HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Snowplow Policy UpdateCity Council Meeting: October 18, 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY' AGENDA ITEM: Snowplow Policy Update AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of P b 'c AGENDA NO. • �/ Works / City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Snowplowing Policy APPROVED BY: O RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve the Snowplowing Policy. BACKGROUND The City maintains a policy for winter plowing operations of streets, sidewalks and trails. Staff reviews this policy annually and suggests the following changes, which are highlighted in grey on the attached policy: 1) In response to numerous concerns of residents living in cul -de -sacs, snow will be plowed to the center of the cul -de -sac to minimize the amount of snow deposited onto boulevards and driveways. This - procedure will be used in all urban-residential cul -de -sacs on a one -year trial basis. Staff will review the prccess'in the spring and discuss whether this should become a permanent change. Several neighboring communities perform snow plow operations for cul -de -sacs in this manner. Additionally, this method for snow plowing was reviewed by the LMQT to verify that there is no increased liability. 2) One sentence has been added to encourage property owners to clear snow from fire hydrants on their property. SUMMARY Staff is recommending Council approval of the`Snowplowing Policy with the updates as noted. I G: \Public Works \Snow Plowing \20111018 CC Snowplow Poky Update.docx CITY OF ROSEMOUNT POLICY TITLE: EFFECTIVE DATE: POLICY NUMBER: PROPOSED BY: DATE APPROVED BY COUNCIL: DATE AMENDED BY COUNCIL: PURPOSE m SNOWPLOWING POLICY OCTOBER 15, 1996 P -2 PUBLIC WORKS OCTOBER 15, 1996 OCTOBER 18, 2011 The purpose of this policy is to define and outline snow and ice control objectives and procedures as established by the City of Rosemount. The City of Rosemount believes that it is in the best interest of the residents for the City to assume basic responsibility for control of snow and ice .on City streets. Reasonable ice and snow control is necessary for routine travel and emergency services. The City will attempt to provide such control in a safe and cost - effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel and environmental concerns. The City will use City employees, City -owned or rented equipment, and/or private contractors to provide this service. This policy supersedes any and all previously written or unwritten policies of the City regarding snow and ice removal. PROCEDURE Starting snow or ice control operations The Public Works Supervisor will decide when to begin snow or ice control operations. The criteria for that decision are: A. Snow accumulation of two (2) inches or more as measured in the City of Rosemount B. Drifting of snow that causes problems for travel C. Icy conditions which seriously affect travel D. Time of snowfall in relationship to heavy use of streets Snow and ice control operations are expensive and involve the use of limited personnel and equipment. Consequently, full snowplowing operations will not generally be conducted for snowfalls of less than two (2) inches. Page 1 of 4 GAPublic Works \Snow,Plowing \Snowplowing Policy - October 2011.docx How snow will be plowed Snow will be plowed in a manner so as to minimize any traffic obstructions. The center of "the roadway will be plowed fast. The snow shall then be pushed from left to right. The discharge shall go onto the boulevard area of the street. In times of extreme snowfall, the process of clearing the streets of snow may be delayed, and it may not be `reasonably possible to completely clear the streets of snow. Generally, operations shall continue until all roads are passable. `Widening and clean up operations may continue immediately, or on the following working day, depending upon conditions and circumstances. Due to safety concerns for the plow operators and the public, operations may be suspended after 10 -12 hours to allow personnel adequate time`for rest. ount of sriow depos ted°intwboulevards and/or driveways. Excess' snow, shall be stored in?th iter of the cul -de -sac as;,long as adequate, driving.lanes remain intact around the outside of the sac. At times =1t may become necessary to remove snow from the center of the cul- de-sac whh . rivmg, too narrow, for the -safe passage of emergency vehicles. Snow remoyec m cul-de -sacs -will be:moved to the nearest =park or other snow storage area. This City shall4rti leldresponsible-for damage to personal property or _jE sultin&f ne lig in dnvi Snow removal The Public Works Supervisor will determine when snow will be removed from an area. Such snow removal will occur in areas where there is no longer adequate room on the boulevard for snow storage, or in areas where accumulated piles of snow create a hazardous condition. Snow removal operations will not commence until other snowplowing operations have been completed. Snow removal operations may also be delayed depending on weather conditions, personnel and budget availability. The snow will Se removed and hauled to a snow storage area. Downtown snow removal shall typically be scheduled by the Public Works Supervisor during the overnight hours to reduce the impact on traffic. Downtown snow removal shall occur along the following segments: • TH S between 143r Street West and Lower 147` Street West (east side to Kwik Trip) • 145` Street West between Cameo Avenue and Brazil Avenue • Cameo Avenue between 144` Street West and 145` Street West • Burma Avenue between 145` Street West and Lower 147` Street West • 146` Street West between TH 3 and Burma Avenue In accordance with MnDOT safety guidelines, all traffic will be routed to one side of the street while crews remove snow from the boulevard on the opposing side of the street. Flaggers will stop traffic as needed to allow opposing traffic to pass safely while the snow removal equipment is in operation. "The procedure for downtown snow removal shall consist of the following: • Snow will be pushed off the boulevard and into the nearest driving lane • A road grader and loaders will windrow (line up) the snow in the driving lane a • An industrial snowblower will blow the windrowed snow into dump trucks to be hauled away from the area Page 2 of 4 GAPublic Works \Snow Plowing \Snowplowing Policy - October 2011.docx Priority streets and scheduling The City classifies streets based on their function, traffic volume, and importance to the welfare of the community. Those streets classified as "priority plow routes" will be plowed first. These are high volume streets which connect major sections of the City and provide access for emergency services. A list and map of "priority plow routes" is included in the Public Works Quality Standards. This list is reviewed annually and updated as development occurs. The second priority streets are those streets providing access to schools and commercial businesses. The third priority streets are low volume residential streets. The lowest priority areas are alleys, City parking lots, sidewalks, trails, ice rinks, wells and lift stations. Snow removal around fire hydrants will be equipment are available. '! eats and bit to Work schedule for snowplow operators when necessary when personnel and Snowplow operators will be expected to work 8 -hour shifts. In severe snow emergencies, operators will occasionally have to work in excess of 8 -hour shifts. Operators are: allowed a 15- minute break after 2 hours, :with a 30- minute meal break after 4 hours. After a 12 -hour day, the operators will be replaced if additional qualified personnel are available. Weather conditions Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of City employees and equipment. Factois that may delay snow and ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds, ice and limited visibility. Use of sand, salt and other chemicals The City will use sand, salt or other chemicals when conditions are hazardous or slippery, keeping in mind the cost and the effect of such chemicals on the environment. Sidewalks and trails The City will clear snow from only those sidewalks and trails listed in the Public Works Quality Standards. This list is reviewed annually and updated as development occurs. The City will only maintain these designated sidewalks and trails after the streets have been plowed. Sidewalks and trails are identified as first priority (school routes), second priority, and third priority (designated park trails). First priority sidewalks and trails will be plowed as necessary to accommodate access to schools. Second priority sidewalks and trails will be plowed during normal working hours as soon as possible after a snow event. Third priority trails (in designated parks) will be plowed during normal working hours when time and conditions permit the safe removal of snow. Under heavy snowfall conditions which interfere with sidewalk and trail snowplowing, the Public Works Supervisor may suspend sidewalk and trail snowplowing operations. According to City ordinance, snow removal from all remaining sidewalks and trails is the responsibility of the adjacent homeowner. If notice has been sent to the property owner and snow has not been removed, the City may remove the snow and ice and charge the cost of the removal through all means available against the adjacent property. The fee to cover this cost is set per the Page 3 of 4 GAPublic Works \Snow Plowing \Snowplowing Policy - October 2011.docx City Fee Resolution. The City reserves the right to charge extra costs in extraordinary situations. Right -of- -way The intent of the right -of -way is to provide room for snow storage, public and private utilities, sidewalks, street lights, signage and other City uses. However certain private improvements such as mailboxes are required within this area. Other private improvements are not required. a. Mailbox Mailboxes and posts should be constructed sturdily enough to withstand snow "rolling off a plow or wing. The City will bear the cost to repair a damaged mailbox only if it is a result of City equipment actually hitting the mailbox. In the case of direct impact, the City will make temporary repairs to mailboxes to accommodate mail delivery until permanent repairs can be made. Damage resulting from snow rolling off the plow is the responsibility of the property owner. All replacement mailboxes °and posts shall be a standard size non - decorative type. All costs over and above replacement of this standard type are the responsibility of the mailbox owner. Mailboxes must be installed in such a manner as to provide access by Post Office personnel or other parcel carriers, and to allow for Public Works equipment to maintain the streets. A drawing showing the proper details for mailbox placement is attached as EXHIBIT A. b. Boulevard sod The City shall record the location of sod damage caused by contact with the City snowplow for review by Public Works staff in the spring when the extent of the damage can be verified. Frequently, the damage looks more severe immediately after occurring than it does when the snow has melted in the spring.. If the sod needs repair as determined by Public Works staff, Public Works staff shall either sod or seed the damaged area, including new topsoil if necessary. The City will bear the cost of these repairs. c. Irrigation, Lighting, Trees, Fences, Etc. The City will assume no responsibility for damage to underground irrigation systems, private lighting systems "trees, shrubs, rocks, fences or similar landscaping installed in City - controlled right -of -way or easements. d. Solid Waste (Garbage) & Recycling Bins The City will assume no responsibility for damage to solid waste (garbage) or recycling containers. Solid waste (garbage) and recycling containers awaiting pickup should be. at least 4 feet behind the curb. Parking restrictions City Code, Chapter 8, Section 8 -2 -2 prohibits on- street parking during a snow emergency. A snow emergency is declared when a 2 -inch or more snowfall occurs, and continues until that street has been plowed curb -to -curb. This code also prohibits on- street parking from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. daily from November 1S` through April 1 5 T each year. Page 4 of 4 GAPublic Works \Snow Plowing \Snowplowing Policy - October 2011.docx