HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Consider Conducting Pedestrian Crossing Feasibility Studies - Shannon Parkway north of the elementary school and at Hwy 3 east of the Community CenterAGENDA ITEM: Consider Conducting Pedestrian Crossing Feasibility Studies Shannon Parkway north of the elementary school and at Hwy 3 east of the Community Center AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Letter /cost estimate from WSB APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City spend $23,000 from the park improvement fund to have WSB conduct the feasibility studies for pedestrian crossings at Shannon Parkway (north of the school) and at Highway 3 (near the Community Center) 4ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting November 7, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE Staff have been contacted by residents regarding the condition of the underpass at Shannon Parkway The residents are concerned about the water and snow that collects in the tunnel They are also concerned about the safety of the underpass because of it not being ht and its physical appearance. The underpass was originally built with the Shannon Parkway street improvements to be used as a below grade sheep crossing. When the Evermoor development was planned, the underpass was identified as a useful route to cross Shannon Parkway As part of the Glen Rose Development, the City required easements on the east side of Highway 3 to allow for the construction of an underpass if the City were to choose that location as the best possible spot for a pedestrian crossing The City does not have easements on the west side of Highway 3 on property owned by ISD 196. SUMMARY Staff have asked the City's consulung engineer to provide cost estimates to conduct separate feasibility studies for the underpass at Shannon Parkway north of the school entrance and for an underpass south of the Community Center under Highway 3 The information provided in the feasibility studies would be useful to staff when applying for non city funding through programs such as the Safe Routes to School grant program that is part of the federal transportation bill, SAFETEA —LU, designed to improve the conditions and quality of bicycling and walking to school. The City's trail and sidewalk system is a major asset for kids walking to school and also for recreational use throughout the City. The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed this information at their October regular meeting and recommended the City Council spend $23,000 from the park improvement fund and have WSB conduct the feasibility studies Staff agrees with the recommendation made by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Packet page 172 of 177 A WSB Infrastructure Engineering Planning Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Anw ,aa Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541 -4800 Fax 763 541-1700 October 18, 2006 Mr. Dan Schultz Park and Recreation Director City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street Rosemount, MN 55066 Re: Pedestrian Crossing Studies City of Rosemount, MN Dear Mr. Schultz: WSB Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal for the preparation of Feasibility Reports for two pedestrian crossing studies. The first study will look at the feasibility of a grade separated crossings of TH 3 at two locations. The first location is at the Glenrose Development across from the community center/high school and the second location north of Connemara Trail adjacent to the Brockway Development and the CDA Development site. The second project is evaluating the existing underpass under Shannon Parkway located to the south of Evermore Parkway. Based on our meeting, I have prepared a Scope of Services and Estimated Cost for preparation of both studies. Each Scope of Services is outlined below: Project No. 1: TH 3 Pedestrian Crossing Task 1: Data Collection Available data will be collected from the City of Rosemount, adjacent developers, and Mn/DOT in order to prepare concept designs and estimated cost. This data will include horizontal and vertical survey data, existing utility locations, and existing electronic development plans. It is assumed that no additional survey will be required to prepare the concept plan. Task 2: Concept Plan Preparation This task will include preparation of an underpass and /or overpass concept plan for each location The concept plans will include horizontal and vertical alignments and will identify any right -of -way or easements required. Up to four concepts will be prepared. This task will also include preparation of preliminary construction cost estimates for each concept. Task 3: Feasibility Study A Feasibility Report will be prepared documenting the alternative concepts developed with the advantages and disadvantages of each This task will include a discussion on the cost for each alternative and potential funding sources including federal, TEA 21 Funds, Safe Route to School funds, and Mn/DOT Cooperative Agreement funding, etc. Packet page 173 of 177 C Wo,umeme and SemngrialeDerhay1epacke,IrawlW88 Peas -pnce LIR 101806d c Mr. Dan Schultz Park and Recreation Director City of Rosemount October 18, 2006 Page 2 Task 4: Agency Coordination Minnesota Department of Transportation, as well as the school district, will be included in a series of project meetings to ensure that all aspects of the concept plans and the feasibility study are consistent with their requirements and expectations. It is estimated that up to two meetings will be held with each agency Task 5: City Meetings It is estimated that two meetings with the Park and Recreation Commission and two meetings with the City Council will be held throughout the preparation of the concept plans and feasibility study. In addition, up to three meetings will be held with City staff to coordinate the preparation of the study. These meetings will be coordinated with the pedestrian crossing study at Shannon Parkway if both projects are authorized. Project No. 2: Shannon Parkway Pedestrian Crossing Task 1: Data Collection This task will include collecting available data from the City of Rosemount with respect to the existing pedestrian crossing. This will include as -built plans in an electronic format, if available, and existing topographic information. It is assumed that no additional survey will be required to prepare the concept plans. Task 2: Underpass Evaluation A review of the existing underpass, with respect to engineering design, will be conducted. This will include looking at the horizontal and vertical geometry of the existing underpass, the size of the underpass, how the existing underpass relates to existing standards, and preparation of alternative designs for improvements to the underpass. This task will also include preparation of estimated construction cost for alternative designs up to three alternatives will be developed. Task 3: Feasibility Report A Feasibility Report will be prepared documenting existing underpass deficiencies and outlining the proposed alternatives for improvements. A Feasibility Report will include the estimated cost and potential funding alternatives for each improvement. Task 4: City /Agency Meetings It is anticipated that one meeting with the school district will be required to coordinate issues related to school crossing at the underpass. In addition, it is anticipated that one meeting with the Park and Recreation Commission and two meetings with the City Council will be required for review and approval of the feasibility study. It is estimated that two meetings will be required with City staff for coordination of the study. These meetings will be coordinated with the pedestrian crossing stuffy if authorized. Packet page 174 of 177 C iDuwmems and sarongs 'aadciOesboynpackeiirawIWSR leas -price LTR 10 18 06 doe Mr. Dan Schultz Park and Recreation Director City of Rosemount October 18, 2006 Page 3 The estimated cost to prepare each study is outlined below. The costs assume that both studies are authorized and project meetings can be coordinated. Project 1— TH 3 Pedestrian Crossing $15,000 Project 2 Shannon Parkway Pedestrian Crossing 58,000 WSB is available to begin work on both of these projects immediately. Upon receipt of notice to proceed, it is estimated that concept plans could be prepared and presented to the Park and Recreation Board within two months of notice to proceed. It is estimated that the final Feasibility Report would be completed within two to three months after approval of the preliminary concept drawings depending on review by the school district and Mn/DOT. If you have any questions or require any additional information on these proposals, please feel free to contact me at 763 287 -7183. Sincerely, WSB Associates, Inc. Charles T. Riekart, PE, PTOE Project Manager/Principal cc: Andy Brotzler, City of Rosemount sm Packet page 175 of 177 C IDaaaeenis and Seangsla elDe+Moplepacht WwlI SB few -pnce LIR 1018 06 de