HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.c. Pine Bend Paving Asphalt Plant Interim Use Permit, 06-41-IUPAGENDA ITEM: 06-41 -IUP Pine Bend Paving Asphalt Plant Interim Use Permit AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, AICP; Senior Planner AGENDA NO. lo- C- ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Resolution, Site Map, Proposed Site Plan, Hot Mix Plant Photograph, Hot Mix Plant Site Plan APPROVED BY: g�/ /J RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Interim Use Permit for Pine Bend Paving, Inc. to operate an asphalt plant subject to conditions 4 ROSEMOUNT City Council Regular Meeting: September 19, 2006 ISSUE Apphcant Property Owner(s): Location: Area m Acres: Comprehensive Plan Designation. Current and Surrounding Zoning: Surrounding Businesses: CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Joe Jacoby of Pine Bend Paving, Inc. Approximately 13000 Courthouse Blvd (Mn Hwy 55) Approximately 6 acres GI General Industrial GI General Industrial West Continental Nitrogen North Walbon Trucking Pme Bend Paving has requested an Interim Use Pernut to operate an asphalt plant on property owned by Flint Hills Resources. Their plant has been located for many years m conjunction with the Solberg Aggregate mining site, west of U.S. 52, half way between the TH 55 spht and 140 Street East Pine Bend Paving has been operating as a stand -alone use after Solberg has phased their operations and restored the mined area m 2005. Pine Bend Paving was issued an Interim Use Permit (IUP) in January 2005 with the condition that their IUP permit will expire on December 31, 2006. Flint Hills Resources is considering an expansion of their refinery that would develop the site currently used by Pine Bend Paving. Flint Hills Resources has asked Pine Bend Paving to move their asphalt plant and has offered the former acid plant site owned by Flint Hills Resources as an alternative. The former acid plant is located on the south side of Minnesota Highway 55 (Hwy 55), just east of Continental Nit ogen and south of Walbon aruclurig. This site provides direct access onto Hwy 55 and has the potential of supplying aggregate to the site by rail PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION The Planning Commission discussion focused on the bermmg and screening along Mn Hwy 55, the location of the stockpile, the tune of installation for the ben-ling and landscaping, and the use of the site with the existing rail spur, bauxite ponds, and existing buildings. The recommended conditions are a result of those discussions. The Planning Commission also discussed reviewing the effectiveness of the berming and landscaping after it is installed and established next year. The purpose of this review will be to determine if the ordinance provisions for screening and setbacks need to be strengthened, particularly adjacent to major thoroughfares, such as Mn Hwy 55. SUMMARY The specific location of the proposed asphalt plant is approximately 650 feet south of the Hwy 55 right -of- way The equipment area measures approximately 370 feet x 410 feet Various stockpiles of aggregate and concrete material for recycling will be located south and east of the equipment The dominant feature is the scale area, where trucks ate loaded. Trucks drive underneath two large cylindrical holding tanks for discharge of the asphalt product. These tanks can be 65 feet tall, with additional height needed for the conveyance system that delivers material to the top of the holding tanks The site currently contains three existing buildings located in the northwest corner, one of which is a vacant office building and the other two are used by a company that refurbishes railroad axels. Center to the site is a private railroad spur that runs to Continental Nitrogen, and off this spur, along the west edge of the site, is another railroad spur that runs to the two buildings repairing axels. Pine Bend Pavmg is considering using the railroad spur to deliver aggregate to the site, but does not expect to use it initially. On the south central portion of the site are two capped former bauxite ponds (bauxite was a by- product of the acid plant). The Minnesota Pollution Control Administration MnPCA) believes these bauxite ponds are stable in their current form, but the MnPCA does not recommend storing material on the former ponds or incorporating them in the working site of the asphalt plant The asphalt plant, along with the associated aggregate material, will be installed and stored south of the existing buildings, north and east of the railroad spurs, and west of the bauxite ponds. The Zoning Ordinance requires year round 100% opaque screening for 30% of the height of the asphalt plant and 50% opaque screening for the 30% to 50% of the height of the asphalt plant. This is accomplished by a berm approximately nine feet tall and 400 feet long, planted with six-foot tall conifers. The berm starts approximately 100 feet from the centerline of Hwy 55 and will be constructed from the eastern edge of the entry drive to the eastern property line The three existing buildings will provide the required screening west of the entry drive to the west property line. If Pine Bend Paving begins using the rail line to haul aggregate creating more stockpiling, additional berming and landscaping will need to be installed to supplement the building and provide 100% opacity. INTERIM USE PERMIT The IUP is subject to: 1. The specified expiration date, and if there is a mechanism for Council approval of an extension 2. A particular event that might cause the termination of the IUP. 3. A change m zoning that would cause the asphalt plant to be non conforming with zoning. 4. Violation of conditions of operauon of the use. The permit will be structured to expire on December 31, 2011. At that tune, the applicant would need to apply to renew the IUP, or move the asphalt plant to another site. 2 Findings for Interim Use Permits: 1. The extent, location, and intensity of the use will be in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. The use is in an area with a land use designation of General Industnal, consistent with the General Industnal zoning. 2. The use will provide adequate ingress and egress to minimize traffic congestion in the pubhc streets. The proposed location has direct access with the Hwy 55 right-of-way and an existing nght turn lane. R2nDOT him lunsdzctzon for the access. The applicant has proposed a haul -route that would eliminate the need for lef turn on or off of Hwy 55 during nish hour. 3. The use will not be detrimental to the existing character of the development in the immediate neighborhood or endanger the pubhc health, safety and general welfare The proposed location zs zoned GI GeneralIndustnal and is surrounded by other Industnal uses. The proposed location Is more visible than the current location. The City may wish to consider if this type of Interim Use is appropnate on properly directly abutting a major thoroughfare. 4. The use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of the surrounding property for uses permitted in the district. The IUP by definition is a temporary use. If Flint Hills Resources were to develop an industrial park within this area, this site can be redeveloped when the IUP expires. 5. The use shall, in all other respects, conform to the applicable regulations of the district in which it is located. The proposed location of the asphalt plant, along with the associated proposed berming and screening conforms to the standards of Zoning Codes section 114 -16 D. RECOMMENDATION Adopt the attached resolution. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2006- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INTERIUM USE PERMIT FOR PINE BEND PAVING, INC. TO OPERATE AN ASPHALT PLANT WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the Ctty of Rosemount received an application from Pine Bend Paving, Inc. requesting an Interim Use Perrmt (IUP) for property located on Fhnt Hills Refinery Land, legally described as: (PID #34- 01900 011 -10) That part of the NE1/4 and that part of the SE' /4 of Section 19, Township 115, Range 18, and the part of the SW1/4 SE1/4 of Section 18, Township 115 Range 18, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the NW corner of the NE1/4 of said Section 19; thence on an assumed bearing of N. 89 °54'32" E along the N line of said NE1/4 a distance of 318 23' to the point of beginning of the property being described; thence N 26 °22'32" E 239.77', more or less, to the centerline of S.T H. No. 55 as now laid out and traveled; thence S 63 37'28" E, along the centerline of said S.T.H. No. 55 a distance of 830.74' to the beginning of a tangential curve concave to the SW, central angle 06 °53'34 radius 5729.65'; thence along said curve, being the centerline of said S.T.H No. 55, a distance of 689.27', more or less, to its intersection with the W ]ine of the E 870' of said Section 19; thence S 00 °09'51" E along the W line of said E 870', 2799.91', more or less, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and 200' northeasterly of the centerline of the Chicago North Western Railway, thence S 46 °28'59" W parallel with said centerline 393 41' to the beginning of a tangential curve concave to the NW, central angle 43 °39'23" radius 946.28', thence along said curve parallel with said railway centerline, 721.02', thence N 89 °51'38" W, tangent to said curve parallel with said railway centerline, 833.70', more or less, to the N -S 1/4 line of said Section 19; thence N 00 01'38" W, along said N -S 1/4 line, 2929.96'; thence N 26 °22'32" E, 476.29', thence N 63 °37'28" W, 113.17', thence N 26 °22'32" E, 467.31', more or less, to the point of beginning. EXCEPT the W 450' of the E /2 of the SE' of Section 19, Township 115, Range 18, h'mg North and West of the Railway (PID #34- 01900 010 -80). WHEREAS, on August 22, 2006, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Interim Use Permit apphcatton for land located at approximately 13000 Courthouse Boulevard, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Interim Use Permit for Pine Bend Paving, Inc., subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on September 19, 2006, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation for the Interim Use Permit and agreed with the Planning Commission's findings; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Interim Use Permit for Pine Bend Pavmg, Inc. to operate an asphalt plant subject to: 1. Conformance with the standards of the Asphalt Plant Interim Use Permit of the Zoning Code Section 11 -4 -16 D. RESOLUTION 2006 2. Additional berming and /or screening shall be installed if the existing rail spur is used to deliver aggregate and additional stockpiling occurs north of the asphalt plant. 3. A minimum of one six-foot tall coniferous tree is planted every 20 feet along the top of the berm 4. The expiration date of the IUP will be December 31, 2011; any extension must be approved by the City Council. 5. Benning and landscaping shall be installed and inspected before the operation of the asphalt plant. ADOPTED this 19th day of Serptember, 2006 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk William H Droste, Mayor Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent. PROPERTY ID NUMBER 34-01900 -011 -10 FEE OWNER COMMON NAME PAYABLE 2006TAXES Dr AMP PAYABLE 2007 ASMNT USAGE INDUSTRIAL- PREFERRED NET TAX SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS TO AL TAX SA KOCH R =_FIN NG CO FLINT HILLS- FORMER ACID PLANT TIM TILMA PO BOX 2256 WICWTA KS 67201 -2256 NOTE Dimensions rounded to nearest foot Copyrigt 2006, Dakota County This crewing is ne tor a leoally recorded map nor a survey and is not Intended to be used as one This Craving s a comoilation or records, Informallor and data roosted in various city, county, and Sate offices and other stones of ecPg the a shown and s to be bsed for refe pdrposes Dacca Cant !s nc''rsconsrb,e tor a ra'CU aciies slaty) co -tamed 11 discrepancies are __nd, o ease cotact Dakota County Suvey and Lana In, armaocn Departme't D Date August 15, 2006 Parcels Updated 7/27/2006 Aerial Photography 1990 SITE MAP 2006 ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES (PAYABLE 2007) 2006 BUILDING INFORMATION (PAYABLE 2007) LAND MS LOT SIZE (EXCLUDES BUILDING allt ROAD EASEMENTS) TOTAL 5,662,120 50 FT SCHOOL DISTRICT '99 130 44 ACRES LOCATION SW1M4 NE114 SECTION 19 -11513 PAYABLE 2007 HOMESTEAD STATUS NON HOMESTEAD WATERSHED DISTRICT VERMILLION RIVER LAST QUALIFIED SALE DATE AMOUNT TYPE YEAR BUILT 0 ARC H,'STYLE FOUNDATION SD FT FINISHED 5,0 FT 0 BEDROOMS 0 BATHS 0 FRAME GARAGE SO FT 0 OTHER GARAGE MISC BLDG MISC BLDG PLAT NAME SECTION 19 TWN 115 RANGE 18 TAX DESCRIPTION PT OF E 122 SEG 19 OF 5E IIL SEC'S- 115-16 COM NA' COR 00 NE 174 E ON N1_316 23F TO BEG N26022M325 5239 77F TO CL STHt55 SE ON CL1518 01F TD W OF E87DF SEC'S 6 ON SAID dJ L 2793 91F TO 'NT L200F NW OF CL RR 646025M 535 W PARR C523 41 F W ON CUR PARR CL721 :26 N69D51M 385 W PARR CL633 7'x='0 N -S VAL N 2929 96Er 2ED22M32S E 476 29F N63037M233 AP 13 17 F N26D22M32S 0467 31 F TO BEG EX 54- 21920 -010 -60 13','515 r "How about a tour There are two basic kinds of HMA facilities. Well take you through a "drum mix" plant since most new facilities are of this type, and then describe the differing components of a "batch mix" operation. Aggregates in cold feed bins (1) are measured into specified portions according to the kind of pavement required and carried by a conveyor belt (2) into the drum (3) where they are dried and heated by a burner (4) If pavement removed from existing paved surfaces is to be recycled into new pavement, it is usually conveyed to the mid- dle of the drum (5) Asphalt Cement is pumped from its holding tank in liquid form (heated to about 300 °F) and injected into the drum where it mixes with and coats the aggregates. The drum operates very much like a clothes dryer. As it rotates, "flights" along its sides keep the aggregates tumbling and dropping which ensures that they are thoroughly dried, heated, and mixed with Asphalt Cement before being dropped into the discharge chute and carried by a conveyer (6) to the top of the storage silos (7) An exhaust fan (8) at the end of the baghouse (9) creates an airflow velocity in the drum which pulls uncoated dust through a knockout box (10). This is a large volume structure that allows the exhaust gas to spread out, reducing its velocity so that a large portion of the heavy dust particles drop to the bottom to be returned to the mix in the drum A small amount of lighter particles are carried into the main body of the baghouse which functions like a series of vacuum cleaner bags, except the dust collects on the outside rather than the inside of the bags The reason for this is that we want only clean air to be exhausted out of the stack (11). Every so often a pulse of air is injected into the bags to knock off dust that coats the outside of the bags This dust drops to the bottom of the baghouse and is also returned to the mix inside the drum. r I CONC. 11ASLIAL T i RUBBLE \RUBBLE 1 i 3/4" i 1 /2" I TRAP i 1 /2" i 3/4" l RA P i l RAP 1 1 SANG 1 ROCK 11\ ROCK 1 100 (APFROX S E P� 4 SCALE 1" 100'HO" (AFFROX NORTI -I SITE PLAN PINE BEND PAVING FACILITY DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA IN SPEC 2004 5801 Duluth Sheet Minneapolis, MN 55422 Ph. 763 -546 -3434 PROD. MGR Mt DR. SK PROJ. NO. CK GP DATE; 12/06/0 SHT, OF