HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Lennar Corporation Glendalough PUD Amendment Case 0711-AMDAGENDA ITEM: Case 07- 11 -AMD Lennar Corporation Glendalough Planned Unit Development (PUD) Amendment AGENDA SECTION: �I 1ro r/a1m PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. Planner AGENDA NO. 2. tt. ATTACHMENTS: Original Evermoor Glendalough PUD Agreement, American Heartland Series Elevations and Floor Plans, Elevations and Floor Plans for the Current Products Available in Glendalough (Albany, Winslow, Whitney, and Raleigh), Aerial Photos of the Glendalough Neighborhood APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Provide Staff Direction xuosEMOUNr CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session Date: February 14, 2007 SUMMARY Applicant Property Owner(s): Location: Area in Acres: Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Current Zoning: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Lennar Corporation North of Connemara Trail, west of Highway 3 (South Robert Trail) and east of Evermoor Parkway. Approximately 126 Acres TR Transitional Residential R -1, Low Density Residential Evermoor Planned Unit Development (PUD) The applicant, Lennar Corporation, has approached the City regarding adding four new housing products to the current portfolio of homes available in the Evermoor Glendalough development. Copies of the elevations and floor plans for the new American Heartland Series are attached for your reference For comparison purposes, staff has also attached copies of the original Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement, the elevations and floor plans for the homes currently available in Glendalough, and aerial photos of the Glendalough neighborhood. Staff requests the Council review this information and provide direction regarding adding the new American Heartland Series product to the portfolio of homes available in the Glendalough neighborhood. Given the recent downturn in the economy and existing developments in the area, Lennar is interested in providing additional housing styles and interior designs for their clients. The exterior elevations address many of the City's interests for the subdivision in terms of the materials, colors, and detailing. The issue that has arisen is the location of the garages. All of the new units will have front facing garages, which is less desirable than Glendalough Performance Standards Comparison Standard Typical R -1 Standard Glendalough PUD Standard Difference Lot Width 80 ft. 75 ft. -5 ft. Front Setback 30 ft. 15 ft. -15 ft. Side Setback 10 ft. 5 ft. -5 ft. Rear Setback 30 ft. 10 ft. -20 ft. Impervious Surface 30% 35% to 40% +5 to 10% the side loaded option. However, all the new elevations contain some type of porch and have the garage recessed behind the front plane of the porch. Approximately two years ago staff brought to the Council a series of new elevations for the Glendalough subdivision. The feedback at that time was that some were not consistent with the intended architectural standards of the neighborhood. These new elevations provide more visual interest than the previous proposal. DISCUSSION Originally, the Glendalough development was designed to recapture early 20 century housing and neighborhood character. As planned, the neighborhood was to have custom built homes with front porches and reduced front yard setbacks In addition, garages were to be de- emphasized with rear or side yard placement and doors oriented at a perpendicular to the street whenever possible. Specifically, garages were required to be recessed a minimum of four feet from the front elevation of the principal structure or set perpendicular to the street. Initially, the developer submitted Exhibits 41, 42, 43, and 44 labeled "Traditional Homes of Evermoor" as examples of housing styles in this neighborhood (see attached). From these examples, Lennar developed the Albany, Winslow, Whitney, and Raleigh products currently available in Glendalough (see attached). In exchange for this type of housing and neighborhood character, the Glendalough development was allowed narrower lots, lesser setbacks and greater impervious surface standards through a PUD. The standards for Glendalough and a typical R -1, Low Density Residential neighborhood are compared in the table below. The American Heartland Series includes four new home products: the Lancaster, Springfield, Worthington and Pennington. In turn, each of these four homes is available in four different architectural styles Together, the new series offers Lennar customers sixteen new home designs to choose from in addition to the four home products currently available in Glendalough. The four existing products include the Albany, Winslow, Whitney and Raleigh. Each of these is also available in several different architectural styles. The home footprint size, porch depth ranges, and garage orientations for all eight products are compared in the table below. Comparison of Lennar Existing and Proposed Products for Glendalough Category Current Lennar Products New Lennar Products Albany Winslow Whitney Raleigh Lancaster Springfield Worthington Pennington Home Footprint 2,276 2,323 2,336 2,478 2,216 2,340 2,474 2,568 Porch Depths 0'4" 8'4' 8' -14' 6' -11' 6' -8' 6'-8' 4' 6' -10' Garage Orientation Front Side Rear Side Rear Front Front Side Front Front *Beyond the depth of the side loaded garage or recessed behind the side loaded garage The three categories compared in the table above are significant because they dictate the front yard setback and impervious surface coverage for each of the eight homes. For example, with a few exceptions, the current Lennar products have smaller home footprints, zero to 11 foot front porch depth and side or rear oriented garages that tend to create larger garage setbacks and greater impervious surface coverage By comparison, the new American Heartland products have larger footprints, four to ten foot porch depths and front oriented garages that tend to create smaller garage setbacks and lesser impervious surface coverage. The advantage to this is Lennar can offer their customers a larger home at a similar price without violating the impervious surface standard. The disadvantage, from the City's perspective, is that the new home series will tend to make garages and vehicles more visible in the Glendalough neighborhood. With garages oriented to the front of the home and smaller garage setbacks, staff is concerned that there may not be sufficient area for vehicles. For example, each of the new American Heartland homes could have front porches that range from four to six feet deep. Assuming a minimum four (4) foot porch and a minimum fifteen (15) foot front yard setback, it is possible for homes to have driveways that are only nineteen (19) feet deep. Staff feels this is not adequate room for vehicle storage especially with the growing trend for families to have more and larger vehicles. As a result, staff recommends that a condition of approval amend the existing setback standards for the Glendalough neighborhood to require a minimum fifteen (15) foot front yard setback for dwelling structures (including the any front porch) and a minimum twenty five (25) foot setback for front (street) facing garages. CONCLUSION Based on the elevations provide by the applicant and review of the information provided in this report, staff is agreeable to adding the new American Heartland Series to the portfolio of homes available in the Glendalough neighborhood, subject to the condition that the front yard setback standards for the Glendalough neighborhood be revised to add a minimum twenty five (25) foot setback for front (street) facing garages along with the current minimum fifteen (15) foot front yard setback for dwelling structures (including the any front porch). Should the City Council agree with staff's recommendation, the new American Heartland Series and new garage setback standard will be incorporated into the existing Glendalough PUD agreement through a Minor Amendment. A minor amendment allows staff to approve the change although the City Council needs to take formal action on the PUD amendment since it is considered a contract between the City and developer. 3 Sidewalks and Trails This neighborhood is relatively self contained and, as such, the trails shall remain private. Sidewalks along Connemara Trail and Street A will be constructed in the right -of -way and become city sidewalks. Glendalough (Traditional Neighborhood) This neighborhood is intended to recapture early 20th century housing and neighborhood character. Houses will be custom built with porches oriented to the streets and an intimate setback in the front yard. Garages will be de- emphasized with rear or side yard placement and doors oriented at a perpendicular to the street wherever possible. Housing styles shall be consistent with drawings labeled "Traditional Homes of Evermoor" attached hereto as Exhibits 41, 42, 43 and 44 and made a part hereof. Garages will be recessed a minimum of four feet from the front elevation of the principal structure, or set at a perpendicular to the street. Total Lots Front Side Rear Yard Setbacks Lot Width, Depth Area (avg.) 257 15', 25'* 5' (10' total) 10' 75' 120' -168' 12,000 sq. ft. Measured from back of curb on private street Parks Open Space All of the open space associated with Glendalough shall be privately owned and maintained by the homeowner association because it functions primarily as buffer for the neighborhood. Outlots JJ, KK, LL and NN are "vest pocket parks" which serve as the collective front yards for the neighborhoods. These shall also be pnvate. While there are no protected wetlands in this neighborhood, easements for the storm water ponding areas shall be deeded to the City. Sidewalks and Trails The trail which traverses Outlot 00 and ultimately connects Street A to Dodd Blvd. shall be located in a 12' ft, wide trail easement. Roundstone (Coach Townhomes) This townhouse neighborhood will have the highest density of the development excluding the future senior housing. Thirteen buildings will be row style, and five buildings will be double loaded. Housing styles shall be consistent with drawings labeled "Coach Townhomes of Evermoor" attached hereto as Exhibit 48 and made a part hereof. All parking shall be restricted to driveways or common parking spaces. Total Units Front Yard Setbacks Average Lot/Unit Area 118 18' (21' from curb) 3,340 sq. ft. Parks Open Space All of the open space associated with this neighborhood will be treated like a typical townhouse Evermoor PUD Agreement Page 8 1111-1= 1111 a a la 11111111 (-4- DOES NW= MUNN F1 E °lei 1 1 ins I NI Mai as I !u uII II 1 mnn MUM I D m r m 11 1MIIIIIIIII if s s i i f f j i' yl e 4 IF 3 3 q 14, —40, I;,IE g 1 fa, sc <<0.i� tIIl ,,d —ii=--7,7- .I as I !u uII II 1 mnn MUM I D m r m 11 1MIIIIIIIII 1111101111IIh1Iu%III G ill NM 1 II 7 ID ID 4 -1k• to b IA I 6' -Y• A D Al r IIIIINII NI9!iNlll��l li! III'!!! Ilil!!l' 9i91!l !8!Ill!!II'�ti1!I!NII!I�I!Itlrul I04 '1 i i _a -I I _I i I I I I I fi 1 h l b q 1I l 1 1 1 1 1 1111101111IIh1Iu%III G ill NM 1 II 7 ID ID 4 -1k• to b IA I 6' -Y• A D Al r IIIIINII NI9!iNlll��l li! III'!!! Ilil!!l' 9i91!l !8!Ill!!II'�ti1!I!NII!I�I!Itlrul I04 '1 ili v iii!.',.. '1.1:':',,',1 '1; rr,::',...*.7 .,..;44.,..4....,„,,„ f,..,.., ..„,4 .4E: 4.,. 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