HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the November 1, 2006 Special City Council Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 1, 2006 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Wednesday, November 1, 2006, at 6:34 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan and Sterner attending. Staff members present were City Admuiistrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Admuustrator Foster, Pohce Chief Kalstabakken, City Engineer Brotzler, Project Engineer Dawley, Finance Director May, Community Development Director Lindquist, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Communications Coordinator Cox and City Clerk Domeier. ADDITIONS TO AGENDA City Admuustrator Verbrugge stated there would be two additional updates 1) Conduit Financing for the Scott Carver CAP Agency; and 2) Lebanon Hills Regional Park Stormwater Update 2.A. GlenRose of Rosemount Assessments, City Project #397 City Engineer Brotzler reviewed the staff report. Pictorial information was provided to show how the funding was split between the City, the developer and the assessable portions to the adjacent property owners. Mr. Brotzler reviewed the tables summarizing the project costs, project funding, salutary sewer cost per unit, watermam cost per unit, and easement funding breakdown by parcel. Mr. Brotzler noted the sanitary sewer cost per unit was changed to subtract the hft station cost of $84, 200. The cost will be the sole responsibility of the developer. Council Member Baxter questioned the easements and assessable portions of the project. He questioned if it was higher than a normal project. Mr. Brotzler stated easement costs may be higher based upon the scenano of the easement. He described how appraised values are arrived at and noted the amounts property owners are physically compensated come in higher than the actual appraisal. He reviewed the amounts of the easements provided to the subject parcels. Council Member Baxter questioned how to divide the sewer and water. Mr. Brotzler stated sewer and watermam costs were figured on a prorated spht. He added properties are proposed to be assessed for sewer and water $17,147 per unit. Three properties were assessed only for water because they have sanitary sewer from the 1993 project. Council Member Sterner questioned why in 1993 the properties were not assessed for sanitary sewer. Mr. Brotzler responded that the properties that received sewer service were assessed. It is not know why all five properties did not receive sewer service. Todd Franz handed out a breakdown of the project he ptepared. He stated the total project cost is the number he used to prepare his report. Mr. Franz stated that this project is only being done for the benefit of the developer. Mr. Brotzler stated the original plan to serve the development with sewer and water did not include extending sewer and water service to the five adjacent parcels. It was only after it was determined that one of the property owners ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 1, 2006 had a non- comphant septic system and requested City service that Council authorized the development project to include the extension of sewer and water service to the adjacent property owners. Mr Franz verbally acknowledged his initial support for sewer and water service in addition to another adjacent property owner. Mr Brotzler also explained the basis for the validity of an assessment and that there is a benefit to the property as a direct result of the improvements that have been made. He added there is an increase in the market value of the property that is equal to or greater than the assessment cost. Mr. Brotzler further stated that an initial review of Mr. Franz's calculations is incomplete as the developer's land acquisition costs are not included in the per unit rate. The reason that the proposed per unit assessment rates are higher is directly related to the easement acquisition costs incurred with a percentage being assessed back to the adjacent benefiting property owners and that the full watermam construction cost is proposed to be assessed to the adjacent benefiting property owners. Council Member Shoe Corrigan questioned why Mr. Franz would not pay the same cost as the developer. Mr Franz stated he wants to pay what the developer paid. Council Member Sterner questioned how the unit is charged. Mr. Brotzler stated that in this case there was one unit assigned for the property. Mayor Droste noted that based upon the Urban Residential zoning there will be value added to the property and property owners will leverage the cost of the utihties should the land sell in the future. Mayor Droste added that because the City designates land uses does not mean the City is out finding a developer to develop the land. Mr Franz asked Council to review the staff packet and stated the City is setting forth its own agenda. Council Member DeBettignies questioned how the City is setting forth its own agenda and added the comment is a direct blow to the City Council who is directed by state statute as to how to protect the City in how land should be guided as part of the 2020 Comprehensive Guide Plan. Mayor Droste commented m order to follow the law a comp guide plan has to be m place for all land. Mr Franz requested to be treated like the developer. Mr. Brotzler stated that regarding the land use questions the information was provided in the packet per City Council request from the October 17, 2006 Council meeting. However, the information provided in the packet is not connected to the matter that is being considered. The issues are separate. He further stated from a benefit standpomt, the developer will have a benefit and the assessed properties will also benefit with having sewer and water available to their properties malting the property more valuable in the future. Project Engineer Dawley stated the easements included in the feasibihty study are an estimated amount of $57,000. Council Member Baxter stated the issue is the easement costs were more than anticipated and the problem is easements were not handled correctly in 1993. He questioned if there was any place the City could look at to pay the easements other than through assessments. Mr. Brotzler responded it would be a City cost. Council Member Sterner questioned if there was a compromise from the last meeting. Mr. Brotzler stated a compromise would be to look at the Table 5 assessable cost to see if there is some responsibility of the City to participate m reducing the amount. The remainder of the balance would be split out over the parcels. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 1, 2006 Mr. Gramsey stated he kept a file of the 1993 assessments. He felt he was being assessed twice for the improvements. Mr. Gramsey stated he was told his assessment was going to be a great deal less. Mr. Brotzler stated the easement acquisition cost for the Gramsey property, and therefore the assessment amount, may be different if there had been a sewer easement in place from the 1993 project. Council Member Shoe Corrigan directed staff to review Mr. Franz's report to make sure it was accurate. Mr. Brotzler stated an appeal will need to be filed to contest an assessment amount. He added property owners could go through the legal process to appeal an assessment based on value. Council Member Baxter stated the ambiguity m the costs of the easements for the project. He stated per Table 5 the property owners and the assessable portion for Hidden Valley should be paid out of City funds reducing the cost approximately $23,000. Mr. Brotzler pointed out that while the developer is not being assessed there is fairness in equity that needs to be applied to the developer as a property owner. His suggestion was the City would have to consider taking care of the full of $98,000 for Hidden Valley. Council Member DeBettigmes requested to take the full amount out of City funds. The council examined the funding split between the developer, the City, and the residents benefiting from the proposed improvements. The City Council proposed to contribute an additional $49,126 Staff will present the funding information to the City Council on November 21, 2006. Mr. Brotzler stated from a process standpoint revisions would need to be made and brought back to the City Council on November 21 with an updated assessment roll. City staff will provide property owners with a courtesy mailing. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated the City should not pay the whole $48,000 for a mistake made by a previous City Council Mayor Droste added with the price of land and the assessments m going forward there will be more complaints for assessments and cautioned setting a precedent. Mr. Brotzler stated since the project was City initiated it will require a 4 -1 vote from the City Council. 2.B. Manufactured Home Park Ordinance Revisions, Case 06 -05 -TA Community Development Director Lindquist provided an update of the Manufactured Home Park Ordinance revisions. Ms. Lindquist provided additional information regarding the 25% cap. She stated City Attorney LeFevere will draft a memo regardmg the cap language for the November 21st meeting. Council Member Sterner questioned how the proposed ordinance compares to surrounding communities' ordinances. Ms. Lindquist stated it is similar to the ordinance Apple Valley currently has m place. LaVonne Woodruff represented the residents of the Rosemount Woods Manufactured Home Park. Ms. Woodruff stated the facts are misrepresented for relocation and added that ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 1, 2006 mobile home parks within a 25 mile radius only allow new homes into their parks Council Member DeBettigmes questioned the amount of spots available at the surrounding parks. Ms. Woodruff stated she is researching the availability at surrounding parks. Mayor Droste questioned if state codes changed in mobile homes as dramatically as single family home codes. He noted that may be why some older mobile homes may not be allowed into parks. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated the purpose of the ordinance was to address the need for affordable housing in the community. She stated the ordinance was well written in enhancing state statute to maintain affordable housing m the community. Ktystal Klien, a representative from APAC, distributed a report of other communities' mobile home park closing ordinances. Ms. Woodruff pointed out the losses the mobile home owners would incur if they had to relocate. She suggested that homeowners would be able to purchase the land. Ms Khen added the stated that Shakopee offered third party compensation to owners. Council Member DeBettignies encouraged Ms Khen to contact Dennis Ozment at the state level for legislation issues. Council Member Baxter stated affordable housing in Rosemount is important and would like to see a 30% cap. Council Member Shoe Corrigan preferred to have no cap and to figure out a reasonable number if the park was ever closed. She added the City is not encouraging anyone to sell the mobile home park but is reacting to comments to have an ordinance in place. Ms. Klien stated through the process more residents have become educated on the issue. Pat Siefert stated the residents of the mobile home park are scared of the proposed cap Ms. Siefert added that m her opinion it seems the residents are not as important to receive any money but the owners of the park are going to be making a lot of money. Ms. Woodruff stated the owners want their investment protected and do not want to take a huge Loss if the park is sold. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated any homeowner takes a risk when owning property and this ordinance is a good first step in providing some protection. Mayor Droste added the current City Council is committed to having work force and affordable housing in Rosemount. Council Member Sternet stated he was in favor of a 30% cap. After consideration, the City Council was in agreement with the 25% cap and requested that City Attorney LeFevere prepare a memo addressing differences for setting a cap or having no cap on the amount of compensation required to be paid to displaced tenants. 2.C. Discussion of Name for Library t ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 1, 2006 Community Development Director Lindquist stated the proposed name will go before the library board in November Ms. Lindquist requested that City Council review the name options listed in the staff report. The City Council Members were asked to state their top two choices for names. The choices were as follows: Council Member Sterner: Murphy Library or Celtic Library; Council Member Shoe Corrigan: Kilcrumreragh Library or Murphy Library; Council Member Baxter: Kilcrumreragh Library or Murphy Library; Mayor Droste: Frontier Library, Pioneer Library or Kilcrumreragh Library; and Council Member DeBettignies: Kilcrumreragh Library. The Council Members also discussed the name Westmeath, Ms Lindquist will submit the choice of Kilcrumreragh to the Design Advisory Committee and if a second choice is needed, Ms. Lindquist will suggest the name Westmeath. City Administrator Verbrugge suggested that the City offer to have a plaque made stating the history for the name of the hbrary 2.D. 2007 Budget City Administrator Verbrugge reviewed Attachment 1 of the staff report providing a rerun of the proposed budget with the most recent modification. The pnmary modification was the adjustment for health insurance. He added the online registration costs were moved from the Parks and Recreation budget reducing the levy amount by $15,000. Mr. Verbrugge also reviewed Attachment 2. Finance Director May stated he reviewed the spreadsheet for the general fund through October 17` and projected the estimated revenues. He stated that City departments have reviewed the items they will be encumbering which reduces the amount available. Mr. Verbrugge noted the prelim nary 2007 budget is $9,196,100. Mr. Verbrugge stated Attachment 3 included the 10 Year Capital Improvement Program. Mayor Droste questioned why the Bloomfield Park Shelter was included in the CIP. Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz stated that per Parks Commission recommendation, $250,000 was place in the 2007 budget for a park shelter. The City Council recommended that the $250,000 for the shelter be removed from the 2007 CIP. Mayor Droste questioned the quiet zones in 2008. He suggested doing one intersection to get the facts and observe the benefits before doing all intersections. City Engineer Brotzler pointed out with redevelopment in the downtown it would be intended to do a quiet zone m that area first. Council Member DeBettignies questioned the City wide software. Mr. Verbrugge responded that the City was looking at software programs to combine elements used m Cartegraph that could be incorporated throughout the City. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 1, 2006 Council Member Sterner questioned the Pohce Department remodel for 2009. Pohce Chief Kalstabakken stated with the remodel the booking area would be better utilized and additional office space would be added. Mr. Verbrugge provided the KFS Financial Plan Update. He added that in spring the City would be looking at purchasing /acquiring land for an athletic complex. Mayor Droste directed staff to remove the Bloomfield Park Shelter from the CIP. The City Council was in agreement to go to a bimonthly newsletter. The special work session for November 8 was cancelled. Mayor Droste requested staff to provide a budget update at the November 15 work session. UPDATES 3.A. Scott Carver Dakota CAP Agency Conduit Financing Finance Director May stated the City received application materials for conduit financing from the Scott Carver Dakota CAP Agency. The agency will be making physical improvements to its facility and refinancing current debt for a total approximate cost of $840,000. 3.B. Lebanon Hills Regional Park "LHRP Stormwater Update City Administrator Verbrugge updated the Council on the LHRP Stormwater plan The County attempted to get funding for the project through state bonding; however, the state did not approve financing for the project. The state noted that the project is a local government issue. Since that time, the technical group composed of City and County staff has developed a proposed funding scenario. Prior to presenting this scenario to the full elected bodies, a meeting of selected elected officials has been scheduled for November 30 to present the proposed funding scenario. The proposed funding scenario does include participation by Rosemount which would be funded through the stormwater utility funds. City Engineer Brotzler added the process was developed by a technical group to find a plan all parties can agree how and develop a way to fund the project. Mayor Droste and Council Member Shoe Corrigan were interested m representing Rosemount's part in the technical group. ADDITIONAL UPDATES City Engineer Brotzler stated WSB will provide a presentation on the revised Transit Plan scope at the November 7 meeting As part of the scope of the Transit Plan, staff is interested m assembling a task force compnsed of a Council member and other appointed officials to work interactively in the development of the transit plan. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS SPECIAL WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 1, 2006 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:31p.m. Upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk