HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the September 5, 2006 City Council Proceedingsj. D. 9 R.E. and School Liaison Services Agreement k Change Order #1 Meadows of Bloomfield 3"' Addition, City Project #380 1. Purchase Sites V,ll #45, City Pr tszt l!10S m. Approve Energy Cost Savings Agreements Mayor Droste requested that Item 6.1. be pulled from the agenda. Motion to approve the Consent Agenda, Items 6a. through 6.k and Item 6.m. Ayes: DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan, Droste, Sterner, Baxter. Nays: 0. Motion carried. 6.1. Purchase Site Well #15, City Project #408 Mayor Droste questioned the need for construction of Well #15. City Engineer Brotzler stated that with the continued growth it is necessary to move forward with the design and construction of Well #15 in accordance with the Comprehensive Water System Plan. He further addressed the need in relation to the watering restriction during the extreme heat this past summer. Mayor Droste questioned how much water is pumped by the wells. Mr. Brotzler responded approximately 1,000 -1,600 gallons per minute. Council Member Sterner inquired why the proposed site is an attractive location for Well #15 Mr. Brotzler stated the land is currently an outlot platted by the developer He also stated that when the Comprehensive Water System Plan was developed an additional site was proposed in that area. Motion by Droste. Second by Sterner. Motion to Enter into a Purchase Agreement with Centex Homes for the Acquisition of Land for Well #15 and Authorize the Necessary• Signatures Ayes: Shoe Corrigan, Droste, Sterner, Baxter, DeBettignies. Nays: 0. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS 9.a. Resolution Setting 2006 Preliminary Levy and Budget Hearing Dates Finance Director May stated this item is the beginning of the truth in taxation requirements set forth by state government. The preliminary levy will be set and the preliminary budget and budget hearing dates approved. He noted that the public hearing date has been set for December 4, 2006 at 6:30 p.m The information added into the packet is a summary of all of the budget items. Mayor Droste questioned what residents can expect to see on their City taxes this year. Mr. May responded that the prehnunary levy will be a 2% reduction in the City's tax rate from 2006's. The average growth in existing homes' value was 5 5%; the increase in the market value for the City was 13 and the total levy increase was 10°,'0. The average home will receive an approximate increase of $47 00 for the City's share of the taxes. Motion by Baxter. Second by Shoe Corrigan. 2. 1 Motion to adopt a Resolution Setting the Prehmmary 2007 General Fund Operating Budget, the Preliminary 2007 C.I.P. Budgets, the Preliminary 2007 Insurance Budget, the Preliminary 2007 Port Authority Operating Levy and the Prehminary 2006 Levy and Budget Hearing Dates Required by the City of Rosemount. Ayes: Droste, Sterner, Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan. Nays: 0. Motion carried. (Resolution 2006 -97) 9.b. Twin Ponds Conservation Easement, 05- 41 -AP -V City Engineer Brotzler provided a background of the project. Manley Land Development has proposed to build a new home on Lot 2, Block I at Twin Ponds The proposed house does not meet the setback requirements from the current conservation easement and wetland buffer Manley Land Development proposed a new conservation easement that includes the buffer averaging to allow for construcuon of the proposed house. To allow for the new conservation easement, the City must first release Manley Land Development from the existing conservation easement and accept the new conservauon easement in its place. City Attorney LeFevere stated this apphcation is different from other land use proposals because the entire wetland buffer isn't useful and is intended to protect the wetland to satisfy ordinance requirements. Council Member Baxter questioned how close the proposed structure would be to the wetland. Mr. Brotzler stated the structure would need to be 60 feet from the wetland line and meet the minimum 30 feet buffer and 30 foot setback requirements. He added the reasoning for the buffer is because of surface runoff and to dilute the chemicals or other harmful things from entering the wetland Council Member Shoe-Corrigan quesuoned if the property owner would choose a different housing style if a home could be constructed without encroaching on the lot She added that while working on the new wetland ordinance the 30 foot setback was put into place to recognize where essential services would be located. Once a wetland is detenorated it would take decades to restore. She added her concerns with making a concession that goes against the current ordinance when so much tune and effort was put together m coordinating the wetland plan. Troy Asleson, representing Manley Land Development, displayed the setbacks of the site using a map. Mr Asleson stated the actual size of the home left after the 30 foot setback is much smaller and that under the previous standards they would have been able to maneuver the house into a different style Ms Shoe Corrigan questioned if any housing style will fit on the lot. Mr. Asleson stated there is always a housing style that can fit but there was an assumption that the home could be built as previously approved. Council Member Shoe Corngan questioned if they City was obhgated to honor the first agreement or must the City adhere to current ordinance. City Attorney LeFevere stated the actual language of the ordinance should be checked as this apphcation looks to be more of a variance and may not require a hardship. He further added if the City has changed the rules from when the plat was recorded there may be hardship. 3. Motion by Baxter. Second by Shoe Corrigan. Motion to table the item to September 19, 2006. Council Member DeBettignies requested clarification from Mr. Asleson on the delay of trecording the original plat and allowing the apphcation to sunset. Mr Asleson stated the apphcanon was handled by the Manley Land Development and he was brought unto the picture at a later date. Council Member Shoe Comgan stated with new ordinance requirements the lot is still a buildable lot She added there are housing sh-les that fit adhering to the current ordinance or the minimum averaging without affecting the wetland. City Engmeer Brotzler summarized City Council direction and stated more information will be obtained regarding the size and location of a house that could be constructed using the current Conservation Easement and a legal opinion relating to the City's wetland ordinance and buffering averaging. Mayor Droste requested the applicant provide pictures of the lot at the next City Council meeting. Ayes: Sterner, Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan, Droste. Nays: None. Motion carried. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Droste announced the upcoming meetings and directed residents to contact City Hall with any questions about the primary election. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Second by Sterner. Upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned 4. Respectfully submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk