HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.e. Proposed resolution on transportation funding from the Regional Council of MayorsAGENDA ITEM: Proposed resolution on transportation funding from the Regional Council of Mayors AGENDA SECTION: �t/&t I Ff PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. j, ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Resolution APPROVED BY: am RECOMMENDED ACTION: Consider whether or not to officially endorse this resolution at a future regular meeting 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Workshop Meeting: May 11, 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND The Regional Council of Mayors is a group of Mayors from the entire metropolitan area as well as Rochester that generally meets monthly on various issues. The group has worked on affordable housing initiatives in the past and more recently was important in supporting the Itasca Project in forming a regional economic development entity. Recently, the group proposed that each City consider a resolution such as the one attached to support the need for "adequate" funding for transit operations (including MVTA) and transit projects in the region, citing transportation as one of the region's most "vexing" problems. The resolution makes the argument that "our present levels of congestion and our unsafe roads hinder our economic prosperity..." Although no final budget proposal has been approved by the Legislature yet, some proposals show substantial reductions in transit funds. Another proposal would re- appropriate Livable Community grant funds for transit. COMMENT While transit and transportation are obviously important to the metro area, it is somewhat difficult in the context of a $5 billion state deficit to single out one area of the budget for protection without knowing what the tradeoffs may be in higher taxes, school funding etc. On the other hand, if the Council wants to send a message about the importance of transit and transportation funding, then the resolution is a good way to accomplish this. Regional Council of Mayors Resolution on Transportation Funding Regional Council of Mayors Whereas, the Regional Council of Mayors "RCM is composed of the mayors of Minneapolis, St. Paul and approximately 45 municipalities in the developed and developing suburbs. The collaborative partnership provides a non partisan platform focused on building action strategies to raise overall economic competitiveness, accelerate innovation and improve the quality of life in the MSP region; and Whereas, our present levels of congestion and our unsafe roads hinder our economic prosperity, erode our quality of life, and complicate numerous aspects of living and doing business in Minnesota; and Whereas, one million additional people are expected to move to the MSP metropolitan region in the next two decades, further exacerbating our already unacceptable traffic congestion; and Whereas, solving our region's transportation problem is a complex and long -term challenge that will require various strategies; and Whereas, Minnesota needs to adequately and strategically expand both its transit and road systems with predictable, adequate, and long -term sources of funding; and Whereas, transportation funding must prioritize public transit within a comprehensive, multi modal, interconnected transportation system that serves the 11- county metro area; and that our planned light rail and commuter rail lines, along with expanded bus service, both regular route and BRT, must be expanded to support the population and businesses in our fast growing region; and Whereas, courageous and visionary legislative leadership is vital to forging a sustainable, long -term transportation plan for our state and region. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that as elected leaders representing cities in Minnesota's fast growing 11- county metropolitan region, we hereby declare our belief that transportation has become one of the most vexing problems facing our communities and state. We call upon the leaders in the legislature to create a long -term solution to our transportation needs and, in the short-term, in order to keep our metropolitan area economy vital and flourishing, we call upon the legislature to exercise good judgment and provide adequate funding for Metro Transit as well as all suburban transit providers, namely Minnesota Valley Transit Association (MVTA), SouthWest Transit, Plymouth Metrolink, Maple Grove Transit, Prior Lakes Laker Line, DARTS and Shakopee Transit, so as not to adversely affect the ability of all of our transit providers, whether urban or suburban, to move workers, students and the thousands of other residents who use those services on a daily basis to get to their jobs, to school or otherwise engage in important economic activity that benefits the region and the State of Minnesota; to not halt or otherwise defer or delay progress on transit 4.26.05 Regional Council of Mayors Resolution on Transportation Funding Regional Council of Mayors projects, including the Central Corridor and the Southwest LRT; to do nothing legislatively that will impede planning for other rail and bus rapid transit projects presently underway; to be mindful that adequately funding our existing transportation system and having the foresight to continue the commitment to both plan and build out our future transit system is critical to the well being of our state and we urge the legislature to provide the kind of leadership and stewardship necessary to accomplish those goals. Name of Mayor (Print) Name of City Signature 4.26.05