HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.d. 2007 BudgetAGENDA ITEM: 2007 Budget AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 2.D. ATTACHMENTS: 1 Revised Budget Summary Sheets 2. Projected Year -End Fund Balance Worksheet 3. 10 -Year Capital Improvement Program APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion 4 ROSEMOUNT BACKGROUND CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session' November 1, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE The City Council set the preliminary levy for 2007 at its meeting on Tuesday, September 5. The total levy adopted by Council represented an 11.10% increase over the 2006 spread levy Subsequent adjustments to the operating budgets, prior to the October 11 budget discussion, reduced the spread levy increase to 10.05%. Those adjustments had factored in an anticipated change in health insurance providers and the accompanying savings in premium expenses Following the October 11 City Council Work Session, it became apparent that the City would not be able to change providers for legal reasons related to plan design, union negohahons, and timelines. Consequently, the adjusted budgets presented for review tonight, that includes renewal of the Ciry's current health insurance provider, show a spread levy increase of 10.54%. The issues intended for discussion at the November 1 City Council Work Session include review of the projected year -end general fund balance, 10 -year Capital Improvement Program, and the financial management plan spreadsheet that was first introduced several years ago during the Key Financial Strategies process. Projected Year -End Attached for Council's review is a worksheet that estimates the year -end General Fund balance based on revenues and expenditures through the end of September 2006. The purpose for reviewing the projection is to evaluate the impact on the City's Fund Balance as we move into the next budget year. The City Council has adopted a Fund Balance policy that strives to maintain a fund balance that is 55° of the General Fund Operating Budget. Based on the projected surplus for year -end 2006 and the increased operating budget in 2007, the projected Fund Balance is anticipated to be somewhere between 52 -53 Adoption of a Fund Balance policy was one of the recommendations of the Key Financial Strategies r process. The primary purpose for the policy is to demonstrate to credit rating agencies that the City is effectively managing annual budgeting and long -term financial stability by avoiding wild fluctuations in reserve funds In other words, maintaining a stable fund balance demonstrates that the City is not using reserves to balance day -to -day budgeting decisions. Although a one -year reduction in the Fund Balance does not indicate poor financial management, as revenues or expenditures are given to some volatility. The more important indicator of this policy is that the City does not borrow from reserves as a matter of habit to solve financial problems Monitoring the Fund Balance should be an important consideration in the budget process in 2007 to be sure there is not further erosion. 1 0 -Year C..ztal I mvement Pro 'ram The City updates the 10 -Year Capital Improvement Program annually to identify significant projects or equipment that need to be considered in future years. The 10 -Year CIP is another important document that demonstrates the integrity of the City's fiscal planning processes. Several specific elements that staff has recently incorporated into the CIP for Council to review include Library related projects in 2008 and 2009, based on an indication from Council that the City would consider funding design enhancements or other protect- related costs as well as community art for the completed library site Quiet zones for railroad crossings in 2008 and 2009 that are programmed based on a full -scale project to achieve complete quietude (modifications may be made at lesser cost to reduce the noise area) Pavement Management Program funding is constant at $700,000 with a foot -noted description of accumulating backlog of costs based on engineering projections of PCI (pavement condition index) The CIP does not commit the City to complete the projects or spend the funds identified (with the exception of items that are obligated indebtedness), but rather is intended to forecast future needs in capital investment and equipment The City Council must make policy decisions annually to pnorihze and fund the elements included in the CIP based on financial capacity. Financed Management PS At the time this memo was prepared, staff is continuing to finalize the Financial Management Plan (FMP) spreadsheet The spreadsheet incorporates CIP projects, bonded indebtedness, assumptions on revenue and expenditure growth, and tax rate reduction targets to identify trends and potential funding gaps that may result in order to accomplish the Council's goals. Staff will present and overview the spreadsheet at the meeting. It is anticipated that the FMP will become a crucial tool in 2007 when the City Council is addressing issues such as the future renovation of St. Joseph Church, construction of an outdoor recreational complex, Comprehensive Guide Plan amendments, and other community needs. SUMMARY -Staff requests that Council discuss the items detailed above and give direction to continue moving toward final budget and levy adoption in early December. 2 November 1, 2006 Departments FUNDING REQUIREMENTS USES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) 2006 2007 Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Difference Percentage Council Budget $167,900 $297,100 $129 200 76 95% Admintstration Budget 515,600 524,200 8,600 1 67% Elections Budget 38,900 61,000 22,100 56 81% Finance Budget 308,900 333,200 24,300 7 87% General Government Budget 361,700 378,100 16,400 4 53% Commundy Development Budget 886,000 893,300 7,300 0 82% Police Budget 2,339,700 2,623,400 283,700 12 13% Fire Budget 283,400 291,800 8,400 296% Public Works Operating Budgets Government Buildings Budget 390,500 428,400 37,900 971% Fleet Maintenance Budget 478,000 527,100 49,100 1027% Street Maintenance Budget 1,153,700 1,162,900 9,200 080% Parks Maintenance Budget 532,800 559,700 26,900 5 05% Park Rec Budget General Operating 967,700 1,028,400 60,700 627% Park Rec Budget Special Programs 91,500 102,500 11,000 1202% Total Operating Budgets General Fund $8,516,300 $9,211,100 $694,800 8.16% Bwldmg CIP Requirements 24,000 24,D00 0 0 00% Street CIP Requirements 1,100,000 1,050,000 (50,000) -455% Equipment CIP Requrements 250,900 303,000 52,100 20 Insurance Budget Requirements 260,000 260,000 0 0 00% Port Authority Operating Levy 60,000 0 (60,000) -100 00% Bonded Indebtedness 1,599,360 1,545,364 (53,996) -3 38% Bonded Indebtedness Fire Station Levy 154 308 142,527 (11,781) 7 63% Armory 4nbcapatory Levy (Value 7/18/06) 248 422 269,428 21,006 8 46% '195 ,000 +($2,185,821,500 v 00798 Water Enterprtse Fund 1,258,400 1,858,200 599,800 4766% Sewer Enterprise Fund 1,432,000 1,483,600 51,600 3 60% Storm Water Enterprise Fund 748,000 783,200 35,200 471% Arena Enterprise Fund 421,200 4 41,300 20,100 4 77% Total Funding Requirements $16,072,890 $17,371,719 Si 298 829 8 08% NOTE Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies 474 0/4144/ November 1, 2006 Types FUNDING REQUIREMENTS SOURCES (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) 2006 2007 Adopted Proposed Budget Budget Difference Percentage Internal Revenue Generated Licenses and Permits 859,700 651,100 (208,600) -24 26% Intergovernmental 525,000 556,000 31,000 5 90% Charges for Services 1,160,700 911,900 (248,800) -21 44% Fines Forfeits 90,000 90,000 0 0 00% Recreational Fees 236,200 228,000 (8,200) -3 47% Miscellaneous Revenues 152,000 182,500 30,500 20 07% Transfers In 3,500 3,500 0 0 00% Enterprise Revenues 3,859,600 4,566,300 706,700 18 31% Total Internal Revenues 6886,700 7,189,300 302,600 4 39% MVHC Cuts Made Later To Include in Levy 350,330 350,330 Levy Sources Special Levies 2,002,090 1,957,319 (44,771) -224% General Levy 7,534,430 8,575,430 1,041,000 13 82% Total Levy $9,536,520 $10,532,749 $996,229 10 45% Loss of MVHC from State Funding $350,330 $350,330 $0 n/a Total Revenue Sources $16,072,890 $17,371,719 $1,298 829 8.08% NOTE Special Levies include (1)Bonded Indebtedness, (2)Fire Station Levy and (3)Armory Anticipatory Levies 2006 GENERAL PROPERTY TAX LEVY PAYABLE 2007 GENERAL LEVY GENERAL FUND $6,938,430 BUILDING CIP FUND $24,000 STREET CIP FUND $1,050,000 EQUIPMENT CIP FUND $303,000 INSURANCE FUND $260,000 PORT AUTHORITY OPERATING LEVY TOTAL GENERAL LEVY $8,575,430 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS G 0 MUNICIPAL BUILDING REFUNDING BONDS 1998A (ICE ARENA) (Authorized 5258,957) $258,957 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS 1999B (Authorized $19,533) $19 533 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2001A (Authorized $119 604) G 0 PUBLIC FACILITY BONDS 2001C (Port Authority) (Authorized $168,504) $168,504 G 0 COMMUNITY CENTER REFUNDING BONDS 2001E (Authorized $94,704) $94 704 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2002A (Authorized $10,772) $10 772 G 0 PORT AUTHORITY BONDS 2002C (Authorized $258,650) $258,650 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2003A (Authorized $86,354) (City Assumed Special Assessments) $86,354 G 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP) BONDS 2005A (Authorized $210,737) $210 737 G 0 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES 2005B (Authorized $349,198) $349,198 G 0 EQUIPMENT CERTIFICATES 2006A (Authorized $87,955) $87,955 G 0 IMPROVEMENT BONDS 2006B (Authorized $75,081) TOTAL BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $1,545,364 MARKET VALUE BASED REFERENDUM 1995 FIRE STATION LEVY G 0 FIRE STATION REFUNDING BONDS, 2005D (Authorized $142,527) TOTAL FIRE STATION LEVY Last Updated 10/25/06 $142,527 $142,527 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS ARMORY ANTICIPATORY LEVIES ($95,000 ($2,185,821,500 x 00798 (As of 7/18/06) $269,428 TOTAL PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST ON ARMORY BONDS $269,428 GRAND TOTAL 2006 PROPERTY TAX LEVY $10,532,749 County Auditor Adjustments (All Subtractions). Fiscal Disparities Distributmon Levy (Metro Area) Spread Levy Used to Compute Local Tax Rate Increase from Previous Year in Spread Levy Market Value Based Referendum Levy Fire Station Last Updated 10/25/06 SPREAD LEVY COMPUTATIONAL WORKSHEET (INCLUDING FIRE STATION LEVY) Total Funding Requirements Less Internal Revenues Less Market Value Based Levy Fire Station (See Below) Equals Revenues Needed Add Back in State MVHC Cuts to Reflect Actual Levy Levy Certified by City to County Auditor 2004 2005 2006 14,088,246 14 809 814 16,072,890 6,165,131 6,258 800 6,886,700 152,193 153,426 154,308 350,330 8,121 252 (Proposed) 2007 7,770,922 8,397,588 9,031,882 10,039,892 n/a 350,330 350,330 8,397,588 9,382,212 10,390,222 17,371,719 (4) 7,189 300 142,527 (3) 844,509 804,414 770,288 870,514 (2) 7 276,743 (1) 7,593,174 (1) 8,611,924 (1) 9,519,708 4 35% 13.42% 10 54% 152,193 153,426 154,308 142,527 (3) (1) Actual Spread Levy Based on Numbers from Dakota County (2) 2007 Number Provided by Dakota County as of 8/09/06 (3) Market Value Based Levy for Fire Station Based on $142,527 Levy Spread to Taxable Market Value on 12/31/06 Last Update from Dakota County 7/18/06 Shows the Levy of $142,527 $2,185,821,500 0665 per $1,000 as our Estimate (4) In 2004 Started Including the Water, Sewer, Storm Water Arena Enterprise Funds in These Figures A a 0) W O 4fl NJ N 0 m 0 (n y n0 mF 73 s 73 .E ro oc-c o m o y Q t= 0 an m o g2, m P. it CD n 3 0 CD ti -1 OS 0) N n o. n a3 X my N c c c r C p) 0 r N 2 (n r O- 0 an 0 a X `c N N 3 N O en X X 3 3 0 y X m d ID N N O (n (n T N 3 m m D) O (A 0 0 0 —I O X 7 (D N N 49 (�T t9 (T 0 N (o 0) co Ni a 4A NJ (A N A (T N N 69 N A N -WO (T T (0 J o 69 NW. a N 4R 4A N.) 6_9 4A W 49 01 J EA 69 4A J c W 0 49 44 69 69 (T Q) 0 (0 CO J N) J 01 CO 4A 4A 49 69 N m J A 0 01 0) CO EA 4A 69 W W -69 69 9 0) 69 W 0) v CO CO 03E9 49 W 0 0 N E co X 4) 0 49 (U T D 0) O 0 m o 7 --1 m 9 0 O o v Ti 0 CD m X O 0 T CD N 7 W T O 7 0)0 o (D m to ry "'I O G N r 7 O 0 0 C M X J 0 7 rn 4A o o a m D 0 0 0 7 o v p N rn D cc? Cn o 0)o 5 cc m <5 P 7 U7 y Zaps) 1O 7 N CD Z 2 Z 0 7 D X m Q 0) o cn N w (D co (D N N _�0 7 3 GENERAL FUND (FUND 101) PROJECTED YEAR -END FUND BALANCE WORKSHEET (Before Encumbrance Entries) 12/31/05 Balance "Designated for Working Capital" Projected Revenues Thru 12/31/06(As of 10/17/06) 8,532,000 Less Projected Expenditures Thru 12/31/06(As of 10/17/06) 8,046,000 Projected Surplus(Deficit) for Year Projected "Designated for Working Capital" as of 12/31/06 (Before Final Year -End Adjustments) Less 2006 Encumbrances (Potential Encumbrances as of 10/24/06) Less Adjustment to Fund Balance to reflect 12/31/06 Compensated Absences Balance (Per Fund Balance Policy) Projected "Designated for Working Capital" as of 12/31/06 (Before Adjustment Per Fund Balance Policy) Preliminary 2007 General Fund Operating Budget Percentage of Fund Balance to Next Year's Budget 55% of 2006 General Fund Operating Budget Amount to be Redesignated to CIP Funds (Per Fund Balance Policy) Potential Encumbrances 1) 101 41110 -01 -307 03 2) 101 41110 -01 -598 00 3) 101 41940 -01- 401 02 4) 101 -43121 -01 -410 02 Community Survey Council Des/Technology Consultant Siren Repair/Replacement Pedestrian Improvements p7Trde tfou e e 4,525 985 486,000 5,011,985 155,000 0 4,856,985 9,168, 600 52.97% 5,042,730 (185,745) 9,000 12,000 9,000 125,000 155,000 W J O) LP A 0 N -A Fflaaaatyl tom 0 2 N N N C A O 0000c O X 00 C 2007 onn, CLUJ' ,nn, 2007 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 0 J C 2007 onm 20071 2007' 2007 onm ono, 2007 onm. onml onnal onn, 9nn7I I 'tnmI onn7I norm 2007 2007 onn7 20071 onn7 2007 onml B -k+ N N n) N M N N N N N N N N N N N N N Totals Well 1115 Construction S; non Pond Outlet (Storm CIP 51 Paint flnnnemara Tower Structural Reoairs 1 Swenner (Renlace #4431 1 -Ton Pickup (Replace #342) rranp R Roy for Iltihty Vehicle 43421 runup tr up,aun ,...�.a t_Tnn Pickun (Renlace #3441 Inspection Vehicle (Replace #309) PW Building Addition Lease /Purchase (Year 9 of 20) County Road 42 US Highway 52 (Design Costs) Pavement Management Program Street Reconstruction County Road 73 (CR 42 to 135th Street) it-Inner-Linn Vehicle (Renlace #3081 Radio Communications Upgrades 800 MHZ A PA-Inn/in (Sell Rack 3 #320. 440 480 1 New Department Issued Handguns Emergency Equipment for Squads Installation Equipment for New Squad nrr ranital Costs (Year 1 of 71 3 Npw Radar units Purchase Land for Athletic Complex rnnntru Athletic Cnmolex Rrnrkwav Park RuR f Rlnnmfipld Park Shelter r rnnem anion of Parkina Lot for Disc Golf Course 1 Parke Master Plan Undate f I Mierrelinnenus Park Improvements 1 L 1 Plpw nlninhhnrhnnd Park Desian (N -11 I c r Citv_Wdp Software L L PC Printer Replacements PC Workstation Upgrades (From 2003) Kadin Replacements (Renlace Obsolete) r r L L L Ii I1 11 2005 Equipment Certificates (5- Years) 7nna Pniunment Certificates (5 Years) Paint Ceiling inlNrmmn fn Rncamni int" Sinn! IPub Works IPub Works IPub Works IPub Works IPub Works l Pub Works IPub Works Pub Works Puh Works .Pub Works I Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works Police Police Police Police Police Police Police Park Rec Park Rec Park Rec Park Rec j Park Rec I Park Rec I Park Rec 1 Park Rec I Gen Govt J Finance Finance Fire Council Council Arena Comm Dev Department' 24,000 24,000 BUIn(] C1P 6e l 1,050,000 W-4 0005 000 C coo coo Street CIP Le I 303,000 83,000 1 000'09 00091 000'Sl 000'L 50,000 I 10,000 40,000 20,000 Equipnint CIP fe 000 000'1 0 00'00 0' l c3i' Assessi' 1 420,000 I 250,000 30,000 5,000 I 15,000 8,000 1 PO( IMP FUtid 0, O O O O O MSA Funds From State 1 1,250,000 Water Gore 0 Sswer Core isbu,000 200,000 r Storm Core O2D,000 LL,ouu 16,000 1 15,000 000 nnn'nt -Water Utili LL,DUU 16,000 1 15,000 O 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 O $ewer Utility W J O) LP A 0 N -A Fflaaaatyl tom 0 2 N N N C A V N a 43 N CD Cm07:1 9) n 173 v) to c m w 9, A j o a a T n O 3 a A o o a N f N O C O m 0 m m CD O n o H p o 3 3 m m CD W J N O O m 3G; o .mmCT C p 0^7 0. o C d o S g N m N C_ d N IT) 1:1 CO a y o O N o O a a O E. m a 0., O m m O m CD O n M N 200 onnx I inns �nnt nnc I Anna I �nnP 9nna .`nna I 9nnn na Anna I 2nna I Anna a �na ,nnn vnna. I vnnn l i 9nnnl 9nnal 2nnal "Mal 2nna[ I 9nnnl 9nnal ,r";;;; non' 20081 9nnn no,/ 2nnal I 9nnal I 9nnnl I r II 9 iI 9 9 1 Totals Tractor for New Athletic Complex Micrellaneniis Fnuinment for New Athletic Complex I1 _Ton rliimn Truck for New Athletic Complex Irlatnr Multi Ise Cart for New Athletic Complex Rtnner for New Athletic Complex 1 rlumn Truck !Pentane #4311 1 Mnwer (Renlace #681 I Rarkhne (Replace #4071 I Pnhrat (Renlace #4181 [Fleet Vehicle (Pentane 1998 Wndstar Van) [Trailer (Renlace #5141 [.Street Rernnstolction County Road 73 (135th Street to IGH) [Cnimty Rnad 49 tJS Hiahwav 52 (Design ROW Costs) Pavement Mananement Program I PW Ruildinn Addition 1 ease /Purchase (Year 10 of 20) I r1CC Canital Costs (Year 2 of 7) I2 Sounds (Sell Rack 2- #9810 &98601 !Automatic Vehicle Locator System (AVL) for Marked Squads )uewmno3 DUIRICoaa oIPIIV oJeiovaI Fmernenny Fni moment for Souads Installation Renlarte 3 AFfl IInds fDefibulatorsl New Radar I Inns Nnw Npinhhnrhnnd Park Built (N I Micrplinnenp Park Improvements Renlace Community Center Cooler Freezer in Kitchen 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement ('91 Vehicle) Security Cameras for City Hall Entrances Parking Lots City Software Quiet Zones for Railroad Crossings Hncp Renlarament P ihlir. Works /City Hall Building Expansion 1 Library Project Costs St Incenh Rennvabnn I (slee% sa)epgipuu tuawuiuoy LOW, 9nnfi Fru moment Certificates (5- Years) l tsJaaA 9) sBjeU}I a 4uewwnu3 yUUL sub's „lunowesoel of awoolaM„ Skate Sharnener I c Peirmeratnr R Concession Egmoment Cmmnressnr Ire Fdner I Ithm Descnofion= r Pub Works Pub Works 'Pub Works 'Pub Works 'Pub Works IPub Works 'Pub Works 'Pub Works IPub Works [Pub Works [Pub Works IPub Works IPub Works [Pub Works 'Pub Works 'Police [Polka 'Police 1 Police 1Police 'Police [Police Park &Rec I Park Rec I (Park Rec I Il Council Fire Fire Gent Govt Gen'I Govt II Council Council Council Council Council Comm Dev Council Arena Arena I Arena J Arena ,J:4? 1 124,000 I 24,000 100,000 Building tI(� Levy 1,433,750 F 168,750 1 65,000 f 700,000 500,000 Street CIP Levy 292 000 1 I I 1 I I I 60,000 1 40,000 1 25,000 I 15,000 1 10,000 1 6,000 15,000 I II 6,000 25,000 50,000 40,000 Equipmnt CIP Levy Assess„ I 415,000 1 400,000 1 15,000 Park [flap, Fund- MSA Funds From State .Water Care SewSrer, rF#;ore n 1 Storm Core 1 1 uu,uuu 1 iu,uuu Water Util( I IUU,uuu 1 IU,000 I Sewer' UM V N a 43 N CD Cm07:1 9) n 173 v) to c m w 9, A j o a a T n O 3 a A o o a N f N O C O m 0 m m CD O n o H p o 3 3 m m CD W J N O O m 3G; o .mmCT C p 0^7 0. o C d o S g N m N C_ d N IT) 1:1 CO a y o O N o O a a O E. m a 0., O m m O m CD O n M N 000 OU CD CO CID CO OD 7 o o tn a CO en O CD a o CD u 9 J o J N g O 17 a X o2 ID N n y N J; m 2 C m w a> d N N H O a 0 a 0 o a-9 w 0 0 0 0 0 m 3 m n a b 0, 3 N 2009 2009 1 2009 2009 2009 I 2009 2009 1 2009 200 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 1 2009 2009 1 2009 2009 1 2009' 1 20091 1 2009 1 200 1 1 20091 20091 2009 1 200 1 200g1 1 20091 1 20097 1 20091 2009 r 20091 2009 1 20091 1 2 rz r2 1 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 I 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 Totals ]Twin Puddles Outlet (Storm GIP 11)_ ]Well *16 Land Acquisition ]Wafer Truck (Addition) ]Replace Air Compressor ]Tree Spade (Replace #406) Pickup (Replace Budding Department's) Brush Chipper (Addition) ]Street Reconstruction County Road 73 (135th Street to IGH) 1 County Road 42 /US Highway 52 (ROW Costs Construction) 1 Pavement Management Program 1PW Building Addition Lease /Purchase (Year 11 of 20) 14 Squads (Sell Back 4 #6110, 450, 630 670) Equipment Set Up and Installation for Squads DCC Capital Costs (Year 3 of 7) Speed Trader with Data Collection 'New Emergency Equipment for Squad #50 Replace 4 AED Units (Deibulators) 'Remodel Offices, Booking Area Interview Rooms New Neighborhood Park Built (N -5) 1 Miscellaneous Park Improvements Resurface Tennis Courts rReplace Community Center Ice-Maker in Kitchen 'City -Wde Software 11/2 Ton 4x4 Pckup (Replace 1999 Vehicle) 1 PC Workstation Upgrades (From 2005) 1PC File Server Replacements (From 2006) PC Printer Replacements Quiet Zones for Railroad Crossings Library Enhancement- Art Features 1 2008 Equipment Certificates (5- Years) 2007 Equipment Certificates (5- Years) 2006 Equipment Certificates (5- Years) 1 2005 Equipment Certificates (5- Years) Replace Skate Tile 1 .4�. m, item Desc idn -,t,i ]Pub Works ]Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works ;Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works ]Pub Works 'Pub Works [Pub Works 'Pub Works 'Police Police Police [Police 'Police 'Police 'Police [Park Rec 1 Park Rec 1 'Park Rec [Park Rec 'Gen'; Govt I [Fire [Finance Finance J Finance [Council ;Council I Council 'Council 1 'Council 'Council Arena 1 De rtment 1 194,000 24,000 70,000 Building" GIP Le 1,465,000 200,000 65,000 700,000 500,000 1 Street CIP 660,000 100,000 30,000 30,000 25,000 30,000 90,000 15,000 60,000 15,OOOI 12,000 8,000 16,000 9,000 50,0001 30,000 1 70,000 60,000 10,000 1 Equtprlalt CIP Levy L 221,706 L 221,706 �1SSesS; 1 620,000 1 600,000 1 1 20,000 Park Imp Fund 0 MSA Funds From State 1 250,000 250,000 Wafer Core 0 1 120,000 1 I 120,0001 stomt 1 110,0001 1 100,0001 1 10,000; Water U4 1 110,000 1 1 1 10,000 Sewer ()dh 000 OU CD CO CID CO OD 7 o o tn a CO en O CD a o CD u 9 J o J N g O 17 a X o2 ID N n y N J; m 2 C m w a> d N N H O a 0 a 0 o a-9 w 0 0 0 0 0 m 3 m n a b 0, 3 N M A W N C n ro o c 5 5 p, U m m n C D 0 m c to m r ce D) o 23 n 0 3 m o 3 C O 7J N N CD O T C N ry 8 re a 0 Fn o O O N O N ID en tit 01 m w 1 N O O O O O a co N to 3 3 CD O 0 O O n c 3 c w c ID c a co) O_ a, m J N 0 t0 1 2010 1 20(11 I I �n1n 1 7010 2010 201[ 20101 20101 I 2010] ;mini 20101 I I 20101 I 1 20101 I ;ntn1 I I 20101 I E I 20101 20101 I 201nf I ;mint I 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 a I 2 71 2 1 2 Totals 1 Water Storaae Facility 1 Well #16 Construction I Loader (Replace 1995) I Pickup (Replace #343) I Pickup (Replace #334) I Pickup (Replace #333) IPirkiin (Replace #3321 ]Pickup (Replace #3311 PW Building Addition Lease /Purchase (Year 12 of 20) Pavement Manaaement Program 4 Snuads (Sell Back 3 #720. 731 780 and New Marked) DCC Capital Costs (Year 4 of 7) 1 i ]Replace Sauad Laotoos (7) ,Prnnertv /Evidence Manaaement Software I Fmeraencv Eamoment for New Sauad 1 1 Set tip and Installation of Squad Equipment 1 1 Replace Personal Protection Equipment 1 I 1 Reniace Tasers 1 1 Renlace Sun Shelter at Schwarz Pond Park 1 Miscellaneous Park Improvements 1 1 I 2008 Equipment Certificates (5- Years) 1 1 2007 Eowoment Cerhfcates (5- Years) 1 1 1 2006 Equipment Certificates (5- Years) 1 1 1 2005 Eowoment Certificates (5- Years) 1 I Replace Ice Resurfacer 1 item bescnpbda= IPub Works 1Pub Works 1 Pub Works IPub Works IPub Works IPub Works IPub Works [Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works ,Police 1 Police 1Pohce j ]Police 1 Police Police Police Police 1 Park Rec 1 Park Rec 1 Council 1 Council 1 Council 1 Council 1 Arena Department 1 24,000 24,000' BpiMmg- CIP Le 1 70Q000 700,000 Street CIP Le 1 625,000 1 200,000 1 33 000 1 33,000 1 33,000 1 33,000 1 33,000 1 95,0001 1 60,000 1 r 30,0001 1 25,0001 1 20,000 1 1 20,000 1 5,000 5,000 1 Equipmnt CIP Le O J 60,000 40,000 20,000 1 Palk Imp fund O 1v15R Funds From state'; J 3,950,000 1 2,700,000 1 1,250,000 Water' Cote 0 Sewer Pore c Stom• Core J 110,001) 000'00 t 000' Water J 110,uut 000`001. 000'0L Sewer trusty M A W N C n ro o c 5 5 p, U m m n C D 0 m c to m r ce D) o 23 n 0 3 m o 3 C O 7J N N CD O T C N ry 8 re a 0 Fn o O O N O N ID en tit 01 m w 1 N O O O O O a co N to 3 3 CD O 0 O O n c 3 c w c ID c a co) O_ a, m J N 0 t0 0 CD CD a o nro co to co c 13 01 co M 03 0 o N C co N u. N 0 O ‘76 o O 3 m 0 0 v 0 0 o m a T1 N m N N N (0 O N N 0 N 0 O W N a o o x 0 0 0 N n p CO o 2 C J 01 N C O r d 2 N O D O O O `ry O a U W O 0 (0 3 co 0 3 c m m C0 0 DJ 0 1 2011 rirrtrrrirtrrirrirrirri I 9011 1 7(111 1 9011 1 2011 201 i1 I 90111 1 90111 90111 20111 1 20111 1 90111 1 20111 i 90111 1 90111 1 I 90111 1 20111 1 20111 20111 1 20111 1 20 I 2 1 2 12 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 I 2 21 2 1 2 1 9 2 1 2] Totals 1Var Truck Replacement (1995 Vehicle) Inutile Truck (Replace #432) 1f)umn Truck (Addition) 11- TnnrPickuo (Replace #3101 'Pickup )Replace #312) Pir.kun (Replace #3111 County Road 42 US Rahway 52 (ROW Costs Construction) Pavement Manaoement Proaram PW Rnildina Addition Lease /Purchase (Year 13 of 20) 3 Sounds (Sell Back 2 #190 740 and New Unmarked) Police Records CAD Uoarade 1 Dec Capital Costs (Year 5 of 7) Voice Recoandmn Dictation Software 1 Add 5 Portable Radios Fnumment for New Sauad 1 New Neighborhood Park Built (N-6) 1 Miscellaneous Park Improvements 1 Replace Skate Park Eauloment Tanker Replacement 1 PC Workstation Uoarades (From 2007) 1 PC Printer Replacements 1 2008 Eoumment Certificates (5- Years) 1 2007 Fnumment Certificates (5- Years) 1 2006 Fnumment Certificates (5- Years) 1 Replace Condenser 1 1 Desenotmn_ IPub Works IPub Works Pub Works (Pub Works !Pub Works 1Pub Works 1Pub Works 1Pub Works 1 Pub Works 1 Police 1 Police 1Pohce 1 iPolice 1 Police 1 Police 1 Park &Rec 1 Park Rec j Park Rec 1 Fire Finance Finance 1 Council 1 Council 1 Council 1 Arena 1 I Department 1 24,000 I 24,0001 Buildmq DIP Le vy 1 1,200,000 1 500,000 1 700,000 Street CIP LaYy` 1 1,126,000 1 130,000 1 120,000 1 45,000 33,000 I 33,000 1 120,0001 1 120,0001 1 60 000 35,0001 1 000'01. 1 5,000 1 75,000 1 250,000 1 80,000 1 1 0,000 1 €gwpmn( CIP Le Assess 1 370,000 350,0001 20,000 1 Park Imp Fund 1 2,250,000 1 2,250,000 MSA Funds From State Water Core 1 300,000 1 300,000 Storm I C o re 1 110,0uu 1 100,000 1 10,000 1 11u,00u 1 100,000 1 10,000 'i Sewer I Ulllity 0 CD CD a o nro co to co c 13 01 co M 03 0 o N C co N u. N 0 O ‘76 o O 3 m 0 0 v 0 0 o m a T1 N m N N N (0 O N N 0 N 0 O W N a o o x 0 0 0 N n p CO o 2 C J 01 N C O r d 2 N O D O O O `ry O a U W O 0 (0 3 co 0 3 c m m C0 0 DJ 0 _OO_O 5 3 �2a C C A 3 r o n n 3 3 o map, 55= v(n C) v n 0 c v 3 n 3 m m 0 F 3 0 N m 3 c 3 N n 3 3 m o m 3 0 c 3 3 m 8 0 8 n 3 3 c o co o o 3 n c a m o c 2 m v m co y N o W N N co co N co co M_ O O O O O co n co oc co N A CO CO 2 2 N O O O 6,920 Programmed for 2012 Culmulative Deficit of $258,290) 9019 1 9019 1J. 1 2■121 1 20121 1 20121 1 20121 1 20121 1 20121 1 20121 I 20121 1 20121 1 2021 11 20 1 20121 1 20121 1 20;21 1(1 1 20121 r 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 I 2 1 21 2 1 2 2 Totals 1 Dumo Truck (Replace #434) IDumn Truck (Replace #4331 11 -Ton Pickup (Adddion) I Pickup (Replace #342) 1 1Pavement Management Proaram 1 1 PW Bwldma Addition Lease /Purchase (Year 14 of20) 1 13 Squads (Sell Back 3 #930, 970 9110) 1 DCC Capital Costs (Year 6 of 7) 1 Replace Tactical Gear 1 Replace Video /Audio Recording Equipment in Interview Rooms 1 Souad Set Up and Equipment Installation New Neiahborhood Park Built (N-7) Replace Play Eauoment at Jaycee Park 1 Pumper (Addition) 1 PC File Server Replacements (From 2009) 1 2008 Eauoment Certificates (5- Years) 1 2007 Eaumment Certificates (5- Years) Replace Coolina Tower 1 Replace Compressor 1 ,wogaposea -weJ 1 Pub Works Pub Works I Pub Works IPub Works IPub Works 'IPub Works_ Police 1 Police Police 1 Police 1 Police J Park Rec I Park Rec 1 Fire 1 Finance 1 Council 1 Council 1 Arena Arena 1 13epart neta 1 24,000 1 24,000 1 Bonding CIP Le I 700,000 1 700,0001 Street GIP Le f 1,050,000 L 140,000 1 130,000 1 45,000 35,000 80,000 1 60,000 30,000 1 30,000 15,000 1 65,000 I 360,000 1 60,000 I EquipmM GIP Levy o Assess 1 350,000 350,000 Park Imp Fund o M Funds From 'State o Water Ogre o Sewer Core o Storm Core 1 110,000 1 100,0001 1 10,000 Water Utllrty 1 110,000 1 100,000 1 10,000 Sewef Utility _OO_O 5 3 �2a C C A 3 r o n n 3 3 o map, 55= v(n C) v n 0 c v 3 n 3 m m 0 F 3 0 N m 3 c 3 N n 3 3 m o m 3 0 c 3 3 m 8 0 8 n 3 3 c o co o o 3 n c a m o c 2 m v m co y N o W N N co co N co co M_ O O O O O co n co oc co N A CO CO 2 2 N O O O 6,920 Programmed for 2012 Culmulative Deficit of $258,290) V 0 a W N G g O O n O. N N O 0 0 N C C O o n n a o CI o o n is y 3 V m d E 3 a 3 m m s m 3 2 w 3 B 3 a w m v w 3 c C ?DJ c'D O O ((0 m N N O d O CD 7 g N y 3 O N CL O O m N (p m N m a n w m cn co co c y m T I ID y to O O O 0 N a co CD 0 m co 2 T C_ a 0, O O O A Ut "t O V O to N 3 3 a O 0 n G 3 i c y c m O w m 2 N c1,03 Anal iewi I 20131 1 I I 211131 1 I I 20131 1 I I 20131 1 1 I 20131 I I I 20131 I I 20131 1 I 201 1 l I 1 20 1 i f 20131 1 1 I 20131 1 I 20131 1 1 I 20131 1 1 I 20131 I 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 I I 2 I 2 1 I Mt I 2 I 2 I 2 1 I 2 Totals 1 Well #17 Construction 1Park Rec Van (Replace #301) 1 'Pavement Manaaement Program PW Buildina Addition Lease /Purchase (Year 15 of 20) 1 4 Sauads (Sell Back 4 #1020, 1031, 1041 1080) DCC Capital Costs (Year 7 of 7) 1 Squad Set Uo and Eauoment Installation 1 Reolace Video Equipment in Squads 1 Surveillance Cameras and Miscellaneous Equipment Replace 2 Tactical Body Armor Vests 1 1/2 Ton 4x4 Pickup (Replace 2003 Vehicle) 1 PC Workstation Uoarades (From 2009) 1 PC Printer Replacements 2008 Eauloment Certificates (5- Years) 1 Reolace Scoreboard 1 ''ifekit- best01AM [Pub Works Pub Works 1Pub Works 1 ,Pub Works Police 1 Police 1 Police J Police 1 Police 1 Police Fire Finance Finance Council 1 Arena 1 9epartment j 24,000 1 24,0001 C Building CIP Le r.. 700,000 1 700,0001 Street OP Le 1 367,500 30,000 90,000 60,000 20,000 20 000 20,000 7,500 30,000 80,000 1 1 000 01 Equipmnt GIP Le 0 Assess 0 Park Imp Fund 0 MSA Funds From State 1 1,500,000 1 1,500,0001 Water core 0 0 t Steal) Core 1 110,000 1 100,000 1 10,000 Water_ I Uhf 1 110,000 1 100,000 1 10,000 Sewed Utility V 0 a W N G g O O n O. N N O 0 0 N C C O o n n a o CI o o n is y 3 V m d E 3 a 3 m m s m 3 2 w 3 B 3 a w m v w 3 c C ?DJ c'D O O ((0 m N N O d O CD 7 g N y 3 O N CL O O m N (p m N m a n w m cn co co c y m T I ID y to O O O 0 N a co CD 0 m co 2 T C_ a 0, O O O A Ut "t O V O to N 3 3 a O 0 n G 3 i c y c m O w m 2 N c1,03 Anal iewi CO CO N Q D N N 3 C C N CO 7- d Q 7 (.0 to O D d twa w coo N d c o 3 n fp a N N "8 m 3 m 2 m o m m 3 T L N p C p 0 O y j N O N N_ O c O 3 en ry N O p O f N °D S CLI C O N N c N T co co O O O 0 0 N N N cn co co 2 m T C 6 N O O O O O 09 O co W N co 0 O 3 3 3 m n N O 0 C 3 c O n D tq N m 0 O I 20141 20141 I 20141 20141 2014 20141 1 2014 2014 1 2014 1 2 1 21 -.----I 2 1 +1 2 I 1 2 Pdonty Level 1 Totals 1 Pavement Management Program 1 1 L l PW Building Addition Lease /Purchase (Year 16 of 20) 1 1 3 Sauads (Self Back 3 #5120, 1140 8 950) 1 i Reolace Sauad Laptops 1 1 1 1 Sauad Set Up and Equipment Installation 1 a Replace Department Lona Guns 1 Replace 2 Lasers 1 Refurbish SCBA Compressor (2004 Compressor) 1 Reolace Compressor 1 Item Deecnpttori Pub Works 1 Pub Works 1 Police Police Police 1 Police 1 Police 1 Fire il Arena J Oepp[tntant J 24,000 24,000 1 BWidng CIP Le 1 700,000 700,000 1 Street GIP Le 1 150,000 80,000 30,000 1 15,000 1 10,000 1 000'07 5,000 1 Equipmnt CIP Levy 0 Assess O Park Imp Fund O MSA Funds From State 0 Water Core O Sewer Core 0 Storm Gore i f 110.000 100,000 10,000 Wafer U41t 1 1 1 110,000 100,000 10,000 Utility CO CO N Q D N N 3 C C N CO 7- d Q 7 (.0 to O D d twa w coo N d c o 3 n fp a N N "8 m 3 m 2 m o m m 3 T L N p C p 0 O y j N O N N_ O c O 3 en ry N O p O f N °D S CLI C O N N c N T co co O O O 0 0 N N N cn co co 2 m T C 6 N O O O O O 09 O co W N co 0 O 3 3 3 m n N O 0 C 3 c O n D tq N m 0 O co 03 v O O SS m CD m C G N J N nn= 0 e m 0 0 .0 c X 6 3 m c 3 3 N 3 3 CD O v a n co 5 a o CO 3 0 3 3 N co N m 3 3 v N o C A n a ry n N 3 61 T 3 H c z co N o o o c a o C n n d co i c N 7 N N CO C m N N T N CO N w 0 O O O co 6 N 0, N N A co co 2 m 9 c N O O O O O 0D (0 9,280 Programmed for 2015 Culmulative Deficit of $4,059,910) 2015 2015 2015 2015 20151 2015 20151 20151 2015 2015 20151 N N 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 N N 2 1 m "r j e Totals I Pavement Management Program !Sweeper (Replace #444) 3 Squads (Sell Back 3 #1230, 1270 2110) PW Building Addition Lease /Purchase (Year 17 of 20) Replace Upgrade Dictation Equipment Squad Set Up and Equipment Installation 4x4 Grass Rig Replacement ('00 Vehicle) PC Workstation Upgrades (From 2011) PC Pnnter Replacements PC File Server Replacements (From 2012) Replace Refrigeration Equipment rAtem- Desedptian.� Pub Works Pub Works Police Pub Works Police (Police (Fire [Finance Finance Finance [Arena Department 1 24,000 24,000 Budding GIP Le 1 700,000 700,000 1 Streef, CIP 1 470,000 170,000 80,000 1 20,0001 1 15,000 1 35,000 r 80,000 10,000 60,000 Equipmnt CIP Levy 0 Assess 0 Park Imp Fund 0 MSA Funds From State 0 r Water Core 0 0 1 110,000 100,000 10,000 Rater 1 110,000 100,000 000 01. Sewer Utdi co 03 v O O SS m CD m C G N J N nn= 0 e m 0 0 .0 c X 6 3 m c 3 3 N 3 3 CD O v a n co 5 a o CO 3 0 3 3 N co N m 3 3 v N o C A n a ry n N 3 61 T 3 H c z co N o o o c a o C n n d co i c N 7 N N CO C m N N T N CO N w 0 O O O co 6 N 0, N N A co co 2 m 9 c N O O O O O 0D (0 9,280 Programmed for 2015 Culmulative Deficit of $4,059,910) 0 0 A 0 0 0 r c .2016 2nln c 9n1AI r i 20167 2n1n r 20161 r c 2nlAf N N r N 4 i Tractor (Replace #409) Grader (Replace #4131 1 I Pavement Manaaement Proaram C 1 4 Squads (Sell Back 4 #1320, 1331, 1341 1380) PW Ruiidina Addition Lease /Purchase (Year 18 of 20) t i 1 f I Replace Radar Units 1 1 1 I Squad Set Uo and Eauioment Installation 1 Lfr DesCr(ation SP; +L Pub Works Pub Works Pub Works j Police Pub Works Police 1 Police 1 Department 24,000 24p001 Budding CIP Levy 1 700,000 700,000 Str CIP Le f 420,000 85,000 185,000 100,000 30,000 20,000 Egolpmnt CtPLe 0 Assess 0 Park Imp Fund 0 MSA Funds From State 0 Water Core 0 Sewer Core 0 Storm car 1 11U,000 n 0 100,000 10,000 Water -UMdy 1 11U,000 i a 100,000 10,000 Sewer Utility 0 0 A 0 0 0 D g F tO S 2 N N n u 0, NJ NJ O 0 n O Y 0 O 0 0 V 0 0 0 b N 0 1 I 2017 2017 2017 2017 2 Priority I" l eves Street Const Boulder Avenue Extension 1 North Central Sanitary Sewer Extension 3 Sauads (Sell Back 3 #810, 860 1440) 1 Portable Alarm Replacements 1 Sauad Set Up and Eompment Installation 1 CIP Reserves Future Street Protects _I I Item Description Pub Works Pub Works Police 1 Police A Police 1 Council Department 0 build ng CIS LeVY J 700,000 700,0001 Street' CIPLe'y J 113,000 75,000 20,000 18,000 Equipmnt CIP Le vy 0 Assess 0 Park Imp Fund 0 Funds From State,. 0 Water I Core 0 Sewer Core 0 Storm Core 0 Water UtIlily 0 sewer Unity D g F tO S 2 N N n u 0, NJ NJ O 0 n O Y 0 O 0 0 V 0 0 0 b N 0