HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. Ordinance relating to Planning Commission membershipAGENDA ITEM: Ordinance relating to Planning Commission membership mia(tTime, AGENDA NO. q, V/. PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator ATTACHMENTS: Ordinance APPROVED BY: nn) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the attached ordinance expanding the membership of the Planning Commission from five to seven members 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: April 5, 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND At the special Council meeting of March29th, Council members reviewed appointments to the various City Commissions. During the discussion of the Planning Commission appointments, the Council discussed and subsequently directed staff to prepare an ordinance amendment to expand the membership of the Planning Commission from five to seven members. A review of state statutes shows that the number of Planning Commissioners is not prescribed by state law. The attached ordinance has been prepared by the City Attorney to accomplish the change in membership. DISCUSSION During the discussion of this matter, Council members observed that the City had many qualified applicants for the various Commissions and that it would be in the best interests of the community to utilize as many qualified residents as possible. It was further discussed that the Planning Commission in particular is likely to get busier in the next several years as various UMore plans and applications come to the City for review including the AUAR, gravel mining, and an eventual major comprehensive plan amendment. We are also beginning to see an increase in other Planning Commission applications. Also at the March 29th meeting, the Council appointed Bruno DiNella and Wade Miller to be the new Planning Commissioners with each being appointed for a two year term. This will stagger the Planning Commission's terms so that there will be two vacancies in 2012, three in 2013, and two in 2014. RECOMMENDATION In accordance with the Council's directive, it is recommended that the attached ordinance amending the membership of the Planning Commission from five to seven be approved. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk 384415v1 CLLRS215 -1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT COUNTY OF DAKOTA STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE RELATING TO PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERSHIP; AMENDING ROSEMOUNT CITY CODE, SECTION 2 -1 -1 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS as follows: Section 1. Rosemount City Code, Section 2 -1 -1 is amended as follows: 2 -1 -1 ESTABLISHMENT OF COMMISSION: A city planning commission for the city is hereby established. The commission shall be the city planning agency. Such planning commission shall consist of up to five (5) seven (7) members to be appointed by the city council and may be removed by a four -fifths (4/5) vote of the council. Planning commission members may be removed by the city council at any time when, in the judgment of the council, the public welfare will be promoted by such removal Terms of the commissioners shall be determined in the planning commission bylaws. (Ord. VIII.5, 4 -17 -2001) Section 2. This ordinance shall be effective the day following its publication. Text that is stricken through indicates deleted materials and double underlined text indicates new material. Adopted this day of 2011, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota. William H. Droste, Mayor Published in the Rosemount Town Pages the day of 2011.