HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. GlenRose of Rosemount Assessments, City Project #397AGENDA ITEM: GlenRose of Rosemount Assessments, City Project #397 AGENDA SECTION: .../.56(43 u.-/ inn p,( PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, City Engineer AGENDA NO. 2.A., ATTACHMENTS: Project Cost and Funding Summary; Tables, Maps, Assessment Roll, Letter to Residents APPROVED BY: Q RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: November 1, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND: At the September 19, 2006 meeting the City Council declared costs and called for the Pubhc Heanng to consider the assessments for the GlenRose of Rosemount Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #397. At the October 17, 2006 meeting, staff presented a resolution for consideration establishing an assessment roll for the aforementioned project. Material for discussion is presented herein to provide a more clear explanation of the funding spht of project costs between the developer (Dean Johnson Homes), the City, and those benefiting residents proposed to be assessed for improvements included as part of the GlenRose project, as well as to provide additional background mformauon requested by Council. The attachment showing Table 1 gives a breakdown of the total project costs Including construction, legal, engmeenng, administration, and finance Easement acquisition costs are broken out separately to show that it represents $179,800, or 11° o of the total project cost of $1,639,356. Table 2 illustrates the funding distribution for the project. The developer is contnbuting 79 the City 16 and benefiting properties are proposed to be assessed 5 or $87,010, of the total project cost The contribution by the City is from two separate sources. the Sewer Utility Fund and the Water Core Fund. The Sewer Utility Fund specifically funds the City's share of easement acquisition costs, discussed below. The Water Core Fund specifically funds trunk watermain improvements included as a part of the project as infrastructure improvements to the City's water system that are not specific or necessary for the development and therefore funded by the City. Table 3 illustrates the determination of the sanitary sewer assessments, based on a per unit rate apphcable both to the developer and assessable properties. As a part of this discussion, m checking for accuracy and consistency Staff noted that the original sanitary sewer per umt calculations as presented to Council at the assessment hearing included the cost of the development's hft station that only serves the GlenRose development. Therefore, the lift station cost was changed to be 100°,17 developer funded and removed from the calculations to arrive at a proposed sewer assessment. This change has the effect of reducing the proposed sanitary sewer assessments. The revised calculation for samtary sewer per umt rate is determined by dividing the actual construction cost of sanitary sewer on the project, not including the cost of the G ENGPROJ \397\AssessmentCWS11 -1 -06 doc development's hft station, by the total number of development units (76) plus the number of assessable units, or services extended (3). This yields a sanitary per umt rate of $1,569 /unit, reflecting only construction costs. To arrive at a proposed sewer assessment per unit, it is necessary to combine construction costs with legal, engineering, administration, finance, and easement acquisition costs. The actual proposed sewer assessment per unit /service then becomes $5,291 /unit. Likewise, Table 4 illustrates watermam assessments, based on a per unit rate Because the assessable lateral watermam was extended separately and independently of the watermam infrastructure within the GlenRose development, the per unit rate is determined by the actual construction cost of the lateral watermain construction necessary to extend water service to the benefiting properties, divided by the number of benefiting properties /services (6). This yields a watermam per unit or per service rate of $4,524/umt To arrive at a proposed water assessment per unit, again it is necessary to combine construction costs with legal, engineering, admunstranon, finance, and easement acquisition costs. The actual proposed watennain assessment per unit /service then becomes $11,856 /unit Table 5 illustrates the actual easement acquisition costs for the projects, and the associated funding sources for these costs. As previously stated, the source for City funding for easement acquisition on this project was the Sewer Utility Fund, representing approximately 48% of easement acquisition costs. The attached Easement Acquisition Funding Breakdown exhibit illustrates by parcel what is shown in Table 5. Also, the attached Easement Acquisition Exhibit illustrates areas included m the acquisition of easements for the project that were not originally anticipated in the Feasibihty phase of the project. These easements were to have been secured m 1993 as a part of the Armory Sanitary Sewer project, but never were recorded with Dakota County. City funding contributed to the easement acquisitions for these areas, as shown over the Lucking parcel (75% City funded), Gramsey parcel (75 °,4, City funded), and Hidden Valley parcel (50% City funded). The funding splits mdicated in Table 5 are also illustrated in two different manners m additional bar graphs, showing easement acquisition funding by parcel, and also by funding source At the October 17, 2006 meeting Council directed Staff to provide background on the zoning of the Franz property, which follows here: The 2000 Comprehensive Plan indicates that what is now being referred to as the Franz property was used as single family residential m 1992. To the south the land use was categorized as commercial and to the north also single family. The mobile home park (now Hidden Valley) was recognized to the east The proposed ]and use plan was to maintain the UR, Urban Residential designation over the smaller properties along Hwy 3 as well as the mobile home park The Comprehensive Plan document also indicates that the property was zoned C -2 Community Commercial m October 1993 The site was highlighted as an area to rezone as "necessary to implement Update 2000 The 2020 Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2000, indicates that the land use at the site was commercial but the Comprehensive Land Use designation continued to remain Urban Residential. The Comprehensive Plan classifies this property along with the four residential properties to the north as "Potential Redevelopment Parcels" The Plan indicates that there is one business, four homes, and six apartment units and that the preferred future land use is lugh- density residential. Based upon the County information, the existing house on the site was built in 1932 and the office in 1950. Site development would be considered a legal non conformity The property itself is 1.17 acres. Under the R -1 zoning district three single family detached lots could be created and comply with ordinance cntena. Should the property be redeveloped, it would be combined with properties to the north and would be dedicated to attached single family housing. It is difficult to estimate the number of lots attributed to this one parcel since it is the combination of all five which would make redevelopment feasible. Even with the combination, it would be easier to redevelop if the five smaller parcels fronting along Hwy 3 were combined with some of the open space directly to the east and associated with the 2 mobile home park. SUMMARY: Staff will present this informanon to Council at the Work Session and be available to respond to questions. 3 TABLE 1 GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 PROJECT COST Street 1 529,317 25 Sanitary Sewer 235,204 03 Watermain 437,654 74 Storm Sewer 257,380 19 Easement Acquisition 179,800 00 Total Project Cost Project Item Amount Easement Acquisition 11% 1,639,356.22 Project Cost Street Storm Sewer 32% 16% Watermain Sanitary Sewer 27% 14% TABLE 2 GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 PROJECT FUNDING Funding Source Developer Assessments City Sewer Utility Fund City Water Core Fund Total Project Funding City Water Core Fund 11% City Sewer Utility Fund 5% Assessments 5% Amount 1,283,396 40 87,010 09 85,140.95 183,808 78 1,639,356.22 Project Funding Developer 79% TABLE 3 GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 SANITARY SEWER COST PER UNIT Item Amount Sanitary Sewer Construction 208,197 62 Lift Station Construction (84,240 00) Sanitary Sewer not incl Lift Station 123,957 62 Total Number of Units (76 Development 3 Assessable) 79 Sewer Per Unit Rate (Construction Only) Sanitary Sewer not mcl lift station/ 79 units 1,569.08 Assessable Units /Services 3 Proposed Sewer Assessments (Construction Only) Sewer Per Unit Rate *Assessable Units 4,707 25 Prorated Legal, Engineering, Admin, Finance 1,17681 Prorated Easement Acquisition 9,989 90 Proposed Sewer Assessments (Total Project Cost) 15,873 96 Proposed Sewer Assessment Per Unit /Service 5,291.32 TABLE 4 GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 WATERMAIN COST PER UNIT Lateral Watermain Construction Total Number of Units Watermain Per Unit Rate (Construction Only) Lateral Watermain 6 units Item Amount 27,141 78 6 4,523.63 Assessable Units /Services 6 Proposed Water Assessments (Construction Only) j Watermain Per Unit Rate' Assessable Units I 27141.78 Prorated Legal, Engineering, Admin, Finance 6,654 72 Prorated Easement Acquisition 37,339 62 Proposed Water Assessments (Total Project Cost) 71,136 13 Proposed Water Assessment Per Unit /Service 11,856.02 TABLE 5 GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 EASEMENT FUNDING BREAKDOWN Total Easement Cost Including Overhead $179,800.00 Parcel Total Cost Lucking Gramsey Peters 1 Franz Hidden Valley TOTALS 1 25,176 91 22,843.44 8,965 44 24,562 84 98,251 37 179,800.00 City Sewer Utility Fund Portion 18,882 68 17,132 58 1$ 49,12568 I 85,140.95 Developer Portion 3,14711 2,855 43 4,482,72 I 12,281,42 1 24,562.84 47,329.53 Assessable Portion 3,147 11 2,855 43 4,482 72 12,281 42 24,562 84 47,329.53 Assessable Portion 26% Easement Funding by Source Developer Portion 26% City Sewer Utility Fund Portion 48% $100,000 00 $90,000 00 $80,000 00 $70,000 00 $60,000 00 $50,000 00 $40,000 00 $30,000 00 $20,000 00 $10,000 00 Easement Funding Breakdown by Parcel Lucking Peters Franz City Sewer Utility Fund Portion Developer Portion 0 Assessable Portion Hidden Valley 0) m m �r n Z 0 C I O m m O m 0 Z z OD m In C N N z c 3 0 m j 1 I I o vaaa 00000 0 0000000 (noon 00 ncmc gn i Aga; =a m >K m fl' P1 a UPPER 138TH P STREET W m 140TH CIRCLE W /T� L SW OOR OF T I1Til N y OF SE 1/4 OF SEC TO a HIDDEN VALLEY LEGEND: CONNE -MARA —TRAIL EASEMENTS NOT RECORDED WITH DAKOTA COUNTY AS PART OF ARMORY SANITARY SENER PROJECT 1993 A L 131 Xenia A yve South Suite 300 rannrapniz MN 55410 W$B L. 9.1FRLST9JC7393 _ENGI5 I e0,IM5G.C93S 37110 Glenrose Addition Easement Acquisition Exhibit City of Rosemount WSB Project No 155643 CITY PmieaS No 397 Date 10 /6/05 Revised 1026ryS J 1 01 5e6-1315uNGOREVKED_E9SEMENT gwMp 1 1 I 7 1 1 1 1 1€ HIDDEN VALLEY LEGEND: SEWER UTIDTY FUND COR OF THE SW 1- 1 OF SE 1/4 OF SEC >0 h l CONNEMARA TRAIL N LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 50% CITY' 25% DEVELOPER 25% ASSESSMENTS 75% CITY* 12 5% DEVELOPER 12 5% ASSESSMENTS 50% DEVELOPER 50% ASSESSMENTS 4A 701 Xenia Mn a South Su.e 9]0 WSB MY3e6606 MN 5 wINv 5beng win \...666,6,163-666 ENN, ENa6 6666 606$3,633 Glenrose Addition Easement Acquisition Funding Breakdown City of Rosemount WSB Prole9 No 155643 CITY Poled No 397 Dale 10/6/05 Revised 1028/05 K50155640/S NeyWEV ISEO_FASEMFM_10.11L6S CITY,STATE,ZIP: AMOUNT: 1 1 LPL :TS 4 9c81 IS 958 ITS 9SHI 56z`7£s Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 Rosemount, MN 55068 iurusville, MN 55306 Cannon Palls, MN 55009 MAILING ADDRESS: 11E.ET.1ragoy 41noS 0£6£I 13836 South Robert Trail 13830 South Robert Trail 825 Crystal Lake Road East OsTL sxe» 508b£ :3IKVNI l _Mtchael Merla Peters Donna Sernlak Janice Falls Thomas Joseph Lucking Mark Francis Lucking Louis Tste Ciarnsey I 340201006080 Todd Henry Franz South Metro Auto Broker 08010010 �QId 080100I070b 34112010U4080 340201005080 Oa cu 0. to CO De cc m (O O LLI Le O N Co 4 N N r" r y dco Et c y LW o v 0> cc) CO O Z F W W o0 0 U. W ZW} Q W al 2 111 uj CI I-- D Z Z Z ZWWW J N N N LU L U) U) U) W W W D U) cn U) d'ZU)V)U) a¢Q Cc: Mayor and Council Members Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator 'C ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Property Owners From: Andrew J Brotzler, PE, City Engineer Date: October 20, 2006 Subject: Continuation of Assessment Hearing GlenRose of Rosemount Street Utility Improvements City Project #397 Due to quesuons received by Council at the October 17t Public Hearing regarding the assessments of the GlenRose of Rosemount Street and Utility Improvements, the Council has directed Staff to notify all property owners regarding a special Council Work Session to be held on November 1, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. This is a work session for Council and City staff to discuss the GlenRose of Rosemount Street and Utility Improvements assessments This is not a pubhc hearmg. The public hearing for the project's assessments has been continued to the November 21, 2006 regular Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. G ENGPROJ 397 Assessment Meeting Update- Restdentsl0 -19 -06 doc