HomeMy WebLinkAbout8.a. Continued Assessment Hearing - GlenRose of Rosemount Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #397AGENDA ITEM: Continued Assessment Hearing GlenRose of Rosemount Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #397 AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J Brotzler, PE, City Engineer AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Project Cost and Funding Summary, Resolution, Map APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Adopting the Assessment Roll for the GlenRose of Rosemount Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #397 CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting November 21, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND: At the September 19, 2006 meeting the City Council declared costs and called for the _ibhc I Icaring to consider the assessments for the Glen Rose of Rosemount Street and Utility Improvements, City Project #397 At the October 17, 2006 meeting, staff presented a resolution for consideration establishing an assessment roll for the aforementioned project At that meeting the assessment hearing was continued, with a special work session scheduled for November 1, 2006 to further discuss project funding details and the proposed assessments At this work session, the fording split of project costs between the de. eloper (Dean Johnson I-Iomes), the City, and those benefiting residents proposed to be assessed for improvements included as part of the GlenRose project were closely examined by Council At that time it was proposed that the City contribute an additional $49,126 It is this funding scenario that is presented for Council's consideration here The total protect cost is $1,639,356 Of this amount, $62,447 is proposed to be assessed to adjacent properties as shown on the attached assessment roll The project will be assessed over a 10 ear period at an interest rate of 5 9659"0 The attachment showing Table 1 gives a breakdown of the total project costs including construction, legal, engineering, administration, and finance_ Easement acquisition costs tie broken out separately to show that it reptescnts $179,800, or 11% o of the total project cost of $1,639,356. City funding is now at 19% (previously proposcd at 16°0) of the project total cost, and assessments represent 4 "'0 (previously proposed at 5 of the total funding Table 2 illustrates the funding drstributros for the project The developer is contributtng 77 the City 19" q and benefiting properties are prop( scd to be assessed 4 or $62,447 (previously proposed at 5 or $87,010), of the tu1.4 pioject cost lable 3 illustrates the determination of the sanitary sewer assessments, based on a per unit rate applicable both to the developer and assessable properties With the additional $49,126 of City- funding participation, the prorated casement acqut,ition portion of the proposed sewer a,sessment has been reduced from S9,990 to $-,$05 flits results in a new proposed sewer assessment (per unit or pet service) of $3,563, reduced from $5,291 Packet page 89 of 148 I \E ngincenng Council\ November 21, 2006 \797 lv-L fl'vii Com.nu, d HeanngCC1121-06 dnc T Li 'L't i1' i tt -Wt watermun assessments, ba =rri -1 i pr"r net t. t_ e: Q, tl1Ll i'd.l r`" d Cite andtng pal ttctp tuo,1, the p.o_ated easement acqulsthon po:u of tnc ptopoacd aaotSSMcnt has bumf re_a ced from $3 -10 to $17,961 Thts resutts in a new proposed water assessment (per unit ot_ pi se.v,sr) of ;;d 526, seduced from $11,856 T u 1' tn _h-_ a -mil casc_-ir zt ocquisittort costs for the proles. and the a;.o ,s Led funding sli`d_uce o1 I1cr_cO;is pug.oust}'sta ted,a;the Nov ember 1 Council v'ot t, aa,proposedth'<tcite City fund 100% of the easement acquisition costs for the Htddeu Valley parcel, ineteby teducm; developer's portion and the assessa'ole portion by 1,563 each This fanding shift h;'s the effect of incteasmg the City s pottiou oc eascmunt acqutsieon funding from $$5,141 (150'0 to $134,267 (741%), and teJuc ng the c :eloper and assessable portions form $47,72 (26 each to $22,767 (1 cach SUMMARY: Staff recommends that the Cnv Council adopt a resolution adopnng the assessment toil as preset Lc Packet page 90 of 148 2 ITEM 1 1 AMOUNT CONSTRUCTION COST: Watermain Sanitary Sewer Storm Drain Street $275,986 $208,198 $189,317 $442,105 Subtotal $1,115,606 ENGINEERING: Design Engineering Construction Engineering Soil Borings/Testing $107,943 $150,642 $18,114 Subtotal $276,699 ADMINISTRATION, LEGAL, FINANCE Administration (5% Construction Cost) Legal Notices Legal Fees Communication Costs Recording Fees Easement Acquisition Costs Other Costs (Professional) Bond Issuance Costs Permits $55,780 $392 $11 079 $179,800 Subtotal $247,051 TOTAL PROJECT COST $1,639,356 Packet page 91 of 148 PROJECT COST SUMMARY CITY PROJECT #397 GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET UTILITY RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT T \Fngnncenng Co!mal \Nos emhLr 21, 2006 \197 -P rolect Cost Summary A.,usmenn 1 mA Gm.d doc TO L PROJECT GU :ST RiviQU_dT FUNDING SOURCES Streets Developer CIP Assessments $31n,137 Subtotal $519,187 Storm Drain Developer Core Assessments $252,454 Subtotal $252,454 Sanitary Sewer Developer Utility Core Assessments $271,355 $134,267 $10,689 Subtotal $416,311 Watermain Developer Utility Core Assessments $215,838 $183,808 $51,758 Subtotal $451,405 TOTAL FUNDING $1,639,356 Packet page 92 of 148 F ;T FUNDING SUMMARY CITY PROJFCT #397 GLENROSS OF ROSEMOUN +i STREET AND UTILITY IwP::r." :LENTS 1 VEngineenng Council \November 21, 206 \397 Project Pundmg Summan ANrxmrnt Innal bmal doc WHEREAS, pursuant to notice duly given as required by law-, the City Council has met, heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for GlenRose of Rosemount Su eets and Utility Impiosements, City Project #397, and has amended such proposed assessment as a deems just NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows (1) Such proposed assessment, in the amount of $62,447, a copy of which is in Clerk's File dated 11 -21 -06 is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement (2) Such assessments shall be as follows' (3) CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA CC)LNTY, ILi.NJ„cSOTA RESOLUTION 2006- A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREETS AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 a The assessments shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten (10) years, the first of said installments to be payable with general taxes for the year 2006, collectible with such taxes during the year 2007 b To the first installment shall be added interest at the rate of 5 9659% per annum on the entire pnncipal amount of the assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31 of the year in which such installment is payable To each subsequent installment, when due there shall be added interest for one year at said rate on the unpaid prmctpal amount of the assessment. c The owner of any property so assessed may at any tune prior to the certification of the assessment or the first installment theieof to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the principal amount of the assessment on such property with niftiest accnud to the dare of payment to the City"I'reasnt er, except that no tntetest shall be changed if the entire assessment is paid wnr 30 days from the date hereof, and such property owner may at any ume prior to November 15 of anv year pay to the County Auditor the enure principal amount of the assessment temammg due with interest accrued to December 31 of the year to which said payment is made The City Clerk shall forthwi h transmit a certified duphcate copy of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the tax list of the County ADOPTED this 21st day of Novembei, 2006 Packet page 93 of 148 /VT TELJ Amy Domeier, City Clerk Packet page 94 of 148 (SEAL) CERTIFICATION im 1-1 Dto -re, Did,ot 1' art I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Cu: Council of Rost nouut at a duly authouzed meeting thereof, held on the 21st Gay of Novembet, 2006, as disclosed by the tecords of said City in my possession Amy Domeier, City Clerk Motion by Seconded by Voted in favor Voted against. 2 N c C d E o o co L o a o E N T r N a. G) .0 .c E c a) t r o C) Z L N N re rt V O 0 E U c 0) N tD O co O O N LIJ Q 0 N r Ct p N C r N O N 0 Ct c O N N U N y o M O 1- W OW� O Q Q 0U. W Z W Q W CC W 2 O F ZZWWW f0-0, U UU)mcO W W fn CI) U) W W W O O aa GlenRose of Rosemoun 0 l 136STW 0 LE 0 ATH' 2 COSH196 a p gQ COR1 TRL o 141_, ,0 81 _1 __IS 137TH STz w z w 2 G Q O te 0 a 0 51 W 143RD ;T W SCHWARZ POND 0 265 530 r w H 1— z V 15TH ST \Ai H z� 146TH 62 ,7 142ND ST W 143RD ST W ST W 1,060 1,590 w 0 w 2 2,120 Feet FILE dsnap2/ sharel /GISiCity /Maps/Departmental MapsEngineenng /Chns/GlenRose Locate mxd CONNEMARA Q L. 138TH ST W L Z 4 138TH ST U. 138TH ST W 139THST W__ a L z m Z Q Q 1 L et i L Z't W DI Q; Z re ST W g r 1 o w Z 7 0 m a m m CO ly N LACKBEF September 2006 TABLE 1 GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 PROJECT COST Project Item Amount Street 519,18669 Sanitary Sewer 254,472.09 Watermain 433,44323 Storm Sewer 252,454 21 Easement Acquisition 179,800 00 Total Project Cost 1,639,356.22 Easement Acquisition 11% Project Cost Street Storm Sewer 32% 15% Watermain Sanitary Sewer 26% 16% TABLE 2 GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 PROJECT FUNDING Developer Assessments City Funding Source Total Project Funding Assessments 4% City 19% Amount 1,258,833 56 62,447.25 318,075.41 1,639,356 22 Project Funding Developer 77% TABLE 3 GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 SANITARY SEWER COST PER UNIT Item Amount Sanitary Sewer Construction Lift Station Construction Sanitary Sewer not incl. Lift Station Total Number of Units (76 Development 3 Assessable) Sewer Per Unit Rate (Construction Only) Sanitary Sewer not incl lift station 79 units Assessable Units /Services Proposed Sewer Assessments (Construction Only) Sewer Per Unit Rate *Assessable Units Prorated Legal, Engineering, Admin, Finance Prorated Easement Acquisition Proposed Sewer Assessments (Total Project Cost) Proposed Sewer Assessment Per Unit /Service 208,197 62 (84,240 00) 123,957 62 79 1,569.08 3 4,707 25 1,17681 4,805 39 10,689.46 3,563.15 TABLE 4 GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 WATERMAIN COST PER UNIT Lateral Watermain Construction Total Number of Units Watermain Per Unit Rate (Construction Only) Lateral Watermain 6 units Assessable Units /Services Item Amount 27,141.78 6 4,523.63 6 Proposed Water Assessments (Construction Only) Watermain Per Unit Rate' Assessable Units 27,141 78 Prorated Legal, Engineering, Admin, Finance 6,654 72 Prorated Easement Acquisition 17,961 29 Proposed Water Assessments (Total Project Cost) 51,757 79 Proposed Water Assessment Per Unit/Service 8,626.30 TABLE 5 GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS CITY PROJECT #397 EASEMENT FUNDING BREAKDOWN Total Easement Cost Including Overhead $179,800.00 TOTALS Parcel Lucking Gramsey Peters Franz Hidden Valley Developer Assessable Total Cost City Portion Portion Portion 25,176.91 18,88268 3,14711 I 3,14711 22,843.44 17,132 58 2,855 43 2,855 43 8,965.44 4,482 72 4,482.72 24,562 84 12,281 42 12,281.42 98,251 37 98,251.37 179,800.00 134,266.63 22,766.68 22,766.68 Assessable Portion 13% Developer Portion 13% Easement Funding by Source City Portion 74% $100,000 00 $90,000 00 $80,000 00 $70,000.00 $60,000 00 $50,000 00 $40,000.00 $30,000 00 $20,000 00 $10,000 00 Easement Funding Breakdown by Parcel Lucking Gramsey Peters Franz Hidden Valley City Portion Developer Portion 0 Assessable Portion HIDDEN VALLEY LEGEND SEWER UTILITY FUND 1/4 SW COR of TH e sw1174 OF SE 1/4 OF SEC p t CONNEMARA TRAIL N LINE OF THE SW 1/4 OF SE 1/4 100% CITY* 75% CITY` 12 5% DEVELOPER 12 5% ASSESSMENTS 50% DEVELOPER 50% ASSESSMENTS W(8 701 ew nw. mpolls NW5 Mnnoerm wsbe 55416 Ex5 mm 6e5TRJC.0RE ENMEERIG P0551O CONSTRUCTION Glenrose Addition Easement Acquisition Funding Breakdown City of Rosemount M Project No 155643 CITY Project No 397 Dare 10/&45 Revised 1425it6 1(10156.4316 rvey5EVEED EASEMENT_11- 1EG71pp 1115740675310AM