HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Joint Cable Negotiation4ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: October 18, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Joint Cable Negotiation AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Emmy Foster, Assistant City Administrator AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Joint Cable Negotiation Policy APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve Policy to Jointly Negotiate Cable Franchise Renewal through the Cable Commission, Select Kennedy & Graven as the Legal Consultant, and Agree to Share the Costs Based on Cable Subscriber Rates with the Other Partner Cities. ISSUE The Cities of Apple Valley, Farmington, and Rosemount each have nearly identical cable franchise ordinances. The three cities worked jointly to negotiate the franchises prior to 1999 and then formalized their partnership in a joint powers agreement when the franchises were approved in 1999. It is most cost effective for the administration of the franchises for them to be as identical as possible. The existing franchises will expire in 2014 and the typical franchise negotiation period is three years. Both Farmington and Apple Valley have indicated a desire to jointly negotiate the franchise renewals. Earlier this summer, the Apple Valley Telecommunications Advisory Committee interviewed potential legal consultants to assist in the negotiations. The Committee's unanimous recommendation was to retain the firm Kennedy & Graven, with the primary attorney Bob Vose. Mr. Vose worked with Tom Creighton to negotiate the existing franchises in the late 1990's. In addition, Mr. Vose is the attorney that the City of Rosemount uses with cable franchising issues. The Committee believes that Kennedy & Graven offers the City the best value with considerable franchising experience and the lowest estimated project costs. Mr. Vose was also very receptive to joint negotiations with the other two cities. Initial indications are that Farmington, along with Apple Valley, supports the selection of Kennedy & Graven as well. The Commission has concluded that the existing joint powers agreement establishing the Cable Commission gives the Commission authority to negotiate jointly for the franchise renewals on the behalf of the member cities. As the negotiations would commence this year and the 2011 and proposed 2012 Commission budgets do not include funds for franchise negotiations, the Commission is presenting the attached policy document that would define the contributions directly from each city based proportionately on the number of cable subscribers in each member city from a date yet to be determined in this calendar year. This is the same general arrangement used to negotiate the previous franchises in the 1990's. SUMMARY Staff recommends that the City Council approve the policy to jointly negotiate cable franchise renewal through the Cable Commission, select Kennedy & Graven as the legal consultant, and agree to share the costs based on cable subscriber rates with the other partner cities. K POLICY 2011- COMMISSION ON CABLE AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADVISORY BODY FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE CABLE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM, THE COMMUNITY TELEVISION OPERATIONS, AND THE TELECOMMUNICATIONS ACTIVITIES AND ISSUES This Policy is made this day of , 2011 by the Joint Cooperative Cable and Telecommunications for the cities of Apple Valley, Farmington and Rosemount (collectively referred to as the "Cities "). WHEREAS, the Commission is charged with the responsibility of negotiating a renewal franchise or a new franchise on behalf of the member Cities; and WHEREAS, the Commission is uniquely qualified and suited to negotiate a renewal or new franchise; WHEREAS, the Commission has individually and collectively consulted with the law firm of Kennedy & Graven, P.A. ( "K &G ") regarding renewal of the cable franchises of the Cities; and WHEREAS, K &G has indicated a willingness to represent the Commission and the Cities and assist negotiation of the franchise with the Commission; and WHEREAS, the Cities wish to share the franchise renewal cost on a per- subscriber basis. NOW, THEREFORE, the Commission establishes this Policy 2011- as follows: 1. The Member Cities will provide and share the costs associated with renewal of their respective franchises, including the costs of representation by K &G, in proportion to the comparative number of subscribers in each of the Cities on , 201_. K &G will invoice the City of Apple Valley for its representation and the cities of Farmington and Rosemount will reimburse Apple Valley their respective proportionate share. Any legal representation provided solely to an individual city (i.e. attendance at individual council meetings) will be invoiced directly to that city by K &G. 2. The Cities or the Commission may, at any time, terminate representation by K &G and collectively or individually retain different legal counsel regarding cable franchise renewal or related issues. 3. The Commission shall forward its recommendation on cable franchise renewal or change to the Member Cities for approval. COMMISSION MEMBERS: APPLE VALLEY By: By: Date: ROSEMOUNT By: Date: CITY OF APPLE VALLEY By: Mary Hamann- Roland Its: Mayor By: Pamela J. Gackstetter Its: City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: William Droste Its: Mayor By: Amy Domeier Its: City Clerk FARMINGTON Date: CITY OF FARMINGTON By: Todd Larson Its: Mayor By: David McKnight Its: City Clerk