HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the December 15, 2011 Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 15, 2010 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145t Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Bills, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan and Weisensel attending. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, Assistant City Administrator Foster, City Clerk Domeier, Finance Director May, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler, Community Development Director Lindquist, Youth Commissioners Laumer, Olson, Neuens and Brist. DISCUSSION 2.A. Youth Commission Assistant City Administrator Foster summarized the staff report. Youth Commissioner Chair Brist provided a report to City Council and summarized Youth Commission activities to date. The biggest event being planned is a Youth Rally /Summit for the spring of 2011. Youth Commission Secretary Laumer provided some preliminary ideas of what the Youth Rally will entail. Youth Commissioner Olson read an email that Youth Commissioner Carroll has sent to local school and church groups about the event. The City Council supported the idea of a Youth Rally and encouraged the Commission to contact local groups to participate in the event. Ms. Foster led discussion on the appointment options for the Youth Commission vacancies (one Commissioner member and Alternate). After discussion between the City Council and Commission, staff will wait to appoint these positions until the end of the school year. Council Member Weisensel will serve as the new City Council liaison to the Commission. 2.B. Water Rates Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler summarized the background and information provided in the staff report. The primary issue raised by the Crosscroft Community HOA is that it is not receiving the benefit of the tiered rates for the watering of the 150 individual properties because all water is controlled by the HOA through the four irrigation meters. Larry Bakker and Gerry Falkowski were in attendance to represent the HOA. Mr. Falkowski did not believe the HOA was being treated fairly. He proposed that consideration be given to distribute water usage from the four irrigation meters in Crosscroft to the 150 individual units for purposes of billing to provide the benefit of the tiered rates. The change would reduce the cost. Finance Director May stated that the billing system was not set up as such and to change it would mean staff would be doing manual calculations for billing. He added that when the tiered rate system was discussed, the capabilities of the City utility billing system were taken into account to ensure that the final rate structure could be billed with the system. Mr. Falkowski suggested that the rest of the community should pay the $2.00 rate on irrigation meters to level the playing field Mr. Brotzler noted that single- family homes may choose to install second meters to save on sewer charges and that these meters are not viewed as irrigation meters. He additionally explained the tiered rate system for the average user and added that the City has not increased rates for 10 years. He expressed concern about maintaining the total revenue at the end of each year if the rates were lowered from the top. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 15, 2010 Finance Director May explained the billing system and how it would affect staff if the Crosscroft idea were used. He added that Crosscroft would not be charged for sewer on those four meters. He was concerned about the equity issues and explained that the statute was clear in that the meters could not be billed separately. Mr. Falkowski questioned if there were a way to enter into the system one meter and 36 homes. Mr. May stated that it could not be done separately per the DNR rules. Mr. Brotzler added that the City received official approval from the DNR for the tiered rate structure. Further discussion was held regarding the equity issues and the intent of the DNR rules. The City Council directed staff to determine the sewer usage fees and the anticipated revenue projections for the year. 2.D. Presentation 2011 Street Improvements Project, City Project #432 Director of Public Works /City Engineer provided a presentation on the 2011 Street Improvement Project. The presentation included the proposed project location, estimated costs, funding, striping modifications, pedestrian signage, roadway bump outs and proposed schedule. Discussion was held regarding the paved paths and painted bike lanes. Concerns were raised about bike lanes, active living, parking, bump outs, crosswalks, traffic speed and safety. Don Sinwell, a resident in attendance, stated that no one uses the bike lanes. Mr. Brotzler stated that the City was promoting opportunities that do not exist today. Mr. Brotzler provided further information on the street CIP funding. The proposed project would be limited to the Valley Oak Addition and the section of 145 between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway. He spoke of the changes at Diamond Path including a proposed crosswalk. Because it is a County project and the crosswalk will require a median, the City will be required to split 45% of the cost with Apple Valley. It was estimated that the project cost to the City would be approximately $17,000. He also provided options and alternates for trails along the north side of 145 Staff will look at the trail options during street construction. The portion of Shannon Parkway to the east will be pushed back to 2012. He anticipated further discussion would be held regarding bike lanes and parking. 2.C. Snowplow Policy for Trails Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler provided background information on trail plowing. He stated that when staff and resources are available after primary activities staff could look at plowing trails. He also provided the proposed updated information to the snow plow policy. Policy changes discussed included the addition of a new 3r priority category for trail plowing that would include trails in Innisfree, Carrolls Woods and Bloomfield Parks. These trails would only be plowed as time and conditions permit. Also discussed was the process and procedure for clearing downtown snow removal. The City Council also suggested changes to the trail and sidewalk plow map changing the segments of Dodd Boulevard between Shannon Parkway and Chippendale Avenue, and Connemara Trail between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway to 1s priority status. Mr. Brotzler will bring the proposed changes for City Council consideration at the December 21, 2010 regular meeting. City Administrator Johnson provided information about a complaint received related to Downtown snow removal. In the letter, a resident expressed concern about the City not clearing the sidewalks ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 15, 2010 within a 24 hour period. Further discussion was held regarding the City's ability to suspend sidewalk and trail snow removal. Community Development Director Lindquist shared a map illustrating the plowing violations. She provided the process for citing a property owner and noted that staff would prefer to remove the snow and charge back the resident. Discussion was held regarding sidewalk cleanup. It was suggested that cleanup be required within 48 hours of a snow event. The City Council preferred for the City to have the ability to suspend the obligation of property owners or occupants to remove snow and ice in all, or any part, of the City which would result in the ceasing of enforcement action. Further discussion was held regarding "exceptional events" which would warrant suspending the snow removal requirements. Another item discussed was enforcement for snow removal. The current ordinance allows for the City or its designee to remove the snow and bill it back to the property owner. The City Council supported the enforcement as allowed by ordinance. 2.E. Downtown Zoning District, Case 09 -32 -TA Senior Planner Zweber provided a summary of the staff report. Further discussion was held on the auto related uses and building standards within the district. Don Sinwell of the Rosemount Business Council provided his concerns on the changes to the ordinance. Staff will prepare a final ordinance for consideration on January 18, 2011. 2.F. Submittal of an Application to the Dakota County Community Development Agency Redevelopment Incentive Grant Community Development Director Lindquist summarized the information provided in the staff report. The City Council supported moving forward with the grant application. UPDATES 3.A. MVTA Park and Ride Planning Community Development Director Lindquist provided a summary of the staff report. She also provided more information on the proposed park and ride, the estimates, and that restrooms were not included. The City Council stated that restrooms should be included in the project. Staff will continue to provide updates on the status. 3.B. Updates from City Council /Staff Community Development Director Lindquist stated staff met with University to continue talking about the AUAR. She stated that the City will work with WSB through contract and invoice the fees back to the University. City Administrator Johnsons provided information on legislative initiatives. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk