HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Firefighter Relief Association Benefits AdjustmentAGENDA ITEM: Firefighter Relief Association Benefits Adjustment AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Amy Domeier, City Clerk AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Bylaw Article VIII, Section 6, and Form SC -06 APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to increase the yearly pension amount to $6,100 per year of service and to approve an amendment to the Firefighters Relief Association Bylaws reflecting pension increase. 4 ROSEMOUNT City Council Regular Meeting December 5, 2006 ISSUE The Firefighter Rehef Association (the Rehef Association is part of a step program to reach the State maximum benefits and pensions. The Relief Association is requesting an increase of $800 this year bringing the annual benefit level for 2006 to $6,100. The State maximum benefit amount is $7,500. BACKGROUND The Rehef Association is in the sixth year of an approximate 12 -year process to move Rosemount to the maximum benefit for firefighters Each year the Relief Association evaluates its benefit increase based on investment gams and /or losses, contributions from the City, and Minnesota state aid money. The goal is to utilize the money received for the year by increasing the benefit level to a point where the total fund is at a slight surplus. This year, with an increase of $800 to the benefit level, the funds will be at approximately a $39,000 surplus which is acceptable in effectively utilizing the money received this year There are 37 active firefighters this year and two that have retired Please contact Scott Engelmann, the Rehef Assoctanon Secretary, with any questions or concerns at 651- 402 -1922 SUMMARY Staff recommends the approval of the above motion. Packet page 52 of 222 CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Years of Service On Fire Department Percentage of 20 Year Payment Amount of Payment At age of 50 years 10 60 $36,600 11 64 $42,944 12 68 $49,776 13 72 $57,096 14 76 $64,904 15 80 $73,200 16 84 $81,984 17 88 $91,256 18 92 $101,016 19 96 $111,264 20 100 $122,000 Article VIII. Death Benefits and Pensions (continued) Section 6. a) The YEARLY PENSION AMOUNT that the Association will pay Is SIX THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($6,100 00) per YEAR OF SERVICE b) Effective December 5' 2006, the PERCENT OF 20 YEAR PAYMENT at $6,100 00 per year of service" is as follows. Last Panted 11/29/2006 Page 11 of 13 Packet page 53 of 222 Article VIII, Section 6, Subdivision a and b were amended by the members of the Rosemount Fire Relief Association on the 28 day of November, 2006. Ed Kropelnicki, President Scott Engelmann, Secretary Approved by the City Council on the 5 day of December, 2006. William Droste, Mayor Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator Packet page 54 of 222 To end of 2007 Nltlge!'I pan iaov 158,600 Service Months �gg of 2007 Accrued Liability 79,544 Service Months of 2007 Apli panaoov 112,484 Service Months amnia$ 3o srA 1 Yrs of Service To end of 2006 Accrued Liability To end of 2006 Accrued Liability oo aoi.vag 3o SJA aopuaS 3o yA Benefit Level Separation Waifital i rs Req. for ated Liability ated Liability Benefit Level (a3 Separation 3a Ds Req. for ated Liability ated Liability Benefit Level Separation aileitfattf Ds Req. for V ated Liability ated Liability (sgluotu) sVD'I (minion) svo7 xx /mm MEG dag LC/PP/u area dag /P P/mm atea knuB 4/27/82 Vesting •st paid, choc est payment Entry Date mm/dd/yy 11/10/92 Vesting ;st paid, choc est payment £/PP/mm area Falug 4/25/89 Vesting :st paid, choo est payment LC/PP/lulu iPa!ff So area Date of Birth mm/dd/yy OMEN Scott Aker Arc months of service paid If interest .aid, choose type Choose Interest T .e Name Leigh Anderson Are months of service paid? If interest .aid, choose .e Choose Interest T .e Member Status Active Is Deferred interest paid? Choose Answer Member Status Active Is Deferred interest paid? Choose Answer Is Deferred interest Choose Answer co k u VD h cs CO Determination of Plan Liabilities and Required Contnbution for 2007 Relief Association Name Member Roster Packet page 55 of 222 Form SC-06 Packet page 66 of 222 7,564 Service Months To end of 2007 1 Accrued Liability 19Z9'Ot Service Months "ii nao of 2007 Accrued Liability 35,136 Service Months tutnint ,illit 'cc 1 To end of 2007 Accrued Liability Z89r SS Service Months 1 To end of 2007 /4mtgEfl paruooy 1 134,2001 Yrs of I Service 1 zI 1 1 Yrs of Service ZZ 0 alAI3 S JO 9JA d of 2006 Accrued Liability 099`£ To end of 2006 Xpptfert pamaaV 35,1361 C. 900Z30 pia 01 t(1ltigsii pan.raay 52,338 To end of 2006 �lnlgEi7 pawooy 00I'8ZI Yrs of Service 1 ti Minimum Yrs Req tor Vesting 2006 Estimated Liability 2007 Estimated Liability Yrs of Service tZ Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting 2006 Estimated Liability 2007 Estimated Liability Yrs of Service 1 a Benefit Level Separation IXttOttO Benefit Level Separation Benefit Level Separation ens Req- for ated Liability ated Liability Benefit Level Separation Yrs Req. for A sated Liability sated Liability Benefit Level Separation Yrs Req for sated Liability fated Liability (sgiuow) SVO'1 LOAs (months) (sgluow) sV07 (sgtuow) sv01 PP/lulu I a1EQ dos r /PP/uflu 31 dog X/PP/uuu nee daS AXTPP/uuu 0120 daS XX/PP/ww 3120 ,Cr1ug Vesting% ist paid, cline est payment SA/PP/ruw 0120 slug I 4/22/861 AA/PP/wur 11 1 31130 Ft1ug 186/61/8 Vesting ist paid, choo est payment Entry Date mm/dd/yy 3/1/00 Vesting sst paid, choc rest payment AA/PP /ww a1EO Xalug 8/8/05 Vesting sst paid, cho( -est payment Date of Birth mm /dd/yy Date of Birth mm/dd/yy LS /0218 1 Date of Birth mm/dd/yy 1/.9/f tit Date of Birth mm /dd/yy aweN Tim Buvck Are months of service paid? If interest paid, choose ty .e Choose Interest Ty. Name Chris Dyson Are months of service paid If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type awEN 1 Scott Engelmann Are months of service paid If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type aweN I Mark evenson Are months of service .aid? If interest .aid, choose ty .e Choose Interest T pe paid? Member Status 1 a 1 a ang3V1 aAl1OV I Member Status Is Deferred interest 1 Choose Answer 1 Member Status Is Deferred interest Choose Answer Is Deferred interest Choose Answer i t Member Status I Is Deferred interest Choose Answer v. kli n 11 co Packet page 66 of 222 I To end of 2007 1 kungEgT paniaay I sons Total Service Years Months L00ZJo pua o Accrued Liability 1 20,3741 Total Service Years Months tJ s„ �p �x�sA$lf "err To end of 2007 I 4 panaooy Joorszt I S.luoyl siEaA aawaS lero.L To end of 2007 I R2rpgell pamoav I009'8S1 Sq 1101N Sa1OA a3IAa3S MO/ 1 To end of 2007 I Accrued Liability sot`Ls Total Service Years Months ,tt; I )(Is of Service 91 1 Yrs of Service VI 4 2 1 g geg aa inra S JO SIA 1Z a, :r,�I�p 1 I Yrs of Service 1 9Z I adjAaaS Jo s1A 91 To end of 2006 Accrued I Liability 445`61 J I;'tg 4gzgang;. C yvdir�r� k ..Ipt'` laLgsggganigl d of 2006 Accrued I Liability 098`SI d of 2006 I dintrqurs panrooy 122,000 [gag agagg ag 900ZJ°F SI!IigE�'1 pommy ooS`Z p a Al 4'14 1 To end of 2006 I AVIIgr] PanaaaV I44S`6L tts v aa1AIaS 30 sIA S I Minimum Yrs Rcq for Vesting 12006 Estimated Liability I 12007 Estimated Liability Yrs of Service 4 Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting 1 2006 Estimated Liability I 2007 Estimated Liability aopiraS Jo s'A OZ (Minimum Yrs Req for Vesting 1 2006 Estimated Liability 2007 Estimated Liability Yrs of Service SZ Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting 1 12006 Estimated Liability I 2007 Estimated Liability aai,vaS Jo s.A I S i Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting I 2006 Estimated Liability I 12007 Estimated Liability Benefit Level (a3 Separation ;t'i1'.;'.; xv Benefit Level ri Separation ya,rv� uoi) uedag 1 1 IgauaB Benefit Level Separation I';iwva' 5y� Benefit Level Q Separation (sgruow) sV07 (stnuow) sVO'I (stnuonr) sV0'I (sgluow) sV0"I LOAs (months) da/Pp /tutu area das VgisihS If interest paid, choose how I I Choose interest payment period RR/pp /tutu 1 area das If interest paid, choose how I Choose interest payment period alEa das if interest paid, choose how Choose interest payment period diA/PPMin a das If interest paid, choose how I Choose interest payment penod /“/PP /unu area das If interest paid, choose how Choose interest payment period aVarigai XX/P P/tuw are 'i1}uB 116 /S /L I RR/Pp/lutu I oleo Smug L 1/8/03 I Mnrl RR/PP/urw area Snug I98/ZZ /L 1 %8uilSOA AS/pp /win area [Lirug IZ8 /LZ /4 o $ugcaAI da/PP/IUw area Rll [16/8/L I MUUSOA AW ITUI M J a l g a Z9 /S /I .lamsuy Date of Birth 1 mm /dd/y• 9/30/81 Answer Date of Birth L9 /4I /0 t Answer 1 Date of Birth mm/dd/yy 3/6/57 aaMsu� Date of Birth mm/dd/yy L9S /81 /I aoMSUy OMEN L paod Ref' Are months of service paid? If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type aweN Chad Ganfield Are months of service paid? J If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type aweN Joe Gerrits 1 Are months of service paid? I 1I I£ interest paid, choose type 1 Choose Interest Type aweN 30EH 9 )1i141 Are months of service paid? 1 If interest paid, choose type 1 1 Choose Interest Type am t I uosaBlaf twos ''Are months of service ap id? J If interest paid, choose type 1 Choose Interest Type Member Status a I Member Status anrpVI Membei Status I a ntr a V l Member Status aA90 V Is Deferred interest paid? 1 Choose Answer I smuts aagwaytr I aA I Is Deferred interest Choose Answer Is Deferred interest Choose Answer Is Deferred interest 1 Choose Answer Is Deferred interest! Choose Answer O� .w Packet page 57 of 222 To end of 2007 Accrued Liability Ik O Z Total Service Years Months To end of 2007 1 Accrued Liability lot o`sz Total Service Years Months oto 1 To end of 2007 £l paruaaV K9£`917 Total Service Years Months 4 f' c Srs r To end of 2007 J Accrued Liability 1Z89`8S Total Service Years Months t y ''a't$ To end of 2007 Accrued Liability L 225,7001 Total Service Years Months r.;^rr.;'x Yrs of Service aainIaS JO SJA I 9 rr=A, aainaaS JO SEA Oi animas 1 Jo six 1 r ZI =toms 1 JO SJA [___L£ To endof2006 I Accrued Liability 098`s To end of 2006 Accrued Liability 20,374 0(10;- 900E3 Pua 91 1 panJaay 9Z9`06 ..0 `JxCk'E r To end of 2006 £ppgarl panroov 8££`Z I To end of 2006 Accrued Liabihty [09`6IZ L 11 �I fu v a aWas �jo SJA IMuumum Yrs Req. for Vesting I 2006 Estimated Liability I 2007 Estimated Liability 1 Yrs of Service] s 1 Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting 1 12006 Estimated Liability I L;Ipgeri palempsg LOOZ aorn.ras 1 J SIA 6 Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting 1 12006 Estimated Liability 12007 Estimated Liability aowaS JO SIA 1 IT 1 'Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting 2006 Estimated Liability 1 S rjigar7 palewgsg L00 Yrs of Service 9E j Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting 2006 Estimated Liability 2007 Estimated Liability Benefit Level Separation Benefit Level Separation 1 I'tti:il nopargdas jn )anal ;3auag Benefit Level Separation :MIME S '(]n )anal lganag (stpuow) 1 sVOl LOAs (months) (spoon!) sVO1 (stpuow) sVO1 (sq;uow) sVO1 1 I I .t,S/pp/wur 2 2 13 CI das 4640 dr'Iak ut If interest paid, choose how i I 'Choose interest payment period 1 /PP/ a2EG dos If interest paid, choose how Choose interest payment period As/pp a;eO da If interest paid, choose how 1 kc/pp /atua a1eQ dos If interest paid, choose how 1 Choose interest payment penod 1 AA/PP/ Olga das If interest paid, choose how 7 hoose interest payment period AAippfurtu awn rfalug FOG /LI/1I [Vesting AA/PP/w a1EO /fW9 IIO /EI /II Neu Aiwa j rL6 /OZ /8 1 1 Vesting Choose interest payment A/pp/ww a1uc Sung S6 /ZI /6 r 1 Vesting 1 WPp /ww MUG Alma £0/8/1 21I11SaA Date of Birth mm/dd/yy 01/1 1/5 1 aamsu Date of Birth mm/dd/yy r94/6l/I .ramstUV Date of Birth mm /dd/yy r1 9 /I /1 aamsuy Date of 1 Birth mm /dd/yy liS /9Z/6 ramsuy Date of Birth mm/dd/yy 16S /0£ /17 lamsuV OWEN Kerry Hiben Are months of service paid? I If interest paid, choose type ,Choose Interest Type OWEN [Pete Knoble (Are months of service paid If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest 1 ype aUIEN Ed Kropelnrcki i Are months of service paid I If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type a 111131st (Kevin Larson Are months of service paid? If interest paid, choose type 1 Choose Interest Type atueN' [Pete Lundell (Are months of service paid? If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type Member Status anryly smuts.ragwayq O AIMV Member Status anilnV Member Status angaV Member Status I an n o VI Is Deferred interest 1 Choose Answer Is Deferred interest Choose Answer Is Deferred interest ,Choose Answer Is Deferred interest] Choose Answer Is Deferred interest 1 Choose Answer Packet page 58 of 222 I To end of 2007 I Accrued I Liability 15,860 Service Months of 2007 I Accrued Liability I b95`L Total Service Years Months SI LOOZ3o paa o1 A1gIgBt'j pampas/ 46,360 Service Months To end of 2007 I Accrued Liabiht 7.564 Service leekk Months of 2007 Y I Accrued Liability 65,2701 Service Months 3o S1A Yrs of Service ny�tila%�1�;4i� kW 301 A PS 3 SJA aatvaS 3 SA To end of 2006 Allllgejg panaaaV '099`£ ,:IXvia „s. ,i To end of 2006 Accrued Liability 9Z9`0b Z89`8S en_.„4 Yrs of Service Minimum Yrs Req for Vesting 1 12006 Estimated Liability Allltgei'j PalEm1lSg LOUZ aauAlas 30 SJA 2007 Estimated Liability Af llg gf pai L0 0Z Benefit I Level Separation VNititivA Yrs Req for ated Liability ated Liability Benefit Level Sepal ation uognseda5 lanai 13auag '3 Yrs Req. for atcd Liability Benefit Level Separation Yrs Req. for A ated Lmbthty ated Liability Benefit Level Separation Yrs Req. for .ated Liability LOAs (months) LOAs (months) AA/PP/arm awe dos fit' *11 A 1 If interest paid, choose how Choose interest payment period AA /PP/ aTEQ daS Choose interest payment period Choose interest payment period AA/PP/mm alEQ Aalug 7/8/03 Vesting :st paid, choc est payment Entry Date mmldd/yy IS0 /I /8 1 2unsaAl AA /PP /mm ame Ling 8/20/97 Vestm_ :st paid, choc Entry Date mm/dd/ 4 3/7/06 Vesting :st paid, choc est payment Entry Date mm/dd/yy 1 12/27/94 Vesting est paid, choc Date of Birth mm/dd/yy 10L/S /6 I I Answer Date of Birth mm/dd/yy amBN Brad Miller Are months of service paid? If interest paid, choose type Choose Intel est Tv se Name I Shawn Nejman (Are months of service paid? 1 If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type OWED.' Garr Nelson Are months of service paid? If Interest nail chnnse tune Choose Interest Type Name And Norsten Are months of service aid? If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Ty s Name Kevin Rambo Are months of service paid? If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type Member Status angaVI Is Deferred interest paid? Choose Answer Member Status aAgaVI LP1 Member Status -1 aAl1 f a 0 2 n 1 Is Deferred interest Choose Answer Is Deferred interest] Choose Answer ii 0 Packet page 59 of 222 O b ad N O O h N Q.] H U 0 0) r Y 0 Jo ^1 w U 0 y, v N 0 W 44 v z rn oo l 41 ry C4 h oc C H 40 m 0. D 0 0 a iu v c W N m N N O ‘0, 6 W 0 r f7 9 o L U N Q ..Z U 0 O N c E W Q E E M z T y Y r 00 N 0 rn 7, 0 0 0 0 0 a a 'O O 0 C 0) N 6 a) 0 U d 0 Q 0 U O r rA a a E z U b Os N P O 00 e h a to C y 7 'O 0 i H 0 a 5 E 40 0 O g z 00 ec b b O M c0 b y G 0 0. v 0 0 U 0. 0 w 44 N 0 Q W U y U r U1 9 r. U ■7 o z H O h 00 N 8 0 a c N r T N N N O 00 Q E N Q O 'O a v 0. w I To end of 2007 1 Accrued Liability 87,108 Service Months To end of 2007 I Ll!1!gtIq paruooV 1 Total Service Years Months 1 To end of 2007 I Accrued Liability S4TUO}N aoIAras b95`L i k* M w e To end of 2007 1 Accrued Liability 20,374 Service Months To end of 2007 1 ,ggiqrri panaaay 20,374 Service Months a "L.rS Yrs of Service .r,, aowaS J0 sJA aow JO SJA To end of 2006 Lmicreli pommy '099`£ To end of 2006 i Accrued Liability 099£ To end of 2006 1 21q!4E!T panra3v AtilNa[I Paretmisg LOOZ a3r,JaS J0 vA dUgsaA loJ bay sJA wmmwlnil 12006 Estimated Liability 2007 Estimated Liability aowaS 30 SJA SLPpge!Z palww!lsg LOOT 2007 Estimated Liability aowaS LP SrA Benefit Level Separation Yrs Req. for ated Liability Benefit Level Separation Benefit Level Separation Yrs Req for\ .ated Liability Benefit Level Se oration Yrs Req for 't .aced Liability Benefit Level Separation Yrs Req. for ated Liability ated Liability LOAs (months) (sgluow) sV0'T (sipuow) sV0'I Choose interest payment penod AK/PP/turn oleo dos If interest paid, choose how Choose interest payment period /pp 3100 dos Choose interest payment period 'iChoose interest payment period AA/PP/ also daS Entry Date mm/dd/yy 1/22/92 Vesting :st paid, choc XL/Pp/wm ?MG Snug lows 2upsaAl 3X /PP/ mw MEG Anug 3/7/06 Vestm: st paid, choc Entry Date mm/dd/yy 1/8/03 Vesting :st paid, choc /pP /ww 3100 XJTUg 1/8/03 Vesting :st paid, choc 'est payment Date of Birth mm/dd/yy 1 7/31/72 ia.nsul Date of Birth mm /dd/yy Date of Birth mm/dd/yy Name Glenn Sn der Are months of service .aid? If interest paid, choose t .e Choose Interest Type aumN Bishop Svendahl Are months of service paid? If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type aweN Brian Swanson Are months of service paid? If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type Name Bruce Sword Are months of service id? If interest .aid, choose .e Choose Interest Type awEN Nate Toso Are months of service .aid? If interest aid, choose •e Choose Interest fy. 1 Member Status a MID Is Deferred interest paid? Choose Answer Member Status annoy' imEd SMUTS ragwal^ I nil3V L sn ra aA2OV Member Status aA f a y 1 Is Deferred interest Choose Answer Is Deferred interest Choose Answer Is Deferred interest Choose Answer N O N 1 M M Packet page 61 of 222 r c O w o 0 4. 2 A Q atlw n m c.:> o N y¢ i,r en 9 -4 v p 2 :n n v G'i O to N O O a y Q a o m 1. 46,360 Service Months fo t t• NL of 2007 'Bingen panaooV 46,360 Service Months of 2007 Accrued Liability 20,3741 arl 3DIAJOS 20 SJA 1 s o o° F m'.. •j, 0 .E Y b ry 0 N oQ:a v m FN z L•,� 2 p 0 vi h'ki ,5�,vaaQa 3ra O 2 N p G s, a ;f 098`51 Mrt�. Ibl W V 0 F o V u Q, j y E C ro a n E al O N m a m E W O N his Req for V ated Liability ated Liability Benefit Level rd Separation f rs Reg for .ated Liability .ated Liability Benefit Level Separation v 33 g ro a a 0 OI a VI 2 L Q E W o O o E N N Q' o n 'a s o o ...0 ro n m .9 r R E T a v v i, N O U �i• cn 0 s al 0 8/20/97 Vesting :st paid, choo est payment Entry Date mm/dd/yy 8/20/97 Vesting ist paid, choc est payment Entry Date mm/dcllyy Vesting t paid, choc -est payment 0 V T a N 'O n O W Q c 9 T d V w Q E E 01 c C O m 165/I /01 1 o t L d S b in y w Q 0 E W v V Q E M y Q v m v ZZQ e2$ F C v o N N o E d EL. o o U IS R ffi d N R F 2 U a" o 0 0 a v 8 o O V U v c F. W P. a, N b E5 C w v E p v v X Z� 0 01v i2 Z Jim Voelker Are months of service paid? If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type Name Jeff Wendel Are months of service .aid? If interest .aid, choose t Choose Interest Ty .e 'Name ouaz aaaD1 Are months of service paid? If interest .aid, choose type Choose Interest Ty. N al Q C. O o a e 4' Q Fi Q n N g A 0 Q P. q P a Q C y 0 5 N d F, U Q P. b m 0. 2 VI C, Q P. b V 0 E t 'H Q 3 C N ca U C y Q 3 Q q N L v G d o, t 3 G Q Q VD 0 y C Q N 8 0 n h M n M Packet page 62 of 222 To end of 2007 1 panaooy Total Service Years Months To end of 2007 1 I PilgEt"I panaaay Total Service Years Months J To end of 2007 1 Accrued Liability Total Service Years Months To end of 2007 1 Accrued I Liability Total Service Years Months To end of 2007 1 I "Higl'1 pansa Total Service Years Months Yrs of Service I or Yrs of Service Yrs of Service Vitt aowaS Josh RIWAVVM I 01 I Yrs of Service 1441:$0:11 X To end of 2006 1 Accrued Liability MAP Px�F.4P 01 1000`ZI 12,0001 To end of 2006 1 pansaoy 1 of 1z65`0z I z65`oZ To end of 2006 Accrued Liability 01 121,900 121,900 To end of 2006 dipticipri pantoay I 01 1008'91 1 008'91 To end of 2006 allilgElT pommy 01 1 1 38,400 001 Yrs of Service 'itl+Ti'L+i Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting 2006 Estimated Liability Yt s of Service M Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting 1 2006 Estimated Liability 2007 Estimated Liability Yrs of Service Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting 1 2006 Estimated Liability Yrs of Service Minimum Yrs Req for Vesting 2006 Estimated Liability 2007 Estimated Liability aolatas JO SSA Minimum Yrs Req. for Vesting 12006 Estimated Liability 2007 Estimated Liability Benefit Level Separation 1000`z ated Liability Benefit Level Separation 100Z`z Benefit Level Separation 100£`S Auctul7 pawalpsa LOOZ Benefit Level Separation 10 0 5 `Z 1 Benefit Level Separation 008'6 (station) sV0 LOAs (months) (stance) sV01 (sglaour) syo LOAs (months) LC/pp/arm alEG daS 96/1/P 1 09 If interest pail choose how Choose interest payment period aIEQ daS 1L6 /1 /S 1 ZL If interest paid, choose how 1 (Choose interest payment period AA/PP/win pica das 190/ 1 001 If interest paid, choose how 1 Choose interest payment penod aa/pp/triw a3EQ daS 10/1£ 1 09 1 1 If interest paid, choose how Choose interest payment penod AK/pp /uuu a;eQ daS SO/OE/17 001 1 If interest paid, choose how Choose interest payment period AI/PPlww ateQ Anna 11/26/851 EnnSOA A aIEQ Anna ftsipzit Vesting 1 LC/pp/tutu a;eo Anug 9/28/82 EunsaA XA/PP/mw a1EQ Aqua 8/28/901 EunsaAl AA/pp/u KEG Arlu3 96/L1/11 8 Date of Birth 159/1/£ F °N Date of Birth mm/dd/yy 7/22/651 1 01.1 Date of Binh mm/dd/yy 1£5/6Z/1 oN Date of Birth mm /dd/yy I V9/0Z/9 1 ON LA/PP/mw 3 Owe 89/9Z/Z N aureN Bryan Burkhalter 1 Are months of service paid? 1 If interest paid, choose type 1 Choose Interest Type am1 1 IIuoILOj true r Land aal.vas 3o station' an If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type auieN Ashley Komovich Are months of service paid? 1 If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type OMEN Aauooyti amyl Are months of service paid? 1 If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type MIEN nom find 'Are months of service paid? If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type Member Status 1 Deferred paua;aa paaia;aQ Member Status 1 paara ;aa 1 Is Deferred interest paid? 1 °N I Member Status pa. ispal i;saaalw pona;aQ sl ON Member Status Is Deferred interest oft snick aagmay Is Deferred interest OM lsaaa;ul pa.ua;aQ sI 1 OM Packet page 63 of 222 To end of 2007 Accrued Liability Service Months of 2007 Accrued Lrabdity Service Months 96,672 Benefit Level S aration 2,500 (is Req. for ated Liability ated Liability Benefit Level Separation 5,300 Yrs Req for sated Liability Choose interest payment period Entry Date mm/dd/yy 2/28/78 Vesting :st paid, choc Entry Date mm/dd/yy 4/28/87 Vesting st paid, choc Name Steve Strese Are months of service paid? If interest •aid, choose type Straight 5% Name Harold Zwart Are months of service paid? If interest paid, choose type Choose Interest Type Is Deferred interest .aid? Yes Member Status 'Deferred is Deferred interests off 1� Packet page 64 of 222 CV tN est OD oo an i a rn 3 Ln rn 9 am k 6 7 .1 0 o u f 0 Cni co Lel en en L 214,632 I 0 0 I06`E I IZL`£01 I 0 1 ZZCEZI I ZIS`9I- Ch CN 0 0 0 C7 e aid 2 0 04 04 j 2 2 3 k 2 CI A cfri C477 0 0 `Ii al o 1 I. g4 0) 071 k 2