HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the October 11, 2006 City Council Work SessionPacket page 2 of 177 4ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA Welcome to the Rosemount City Council Public Hearing Purpose of Public Hearing The purpose of the public hearing is to obtain comments related to how the issue affects the City and the residents As designated by the City Council, the Rosemount Planning Commission conducts public hearings on all land use apphcations and makes recommendations to the City Council Council then makes their final decision. Notifications have been posted on site and have previously been pubhshed and /or mailed to all property owners within 350 feet, or one quarter of a mile if the property is zoned Agriculture, of the proposed project. Public Hearing Process In order to provide the greatest opportunity for informed comments, the process at public hearings is generally as follows: 1. The Developer and /or apphcant introduce himself /herself and the proposed project including major improvements and unique features of the project. 2. City Staff provides a detailed review of the proposal and how it relates to the Comprehensive Plan and existing ordinances. Staff is not in a position to promote or advocate for projects Staff instead identifies issues, proposals, solunons and stipulations related to existing City Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan 3. City Council members discuss and ask questions to clarify issues regarding the proposed project and /or staff report. 4. Public Hearing Comments. The Mayor opens the hearing for public comments. The City Council wants you to feel comfortable m providing informed comments and your input is appreciated by them. Please state your name and address at the podium and sign in at the "sign in" list at the rear of the room. After your comments the City Council may request the Developer and /or City Staff to address any questions or statements made by you. 5. The Mayor closes the pubhc hearing and quesuons or comments will no longer be received from the audience. 6. City Council Members discuss the project and a final motion for action on the issue may be offered if desired. Thank you for your interest in attending this public hearing. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and nonce thereof, a work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Wednesday, October 11, 2006, at 6.32 p m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Baxter, DeBetugrues, Shoe Corrigan and Sterner attending Staff members present were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator Foster, Police Chief Kalstabakken, City Engineer Brotzler, Finance Director May, Community Development Director Lindquist, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Operations Superintendent Cook, Communications Coordinator Cox and City Clerk Domeier. 2.A. City Council Appointments to St. Joseph's Church Task Force City Administrator Verbrugge requested tndicauon of Council Members interested in serving on the task force He did caution Council Members that with the City Election in early November it was suggested to wait for appointment in the event new members are elected Council Members Baxter and Sterner both expressed interest in joining the task force. Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided an updated timeline on the process. Applications will be accepted through October 20, 2006 He stated to date seven applications were received. Mr Schultz stated that the school district will be nominating Kim Budde, the new vice principal, to serve on the task force. He added the recommendations could be brought to the City Council on November 21. Mr. Verbrugge offered that before the November 8 Special Work Session, applicant interviews could be held similar in style to the Commissioner interviews. The Council agreed on interviewing the applicants should a large number apply. 2.B. Special Assessment Deferrals City Engineer Brotzler distributed a revised resolution drafted by the City attorney incorporating comments received at the previous work session and based upon a meeting with Council Member Baxter Mr. Brotzler summanzed the changes made to the resolution. The Council Members discussed condition 4 C. Mr Brotzler noted after the program has been in use a couple of years and the City Council has seen real situations the net assets number could be modified City .Administrator Verbrugge stated until the City has experience with the program, the City Council should error on the side of caution and make it a $10,000 threshold Council Member Sterner suggested $50,000 amount for net assets; Council Member Shoe Corrigan suggested $5,000, and Council Members Baxter and DeBcttignies were in agreement with $10,000 Mayor Droste favored raising the amount to $10,000 and to assess the amount annually based upon the applications received. Mr. Brotzler stated the resolution will be on the consent agenda on October 17 2.C. Library JPA City Administrator Verbrugge stated staff has worked with Dakota County staff to continue drafting the final ]PA for the library. The conditions outlined in the JPA are consisted in Packet page 3 of 177 structure and form to agreements the County has with other cities. Mr. Verbrugge described some of the County and City commitments as outlined in the agreement Council Member Baxter inquired how long the requirement is for operating as a library. Mr. Verbrugge stated 30 years Mayor Droste questioned snow removal responsibilities Mr. Verbrugge responded it would be a contract snow crew that would take care of snow removal. Community Development Director Lindquist distributed the site plans for the library and described the two options. She stated the pros and cons for each site plan related to parking, site access, and location of side walks Council Member Shoe Corrigan added that the drafts are simply for the footprint of the building and requested feedback on the layouts Mayor Droste stated the sidewalks should be wider to include street lights. He also added he would prefer outdoor space to include an area people could hold an outdoor function. Council Member Baxter did not favor the parking area on Highway 3 Council Member Shoe Corrigan was not thrilled with the parking in the front but noted Plan B would give straight thru access and better turn radiuses compared to Plan A. Council Member Sterner preferred the pond be located at the front of the building. Mayor Droste added he would like to see cobblestone walks and nice benches Council Member Baxter suggested tying in building features from Fire Station No 2 Mayor Droste added he favored a histoncal theme to the hbrary name. Ms. Lindgtust distributed possible hbrary names collected to date Council Members were asked to email library name suggestions to Ms Lindquist. Council Member Baxter stated if Site Plan B appears to be the best option to use it then going forward Mr Verbrugge stated the JPA will be fimshed and brought to City Council in a month or two for consideration. 2.D. 2007 Budget City Administrator Verbrugge provided a general overview of the 2007 budget. The total levy adopted by the City Council represented an 11 10% increase over the 2006 spread levy. The adopted levy included $166,000 of needed reductions and Ivlr. Verbrugge summarized the recommended adjustments as outhned in the staff report. Mr Verbrugge informed the City Council of the proposed health care changes. His initial recommendation was to include an increase in the City's VEBA contribution from the current $530 00 to $800 The purpose for the increase in the VEBA was an attempt to hold employees harmless in out -of- pocket expenses and compared to the known out-of-pocket expenses in the Blue Cross renewal However, due to AFSCME's preference to stay with the current health carrier and result of a MN Court of Appeals decision earlier this year regarding the "aggregate value of benefits Mr Verbrugge stated he would hold the recommendation. He stated if the issues cannot be worked out in the next 10 days the Packet page 4 of 177 City will stay with Blue Cross If that is the case, the City would likely take a look at RFPs again in 2007 but start the process much earlier Mr. Verbrugge questioned if the City Council had any issues with the proposed reductions to the budget Council Member Sterner inquired if the City was still considering doing video streaming on the website. Communications Coordinator Cox stated he has not heard anything further from the Cable Commission Mr Verbrugge stated a Cable Commission meeting is scheduled next week and he will check further into the issue. City Engineer Brotzler reviewed the development of the Pavement Management Program. He summarized the set up of the report including the annual funding levels Mayor Droste spoke of the pockets of roads that require upgrading. Mr. Brotzler stated the more the City works with the plan there will be more than two categories assigned to the parameters Council Member Shoe Corrigan requested further interpretation on the classification of streets that would be lower on the list for reconstruction Mr Brotzler pointed out the streets to red on the PCI map that are reconstruction candidates are delayed for improvements by the PMP Stnctly following the PMP, these streets would not show up for improvement until after 2011 This is a result of the PMP prioritizing available dollars for maintenance improvements versus reconstruction Mr. Brotzler stated that proposed for 2007 there is still $700,000 in the budget for the program including the seal coating A suggestion was to consider looking at all the red streets and working on reconstructing the streets based upon available funding and pnonuzation of further review He suggested doing a feasibility study to identify the needs based upon the funding and the assessments and then pnontize the streets based upon the conditions Mr Brotzler added the preferred approach would be to look at all the streets and prioritize them and bring a feasibility report back for a multi-year project. Council Member Sterner questioned the cost of the feasibility report Mr Brotzler responded it depends upon the recommendations desired by the City Council To put the whole funding package together for funding from the CIP depends upon the amount of assessments a project can generate. He added some may be percentage based and you would catch different dollar amounts Council Member Baxter stated to take care of streets below 40. Council Member Shoe- Corrigan suggested the streets be prioritized and to stay within the budget. The City Council directed Mr Brotzler to bring a resoluuon forward to authorize the feasibility study 3.A. Lot Split Great River Energy (GRE) Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz reviewed the staff report Great River Energy (GRE) purchased land from Pine Bend Development that is spht by Ehlers Path which made the land two separate lots. Since it was a lot spht, it was considered a subdivision subject to the City's Subdivision Ordinance At its May meeting, the Park Commission recommended collecting cash in lieu of land for the parks dedication based on the City's Fees and Fee Policy GRE met with staff to raise issue with the cash dedication amount based on the Fee Pokey Mr Schultz stated after several discussions with representatives Packet page 5 of 177 from GRE regarding the fees, the Parks Commission recommended that the City collect $180,000 to fees for the lot spht. Council Member Sterner inquired the last time the City made a special rate for a lot spht. Mr. Schultz stated the lot split was not typical and that normally the City does not have this type of claim. Council Member Baxter was in agreement with the recommendation but suggested the basis be due to the uniqueness of the situation. Council Member Sterner preferred to keep the 7.9 acres as park land finding it to be more valuable land for the City using it for a park purpose. The consensus of the City Council was to collect cash in heu of land for the parks dedication fee Additional Updates Cycle Billing Conversion Overview Finance Director May explained the cycle billing process. He noted the change would not affect the meter reading programs Mr May stated the Finance Department will work with Communications Coordinator Cox to provide nouficauon to the residents of the coming change through the City News brochure, City Website and press releases in the local papers Residents will also be informed with letters of explanation included with bill statements until all cycles are fully in place ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:29 p.m. Upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned Packet page 6 of 177 Respectfully submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk