure all necessary public approvals and permits for the construction, maintenance, operation or removal of the Roadway from or in the Easement Area. (ii) Prior to any construction, maintenance or removal of the Roadway Grantee shall be responsible for determining the location and existence of any pipes, wires, conduits, sewers, piling or other obstructions to the construction of the Roadway and shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the Grantor from and against any and all liability for damage to the foregoing pipes, wires, conduits, sewers, piling or other obstructions, if any, caused by the construction or maintenance of the Roadway. Grantor makes no representation by the granting of this indenture that the Easement Area is free of any such pipes, wires, conduits, sewers, pilings or other obstructions. (iii) Grantee shall not carry on any work in connection with the installation, maintenance, repair, changing or renewal of the Roadway within 25 feet of the center line of any Grantor owned track until. (1) it shall have given Grantor at least three (3) days' written notice, and (2) an authorized representative of Grantor shall, at Grantor's election, be present to supervise same Upon bills being Page 4 of 10 Soo Line Railroad Company, Grantor City of Rosemount, Grantee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (i) Public Roadway Easement 806 07/04 Dakota County, Minnesota Agreement Number 31769 rendered for the authorized representative's supervision, Grantee shall promptly reimburse Grantor for all reasonable expenses incurred by it in connection with such supervision, including all labor costs for flagmen supplied by Grantor to protect railroad operations, and for the entire cost of the furnishing, installation and later removal of any temporary supports for said tracks, if any. (iv) Grantee shall, at its sole expense, do all necessary grading of the Roadway approaches to said grade crossing and install drainage culverts, if required by Grantor, all in a manner satisfactory to the Grantor's Division Engineer or other designated representative; provided that if such grading is completed according to approved plans, any such grading shall be deemed approved by Grantor. (v) Except repairs caused by Grantor's malicious acts, Grantee, at Grantee's sole expense, whenever notified in writing by Grantor to do so, shall promptly make such repairs to or changes in the Roadway, including reasonable changes in location as Grantor may require to accommodate changes in railroad operations or construction of railroad facilities. (vi) Grantee, at Grantee's sole expense, whenever notified in writing by Grantor to do so, shall promptly make emergency repairs to the Roadway as Grantor and Grantee agree are necessary. If Grantee fails to make such repairs within a reasonable period, Grantor shall have the right, at its election, to make these emergency repairs to the Roadway and in such event Grantee, upon bills being rendered therefor, will promptly reimburse Grantor for all expenses incurred in connection therewith. (c) Roadway work by Grantor. Unless Grantee is notified to the contrary, on a case -by -case basis, Grantor shall construct, maintain and remove that part of the Roadway within the Track Zones at Grantee's expense; provided, that Grantor's expense shall in all circumstances by reasonable and customary in the railroad industry for the type of work undertaken. Grantee shall, upon receipt of an invoice therefor, pay Grantor for all costs and expenses incurred by Grantor in connection with. The construction, maintenance or renewal of improvements necessary for rail bed, tracks, flanger signs, drainage, and road surface, (ii) Flagging services as may be required by Grantor; Page 5 of 10 Soo Line Railroad Company, Grantor City of Rosemount, Grantee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (iii) Any grading, paving, installation of approach signs and the paving of the roadway approaches up to the edge of the rail ties performed by Grantor; (iv) Incidental work and materials to construct, maintain, or renew any at grade crossing, roadway or appurtenances thereto, other than signal or warning devices, including gates; (v) Other incidental expenses and reasonable administration or overhead charges not to exceed reasonable and customary expenses incurred or allocated under similar circumstances in the railroad industry 6. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS: Grantee shall assume and pay any taxes or assessments which may be levied by any competent authority by reason of the existence or use of said land for Roadway purposes. 7. LIABILITY, INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE: (a) In consideration for the grant of the Easement, without which it would not be granted, Grantee assumes all risk of damage to or destruction of the Roadway through any cause whatsoever while located upon and across the Easement Area, except from Grantor's willful malicious misconduct. (b) Subject to applicable law, Grantee shall fully indemnify Grantor against any and all loss, damage, liability, claims, suits, judgments, costs, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' and witness fees) in any manner pertaining to injury to or death of any person or damage to or destruction of any property, where such injury, death, damage, or destruction arises in whole or in part from any act or omission of the Grantee (or the Grantee's employees, agents, representatives, or invitees) in connection with the use of the Easement Area for Roadway purposes. 8. ENVIRONMENTAL: (a) The Grantee: (i) Public Roadway Easement 806 07/04 Dakota County, Minnesota Agreement Number 31769 shall be familiar with the requirements of, comply with, and secure at the Grantee's own expense any permits or licenses required by, all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, and standards, including without limitation all Environmental Laws; (ii) shall, upon written request by the Grantor (but only in such circumstances where Grantor has reasonably reliable information that the Easement Area has been contaminated), provide the Grantor with the results of appropriate reports and tests from a qualified engineer Page 6 of 10 Soo Line Railroad Company, Grantor City of Rosemount, Grantee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Public Roadway Easement 806 07/04 Dakota County Minnesota Agreement Number 31769 to demonstrate that the Grantee has complied with all Environmental Laws relating to the Easement Area, (iii) shall not in any manner cause or allow the Easement Area to become a hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility within the meaning of, or otherwise bring the Property within the ambit of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U S.C. 6901 et seq or any similar state statute or local ordinance, (iv) shall not, without prior written disclosure to and approval by the Grantor, Use or authorize the Use of any Hazardous Substance on the Easement Area, except for the storage and transportation of roofing shingles and other incidental and associated uses and such other utilization as may be in accordance with Environmental Laws; (v) shall not cause or allow the Release or threat of Release of any Hazardous Substance on, to, or from the Easement Area; (vi) shall promptly notify the Grantor of any actual or suspected Release of any Hazardous Substance on, to, or from the Easement Area, regardless of the cause of the Release, (vii) shall promptly provide the Grantor with copies of all summons, citations, directives, information inquiries or requests, notices of potential responsibility, notices of violation or deficiency, orders or decrees, claims, causes of action, complaints, investigations, judgments, letters, notices of environmental liens or Response actions in progress, and other communications, written or oral, actual or threatened, from the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or other federal, state or local agency or authority, or any other entity or individual, concerning any Release of a Hazardous Substance on, to or from the Property, or any alleged violation of or responsibility under any Environmental Law relating to the Property; and (viii) shall promptly take all necessary action in Response to any Release or Use of a Hazardous Substance at the Property that gives rise to any liability, claim, cause of action, obligation, demand, fine, penalty, loss, judgment or expense under any Environmental Law, or causes a significant public health or workplace effect, or creates a nuisance. (b) Grantee hereby releases and agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Grantor and its directors, officers, stockholders, divisions, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, predecessors, successors and assigns, or anyone acting on its behalf or their behalf, from and against any and all Claims (including without limitation any Claims arising under any Environmental Law and all Claims Page 7 of 10 Soo Line Railroad Company, Grantor City of Rosemount, Grantee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (c) As used in this Section, the following terms have the following definitions: (i) Public Roadway Easement 806 07/04 Dakota County, Minnesota Agreement Number 3'769 arising at common law, in equity or under a federal, state or local statute, rule or regulation) of every kind, past, present and future, existing and contingent, known and unknown, arising from any injury to persons, firms or corporations whomsoever, including injuries resulting in death, and damage to property whatsoever, wherever such persons or property are located, caused by or attributable to, in whole or in part, any act or omission of the Grantee (or the Grantee's employees, agents, representatives, or invitees) in connection with the exercise of the right and privilege herein granted, including without limitation the Use or Release of Hazardous Substances by the Grantee and the breach by the Grantee of any of its warranties, representations or covenants The Grantee's obligations hereunder shall survive the termination or expiration of this easement. "Claim" or "Claims" means any and all liabilities, suits, claims, counterclaims, causes of action, demands, penalties, debts, obligations, promises, acts, fines, judgments, damages, consequential damages, losses, costs, and expenses of every kind (including without limitation any attorney's fees, consultants' fees, response costs, remedial action costs, cleanup costs and expenses which may be related to any Claims); (ii) "Environmental Law" or "Environmental Laws" means the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act "CERCLA 42 U S C 9601 et seq., the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 42 U S C. r 6901 et seq., the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U S.C. 1251 et seq., the Clean Water Act, 33 U.S C. 1321 et seq., the Clean Air Act, 42 U S.0 7401 et seq., the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq., all as amended from time to time, and any other federal, state, local or other governmental statute, regulation, rule, law or ordinance dealing with the protection of human health, safety, natural resources or the environment now existing or hereafter enacted, (iii) "Hazardous Substance" or "Hazardous Substances" means any petroleum product, distillate, or fraction, radioactive material, chemical known to the Federal Government or the State of Minnesota to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity, polychlorinated biphenyl or any other chemical, substance or material listed or identified in or regulated by an Environmental Law of the United States or the State of Minnesota including but not limited to Federal or Minnesota hazardous waste laws; Page 8 of 10 Soo Line Railroad Company Grantor City of Rosemount, Grantee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 9. MISCELLANEOUS: (iv) `Release" or "Released" means any actual or threatened spilling, leaking, pumping, pouring, emitting, emptying, discharging, injecting, escaping, leaching, dumping, disposing or spreading of any Hazardous Substance into the environment, as "Environment' is defined in CERCLA; (v) `Response" or "Respond" means action taken in compliance with Environmental Laws to correct, remove, remediate, cleanup, prevent, mitigate, monitor, evaluate, investigate, assess or abate the Release of a Hazardous Substance; (vi) "Use" means to manage, generate, manufacture, process, treat, store, use, re -use, refine, recycle, reclaim, blend or burn for energy recovery, incinerate, accumulate speculatively, transport, transfer, dispose of, or abandon a Hazardous Substance. (a) Grantee /Grantor: As used in this Agreement, the terms "Grantee" and "Grantor" shall include the parties first named above and their respective successors or assigns. (b) Headings: The paragraph headings used in this Agreement are used solely for the purpose of convenience They are not intended to, and do not, modify or limit the wording of the paragraphs to which they are appended, and they shall not be used or construed as guides to the interpretation of said paragraphs. (c) Severability of Terms Each provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase, and word of this Agreement shall apply to the extent permitted by applicable law and is intended to be severable. If any provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or word of this indenture is illegal or invalid for any reason whatsoever, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect the legality or validity of the remainder of this Agreement. Public Roadway Easement 806.07/04 Dakota County, Minnesota Agreement Number 31769 No Waiver: Any act or omission constituting a breach of this Agreement shall be limited to such act or omission and shall not be construed as a permanent or continuing waiver thereof, Notices Any notice given by a party pursuant to this Agreement, shall be good if served upon the other party, or if deposited in a United States post office, certified mail, addressed to the other party at its last known address Merger: This Agreement completely outlines all of the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the parties hereto and said indenture may not be amended or altered except by an instrument in writing signed by both parties. Page 9 of 10 Soo Line Railroad Company, Grantor City of Rosemount, Grantee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY (g) This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and assigns of the Grantor and the Grantee. STATE OF MINNESOTA ss: COUNTY OF HENNEPIN Public Roadway Easement 806 07/04 Dakota County, Minnesota Agreement Number 31769 Furthermore, this Agreement merges all prior oral representations and negotiations of the parties hereto No Warranty: Grantor does not warrant title to the Easement Area, and makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the habitability of the Easement Area or the fitness of the Easement Area for Grantee's purpose or any other particular purpose. Notary Seal Notary Public SOO LINE RAILROAD COMPANY doing business as Canadian Pacific Railway By: David S. Drach Its: Director, Real Estate Marketing, U.S. The foregoing easement was acknowledged before me this day of 20, by David S. Drach, Director, Real Estate Marketing, U.S., of Soo Line Railroad Company, a corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. This instrument was drafted by: Charles D Weise Real Estate Department Canadian Pacific Railway 501 Marquette Ave. S Suite 804 Minneapolis, MN 55402 Page 10 of 10 Soo Line Railroad Company, Grantor City of Rosemount, Grantee CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY _e.WML luanyfaunyyP161U4