HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the September 13, 2006 City Council Work Session ProceedingsCALL TO ORDER /PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Wednesday, September 5, 2006, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145` Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan and Sterner attending Staff members present were Citv Administrator Verbrugge, City Attorney LeFevere, City Engineer Brotzler, Finance Director May, Communications Coordinator Cox and City Clerk Domeier. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA City Administrator Verbrugge noted the addition of a revised Agenda and Consent Agenda Item 6.m. Approve Energy Cost Savings Agreements. Additional information was provided for Item 9.a. Resolution Setting 2006 Preliminary Levy and Budget Hearing Dates. Motion by Droste. Second by Sterner. Motion to adopt the Agenda with the addition of Item 6.m. and additional material for Item 9 a. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion carried. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 5, 2006 DEPARTMENT HEADS REPORTS /BUSINESS 5.a. Demonstration of AutoMARK voting equipment City Clerk Domeier provided a demonstration of the new assisnve voting terminals available in all seven precincts in Rosemount for the 2006 elections. She provided information related to the use of the AutoMARK including the many features and how the machine will be unwed in the polling locations. Ms. Domeier also provided a schedule of upcoming election events including the extended hours for absentee voting at City Hall Mayor Droste thanked the many volunteers who work as election judges on Election Day. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by DeBetngrnes Second by Shoe Corrigan. a. Minutes of the August 9, 2006 City Council Work Session Proceedings b. Minutes of the August 15, 2006 Citv Council Proceedings c. Minutes of the August 23, 2006 Special City Council Work Session Proceedings d Bills Listing e. Hiring of Assistant City Administrator f. Receive Donation Fire Deparnnent g. Receive Donations Parks Recreation Dept. h. Expenditure Approval from the Donation Account Parks Recreation Dept. 1. Halloween Event Service Agreement 6.a. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Wednesday, September 13, 2006, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145` Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan and Sterner attendmg. Staff members present were Acting City Adiumstrator /Police Chief Kalstabakken, City Engineer Brotzler, Community Development Director Lindquist, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Planner Lmdahl, Communications Coordinator Cox, and City Clerk Domeier. Chuck Rickart of WSB Associates was also present for the meeting. 2.A. Transit Plan Commumtc Development Director Lindquist stated WSB Associates provided a Transit Plan proposal and staff requests City Council direction in moving forward with the transit plan. Council Member DeBettigntes was concerned if the proposed transit plan was included in the budget City Engineer Brotzler responded the item was sent m draft format to ensure the City Council is comfortable with what a final scope would consist of before a final proposal is created that would include a cost estimate The estunated cost for the proposal before the Council would be close to $20,000- $25,000. He added there are no specific dollars appropnated in the budget for this plan; however, the street C1P fund was the funding source for the transportation plan and the transit plan could fall in line with that type of work. Mayor Droste voiced his concerns with the proposed transit plan and the level of experience WSB could provide to the City. Chuck Rickart stated while WSB may not have the depth of experience as some transit consultants, they have worked with different organizations and groups that are transportation onented Mr. Rickart added WSB has prepared transit and transportation plans for other commumties. The City Council discussed how the $20,000 would be best spent and ensuring that the money would be all inclusive to the transit networks available across the metro Mr Rickart stated the proposal provided does not encompass or include that big of a picture Mayor Droste was concerned with looking to 2030 to figure out the potennal of various different components in the Metro transit network. Mr. Rickart stated additional analysis of surrounding communities would be a larger picture than envisioned for the plan provided. Mayor Droste supported the transit plan and requested WSB to look broadly at all the systems and networks available Ms. Lindquist stated there has been discussion of a hub to be located at the intersection of CSHJ 42 and Highway 52 Council Member Shoe Corrigan requested it to be included m the transit plan. Ms. Lindquist added it would also be part of the comprehensive plan. Council Member Sterner requested the City research placing a hub at the mtersection of CSAH 42 and Highway 3. Before the October 3 City Council meeting, Mr. Rickart will formalize the plan and include costs. 6.b. 2.D. St. Joseph Church Task Force Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz outlined the composition, process and schedule of the task force. He added the process should last approxunately one year and that short and long term plans would be developed that would detail the best use for the buildings in the future. Council Member DeBettigntes requested that the Port Authonty member not be a City Council member as well. Council Member Baxter requested that the two business representatives be appointed by the Chamber of Commerce He also suggested that the school district representative should be from Rosemount Council Member Sterner recommended more St. Joseph representatives be on the task force After debate, the proposed composition of the task force included the following: two City Council Members; one Planning Commissioner; one Dakota County Representative, two St. Joseph's Representatives; six At -Large Citizen Representatives; one Parks and Recreanon Commissioner; one Port Authority Commissioner; one Rosemount School Representative; two Neighborhood Representatives, and two Business Representatives. 3.B. Development Density at Akron Avenue Community Development Director Lindquist provided City Council with a developer's draft concept plan for property located at the Akron Avenue area. The plan was provided to begin discussion related to the density of the project Ms. Lindquist spoke of the density in the area and updated the City Council on the early proposal for the property. She stated the developer believes there is no apartment market at this time and more single family housing is a better housing market with competing goals of open space, parks as well as trying to raise the density. Mayor Droste stated the range of five to six units per acre for density is still high enough density that would work. Council Member Sterner would like to hold firm with the density approved m the Comprehensive Plan He added the housing market is tough tight now but he preferred to see how the market develops m the future. Council Member Baxter suggested the City Council should recognize market forces. He also mentioned that the City markets itself as working well with developers and flexibility is important.. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated she is comfortable with five to six units per acre but wants new development to be reasonably related to the Comprehensive Plan land use designation. 2a. Special Assessment Deferrals City Engineer Brotzler stated the Special Assessment Deferrals item was first brought forward at the May 24, 2006 City= Council Work Session. A draft resolution was prepared based upon examples from other communities previously reviewed that outlines the proposed terms for the special assessment deferrals. Mr. Brotzler reviewed Minnesota statute language that includes a provision for special assessment payments to "a person 65 years of age or older or retired by virtue of a permanent or total disability for whom it would be a hardship to make the payments." Council Member Sterner requested the draft resolution be simplified by removing condition 4C. Mr. Brotzler stated his view of condition 4C and recognized there may be property owners in the community where a hardship may be present and the need to have a mechanism in place so that the system is not taken advantage of by a property owner. Council Member Sterner was also concerned with the language m condition 6E. Mr. Brotzler's perspective was the longer an assessment is deferred more interest will accrue With this condition, responsibility is placed on the property owner to renew and certify that they still qualify for the assessment deferral. Council Member Baxter questioned the required renewal every year and suggested a standard be provided for the renewal. He further questioned conditions 4A and 4C and stated the language should read "excluding equity" m the homestead if considering a hardship. Council Member Shoe Corngan stated m condition 4C the $50,000 m assets may be to low of a number. Council Member DeBettigmes questioned condition 6D and was not clear with accepting a partial payment. Mr. Brotzler responded that the expectation when a property owner chooses to not recertify or is no longer eligible for the deferral that the full assessment would be levied Mayor Droste urged the Council Members to be cautious of developing a complex program and suggested additional resources may be required when working with the program. Mr. Brotzler will verify the timeline for the assessments and deferrals and clarify the language in the conditions discussed for the October 11 work session. Mark DeBettignies left the meeting at 8:01 p.m. 2.C. Industrial Districts Zoning Text Amendment for the GI General Industrial and HI Heavy Industrial District. Community Development Director Lindquist addressed previous concerns related to the potential impact of the changes on existing businesses She stated that due to the amendments some sites may not comply with the new performance standards found within the ordinance. However, staff believes none of the existing uses will become non- conforming. Some of the existing businesses currently have aspects of their operation or development which do not comply with existing ordinance cntena and would currently be considered non conforming even without the proposed ordinance changes. Don Kern of Flint Hills Resources thanked staff for the open process and requested another Comprehensive Plan Amendment to look at other properties for Fhnt Hills' long term plans. Scott Doman of CF Industries, Inc. thanked staff for working closely with CF Industries and added that while they have some of the same issues as Flint Hills they will continue to work together with staff. Ms. Lundquist stated the item along with the rezoning of properties from GI- General Industrial to HI -Heavy Industrial are tentatively scheduled for the October 17 City Council meeting. 3.A. 2008 Comprehensive Plan Update Process Community Development Director Lindquist reviewed the staff report. Recently, staff met with representatives from UMORL to discuss their visioning and planning process Considering that approximately 2,800 acres of the 1'mversity property is located within Rosemount modifications to their land use from the current Agncultural Research designation may substantially alter forecast impacts on the City's infrastructure system, population and job projections, and parks and open space recommendations A delay in the start of the 2008 Update is dependent upon the action of the Board of Regents later this year Mayor Droste requested that staff Inform the Planning Commission of the change in the comprehensive plan schedule. 3.B. Additional Updates Robert Street Corridor Community Development Director Lindquist stated local communities are to appoint representatives and alternates for the Robert Street Corndor Steering Committee and Robert Street Corndor Technical Advisory Conuruttee (TAC) through formal action on the part of the City Council. Ms. Lindquist recommended that Larry Laukka serve as the steering committee representative. Council Member Sterner suggested that the Mayor serve on the committee Mayor Droste stated he would be willing to serve as the alternate to the group The Council agreed the appointment would be for one year, which would allow the Council an opportunity to evaluate the appointment m the near future, should they want to. Blue Cross Blue Shield Grant Community Development Director Lindquist stated two meetings regarding the Blue Cross Blue Shield Grant have been set up that are geared towards non staff. The plan is to meet with consultants to review guidelines and concepts to assist people. Planner Lindahl from staff has been working on the item. Two representatives from the Planning Commission and one representative from the Parks Commission will be attending as well. Council Member Sterner and Mayor Droste volunteered to work on this committee also. AUAR Mailing Community Development Director Lindquist stated the AUAR kick off meeting will be held on October 10th Ms. Lindquist provided a map showing the property owners that would be invited to the ineeting. The City Council supported the suggested property owner mailing list. Union Pacific Community Development Director Lindquist updated the Council Members on the Union Pacific lot split that would be on the September 19 agenda Ms. Lindquist further explained the terms for granting the easement and the contract insurance requirements. Council Member DeBettignies was concerned with the punitive damages language and if an insurance company would waste the policy. Council Member Shoe Corngan was not comfortable with the item being on the next City Council agenda without further information on the msurance. Additional Updates Council Member Sterner questioned who the candidates are for the City election to be held on November. City Clerk Domeier stated the candidates for Mayor included Mayor Droste and Kurt Walter-Hansen. The Council Member candidates included Mark DeBettigrues, Kin Shoe Corngan, Charlie Koehnen and William Schroeder. Ms. Domeier also distributed the unofficial results of the September 12 Primary Election. Mayor Droste stated he would like to send letters to election judges, commission members, and Leprechaun Days and Halloween Trail volunteers thanking the individuals for their comimtment to the City. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:56 p.m. Upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned Respectfully submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk