HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Resolutions of Support for Federal Funding ApplicationsRO City Counci Meeting: July 5, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Resolutions of Support for Federal Funding Applications PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director Works /City Engineer! ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions (3); Location Maps (4) aaL RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1) Motion to adopt a resolution supporting the funding for constructicn of a pedestrian /bike underpass of TH 3; and 2) Motion I:o adopt a resolution supporting the funding for aesthetic enhancement of Hwy 3 between 1 Street West and Connemara Trail and construction of a Trail between 140 Circle and Connemara Trail; and 3) Motion to adopt a resolution supporting the funding for enhancement of non motorized railroad crossings. BACKGROUND: The Metropolitan Council is beginning the 2011 Regional Solicitation of Federal Transportation Projects for federal funding in federal fiscal years 2015 and 2016. Staff is preparing federal fund applications for three potential candidate projects. Applications for these projects as listed below were previously submitted for federal funding in 2009. No awards were made for these projects with the 2009 application cycle. The three potential projects for Council consideration are summarized below: 1. TH 3 Pedestrian Underpass Application(s): Transportation Enhancement (1E) Description: CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA SECTION: Consent AGENDA NO. Li.I. APPROVED BY: The city's Park Master Plan identifies the future construction of a grade separated crossing of TH 3. In 2007, the Park and Recreation Commission reviewed a feasibility report which addressed the proposed construction of a pedestrian overpass of TH 3 at Connemara Trail and a pedestrian underpass south of the Community Center at the Glen Rose development. The preferred alternative was identified to be the future construction of a pedestrian underpass. The estimated construction cost is $849,000. A local share of 20% of the construction cost is necessary and has been identified to be funded from park dedication funds, Municipal State Aid or other available grant monies. G: \ENGPROJ \ENG 0151 Grants Application \Grants Applications \20110705 CC FederalFunding.doc 2. TH 3 Aesthetic Improvement Application: Transportation Enhancement (TE) Description: 3. Non- Motorized Railroad Crossings Description: Connected with the downtown redevelopment, library and former Steeple Center site, staff has developed an application for Transportation Enhancement funding to landscape the TH 3 corridor from 145 Street to the Community Center. The application also includes the burying of overhead power lines and installation of lighting for the existing trail and proposed trail extension to Connemara Trail. The estimated construction cost is $345,000. A local share of 20% of the construction cost is necessary and has been identified to be funded from future SKB funds. Application: Transportation Enhancement (TE) City staff has investigated the replacement and extension of railroad track crossing surfaces on 145 Street and Biscayne Avenue to address the deteriorated condition of the track crossing surfaces and to accommodate the extension of trails and sidewalks across the railroad tracks. Through discussions with the Union Pacific Rail, the railroad will participate in 50% of the cost for replacement of the existing track crossing surface; the extension of the track crossing surface to accommodate trail and sidewalk crossings of the railroad tracks will be 100% local cost. Staff has prepared an application for Transportation Enhancement funding for the completion of the improvements. The estimated construction cost is $455,000. A local share of 20% of the construction cost is necessary and has been identified to be funded from Park Dedication funds, Municipal State Aid funds, General Fund Street Maintenance budget for "Pedestrian Improvements" or other grants. At the time of this memorandum the final applications are due July 18, 2011. In the event of a State shut down, the timeline may be extended. SUMMARY: Staff recommends City Council adoption of the attached resolutions supporting the submittal of the three federal funding applications as described herein. G: \ENGPROJ \ENG 0151 Grants-Application Grants-Applications \20110705 CC FederalFunding.doc 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE FUNDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A PEDESTRIAN BIKE UNDERPASS OF TH 3 WHEREAS, The City of Rosemount is preparing an application for Federal Funding through the Transportation Enhancement (TE) Program for the construction of a new pedestrian bike underpass of Trunk Highway 3 between 140 Circle and 142n Street, and WHEREAS, The City completed a feasibility report to evaluate options for constructing a grade separated crossing of TH 3 which concluded that a box culvert underpass located between 140 Circle and 142n Street would be the preferred alternative, and WHEREAS, the City Council has anticipated providing the 20% funding match for the project, and WHEREAS, the STP Application has stipulated the City of Rosemount must provide written documentation committing to the funding participation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rosemount understands and supports the TH 3 pedestrian bike underpass project and commits up to 20% cost participation toward the project. Further, the city commits to operate and maintain that portion of the project area, which is currently designated as city trail. The City of Rosemount assures, to the extent it has jurisdiction of the facility or controls the right of way of the facility, that the city will operate and maintain the property and facility of the project for the useful life of the improvement, and not change the use of any right of way acquired without prior approval from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. ADOPTED this 5t day of July, 2011. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk William H. Droste, Mayor CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE FUNDING FOR AESTHETIC ENHAN CEMENT OF HWY 3 BETWEEN 143 STREET WEST AND CONNEMARA TRAIL AND CONSTRUCTION OF A TRAIL BETWEEN 140 CIRCLE AND CONNEMARA TRAIL WHEREAS, The City of Rosemount is preparing an application for Federal Funding through the Transportation Enhancement (1'E) Program for the construction of trail between 140 Circle and Connemara Trail and aesthetic enhancements along the Hwy 3 transportation corridor from 143 Street West to Connemara Trail, WHEREAS, the City Council has anticipated providing the 20% funding match for the project, and WHERE /'4S, the Application has stipulated the City of Rosemount must provide written documentation committing to the funding participation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rosemount understands and supports the construction of trail between 140 Circle and Connemara Trail and adding aesthetic enhancements along the Hwy 3 transportation corridor from 143` Street West and Connemara Trail. The City of Rosemount assures, to the extent it has jurisdiction of the facility or controls the right of way of the facility, that the city will operate and maintain the property and facility of the project for the useful life of the improvement, and not change the use of any right of way acquired without prior approval from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. ADOPTED this 5 day of July, 2011. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk William H. Droste, Mayor WHEREAS, The City of Rosemount is preparing an application for Federal Funding through the Transportation Enhancement (1E) Program for the construction of a non motorized railroad crossings and construction of trail /sidewalk extensions at 145t Street West and Biscayne Avenue, and WHEREAS, the City Council has anticipated providing the 20% funding match for the project, and WHEREAS, the Application has stipulated the City of Rosemount must provide written documentation committing to the funding participation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Rosemount understands and supports the construction of trail /sidewalk extensions and railroad crossings at 145` Street West and Biscayne Avenue. Further, the city commits to operate and maintain that portion of the project area, which is currently designated as city trail. The City of Rosemount assures, to the extent it has jurisdiction of the facility or controls the right of way of the facility, that the city will operate and maintain the property and facility of the project for the useful life of the improvement, and not change the use of any right of way acquired without prior approval from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. ADOF'TED this 5t day of July, 2011. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE FUNDING FOR ENHANCEMENT OF NON MOTORIZED RAILROAD CROSSINGS William H. Droste, Mayor s14M Rosemount High School E chwarz Pond Park MVTA Transit Stop Upper 139th St 438th t 138th Rosemount Interpretive Corridor Rosemount Elementary Schaaol k'" t CxcsL id Leaenti Proposed Underpass Location Proposed Connection to E>asting Facilities Rosemount Interpretive Corridor Bituminous Trail Sidewalk Future Bituminous Trail —4— Railroad rJi TgiWN r Tra !tr 1 1 4ROSEMOUNT SAFETEA LU Funding Application MINNESOTA TH 3 Pedestrian Underpass File: T:\peterl \Rosemount 2009 Fed Funding Apps TH 3 Underpass \Graphics \Locel_Map.mxd. May 28. 2009 9:50:19 AM Figure 3 0 350 Feet Ro l :ffi(Y, t High School P t. e' f ou ...rt, 0 p„„ w ei P j h f 4.� Rosemount z r Community Cent$r. r Transit Stop Lower 138thtSt 138th 140th •ilt.4bd >fM±w TAR 1gi2 Rosemount Elementary r- Proposed Improvements ■I1Bury Overhead Utilities e■ Instal Decorative Trai Lighting Instal Landscaping we Proposed Bituminous Trail Existing Facilities Bituminous Trail Sidewalk —i•— Railroad t 4ROSEMOUNT SAFETEA LU TE Funding Application MINNESOTA TH 3 Aesthetic and Trail Improvements File: T:\peterM1Rosemount 2009 Fed Funding AppstTH 3 Aesthetic and Train Graphics\Projecl_Map msd. May 26. 2009 11.47:59 AM Figure 3 0 350 Feet a s tom C 47 r O d c G) 4 k. L.. z 0 N M CD L 7 co LL 0 o A I 3 z g u m a a 2° a a L m g o i d m N E TO 2 o c 7 O p Q o a z 0 w v I ErickOn Park r- '1 r Leaend Proposed Improvements Proposed Bituminous Tra.i Proposed Sidewalk Existing Facilities "i$ Existing Bituminous Trail Exising Sidewalk it 4 ROSEMOUNT SAFETEA LU TE Funding Application MINNESOTA Pedestrian/ Bike Railroad Crossings File: T: \petertRosemount 2009 Fed Funding Appsl Gaps- RR \graphicslBiscayneAve.mxd. May 26. 2009 3:54:02 PM Figure 4 0 400 Feet MENNELI