HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i. 2007 Waste Abatement Community Funding ApplicationAGENDA ITEM: 2007 Waste Abatement Community Funding Application AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks Recreation Director AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Funding Application and Resolution APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION' Motion to approve a resolution authorizing application to Dakota County for funding the City of Rosemount's 2007 Landfill Abatement Program 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date November 7, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE Consider approving the 2007 Dakota County Funding Apphcation. BACKGROUND As required by the Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement Program, the City of Rosemount must submit an annual funding allocation and funding application to receive funding for the Ctty's 2007 Landfill Abatement Program. The 2007 allocation is $15,400 The allocation is based on a flat dollar amount per city and a per household fee based on a population number provided to the County by the Met Council. These funds are used for waste reduction activities, the City's recychng program, and community recychng education. SUMMARY This is a request for Council to approve a resolution authorizing the application to Dakota County for funding the City of Rosemount's 2007 Landfill Abatement Program. C Da&& KIik14 )4NttliUQ2&tllbakop\epacket4a.11 7 Waste abatement exec wmm deg Check Items J a) Government Leadership Responsibilities (Mandated 4 Points each) NI 1 Identify Contact Person Each community must Identify in its annual Application a responsible party for eligible activities and inform Dakota County within thirty days of any changes in the designated individual. q 2 Ensure Recycling Programs Ensure that recycling programs are established for facilities under Its control in accordance with MN Stat 115A 151 (I e must assure program in place for recyclable materials J ,af 3 Manage Public Entity Waste Manage waste from its facilities as outlined in the Regional /Dakota County Solid Waste Master Plan (i e must assure program in accordance with public entities law MN Stat 115A 471) 4 Promote Sustainability Principles Participate in workshop, training, resolution development, ordinance changes, planning zoning changes as coordinated by the County or lead community for a Local Negotiated Initiative J 5 Local Negotiated Initiative Participate as a Lead or Supportive Community. Check Items J b) Recycling Responsibilities (Mandated 5 Points Each) NI 1 Support Recycling Goal Attain a level of waste reduction, reuse, and recycling that supports a 50% recycling rate for the County II 2 Curbside Recycling Materials Continue the curbside recycling of the following materials newspaper, magazines, mixed mail, corrugated cardboard, steel /aluminum cans, glass containers, and plastic containers with a neck J ,af 3 177 Multi- family Recycling Assure recycling service in all multi family buildings that includes all recyclables collected through the curbside collection program 2007 Community Funding Application Attachment A: BASE FUNDING and WORK PLAN DUE DATE: November 27, 2006 Program City/Township City of Rosemount Population (2005 Est) 19,418 Date Submitted: Packe January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 Number of Households (2005 Est 6,508 Amount of Funds Applied for $15,400 Address 2875 145 Street West E -mail Address Tom schuster(ci. Rosemount, MN 55068 Phone Contact: Tom Schuster Number. 651 322 -6005 Fax Number: 651 322 -6080 I. a. Large Community (over 1000 Households) Mandated Responsibilities 1 rosemount mn us Don't Forget: Attach a copy of the Official Resolution /Proceedings (an official action from the governing body requesting the funding allocation or a certified copy of the official proceedings). The City Administrator or Manager must sign the Application Attachments. SECTION I. 2007 COMMUNITY PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Identify and describe the proposed activities (mandated and optional) that your community will undertake in 2007 In each of the following areas Please Note: Program priorities for 2007 include a focus on reinvigorating residential recycling and education targeted at new residents and unserved /underserved citizens. 0 LSWS12007CommFundGdl Check Items y i d) Solid Waste Community Education (9 Points Each) Community choose to complete any five activities N 1 Make presentation(s) to city employees (minimum of 10) regarding a government leadership activity. Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan process N/ 2 Provide environmental education to community group(s) (minimum of 10 people), with schools a top priority Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan LSWS Meetings Actively participate and contribute to Local Solid Waste Staff meetings (one excused absence) 3 Provide environmental education in schools or other public entities (minimum of 10 people), with schools a top priority Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan Program Messages Support and promote Master Plan and Comprehensive Plan integrated solid waste management program messages 4 Sponsor a sustainability workshop in collaboration with the County Participate in Dakota County's Community Organization Program Promote Dakota County's community organization program, identify at least one organizational contact for Dakota County's Community Organization Program or participate in application screening for protects within community 5 Sponsor an Environmentally Preferable Practices Workshop in collaboration with the County J 6 Sponsor a community event for Earth Day (if attended by over 100 people counts as two Sponsor a community event for America Recycles Day (if attended by over 100 people counts as two) 8 Sponsor a community event for Pollution Prevention Week (if attended by over 100 people counts as two) V 9 Sponsor a community event for other County- approved campaign Of attended by over 100 people counts as two) J 10 Produce electronic (when applicable) and written media communication and distribute to every household, including multi family buildings with reinvigorating recycling as a top priority Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan process. J 11 Promote and distribute environmental education materials in accordance with the Master Plan and Comprehensive Plan prionties and strategies Check Items c) Solid Waste Education Checklist (4 Points for items 1 3 and 3 points for item 4 Mandated) N 1 Communication to Households Produce at least one electronic (when applicable) and written media communication and distribute to every household, including multi -family buildings with reinvigorating recycling as a top priority Maintain environmental education website (if applicable), Including a Zink to www co dakota mn us /environ Topic(s) must be consistent with the annual work plan process J 2 LSWS Meetings Actively participate and contribute to Local Solid Waste Staff meetings (one excused absence) 3 Program Messages Support and promote Master Plan and Comprehensive Plan integrated solid waste management program messages 4 4 Participate in Dakota County's Community Organization Program Promote Dakota County's community organization program, identify at least one organizational contact for Dakota County's Community Organization Program or participate in application screening for protects within community J 4 Waste Collection Service Promote implementation activities that comply and enhance State law that requires all residences to have waste collection service Packet page 112 of 177 2 0 LSWS/2007CommFundGd1 Attachment A, Continued: WORK PLAN, 2007 Work Plan, Large Community Base Funding Describe your community's proposed plan for 2007 Base Funding The work plan shall include a description of annual activities and actions, responsible parties, proposed timeline to accomplish the activities, the rationale to support Master Plan /Comprehensive Plan outcomes, resources, and method of pre -and post activity /action measurement Government Leadership Describe your community's proposed plan for expanding or enhancing government leadership in 2007. The City of Rosemount pro motes the Recycle, Reduce and Reuse effort in all C ity Facilities including City Hall, the Rosemount Community Center, and city parks The city will continue to implement solid waste management and recycling programs within these locations and look for new and improved strategies to enhance the program Rosemount's designated Solid Waste and Recycling Coordinator is Tom Schuster. The City of Rosemount will continue to promote recycling and solid waste management throughout the community A recycling survey conducted in 2002 showed a 90% recycling participation among Rosemount residents Heightening the a wareness for the need for and opportunity to recycle will continue to be a top pnonty for the Rosemount Solid Waste and Recycling Program The curbside recycling program is a voluntary program offered to all residents within the community Curbside bins are available at City Hall in 2005 and 2006, we successfully conducted a recycling program as part of our summer celebration, Leprechaun Days In 2007, we will continue to look for opportunities to expand this effort to work with other public and private entities that sponsor Leprechaun Days events during the ten day celebration In 2006, Rosemount City shared this experience at a booth at a Best Practices Show case during the 2006 MRPA Natural Resources Workshop he /d September 20 21 at the Maplewood Community Center The booth was titled Recycing at Community Events At the booth, we descnbed our expenence, shared what we have learned about event recycling, and encouraged others to attempt recycling at Community Events In 2007, we will continue to share our experience and encourage others to attempt this in their communities. in addition to continuing our Leprechaun Days efforts, City staff will continue to assist Dakota County staff in preparation for the Dakota County Fair and to assist in manning the Dakota County booth External Operations and In -House Programs Describe your community's proposed plan for expanding or enhancing waste abatement operations in 2007 Over the last few years, the city has increased its efforts to recycle at city facilities, and in particular at the Rosemount Community Center We will continue to look for ways to make these recycling programs more effective Furthermore, we will work with the hockey booster groups to encourage the sale of beverages in recyclable rather than disposable containers We will examine the effectiveness of our office paper recycling practices and look for opportunities to increase our recycling efficiencies We will continue to encourage City staff to buy recycled content items whenever possible, buy in bulk, look for products that come with the least amount of packaging possible, and to, w hen ever possible, look for ways to reduce the amount of office matenals used A new punter /copier just purchased by the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department that allows us to print two sided Packet pa ocu o eats is an example of how we can work toward reducing paper usage We will 11 3 0 LSWSl2007CommFundGtll continue to encourage our employees to look for and attend Environmentally Preferable Practices workshops and training Rosemount will continue to conduct spring and fall Clean up events that allow residents to dispose of hard to get nd of household items In addition to regular trash items and construction and demolition debns which end up in local landfills, our events feature the collection and proper disposal /recycling of appliances, electronics, steel /metal, and automotive batteries and tires The Clean up events help ensure that these items do not end up in landfills, orlust as bad, in ditches or along roadsides. Community Education Describe your community's proposed plan for 2007 public educational /promotional activities. Informational brochures, pamphlets, and other sour ces of information have been very effective for public communication regarding recycling and solid waste management Staff will continue to develop and create recycling and solid waste management information for distribution. This information will be available at City Hall at the request of City residents. The City hosts a Clean u p Day each spring and fall where residents are encouraged to dispose of items that are not normally accepted by the licensed haulers Dakota County's Green Guide is an excellent resource for recycling and disposal of unwanted items Copies of the Green Guide are made available at City Hall, the Rosemount Community Center, at the spring and fall clean up events, and through the USPS on behalf of Dakota County's Green Guide Di stnbution Program The City of Rosemount actively promotes Twin Cities Free Market in an attempt to spread the word that reuse is a con venient alternative to land filling still useful household items In addition to printed ma tenals distributed at City Hall and throughout the year at various events. Rosemount uses the Town Pages, its local newspaper, its quarterly Rosemount City News (sent to all households), and the City's Website to continually provide and disseminate information relating to City programs and recycling, reducing, and reusing. Packet page 114 of 177 City Administrator, Manager, Mayor or City Clerk Signature 4 0 LSWS /2007CommFundGd1 ATTACHMENT A: BASE FUNDING BUDGET, 2007 (Note: to be considered a complete application, cities must enter estimated itemized costs in appropriate sections of both Part 1 2 of Attachment A) PART 1. Administrative Costs: Direct Salaries Direct Mileage Direct Membership /Training Subscriptions Consultant Services and /or Temporary Help Software Other (List Describe) County Share $8,500 $300 $300 Community Share* $5,500 $300 $200 TOTAL 514,000 $600 $500 $2,000 PART 2. Pro motional /Educational Design /Printing Costs Distribution Costs Advertisements Videos/Billboards Promotional Items Special Events (Displays, Performance fees, Etc.) Other (List Describe) $400 $200 $250 $4,450 $1,600 $300 $200 $250 $5,000 $2,000 5500 $200 $500 $9,450 TOTAL Local Negotiated Initiative Funding *Communities may list program contnbution in this column (community contnbutions are not required) '*Unexpended 2007 Base Fund amounts may not be earned over to 2008 "'Base Funding Request may not exceed that amount shown in the October 17, 2006 Dakota County Request for Board Action (Res No 06-427) Packet page 115 of 177 Base Fund Requested $15,400 $15,400 5 $14,350 $29,750 0 O LSWS/2007CommFundGdl 2007 Community Funding Application Attachment B, Part I: CONTAINER FUNDING DUE DATE: November 27, 2006 Part 1— Containers Program Period. City/Township. City of Rosemount Population (2005 Est) 19,418 Date Submitted: Contact. Tom Schuster Phone Number 651 322 -6005 Fax Number 651 322 -6080 2875 145 Street West tom schuster(Wci. Address. Rosemount, MN 55068 E -Mail Address rosemount.mn us City Administrator, Manager, Mayor or City Clerk Signature Number of containers required in 2007 Single Family Multi- family Packet page 116 of 177 250 250 January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 Delivery Location List address for container delivery Rosemount Public Works Facility 14455 Brazil Avenue Rosemount, MN 55068 Number of Households (2005 Est Distribution Method Indicate the distribution method for the containers Note: For each single family container, educational materials that support reuse /reduction /recycling must be provided. Multi- family apartment containers are provided only upon agreement between building owners or managers and the City. Communities will distribute multi- family apartment containers in coordination with informational meetings for residents Residents can pick up the curbside recycling bins at Rosemount City Hall Licensed haulers may also pick up bins for Rosemount residents, com mercial users, or multi -family residents. In 2004, City staff prepared educational materials on recycling, reduction, and reuse that are distributed with each curbside recycling bin The Dakota County Green Guide is also available at City Hall for residents picking up recycling containers. 6 6,508 O' LS W S/2007 C o m m F u nd Gd l Identify Item Letter from Sec. III.d Table I Brief Description of Leadership Activity 2006 Fund Amount (up to $5,000 1 2007 Community Funding Application Attachment B, Part II: LOCAL NEGOTIATED INITITATIVE FUNDING DUE DATE: November 27, 2006 Part 1I Local Negotiated Initiative Funding Program Period. Date Submitted' Community Chooses to undertake a Local Negotiated Initiative as a Lead Community Check' Yes No City Administrator, Manager, Mayor or City Clerk Signature January 1, 2007 through December 31, 2007 Amount of Funds Applied for: 0 If your community chooses not to undertake a leadership role for a Local Negotiated Initiative, complete the Supportive Community work plan below. Indicate the Local Negotiated Initiative by alphabet'c letter from Section III d ,Table I that your community chooses to undertake in 2007, insert total funding amount into the space provided on your Base Funding Attachment A, and complete the LEAD Community work plan below LEAD COMMUNITY Local Negotiated Initiative Work Plan, for each selected Initiative Describe your community's proposed plan for 2007 Local Negotiated Initiative 1. Comprehensive Initiative Description 2 Activity Description 3 Budget Breakdown Show how funds will be expended 4. Objective(s) to be met 5 Related Master Plan or Comprehensive Plan outcome 6. Proposed Start Date and Duration of Activity (or activities) 7. Resources 8. Proposed Measurement Method (Pre- and Post Activity Measures) NOTE: Final report must identify the opportunities and challenges encountered and how the initiative can be replicated in other communities. SUPPORTIVE COMMUNITY Local Negotiated Work Plan Describe your community's proposed plan to support the Lead Community in achieving their 2007 Local Negotiated Initiative(s) The City of Rosemount has undertaken the role of Lead Communrty for LNIF for each of the last two years In 2007, we will act as a Supportive Community to others LNIF As such we will assist other communities with their LNIF projects as requested, will advertise, promote, and help 0 make known their events, and will attend and participate in the events Packet page 117 of 177 7 O:LSWS/2007CommFundGdl A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING APPLICATION TO DAKOTA COUNTY FOR FUNDING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT'S 2007 LANDFILL ABATEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, according to the Dakota County Community Landfill Abatement Program guidelines as established in 1988 and amended in 1989, the City Council of Rosemount must submit a funding allocation and funding application to receive funding for the City's 2007 Landfill Abatement Program, and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has established and desires to maintain a landfill abatement program which promotes recycling, waste reduction, and reuse opportunities in the community and encourages landfill abatement, and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the 2007 Landfill Abatement Funding Application authorizing the necessary signatures thereon and its distribution to Dakota County. ADOPTED this 7` day of November, 2006 A1 LEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 7th day of November, 2006, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession (SEAL) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2006 CERTIFICATIONS Wilham H. Droste, Mayor Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by Second by: Voted m favor. Voted against: Packet Mliti nli ttkadWdnngsladc Dakmpnpaegefiraw ■Rerolumn approving finding application dm