HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of December 13, 2006 Work Session Council ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 13, 2006 Pursuant to clue call and notice thereof, a work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on Wednesday, December 13, 2006, at 6:58 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Baxter, DeBettigmes, Shoe- Corrigan and Sterner attending. Staff members present were City Administrator Verbrugge, Assistant City Administrator Foster, Finance Director May, Community Development Director Lindquist, Pohce Chief Kalstabakken, City Engineer Brotzler, Communications Coordinator Cox and City Clerk Domeier. 2.A. ePackets for Council Meetings Communications Coordinator Cox reviewed the staff report and requested City Council feedback and guidance in moving forward with "ePackets He added that Council Members would be able to add notes to PDF documents through free reader software that would be installed on the laptops. He further stated that a professional version of Adobe Acrobat would cost $400 per hcense and the City would need to purchase two copies Mr. Cox stated that one benefit of "ePacket" is that the City would have the packet in a format that could be easily posted online to share with the public. He noted that Gov Office cannot handle larger files but with the mternal /extemal review of technology in the next year the issue could be reviewed. Currently, the City's website is at the file space limit at Gov Office. City Clerk Domeier provided information on "ePackets" gathered from other metro cities. Mr. Cox stated that Burnsville used "ePackets" but also provided paper packets. He added that now Burnsville uses only paper packets. Mr. Cox stated the change to a paperless packet would be an efficient process for the City. City Administrator Verbrugge noted that there would not be a cost savings to the City if you compare the cost of paper to the cost of a lap top. Mayor Droste questioned if the "ePackets" saved on staff time for preparing a packet. Ms. Domeier responded that the process saved on the time spent copying the packets and collating with the colored paper. Mr. Cox stated he spent approximately two hours each Friday compiling the information for the packet. City Engineer Brotzler added that while it saved on Administration time on copying items, the process did take longer for other staff members to compile staff reports in the correct format. Council Member Baxter questioned how the packet would be delivered. Mr. Verbrugge stated by using a memory stick or by downloading the packet from the website. Mr. Cox stated that Council Members could save the packets on the hard drive of the laptop. Mayor Droste was concerned with document retention and whether notes on packets should be filed. Mr. Verbrugge stated he would check with the City Attorney. Ms. Domeier added she would check with area city clerks. Council Member Baxter stated there is no legal obligation to turn over notes if you have them. Mr. Verbrugge stated Council Members ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 13, 2006 would be required to produce the notes if they have notes available but there is no requirement to retain any notes. Council Member Baxter stated he liked using the laptop during the meeting and figured it would be an advantage to go back to previous packets during a meeting Mt. Cox stated a search function would allow Council Members to search PDF files and also search page by page. Council Member DeBettigmes questioned if Council Members could activate their City email by using the laptop. Mr. Cox stated there may be network issues. Council Member Sterner stated he thought with the laptop packets could be easily accessed and there were fewer papers to have to organize Mayor Droste preferred rather then spending money on technology with no vision he would like to see a committee formed to put together a vision to figure out the City's technology needs. He also requested more clarity about the issues Burnsville expenenced with their "ePackets" and why they are back to paper packets. Council Member DeBettigmes thought the City could find cheaper laptops. Mr. Cox stated there is a need for a larger hard dnve to keep documents on line. Council Member Shoe Corngan stated a policy should be put in place for the recycling of laptops. Mayor Droste questioned who had access to wireless internet at City Hall Police Chief Kalstabakken stated the police officers have wireless mtemet. Finance Director May stated that the Public Works employees also have wireless mtemet but only because there were problems with connectivity at their facility. Mr. Verbrugge summarized City Council direction by stating staff would contact the City of Burnsville to find out why they went back to paper packets; review data practices; and review technology issues. 2.B Non Union Wage Adjustments for 2007 City Administrator Verbrugge outlined the compensation structure. Based upon prior negotiations, staff and City Council have discussed a compensation philosophy that would gradually move the City compensation scale toward the upper tier of Stanton VI cities. At this time, he recommended providmg the 3% increase in January and 1/2% o increase in July similar to the LELS and LELS Supervisor settlement agreements. Council Member Sterner questioned the justification for pay structure for different sized cities. Mr. Verbrugge responded that the City has used the Stanton Cities rates according to population The same sized cities tend to pay the same and as a city becomes bigger they tend to become more competitive m wages. He added that employees start in smaller cities to gain experience to move into a larger city for greater expenence and the pay per level of expertise. V ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 13, 2006 Council Members Baxter and DeBettignies were in agreement with the proposed increases. Mr. Verbrugge stated the wage adjustments would before the City Council for approval on December 19, 2006. 2.C. Discussion of the Rental Housing Inspection Program Community Development Director Lindquist reviewed the staff report. She stated the program would be helpful m man a good housing stock and good rental standards. Before developing a program, staff is looking for City Council interest in the implementation of the program. She stated an example where homeowners have not entered their rental property in 15 years. She added there could be fees associated with the program for inspections and re- inspections, similar to the requirements for building permits. An itemized fee hst would be created m going forward. Council Member DeBettignies questioned if Rosemount Woods would qualify for the program Ms. Lindquist responded that only the mobile homes which are leased would qualify as part of the program. Mayor Droste stated Ins concerns with including Rosemount Woods with the conditions of the homes and the intent to promote affordable housing. Ms. Lindquist stated that only the mobile homes that are leased would be mspected. She added it would not affect property owners m Rosemount Woods who own their mobile homes. Police Chief Kalstabakken stated that based upon an overall decline in the housing market, what used to be apartment rental is now low end town houses turned into rental properties. He noted it has been a reaction m the more developed areas of Rosemount not only at apartments but in single family homes. After discussion by the Council, Ms. Lindquist stated a fee would not have to be charged if the City Council did not want to go into that direction. She noted there were approximately 600 rental properties in Rosemount. Mayor Droste felt the program was heavy hitting. Council Member Shoe Corrigan noted that Ms. Lindquist stated the City has been approached by tenants m rental units to assist in addressing these types of life /safety issues. She added this program would require homes to be comphant with minimum standards in situations where renters may have no leverage otherwise Mayor Droste questioned if the program would require homeowners to replace siding or roofs. Ms. Lindquist responded the program envisioned would not be looking at the exterior conditions of a home but that inspectors would be looking at minimum health/life/safety code comphance for rental properties. She added the property mamtenance code is now implemented on a case by case basis; however, this program would be looking at electrical, heating and providing a service to a renter to ensure they have the minimum code coverage. The City would review the property for compliance with other City codes, like exterior storage and other nuisance complaints, when inspecting the rental unit. Mr. Verbrugge added the program is a reaction to situations that evolve over time and the intent it to have the City be proactive, before rental units get substandard. He stated the main issues are to allow staff to identify health and safety issues and to red flag any issues as potential follow -ups. Mr. Verbrugge stated he preferred to keep the housing stock from a ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 13, 2006 crisis stage. Council Member Shoe Corrigan agreed that the City needs to protect vulnerable renters. Council Member Baxter stated he liked the City of Burnsville's set up and the right to inspect without charging a fee. He questioned if the inspectors have time to inspect the rental properties. Ms. Lindquist stated she had no intention of adding staff to implement the program and noted that winter time is typically slower She stated with a three year cycle they could Inspect 200 homes per year. Council Members Baxter and DeBettignies were in agreement to charge a fee based upon finding a violation. Mayor Droste preferred not to charge homeowners who act responsibly. Council Member DeBettignies questioned how the City would measure the violations and do a breakdown of fees. Mr. Verbrugge stated staff would do more investigation into how Burnsville handles its fees. Council Member Sterner stated by having the program, the City would protect the renter and the homeowner at the same time. He suggested the program be broken down over two years instead of three years. Mayor Droste questioned who the City would contact to conduct the inspection. Ms. Lindquist stated the City would contact the owner or onsite manager to go through the tenant. Mayor Droste stated he did not want staff added because of the program. Ms. Lindquist responded that there was no intent to add staff. Mr. Verbrugge stated that it was a modest implementation as described by Ms. Lindquist and an opportunity to take nonce of the property maintenance standards. Mr. Verbrugge stated that Ms Lindquist would come back with a draft program and ordinance. Council Member Sterner requested that staff review the Hastings model. Mayor Droste was concerned with how the program would be communicated to the residents and how it could potentially impact any resident living in Rosemount. He was concerned with the sensitivity of homeowners. Council Member Baxter stated the only complaint the City will hear is that homeowners will not want to pay an inspection fee Mr. Verbrugge added the reason a homeowner is renting out their home is immaterial and that everyone needs to be responsible and follow the minimum code standards. 2.D. Transit Study Task Force Community Development Director Lindquist stated in November the City Council approved a proposal for a transit plan. Ms. Lindquist stated an advisory committee was being formed to review the scope and discuss the progress of work to be undertaken. Mayor Droste questioned why a Utilities Commissioner would be appointed to the task force He stated he preferred to have members on the task force that currently ride the bus. Ms. Lindquist responded that the Planning Commissioner member is Val Schultz and that she currently rides the bus. Mayor Droste offered to serve on the task force. Council Member Baxter stated that transit plan is a vision shouldn't be limited to bus riders. Council Member Sterner suggested that the City Council serve as the task force. City ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 13, 2006 Engineer Brotzler stated the idea was to spread the work out based upon the scope that was previously approved; the plan will come before the Council for approval. Mayor Droste requested to designate a resident member. The City Council also decided to inquire if a non -City Council Port Authority member would be interested in serving on the task force. 2.E. Draft Water and Sanitary Sewer Rate Study City Engineer Brotzler reviewed the staff report and provided a handout of the four tables in the draft report dated March 2006. He noted a modification to Table 4 -1 for the water rate analysis He stated that last May the main dnvmg force for the consideration of no increase in water rates to a proposed water increase was the appropnate fund balance to carry m the utility fund. Table 4.1 illustrates no utility fund increase for the water rates for five years based on project expenditures the balance declines for a deficit in 2011. However, the table still included the significant effect based on the comprehensive water plan and early anticipation of water treatment facility being built. He added the figures show expenditures occurring beginning in 2009 at 1.2 million dollars per year added cost. Mr. Brotzler stated that Table 4.1a is shown with the expenditures removed with not building a water treatment facility until after 2011. With the current rates and projected revenues the City would maintain a positive and consistent fund balance. He added the current water rates appear to be adequate for the next five years. Mr. Brotzler explained the increases and expenditures between 2006 and 2007. There would be no need to increase water rates if costs for a water treatment facility are taken out. He added an $8 80 water surcharge per quarter is charged to residents to build a reserve fund for the future debt service on a water treatment facility Mayor Droste questioned if the City needs a water treatment facility. Council Member Baxter stated it may be needed based upon the quality of water. Mr. Brotzler added that cities with populations of 25,000 30,000 have built their water treatment facilities based upon complaints. City Admuustrator Verbrugge added there may be radium issues. Mr. Brotzler stated his concerns with the radium levels should the Department of Health tighten up the regulations Council Member Baxter stated he would like to see the surcharged remove. Mr. Brotzler stated the surcharge was initially set up to cover the debt service on the Chippendale water tower. Finance Director May added because there were not sufficient funds or growth to pay for the water tower the surcharge was added rather than raising the rates. Once the debt was retired, the surcharge went away. He stated the surcharge was reinstated during the construction of the Connemara water tower and the surcharge was the most appropriate way to fund the project. The surcharge only paid for part of the debt and the remaining part was paid out of the water core funds. He added the language for surcharge didn't say it was specifically for the water tower but would used to pay for improvements to the water system for the City of Rosemount. He added the City has taken the debt for the new Bacardi tower to use m funding the project. The City did not borrow money to pay for the last two wells Mr. May saw justification to keeping the surcharge m place. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 13, 2006 Council Member Baxter stated he wanted to stop taxing on what has already been paid. Mr. May noted if the surcharge is removed until a water treatment plant is built a new surcharge would probably be much higher. Council Member Sterner suggested changing the surcharge label on the utility bills Mr. May stated the surcharge could read for the "Infrastructure of a Water Treatment Facility" but added only a linnted number of characters are allowed per line. Mr. Verbrugge suggested the label should read "Capital Investment Fund The City could provide pubhc education on the debt service to pay for the future water infrastructure. Mr. May added that by informing the public about putting money aside to reinvest into the system would be a good marketing tool. Mr. Brotzler noted that the worksheets can be used in the future to track actual costs and revenues and project future rate increases on an annual basis. Mr. May added the current model m place will make it flexible in reviewing every year to make decisions annually. Mr Verbrugge stated a public outreach should be set up for the remaining of the surcharge. Council Member Sterner suggested more information should be provided to residents about water conservation Mayor Droste suggested setting up a base rate in December and talked about residents using a second meter. Mr May stated the City does not require residents to install a second meter. He added that a high water user will receive payback for the permit and the meter noting there is typically a payback based upon usage Mayor Droste directed staff to obtain information from the City of Hastings Mr. Brotzler noted it would take a period of time to evaluate with changes in the sewer rate to balance out what residents are actually paying. He added changes could be made to the rate system and structure to eliminate second meters. There may be a fluctuation in rates based upon what is due to the Met Council. Mr. May stated the City could bring back the credit and give residents a break on their sewage usage but with the increase m sewer rates you would end up at the same amount Mayor Droste requested that staff do research on why some cities do two meters or only one meter. Mt. Brotzler stated the sanitary sewer table 6.1 showed the running balance without mereases. Without any rate increases the balance is projected to decrease. He added a wild card is the sewer charges (MCES) rates are increasmg annually. The volume going to the plant is decreasing but the operating costs stay the same so the rates are increased. He added the City could hold the sewer rates at a constant as well for 2007 with the rates to be reviewed annually. Mayor Droste questioned if data from 2005 could be plugged into the table. He also suggested adding a graph that showed the actual numbers with the housing growth numbers and projections. Council Member DeBettignies questioned why the fees are doubling from 2006 to 2007 and increasing $30,000 annually Mr. Brotzler responded the amounts include the projected increase from the Met Council. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 13, 2006 Mx. Brotzler added the proposed changes to the 2007 Fee Resolution including an increase to water trunk area and access charges He added the City will maintain the sewer area and connection charges at the current rates. UPDATES Bonds Defeasance Finance Director May provided an update on the debt service fund for the business park. He added that Port Authority will be able to defease the bonds for the Highway 3 project because of assessments collected and the levy in place to replace most of it. Mr. May stated the bonds would be defeased and off the books next year. Lebanon Hills Regional Park Stormwater Issue City Administrator Verbrugge stated that based upon discussion at the joint elected officials meeting on November 29, 2006, the City of Rosemount made it clear to the group that our consideration to participate in the solution is dependent upon the Verntilhon Watershed /Rosemount taxing district matter being decided beforehand or concurrently. He further stated that the City proposed that with the revenue that is being generated that Rosemount be considered a sub watershed and the tax revenue generated would come back to the City. He added that the source of revenue would become available to contribute to the Lebanon Hills issue. Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated her concems regarding the fees. Council Member DeBettignies stated he preferred to take the approach not to participate m the project. City Engineer Brotzler stated the political considerations to take into account with not cooperating with Eagan. The City will propose that the money comes back to Rosemount through the watershed as proposed to cover the debt service on Rosemount's share of the cost. McMenomy Parcel City Administrator Verbrugge stated that the McMenomy family would like to sell approximately 60 acres of land for preservation of the woods for $130,000 pet acre. He added the Parks and Recreation Commission will discuss the property and look at opportunities available and other alternatives. Community Development Director Lindquist added that the family previously wanted to preserve the northern part without park dedication. Council Member Baxter stated he did not want the City to do an appraisal of the area. Council Member Shoe Corrigan added the City is not ready to move on preservation of the parcel. Mr. Verbrugge stated staff will send a letter to Mr. Smger at Dakota County stating the City Council's intentions. Marketing Award Coinmumty Development Director Lindquist shared the Honorable Mention award received from MAEDC recognizing the City's marketing efforts ADDITIONAL UPDATES Council Member Shoe Corrigan provided an update on the library sharing plans that show new architectural features on the building. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 13, 2006 Council Member Sterner updated Council Members and staff on the programs he attended at the National League of Cities conference m Reno. Council Member DeBettignies shared that he attended the NDC Chamber luncheon on December 12 and the Dakota Futures Event on December 13. Mayor Droste provided an update that Community of Hope Church plans to expand its facility adding a sheet of ice and additional office space. He also provided an update on technology and broadband information he collected at the National League of Cities conference in Reno. ADJOURNMENT There being no further information to come before the City Council and upon motion by Mayor Droste, the meeting was adjourned at 10:16 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk