HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.t. Commercial and Industrial Districts Zoning Text Amendment Clean Up, 06-60-TA[AGENDA ITEM: Case 06 -60 -TA Commercial and Industrial Districts Zoning Text Amendment Clean Up AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. AGENDA NO. lei ATTACHMENTS: Minutes from November 28, 2006 Planning Commission Meeting, Copies of the Amended Sections of the Zoning Ordinance APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the seven ordinances listed below making minor changes to the General Provisions and District Development Regulations sections of the Zoning Ordinance to eliminate conflicts with recent amendments to the Commercial and Industrial zoning districts: Section 11 -2 -5 General Provisions for Rooftop Mechanical Systems Section 11 -5 -1 District Development Regulations for Dimensional Standards Section 11- 5 -2.A.2 District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction in Commercial Districts Section 11- 5 -2.A.3 District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction in the Business Park District Section 11- 5 -2.A.4 District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction in the General Industrial District Section 11- 5- 2.A.6.f District Development Regulations for Dimensional Standards for Accessory Buildings and Surface Parking. Section 11- 5- 2.B.1.b District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Supplementary Height Regulations Permitted Exceptions 9 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: December 19, 2006 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SUMMARY This item was imitated by staff for the purpose of eliminating minor conflicts between the current zoning ordinance and recent amendments to the commercial and industrial distncts. As you may recall, the City recently passed amendments to the C -3, Highway Commercial, C -4 General Commercial, BP Business Park, LI Tight Industrial, GI General Industrial and HI Heavy Industrial districts Amendments to these specific districts created tumor conflicts with the old standards in the General Provisions and District Development Regulations sections of the zoning ordinance. Now that the commercial and industrial text amendment process is complete, staff initiated the current set of amendments to "clean up" these tumor conflicts. Staff would hke to emphasize that the current set of amendments are merely "house keeping" items and will not modify the new standards enacted dunng the commercial and industrial districts amendment process. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission held a public hearing to review this item on November 28, 2006. Minutes from that meeting are attached for your review. After hearing a presentation from staff and no comments from the pubhc, the Commission unanimously recommended the City Council approve the proposed amendments. ISSUE ANALYSIS Attached for your review are copies of the proposed amendments. None of the proposed amendments will change the performance standards recently reviewed by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council. Staff considers these amendments to be minor "housekeeping" items necessary to ehminate conflict or redundancies between the current zoning ordinance and the amended commercial and industrial districts. It was necessary to have these "house keeping" items come after completion of the commercial and industrial text amendments process because the impact of those amendments on the ordinance as a whole was unforeseeable. Section 11 -2 -5 General Provisions for Rooftop Mechanical Systems. At present, this section addresses standards for rooftop mechanical equipment throughout the City. The proposed amendment would reference the additional standards approved for rooftop mechanical equipment in the updated commercial and mdustnal distracts. Section 11 -5 -1- District Development Regulations for Dimensional Standards. Currently, this section contains a table summarizing the lot and building standards for all zoning districts throughout the City. The proposed amendment would update this summary table to reflect the changes made m the individual commercial and industrial districts. Section 11- 5 -2.A.2 District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction in Commercial Districts. This section contains generalized exterior budding material standards for all four commercial distracts within the City. The proposed amendment would eliminate conflicts between this section and the new extenor building materials standards customized to the individual commercial districts. Section 11- 5 -2.A.3 District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction in the Business Park District. This section currently contains generalized exterior building material standards for the BP -1, BP -2, BP -3, and BP -4 distracts. These four districts were consolidated into one BP Business Park distnct. The proposed amendment would eliminate conflicts between the four old districts and the new extenor building materials standards customized to the new BP Business Park districts. Section 11- 5 -2.A.4 District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction in the General Industrial District. This section contains generalized exterior building material standards for the City's industrial districts The proposed amendment would update this section to reference the new exterior building materials standards for the individual LI Light Industrial, GI General Industrial and HI Heavy Industnal districts. 2 Section 11- 5- 2.A.6.f District Development Regulations for Dimensional Standards for Accessory Buildings and Surface Parking. Similar to Section 11 -5 -1 above, this section contains a table summarazing the lot and budding standards for accessory buildings and surface parking in all zoning distracts throughout the City The proposed amendment would update this summary table to reflect the changes made to these standards in the individual commercial and industrial districts. Section 11- 5- 2.B.1.b District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Supplementary Height Regulations Permitted Exceptions. This section contains supplementary height regulations for solar collectors, chunneys, smokestacks, elevators and stairwell penthouses, antennas, transmission towers and the hke throughout the City. The proposed amendment would reference the specific height regulations for these types of accessory structures that were added to the individual industrial districts. CONCLUSION Recently, the City Council approved amendments to the commercial and industrial sections of the zoning ordinance to implement the existing policies of the Comprehensive Plan as well as the new pohcies set forth in the 42/52 Land Use Plan Overall, those amendments focused on updating architectural and outdoor storage performance standards as well as reallocating uses to more appropriate distracts. Throughout the amendment process, the Planning Commission and staff worked extensively with members of the pubhc and mterested business owners to create consensus Each amendment was reviewed and approved by the City Council after a public hearing by the Plannmg Commission. At the completion of that process, staff identified seven sections of the current zoning ordinance that had minor conflicts or redundancies with the amended text. The attached amends eliminate these differences and insure that the new performance standards will apply to all future development projects within the commercial and industrial zones. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the proposed text amendments, making minor changes to the seven sections of the zoning ordinance detailed above to eliminate conflicts with recent amendments to the commercial and industrial sections of the zoning ordinance. 3 EXCERPT FROM MINUTES REGULAR PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING NOVEMBER 28, 2006 5.d 06 -60 -TA Commercial and Industrial Text Amendments Clean Up. Planner Lindahl presented this item This item was initiated by staff for the purpose of eliminating minor conflicts between the current zoning ordinance and recent amendments to the commercial and industrial districts. As you may recall, the City recently past amendments to the C -3, Highway Commercial, C -4 General Commercial, BP Business Park, LI Light Industrial, GI General Industrial and HI Heavy Industrial districts. The proposal of this item is to eliminate conflicts or redundancies between the current ordinance and the recently approved amendments. None of the proposed amendments will change the performance standards recently reviewed by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council. Staff considers these amendments to be minor "housekeeping" items necessary to elminate conflict or redundancies between the current zoning ordinance and the amended commercial and industrial districts. It was necessary to have these "house keeping" items come after completion of the commercial and industrial text amendments process because the impact of those amendments on the ordinance as a whole was unforeseeable. Recently, the City Council approved amendments to the commercial and industrial sections of the zoning ordinance to implement the existing policies of the Comprehensive Plan as well as the new policies set forth m the 42/52 Land Use Plan Overall, those amendments focused on updating architectural and outdoor storage performance standards as well as reallocating uses to more appropnate distracts. Throughout the amendment process, the Planning Commission and staff worked extenswely with members of the public and interested business owners to create consensus. Each amendment was reviewed and approved by the City Council after a public hearing by the Planning Commission At the completion of that process, staff identified seven sections of the current zoning ordinance that had minor conflicts or redundancies with the amended text. The attached amends eliminate these differences and insure that the new performance standards will apply to all future development projects within the commercial and industrial zones. Staff recommends approval of the proposed text amendments, making mmnor changes to the seven sections of the Zoning Ordinance detailed above to eliminate conflicts with recent amendments to the Commercial and Industrial Section of the Zoning Ordinance. Chairperson Messner opened the public hearing at 9:27 p.m. There were no further public comments. MOTION by Commissioner Schwartz to close the Public Hearing. Second by Howell. Ayes All. Nays• None Motion approved. Public hearing was closed at 9:28 p.m. MOTION by Chairperson Mesnner to recommend the City Council approve the attached amendments, making minor changes to the seven sections of the Zoning Ordinance hsted below to eliminate conflicts with recent amendments to the Commercial and Industrial Section of the Zoning Ordinance: Section 11 -2 -5 General Provisions for Rooftop Mechanical Systems Section 11 -5 -1 District Development Regulations for Dimensional Standards Section 11- 5 -2.A.2 District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction of Commercial Districts Section 11- 5 -2.A.3 District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction of Business Park District Section 11- 5 -2.A.4 District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction of General Industrial District Section 11- 5 -2.A.6 District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction of Accessory Buildings Section 11- 5 -2.B.1 b Disttict Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Supplementary Height Regulations Permitted Exceptions Second by Howell. Ayes: 5. Nays. 0. Mr. Lindahl reported this item will go to City Council on December 19, 2006. City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 11 -2 -5 OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE B, GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR ROOFTOP MECHANICAL SYSTEMS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS that Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. Rosemount Zoning Ordinance B, Section 11 -2 -5, General Provisions for Rooftop Mechanical Systems is hereby amended as follows: All outside rooftop mechanical systems shall be completely screened from public streets and R districts. (Ord. B, 9 -19- 1989). Additional and/or more specific screening standards for rooftop mechanical systems are detailed in the individual Commercial, Business Park, and Industrial districts. Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENAC I'ED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this day of 2006. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Willram H Droste, Mayor day of 2006. ATTEST: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 11 -5 -1 OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE, DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," Section 11 -5 -1, District Development Regulations for Dimensional Standards is hereby stricken and replaced by the Dimensional Standards Table attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and pubhcation according to law. ENAC 1'ED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this day of 2006. Amy Domeier, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William 14 Droste, Mayor day of 2006. Sect. 11-5-1 District Development Regulations for Dimensional Standards. Dimensional Standards Table 10 30 l■-1 Sect. 11-5-1 District Development Regulations for Dimensional Standards. Dimensional Standards Table U C C U N U a) a n to 0 0 `Tr c G c 2 a '0 a a L as L M 0) N m yam C T T m E co w T 0) O C_ C m Cn (n CO City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 11- 5 -2.A.2 OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE, DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS OF BUILDING TYPE AND CONSTRUCTION IN COMMERCIAL DISTRICTS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS that Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. Rosemount Zoning Ordinance B, Section 11- 5- 2.A.2, Distract Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction in Commercial Distracts is hereby amended as follows: Commercial Distracts (C -1, C -2, C -3, C 4): In commercial diatricta all buildings with exterior finish L curtain wall panda f finished steel, aluminum, r fiberglass shall be required t be faccd with brick, dcc rativc bl ck, w d, st ne, architectural c ncrctc cast in place r precast c ncrctc panda n nc hundred perccnt (100 of wall surfaces abuttb a pubhc ri f way, .csidcntial uscs, rat public areas. The required wall surface treatment n thc remaining walls may all w a n aximum of fifty perccnt (50°, f thc metal r fiberglass wall t remain cap 3cd if it is c rdi ...tcd into the finish (Ord. B 53, 1 18 1995) permitted materials for commercial buildings are detailed in each individual commercial distract and applicable sections of Ordinance B. Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENAC 1 ED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this day of 2006. A1 1 EST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor day of 2006. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS that Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended as follows: Section 1 Rosemount Zoning Ordinance B, Section 11- 5- 2.A.3, District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction in the Business Park District is hereby amended as follows: Business Park District (BP)• c ncrctc cast m place or precast c ncrcte panels; nut least fifty percent (50°-/) f all wall surfaces. The use of wood as an cxtci.or finish shall only be permitted as an accent matcual. Any exterior metal used f r thc building shall have a factory apphcd permanent finish Overlay zones with larger percentages of thc ab vc required matcuals are as follows The permitted materials for Business Park buildings are detailed m the BP Business Park Distract and applicable sections of Ordinance B. BP n 1 50% 'BP 2 44 -BP 3 50% EPP '1 1v Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this day of 2006. ATTEST: City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 11- 5 -2.A.3 OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE, DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS OF BUILDING TYPE AND CONSTRUCTION IN THE BUSINESS PARK DISTRICT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H Droste, Mayor 1 City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 11- 5 -2.A.4 OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE, DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS OF BUILDING TYPE AND CONSTRUCTION IN THE GENERAL INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS that Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. Rosemount Zoning Ordinance B, Section 11- 5- 2.A.4, District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction in the General Industrial District is hereby amended as follows: Cc-sacral Industrial Distict (IC):Industrial Districts (LI GI and H11 It ra acknowledged that the u3c3 diatricts. (Ord. B 53, 1 18 1995) The permitted materials for industrial buildings are detailed in each individual industrial distract and apphcable sections of Ordinance B. dcc rativc block, w d, 3t nc, architectural c n.xctc cast in place, r precast c ncrctc panels n wall the general industrial district rd. B 111, 11 5 -2804) a factory applied permanent finish. (Ord. B 53, 1 18 1995) Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this day of 2006. 1 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 11- 5- 2.A.6.f OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE, DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS OF BUILDING TYPE AND CONSTRUCTION OF ACCESSORY BUILDINGS AND SURFACE PARKING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," Section 11 -5 -2 A 6.f, District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Building Type and Construction of Accessory Building is hereby stricken and replaced by the Dimensional Standards for Accessory Buildings and Surface Parking attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this day of 2006. AHEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H Droste, Mayor day of 2006. Notes: Dimensional Standards for Accessory Buildings and Surface Parking 1 Or the required front yard as may be prescribed by subsection C4a, "Established Front Yards of this section 2 Except parking may occur within a normal driveway that crosses a required yard. 3. Driveways shall comply with yard setback requirements for surface parking. 4. 120 square feet or less in R -1 and R -2 districts 5 foot setback, R -1A district 5 foot setback; in RL distnct 15 foot setback, except double frontage or corner lots: 30 foot setback Over 120 square feet. 30 foot setback. 5 See subsections C2a and C2d of this section 6 See District Regs for setback increases Accessory Buildings Maximum Building Height (Feet) Surface Parking Minimum Yards (Feet) Minimum Yards (Feet) Districts I Front Side Rear Front Side Rear AG 50 30 30 75 50 5 5 AG -P 50 30 30 75 50 5 5 RR 40 30 30 35 40 5 5 RL 30 15 15/30 18 30 5 5 R -1 30 10 5/30 18 30 10 10 R -1A 30' 55 5/25 18 30 10 10 R -2 (2F) (3 +F) 30 30 10 10 5/30 10 18 18 30 30 5 10 5 10 R -3 30 10 10 18 30 10 10 R-4 50' 10 10 18 30 10 10 C -1 I Same as for principal buildings 18 20 20 10 18 n/a C -2 n/a n/a 25 I C -3 20 10 10 25 C -4 20 10 10 40 BP 20 10 1 0 6 40 I 10 LI 20 10 75 GI 40 25 1 50 I HI See District 250 75 1 75 75 WM 75 40 25 50 for buildings 40 20 P Same as principal 20 20 n/a FP n/a n/a n/a I Notes: Dimensional Standards for Accessory Buildings and Surface Parking 1 Or the required front yard as may be prescribed by subsection C4a, "Established Front Yards of this section 2 Except parking may occur within a normal driveway that crosses a required yard. 3. Driveways shall comply with yard setback requirements for surface parking. 4. 120 square feet or less in R -1 and R -2 districts 5 foot setback, R -1A district 5 foot setback; in RL distnct 15 foot setback, except double frontage or corner lots: 30 foot setback Over 120 square feet. 30 foot setback. 5 See subsections C2a and C2d of this section 6 See District Regs for setback increases ATTEST: City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 11- 5- 2.B.1.b. OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE, DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS FOR SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS OF SUPPLEMENTARY HEIGHT REGULATIONS PERMITTED EXCEPTIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS that Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended as follows: Section 1. Rosemount Zoning Ordinance B, Section 11- 5- 2.B.1.b., District Development Regulations for Supplementary Regulations of Supplementary Height Regulations Permitted Exceptions is hereby amended as follows: 1. Permitted Exceptions: Except as specifically provided in a Business Park or Industrial district, the following structural appurtenances shall be permitted to a height not to exceed twenty five feet (25') m addition to the maximum height permitted for the distract, provided they do not Impair the solar access of buildings on adlommg properties and are not used for human occupancy or commercial enterprise: a. Ornamentation such as church spires, belfries, bell towers, cupolas, domes, monuments and flagpoles. b. Mechanical appurtenances such as solar collectors, chimneys, smokestacks, elevator and stairwell penthouses, antennas, transmission towers and other necessary structures. (Ord. B, 9 -19 -1989) c. In all districts, setbacks for all freestanding tower antennas shall be equal to the height of the antenna and its supporting structure. (Ord B 33, 10 19 1993) Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this day of 2006. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H Droste, Mayor 1