HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.d. Parking Lot Use - Memorandum of Understanding Ros�MO�NT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: August 16, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Parking Lot Use Memorandum of AGENDA SECTION: Understanding Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. j w. Director ATTACFiMENTS: Proposed Memorandum of APPROVED BY: Understandin RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Rosemount High School for the use of the Rosemount Community Center parking lot and to authorize the City Administrator to execute the MOU. ISSUE Ovex the past few yeaYS the City has woxked with Rosemount High School to pxovide space for overflow student paxking. In 2009, the City of Rosemount allowed Rosemount High School to use 44 parking stalls at the Rosemount Community Center and in 2010 they were allowed to use 40 stalls at Schwarz Pond Park. The City Council approved having the City Administrator sign a Memoxandum of Understanding (NIOL� with Rosemount High School regaxding their use of a portion of the paxking lots. It is sta,ffls opinion that the repxesentatives fxom Rosemount High School who are responsible fox the monitoxing of the lot did a good job and the City did not have any issues with the students paxking in the lot. BACKGROUND In past years, the City of Rosemount has allowed Rosemount High School (RHS) to use dedicated parking stalls in the Rosemount Community Center/AYena paxking lot and also the lot at Schwarz Pond Park for additional student paxking. In 2008, the City signed a paxk and ride agreement with MVrA to use the axea once used by the High School. Staff feels there is enough daytime parking to accommodate both users. The MOU is attached and identifies the xesponsibilities of both parties. SUMMARY Staff is recommending the City Council approve the attached Memorandum of Understanding with Rosemount High School to allow students to paYk in a portion of the pa,rking lot at the Rosemount Community Centex and to authorize the City Administrator to execute the MOU. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT and ROSEMOUNT HIGH SCHOOL This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Rosemount (the City) and Rosemount Senior High School (the School) outlines the details involved with the City allowing the School to use a portion of the Rosemount Community Center parking lot as ovexflow parking for students from the School. The City gxants a xevocable peYmit to the School to use 44 paxking spaces in the Rosemount Community Center parking lot subject to the terms outlined in this MOU fox the 2011-2012 school year. The City will have priority use of the parking stalls and will provide no less than two (2) business days notice to RHS wheri scheduled events at the Community Centex axe anricipated to require sufficient parking that parking sta.11s will not be available for School use. RHS will include language in the pexmit for these spaces that specifically states permit-holdexs may fxom time-to-time be xequired to make alternative a�angements for parking. 'The City will have no obligation foY alternative parking accommodations in these ciYCUmstances. Persistent and/or unxesolved issues Yelated but not limited to parking, traffic, student behavior, trash/debris, negarive impact on the Community Center operarions, ox other public nuisances will be cause fox termination of the paYking privileges by the City with no financial recourse by RHS or obligation by the City to provide alternative accommodations. The City will attempt to resolve such issues before termination. However, the City reserves the right to revoke the permit granted by this MOU at any time and for any reason. Rosemount High School Shall: 1. Sell Rosemount Community Center spaces only after the RHS main lot has been sold out. 2. Sell parking passes at the xate of $10.00 peY trimester; fees will be deposited in district genexal funds. 3. Issue Rosemount Community CenteY parking pexmits to be attached to the rearcview mirror. 4. Require students to complete a paxking form which includes make/model/color/plate number of vehicle, name and addxess, as well as a signature acknowledging a thorough understanding of all paxking policies including the poliry of vehicular searches by school administrators. 5. Place, as conveniendy as possible, suitably sized txash receptacles. 6. On a daily basis, make a minunum of two inspections of the Community Center lot. T'he inspections will be conducted by RHS staff and will identify compliance with paxking xegulations, vandalism, trash, and so forth. 7. Administer appropriate disciplinary consequences for students who violate school policy or law, contact local law enforcement, as necessary, for violations of law, dispatch the ground maintenance staff to xemove trash. 8. Work with City officials to hold accounta,ble students who paxk beyond the designated paxking axea. with or without official perxnits. 9. Include the Community Center lot as a student designated parking axea when the RHS student parking lot is inspected by controlled detection canines. City of Rosemount Shall: 1. Provide 44 parking spaces in the west side of the Rosemount Community Center's south pa.tking lot. 2. Be responsible fox any signage, snow removal, general maintenance, and so forth. 3. Contact Rosemount High School with any concerns regarrding student behavior. City of Rosemount Date Rosemount Senior High School Date