HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Volunteer Recognition4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council regular meeting: April 19, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Volunteer recognition GENDA S C ION: PREPARED BY: William H. Droste, Mayor AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Present commendations to honorees The Rosemount City Council continues its eight -year tradition of celebrating National Volunteer Week by commending citizens who contribute time and energy toward the betterment of our community. Tonight volunteers brought to the Council's attention will receive thanks on behalf of the community. COMMENDATIONS The City asked the public for names of people who serve as an example to encourage more residents to volunteer for the benefit of the community. City staff also provided a number of recommendations from lists of those who worked directly with Rosemount City government during the past year. Some of the commendations go to more than one person, such as a family or group who work together on volunteer efforts. Some honorees told us they cannot attend this event, but we will still share their names. A few of tonight's recipients are not residents of Rosemount but deserve our thanks for efforts that benefit our community. We have divided our list into groups based roughly on the type of volunteer work they have performed. But we always find that many of the citizens recognized are involved with more than one activity. Leprechaun Days and the Haunted Woods Trail The largest group we honor puts in long hours of work throughout the year, culminating in fun and relaxation for the rest of us. These are the volunteers who organize our two community celebrations: Leprechaun Days and the Haunted Woods Trail. Some of them work on one or the other; many of them work on both. Tom Anderson Steve Ball Justin & Jordan Bottem LaDonna Boyd Bob, Nathan & Willie Brawley Laura Briggs Lindsey Brotzler Dale Dose ,��. Laura Emiola Craig Evans Shannon George Abby Guse Rich Herman Barb Hester The Sam Holl Family Gene Illg Tad Johnson Peggy Johnson Jodi Lucast & Justin Lecher Randy Komorouski June & Bob Korthauerer Darline Lehmann Tim Little John & Ann Loch Gerald Mattson Amy Murphy Matt Poepl Rosemarie & Elaine Ratzlaff Brenda Reedy Cheryl Ruud Jane & Bob Schwartz Gene & Pat Stiles Marcia Toombs Lynda & Joe Weber Diane Wellman Alice Wenzel Torn Werner We also recognize the long -time leadership of Maureen & Mike Bouchard for Leprechaun Days, the Haunted Woods Trail, and the popular Breakfast with Santa event. And we thank Joe Walsh for his work on Leprechaun Days, the Trail, and the Spring Egg Hunt. Education The City asked the principals of schools in our community to suggest a few of their volunteers to be recognized. We will quote from the responses we received from the schools. Diamond Path Elementary Kim Michie "Kim and Tracy co- chaired our Margaret Miller PTO for the past two years, and Tracy Monro -Moran Margaret is the treasurer. The three of them reorganized the PTO during this time, creating an executive board, bylaws, various committees and a process of how to best support our school. This was a huge undertaking. Through their leadership, interest in our PTO has grown, and they are instrumental in fostering interest 2 in volunteerism and fundraising at our school." Red Pine Elementary Jeannette A pold "Jeannette has served as our Nancy Engel PTO president this year and done an amazing job. She has facilitated multiple initiatives to enhance our school community and benefit our students and families. One in particular that Jeannette has spearheaded has been fundraising to support our families in need throughout the year. These families are able to access scholarship funds to help pay for field trips and many other endeavors. Nancy is the green thumb of our school community. She plants and gardens all around our school grounds to make our school look beautiful. She also spends countless hours maintaining our school gardens and organizes volunteers to keep up with the gr ounds of our school." Rosemount Elementary Jane Lindemuth "Qane] has been a wonderful volunteer in Mrs. DeBord's Arlen Evanson Kindergarten classroom for quite some time now. Arlen is one of our `30 for 30 Project' volunteers. The project just started this year. He does one- on-one Kindergarten math support." Rosemount High Rebecca Busho Becky works on the "Site Council and a variety of booster Theresa Temple clubs. [She] organized our St. Michele Snare Patrick's Day Fundraiser for the RHS Benefit Fund." Terri works as "Senior Party Leader and [in] a variety of booster clubs and volunteering, especially for the marching band and other arts organizations." Michele works on the "Site Council and organizes meals for the faculty at Parent Teacher Conference time." Rosemount Middle Kris McKenzie "Kris and Donna are the head of our Parent Communication Donna Welshons Network. They have worked Kate Molitor countless hours organizing our 4 6`" grade fieldtrips as well as being in the process of planning an 8" grade party. Kate has organized our Middle School's Twins Day the past two years. We had approximately 600 RMS family members attend a game together last year and will have similar numbers for a game this ear." Shannon Park Elementary Cheri and Larry Pelzel Cheri and Larry "organized the fall luncheon for the Shannon Carol Miller Park Staff for the past couple of Chris Hollenbeck years. They organize many volunteers to bring in delicious food during the fall conferences." "Grandma Carol" "is a volunteer who helps in a variety of capacities. She sews costumes for our music programs, makes quilts for display, and even makes individual gifts for every staff member during the holidays to make the staff feel appreciated." Chris "is the Shannon Park Directory organizer as well as the Box Top Coordinator. Each of these volunteers' jobs requires HOURS of work! Chris does several other volunteer jobs at the school in addition to these b ones." St. Joseph Laurie Dahlback Laurie "is the incoming Darin & Dawn Thureen president of our Home & School Association and has been Beth Donahue spearheading things for our first annual parish -wide carnival (April 30). She's also willing to come in and help in the school at a moment's notice." Darin "is my soccer referee extraordinaire! With the many rescheduled games I had last fall, he was so helpful in rearranging his schedule to referee a game, so I didn't have to even try to find someone else at the last moment! Dawn is also on the parish carnival committee." Beth "is an avid volunteer at St. Joseph School, recently helpin 4 co -chair the decorations committee for the First Annual St. Joseph Parish Carnival. She's always willing to lend a hand with everything we need, even going that extra step to make sure we have things covered for the next event Girl Scouts Supporting Rosemount's commitment to our youth, we have several nominations of adults who work with the Girl Scouts, and we will quote from the nominations. Dawn Clarin "is a Girl Scout leader who leads by example, always encouraging the girls to do their best and learn as much as they can. She finds unique ways to engage the girls." Kristin Smith "has served three years as the Troop Cookie Manager. This year, aside from managing all things cookies for 13 girls, she worked tirelessly to implement the cookies -on- demand program, which was profitable but challenging." Joann Murphy "is the Rosemount Valley Cookie Manager. This year she oversaw the transition from pre - ordering Girl Scout cookies to cookies -on- demand for 68 Girl Scout troops (568 Scouts). This was a major undertaking that required a great deal of time. She administered the program with great efficiency." Julie Kropelnicki "has been with Girl Scouts for over 20 years. She helped lead her daughters' troops and is now helping lead her niece's troop. She has a can do attitude - always ready and willing to help out. She has also been the Registrar for our service unit for the last two years. This position has required many volunteer hours registering girls with our service unit almost doubling in size." Lisa Reitsma "has been our service unit Treasurer for the last few years. She has a very positive attitude and will help anyone that needs help with their Girl Scout finances. She is efficient and reliable. She also helps with her daughter's Girl Scout Troop." Police Rosemount is protected by a high quality Police force and Fire Department. Our public safety personnel are also able to call on members of the community for assistance. They include the Police Department's Reserves: Chuck Parrish Mario DiLodovico Kenneth Engberg Dick Knights Gene Allen Bruce Berkebile Kim Ericksen Scott Wiig Chuck Parrish Stacy Heins Christine Orthmann 5 Caren Mogen Dan Wolfe Our Officers are also supported by the Police Chaplains: Bruce Bentley Pastor Gary Ohlemacher Pastor Neil Ristow Reverend Mike Markley Wetland monitoring Rosemount is fortunate to have volunteers who put on their waders and walk into the community's wetlands. They help monitor the health of our water resources. We recognize volunteers who work in the Wetland Health Evaluation Program coordinated by Dakota County to preserve Rosemount's environment. Brian Berggren Barbara Berggren Emily Rekstad Janell Miersch Jane Porterfield Denise Wilkens Tom Wilkens The team leaders are: Dan Stinnett Terry Pearson Recreation programs If ever there were a winter from which many of us needed a break — especially those of us with a household full of kids — this was it. Fortunately, a group of middle and high school students coordinated by Machelle Otto worked with Rosemount Parks and Recreation to stage the Family Winter Festival in February. Renae Otto Alex Roby Emma Baker Stormi Leininger Rachel Otto Abby Tesch Gabby Green Audrey Powell Rosemount could not earn the designation as a Top Tennis Town without the help of many volunteers. Nominated for their work in the Community Tennis Block Party were Mike & Lynette Haden. Adopt a Park The Rosemount Adopt a Park program is supported by volunteers who assist the community by keeping L Rosemount's parks attractive. They pick up trash and in some cases they plant decorative flowers. As we read through the list of parks, if your neighborhood one is missing, it's available for you to adopt. The current groups include: Birch Park Tom, Monica, Sara, and Nicholas Bayer Biscayne Park Nicholas, Alex & Karla Dyson Bloomfield Park Simplv Massage Brockway Park The Engel Famil Brockway Park Disc Golf Course Disc Golf Crazy, L.L.C. Camfield Park Rosemount Moms Club Carrolls Woods Steven Murph Central Park The Spangler Famil Charlies Park The Steinle Famil Chippendale & Twin Puddles Parks Pat, Connie, Ran, Maria & Blake Gilson Claret Park The Murphys Connemara Park The Swanson Famil Dallara Park The Otto Famil Erickson Park Rosemount Knights of Columbus, Columbian Squires and S uirettes Innisfree Park Ottos J aycee Park Alec, Kim, Noah, & Sophia Go 'estani Kidder Park Community of Hope Church Lions Park Haa e, Peterson & Studley Families Meadows Park Bukovich, Toll, Wolf, Fliger, Lang & Tyrrell Families Schwarz Pond Park Flue gel's Farm, Garden and Pet Winds Park The Mullin Famil Another key volunteer in the parks this year was William Leidig, an Eagle Scout who worked on the Brockway Disc Golf course. Social services and general support Our food shelves have seen unprecedented demand for many years running. One of the volunteers who make it all work is Curtis Rons, who has been nominated for recognition for working at a food shelf once or twice every week and for coordinating door -to -door drives in the Glendalough neighborhood. Food distribution is one of many functions carried out at the Rosemount Family Resource Center, and for their work at that center, the volunteers of 360 Communities are recognized. MRCI WorkSource provides rehabilitation services for people who have disabilities and want to participate in the community. Its clients are often volunteers themselves, and they are nominated here for assistance at senior care centers, veterinary clinics, park cleanup, and packaging food donations. And although its history so far is brief, the Rosemount Rotary Club is recognized for a wealth of volunteer and charitable work that has already enhanced the quality of life in our community. FURTHER RECOGNITION The Council plans another recognition event next week for others who work closely with City government, including citizens serving on the Council's advisory commissions. 7