HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Approval of Scope of Services for Transit PlanAGENDA ITEM: Approval of Scope of Services for Trans Plan AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Scope of Services APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve the Scope of Services for a Transit Plan riot to exceed $23,000 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: November 7, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION During the last year, as the Council discussed the Draft Transportation Plan, there have been discussions about development of a Transit Plan for the community Most recently, in September, staff brought a draft scope of services to a Council worksession The Council provided additional feedback and the revisions were made to the scope, resulting in the item before the Council for deliberanon. DISCUSSION The Study is broken into six tasks. The total for the project is not to exceed $23,000. WSB is ready to begin upon authorization of the scope of services. Staff has discussed the concept of having an advisory committee to assist in this endeavor. The idea would be that this committee, comprised of one person from the Council, Planning Commission, and Uuhty Commission, would be brought together on a somewhat formal basis to review the scope and progress of the work being undertaken This group would assist in evaluating the draft report It is expected that the group would be brought together at the beginning and end of the study and potentially once or twice dunng the middle. Staff would like to use this smaller group as a sounding board before taking the draft report to the Council and other interested parties. Chuck Rickart, Principal and Tony Heppelmann, Vice President with WSB Associates, Inc. will be available qt the meeung on the 7` to provide additional information about the Scope of Services and answer any questions RECOMMENDATION Motion to approve Scope of Services for a Transit Plan not to exceed $23,000. Packet page 168 of 177 1 WSB Infrastructure Engineenng a Planning a Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South bxuuovi ba Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 October 11, 2006 Ms Kim Lindquist Community Development Director City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street Rosemount, MN 55066 Re: Transit Plan Proposal Dear Mr. Brotzler: Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 WSB Associates, Inc. is pleased to submit this proposal for the preparation of a citywide Transit Plan. As you are aware, WSB Associates, Inc. (WSB) recently presented the Draft Transportation Plan to the City Council. Comments at the City Council meeting on the transit section of the plan indicated that a more detailed Transit Plan was required. The draft Scope of Services was presented to the City Council at a work session in September. Following that meeting, WSB discussed with representatives from Met Council their thoughts on the City's proposed transit plan. Currently, Met Council does not have any transit improvement plans for the City except what has been identified or will be identified in the transit corridor studies (i.e., Robert Street, TH 52, and Cedar). They encouraged the City to work with MVTA on any future plans for transit service in the City as well as coordinating with the transit corridor studies. Based on City Council comments and discussions with the Met Council, a final Scope of Services for preparation of the transit plan that would then be incorporated into the City's overall Transportation Plan, has been developed. The following Scope of Services outlines the tasks and estimated cost for preparation of the Transit Plan. Task 1: Data Collection This task will include collecting available data from the City of Rosemount, Dakota County, Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, and Metro Transit (Met Council). This data will include, but is not limited to: Existing transit route maps Existing transit service time and headways Future planned transit improvements in the Rosemount or adjacent areas Transit ridership data Transit corridor studies (Robert Street, TH 52, and Cedar) kieseasssarleelcthatno transit ridership counts would be conducted. C \Documenu and Semngs hdc\Deskmplepacken4aw \Trnsrt Plan Part 2of 2doe Mr Andy Brotzler, P.E. October 11, 2006 Page 2 of 3 Task 2: Existing Transit Service Analysis The existing transit service provided by MVTA will be documented and evaluated as part of this task. This will include evaluating the current service, ridership, and any "holes" in the existing service that may exist. Task 3: Transit Needs Analysis This task will include a series of public meetings and other public outreach meetings to determine what the transit needs are for the community. It is proposed that a public meeting be held to collect any information from local residents on transit needs and concerns. In addition, a transit survey of the local residents would be conducted. This data will help determine if additional transit service is needed, and where it may be required. The Transit Needs Analysis will also review future land use to determine where future transit facilities are required. This will include reviewing the transit corridor studies in and adjacent to the City, as well as discussions with MVTA and adjacent Cities on their needs /goals. Results of the task will be the identification of future transit facilities (i.e., hubs, Park `n Ride, rail stations, etc as well as any land -use implications. Task 4: Public Agency Coordination The Minnesota Valley Transit Authority, as well as Metro Transit (Met Council), will be included in a series of project meetings to ensure that all aspects of the Transit Plan are consistent with their requirements and plans. It is estimated that up to three meetings will be held with these agencies. Task 5: Transit Funding Resources WSB will identify potential funding sources for transit related improvements. This task will identify the requirement of each funding source and potential timeframes if known. Task 6: Transit Plan Preparation The final product of the analysis and coordination will be the development of a Transit Plan. The Transit Plan will be prepared documenting the existing conditions and the future needs and recommendations for future improvements for the transit system, as well as funding opportunities for CIP preparation. The plan will be prepared and submitted to City staff for review. Following review by City staff, the plan will be forwarded to the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority and Metropolitan Transit (Met Council) for their comments. Following the receipt of comments, the final plan will be submitted to the City Council for review and approval. This plan will ultimately be incorporated into the City's Transportation Plan as an attachment. Packet page 170 of 177 C \Documents and Setimgs 'adcâ– DesktopkepanketkrawMTmnan Plan PM 2 of /doe Mr. Andy Brotzler, P.E. October 11,2006 Page 3 of 3 The estimated cost to prepare the transit plan is based on the above scope of services and is as follows: WSB is available immediately to begin work on the Transit Plan. Following receipt of notice to proceed, it is estimated that a Draft Plan can be submitted to City staff within six months of notice to proceed It is estimated that it could take an additional month or two to receive review comments from Met Council and MVTA. If you have any questions or require any additional information on this proposal, please feel free to contact me at 763 287 -7183. Sincerely, WSB Associates, Inc. Charles T. Rickart, PE, PTOE Project Manager /Principal lh/sm Packet page 171 of 177 Task 1 $1,500 Task 2 $2,500 Task 3 $9,000 Task 4 $2,500 Task 5 $3,000 Task 6 $4,500 Total $23,000 C Documents and Sett s%adc\Deskmp\epacket4axlTmun Man Pan 2 of zdoe