HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Minutes of the November 15, 2006 City Council Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 15, 2006 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Monday, November 15, 2006, at 6:40 p.m. at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount, Minnesota. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Baxter, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan and Sterner present. Staff attending included City Adnnistrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator Foster, Police Chief Kalstabakken, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Communications Coordinator Cox and City Clerk Domeier. City Administrator Verbrugge added an update for discussion of the Parks and Recreation Commission vacancy. DISCUSSION 2.A. Presentation by School District 917 John Christiansen and Dan Sullivan represented School District 197. Mr. Christiansen provided information on a facility project they are in the process of developing. He added that Distract 917 is a special school distract that serves the needs of member and non- member school's special education. District 917 is interested m building a school and is working with CDA to assemble land in the Akron Avenue area. Dan Sullivan stated the school district was created by an act of legislation in 1970. The purpose of the district was to provide special education and high school vocation programs. Mr. Sullivan explained how the distract handles special education governance and that customers are the school districts in Dakota County The plan is to replace the Thompson High School located in St. Paul by partnering with the CDA to share property directly north and west of the DCTC campus. The proposed facility would accommodate current needs and those of the future. Mr. Sullivan reviewed the elevation plan and noted he has had conversations with the City regarding the code requirements. He also shared the plans for the footpnnt of the building. The proposed facility is different than a typical school building with classrooms including bathrooms and no after school programs or evening activities. Council Member Baxter questioned if District 196 is a member. Mr. Christiansen stated District 196 was a member until 1996 when they began to offer the same types of services through their own district. Council Member Baxter further questioned how the facihty would be funded. Mr. Christiansen stated member districts have levy authority through the legislation. He added that the CDA will incur the debt and Distnct 917 will lease the debt City Administrator Verbrugge questioned the student population and the types of special services that will be provided. Mr. Sullivan stated 70 students that currently receive the special education services. The students are assigned a primary disability and that is why the building is designed with reduced sized classrooms. He added the students do not drive to school or hang out on the grounds after school. Mr. Cbristiansen said the District has a full- ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 15, 2006 time agreement with Dakota County to have an officer on site and the students are always supervised. Council Member Shoe Corrigan inquired how students qualify to attend the school. Mr. Christiansen stated a team decision is made between the school and the member district based upon a student's IEP. After local school districts have exhausted their resources and capabilities to serve certain students they are sent to the District. Council Member Shoe Corrigan questioned the difference between the Distract and an Alternative Learning Center. Mr. Christiansen stated Alternative Learning Center students typically only have academic deficiencies and do not require special transportation whereas the District students need a controlled environment and are sent based upon an IEP requiring that a disabled student attend a full day program. Mayor Droste questioned the zoning of the proposed site. Mr. Verbrugge responded the proposed location is at the northeast comer of Akron Avenue but not on CSAH 42. The area is composed of commercial and residential zoning. Council Member Sterner questioned the size of the school moving forward. Mr. Sullivan stated the enrollment in special education has been constant. The school could accommodate around 100 students but the enrollment depends upon the make -up of the students. Council Member DeBettignies stated his concerns with the location of the building due to potential access issues. Mr. Sullivan stated the District will rely on the CDA to work out the access issues with the City during the site plan review process. 2.B. UMore Planning Chuck Muskoplat, Vice President for Statewide Strategic Resource Development for UMore Park, provided a presentation on the future of UMore Park. The site is approximately 12 square miles in Rosemount. Mr. Muskoplat stated the Regents goal is to develop UMore Park m a matter that will further the University's mission. A strategic long -range master plan will be developed that prioritizes the University responsibilities and needs, and considers current regional plannuig and development issues. Council Member Baxter was curious about the estimated time to complete the project and if it will depend on the market in developing. Larry Laukka, Executive Director, UMore Park stated it will take tune to develop and noted the value in developing over a longer penod of time. Council Member Baxter stated his admiration for the project and excitement about the vision but he also cautioned that residents m Rosemount have requested that the City maintain its small town feel. Mr. Laukka responded the area is growing and with the unique opportunities of the the and ownership it will fall into the pattern of development. Mr. Muskoplat stated that residents have stated their appreciation of the small town feel and added this project will help with hfe long learning. Council Member Sterner questioned if the plan would include indoor and outdoor recreation facilities for the Rosemount residents. Mr. Muskoplat stated that right now the slate is ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 15, 2006 blank. Mx. Laukka noted the process will be starting from scratch but there is a considerable amount of open space to the south for different types of facilities He added that while initiating the planning process it will be a good oppotmmty to do something initially and should be on the top of the list subject to the interest in the community to do such a project. Council Member DeBettignies questioned when the plan or concept of the vision will start Mr. Muskoplat stated it was hard to answer but once the Regents are on board there could be a concept plan in mid 2007 that would be incorporated in the 2008 comp plan. Mr Laukka stated a schedule will be prepared with Mr. Verbrugge of what to expect in 2007 in compiling enough information of should happen to work with the 2008 comprehensive plan update. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated the land is not currently on the tax rolls but when development occurs would it be back on the tax rolls. Mr. Muskoplat stated that is the plan. Mayor Droste questioned if when the Sasaki group interviewed people if anyone raised concerns with the proximity to Flint Hills Mr. Laukka stated Flint Hills is an ominous facility with the oil pipeline coming up from the south. He stated they have started discussions with Flint Hills on a number of issues and opportunities but that it was too early to figure out how they can accommodate one other. They may be able to work together m the areas of energy and crop productions. He also stated that Flint Hills' interest in being good neighbors. Mr. Laukka also stated that once the planning mode takes place that the Aix Cargo facility option will be on the table. As of right now, it is too hard to predict the placement of the Aix Cargo facility. Dennis Ozment stated the U has all the right buzz words but he was looking for an explanation of the taxes and whether the U would privatize a good portion of the project. Mr. Muskoplat stated he did not know the answer. Mr. Laukka stated it was an interesting concern and the ambition of the U is to build value for the community and leave long term value to the U. Mr. Ozment was concerned about the need for additional facilities for the Ag communities. Mx. Muskoplat responded the plan to continue research on the DNR land. He added approximately 20% of the land will be available for research after development. Mr. Ozment also questioned the need to enhance mass transit. Mr. Muskoplat stated mass transit will be a challenge that will be on top of the pnority hst but he was not readily able to provide a solution to transportation issues. Mr. Ozment also requested pubhc participation during the comprehensive guide plan proposals Mr. Muskoplat stated they have been interviewing stake holders and as plans come together they will go through the pubhc process. Mr. Laukka added as the U progresses they will learn more going fonvard and will go back to the stakeholders to continue interplay with them. Mr. Muskoplat ended his presentation by stating the U will be back in the future with more good news to discuss. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 15, 2006 2.C. Frontier Wireless City Administrator Verbrugge stated Frontier Communications requests permission to install wireless transmitters and supporting equipment on facilities owned by the City to provide wireless Internet service to its customers in Rosemount. Melinda White of Frontier Communications provided information about Frontier Mobile. She stated that Frontier currently serves over 2,000 municipalities. Frontier builds infrastructure and builds networks while focusing on the customer. Ms. White stated Frontier has invested millions of dollars in Rosemount building upon the current infrastructure. Ms. White stated Frontier is an established network provider. She added Frontier would be offering wireless access throughout the Rosemount area. Ms. White stated the advantages of wireless systems and the benefits of City wide wireless access. Ms. White reviewed the fully funded agreement terms for 2006. She stated it is a 10 year agreement. The basis for the 10 year agreement is the level of investment Frontier would be making hi the City. The network plan would be completed in 120 days with a guarantee of 90% coverage within two years. Mr. Verbrugge pointed out that the east portion of the City is not serviced by Frontier. He questioned if the coverage would be 90% of the community or 90% of the Frontier service area. Ms. White stated the coverage would be for the entire service area. Council Member DeBettignies questioned the outreach of the 14 inch box. Don Bannowitz of Frontier stated the boxes would need to be placed every 1,500 feet. Council Member DeBettignies stated the zones would overlay and questioned if it would cause blackout areas in the plan. Ms. White responded it may be proposed as a low coverage area but they can enhance and scale the network. Council Member Shoe Corrigan question if Frontier would want access to easements for other services and if a service agreement would be provided. Carrie Haley of Frontlet stated Frontier is looking for the ability to place the boxes on the pole and pay for the power. Ms. White further stated that a service agreement would be provided. Council Member Shoe Corrigan was concerned what would be provided to the City if the services do not work. Ms Haley responded that Frontier is taking a technology risk and that wireless technology can be challenging. She stated that Frontier's focus is on the customer. Mr. Vose stated his understanding is the City would be able to become an anchor and lease its property to allow other wireless users to use the facihties. Ms. White stated the different pieces of exclusivity. She added that Frontier would ask to be the only wireless provider. Interference language and some facilities are larger than others and once Frontier installs an access point on a facility then they ask for no interference from another wireless provider. Mr. Verbrugge questioned the extent of the wireless penetration and how persuasive the signal would be throughout the City. Ms. White responded the DSL box has a wireless ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 15, 2006 modem built in or you could use a wireless router. In terms of businesses having wireless coverage, it will depend upon where you sit inside. Mr. Verbrugge was concerned with the exclusivity of providing service to the City. The Pohce Department currently uses Sprint /Nextel. He questioned if the agreement were signed would it preclude the City from its exclusivity with Sprint. Ms White stated that issue would be addressed by language m the agreement. Mr. Verbrugge stated his understanding with the network plan being delivered within 120 of a signed agreement. He questioned if the agreement could be contingent and whether the City could exit the agreement based upon the network plan Ms. White stated Frontier has not gone down that path and Frontier would tell the City if the plan is not viable. Ms Haley stated Frontier would start out by discussing the coverage area. Mr. Verbrugge framed the three options of direction in moving forward: 1) Move quickly and bring forward at the December 5 meeting; 2) Continue negotiations and bring back to the December 13 work session for final decision on December 19; or 3) Let the offer expire based upon the current comfort level and undefined issues and hope for full funding in 2007. Council Member DeBettignies stated he has heard all about the millions of dollars in funding but has not seen any feature benefits. Ms. White stated a wireless network can be utilized m different apphcation. There are certain applications that can be discussed. Council Member DeBettigrues stated he struggled with the proposal and the expenses and didn't see any benefits to the residents or business owners. Ms. Haley stated Frontier can assess out where the commercial opportunities are available to enhance their services. Mr. Vose stated quick turnaround on the proposal will be hard work for staff. Mayor Droste requested a hst of benefits to the City and the cost savings of applications. Ms. White said that information could be provided. Communications Coordinator Cox stated Frontier can provide a hst of possible services but the services may not directly benefit the City. Mr. Verbrugge stated the need to figure out the best fit for the City. He suggested the discussion be continued to the December 13 work session and brought forward to Council at the December 19 meeting. Mayor Droste requested information regarding the savings to the Police Department, Pubhc Works Department and Parks and Recreation Department. Council Member Shoe Corrigan requested that Frontier provide information on the benefits to the entire community and local schools. 2.D. FTTH /Rudder Franchise Transfer City Administrator Verbrugge stated F11 H, Inc. notified the City of the intention to apply to transfer its franchise to a different investment group led by Rudder Capital Corp. As part of the first step in the transfer process, F'ITH asked the City to waive its right of first refusal to purchase the system. Bob Vose stated m a typical cable transfer of ownership the right of first refusal comes up at the same time the ownership is transferred. He questioned if the City Council was interested in purchasing the franchise and using the right of first refusal. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 15, 2006 Mike Waldo of FTTH /CPDC provided the background on the 1-1 LH market and expansion He stated that CPDC found out they are better developers than telecommunication providers. F 1 1H will need to go through the TUC to get the transfer done. He added that approximately two years ago FTTH started to look for a buyer and found that Rudder has the same values F FIH possesses. Mr. Waldo was confident that Rudder could take the services to the next step. Ron Nelson of Rudder stated FTTH put together a tremendous thing but spent more money then the return on investment. He added that Rudder was created with the intention of being customer focused. Rudder looks to Rosemount as a place for the opportunity to grow its business and become a member of the community. He stated Rudder is currently leasing space at the Genz Ryan facility but is considering Rosemount as a permanent home for its company. He added there are areas in which technology changes and there are more opportunities to improve customer services continually. If Rudder is successful growing its business inside Rosemount it may spread to other locations. Randy Mortensen of Rudder stated the company is a sales and installation company and is customer centric. Rudder currently has about 1,700 installations every week and that number will more than double m the next year. Randy Mortensen Mr. Waldo added that the citizens in Rosemount need to have multiple providers. Mayor Droste questioned if Frontier and Charter also put networks into Evermoor. He added the commitments from five years ago listed m the franchise agreement were not met. Mr. Waldo discussed the franchise approval process and stated there are way to meet the provisions in the franchise agreement that will not be met m the next 12 months. Council Member DeBettignies stated that Rosemount residents appear to like the services F1'1H offers. Mr. Vose noted the build out timelines were not set by the City Council. Mayor Droste stated we are two years from 2008 and no expansion has taken place. Mr. Vose stated there could be a modification to the commitments m the franchise agreement in deploying the mechanisms. Council Member Baxter stated he has no interest in the City buying the franchise. Mr. Waldo stated what Fl 1H can bring to the table as they move forward in the franchising process with the continued commitment to keep then word. 2.E. WSB Contract Renewal City Administrator reviewed the staff report. Mr. Verbrugge noted the three year agreement between the City and WSB was set to expire. He explained that Andy Brotzler would remain the City Engineer and Morgan Dawley would be the Project Engineer for the City and the benefit to the City having two committed staff persons. The City Council was provided a breakdown of funding for Rosemount services from 2004 -2006. Bret Weiss of WSB Associates stated Ins appreciation of the relationship established over the years. Mr. Weiss provided a breakdown on the gross value of services provided by WSB. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 15, 2006 Mr. Verbrugge added he contacted other cities that retain WSB and reviewed the arrangements. He stated Rosemount has a good situation with the dedicated staff. Council Member Sterner questioned the billable hours if both engineers are on staff full- time. Mr. Weiss stated the engineers can bill for developer projects but all other costs are billed in the retainer. He added that Mr. Brotzler's billable hours have been reduced as his position has become more of a management position. Mr. Verbrugge added that Mr. Brotzler serves as an administrative director for the Engineering department and does great work in the management role for the Pubhc Works department. Mr. Weiss stated Mr. Brotzler carries a heavy stick at WSB for the benefit of Rosemount. Mayor Droste questioned how the City would know they are getting a deal without marketing competition. Mx. Weiss stated the relationship has been built on trust and WSB will stand behind their work. He further added that WSB is committed to Rosemount and that WSB employees provide a great service to the community Mr. Verbrugge added a time will come when there will be a need to evaluate the positions to determine if the City Engineer should be a full-time position. Mayor Droste stated the City Council will need to tackle future staffing needs for all the protects coming down the line. Council Member Baxter stated the process is not broke so do not fix it. He stated the contract fits the City well. WSB is competitive and has developed a good relationship with the City by not always using the lowest bidder. He further stated that Andy Brotzler is a man of integrity and does a good job for the City with a measured firmness and compassion. If Mr. Brotzler thought the City was being treated unfairly by WSB he would inform the City Council. Council Member Shoe Corrigan echoed Mr. Baxter's comments. Mr Weiss stated Mr Brotzler is few and far between and that the City will not find another Andy. He further stated that he would like to be a part of the process when the City begins to analyze the need for engineering staff. Mayor Droste added he is Iookmg out for the long term of the position. Mr. Verbrugge stated the contract will be on the December 5 City Council Agenda. UPDATES 3.A. City Council Appointments to St. Joseph's Church Task Force Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided an updated list of 21 applicants to the City Council. He stated the City Council will designate the City Council representatives. Discussion ensued regarding the interview process. Council Member Shoe Corrigan suggested expanding the group so that three people would not be excluded Council Member Baxter agreed the group should include everyone who applied. Mayor Droste directed staff to appoint all apphcants. Council Members Baxter and DeBettignies volunteered to serve on the Task Force. Council Member Sterner offered to serve as an alternate. The members will be appointed at the December 5 City Council Meeting. 3.B. Natural Area Mapping ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS WORK SESSION NOVEMBER 15, 2006 Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided an update and reviewed the criteria for identification of the mapping of natural areas in Rosemount. Mr. Schultz added the map does not required Council adoption but will serve as a resource for staff and other groups during the review of development project 3.C. Holiday Decorations Hwy 3 electrical and purchasing City Administrator Verbrugge discussed extending the lighting of trees along the east side of Highway 3 to CSAH 42 by Kwik Trip. He stated the costs include $7,900 for electrical and $1,600 for decorations. The City Council agreed to the purchasing. Council Member Shoe Corrigan added that next year the City should add holiday hghting at the St. Joseph Church site. 3.11 2007 Budget Update City Administrator Verbrugge provided an update on the budget. He noted that gas utilities are down $15,000. Finance Director May stated he received two phone calls from residents regarding their tax statements. The 2006 budget total is operating at 76 3.E. Parks and Recreation Commission Vacancy City Administrator Verbrugge stated with Eric Johnson's resignation there is an opening on the Parks and Recreation Commission. He added that former Council Member Kevin Strayton expressed interest in serving on the Commission. The City Council directed staff to appoint Mr. Strayton to the Commission for the remainder of Mr. Johnson's term. 3.F. Additional Updates Council Member Shoe Corrigan provided an update on the library meeting held November 15. She stated five new designs were introduced that are better than the original plans The library open house scheduled for December 12 was cancelled. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Droste moved to adjourn the meeting at 12:05 a m Upon unanimous decision, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk t