HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the June 15, 2011 Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 15, 2011 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan and Kearney attending. Council Member Weisensel arrived late. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, City Clerk Domeier, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Chief of Police Kalstabakken and Finance Director May. DISCUSSION 2.A. Maintenance of Drainage and Utility Easements and Ponds Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler summarized the information provided in the staff report. Jim Sample was in attendance for the item. Mr. Brotzler explained the issues with the pond at Mr. Sample's property. The City is looking at the pond but recognizes that the initial concerns about drainage on the property are separate from the pond issues. Discussion ensued regarding the pond outlet and other pond areas in Rosemount and the education to residents. Mr. Brotzler stated that a survey was done on Mr. Sample's property. Mr. Sample provided background on the issues with the pond in his backyard. Mr. Brotzler stated that staff was working on the issue as expeditiously as possible. 2.B. Draft Ordinance Regulating Use of Coal Tar -Based Sealer Products Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler summarized the information provided in the staff report. Tom Tubbs was in attendance for the item. Discussion ensued regarding the use of coal tar based sealer products. Discussion was held on the education to residents about contractors complying with ordinances. Don Berger with the MCPA provided some feedback on the issue. He suggested that staff contract Judy Crane with the MPCA for a list of stores that carry coal tar based sealer products. The ordinance will be presented at a future meeting for consideration. 2.C. Draft Load Limit Ordinance Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler summarized the information provided in the staff report. Discussion was held regarding the proposed ordinance. The ordinance will be presented at a future meeting for consideration. 2.D. Dakota County 2012 -2016 Draft CIP Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler summarized the information provided in the staff report. The City Council directed Mr. Brotzler to invite the Dakota County engineers to an upcoming work session for an update on projects. Council Member Kearney expressed concerns about the proposed mining at the UMore site and the access and changes along the 160` Street corridor and the need for additional turn lanes. Mr. Brotzler explained that discussion was held with the County during the EIS completion for the gravel mining. The City and County have different views on some of that discussion based upon the turn lane volume base needed. 2.E. Senior Housing RFQ City Administrator Johnson summarized the information provided in the staff report. Seniors in attendance expressed concerns about a shared space. Director of Parks and Recreation stated he would set up a tour of senior centers. City Council directed staff to move forward. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 15, 2011 2.F. 2012 Budget Discussion City Administrator Johnson summarized the information provided in the staff report. He provided an overview of the budget. Finance Director May explained the calculations for the loss of market value homestead credit. Discussion was held on the fire pension and fire stipends. Council Member Shoe Corrigan requested the captain, assistant chief and tax rates for the comparisons provided in handouts by Dwight Johnson. Discussion was also held regarding the ice arena expenses and revenues. Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided information on the current users, expenses, revenues and maintenance directly related to summer ice. Based upon that information, he stated that he did not see any evidence that closing the arena in the summer months would save a substantial amount of money. Mayor Droste expressed concerns about staffing, front desk calls, traffic at front desk, non -union salaries, productivity improvements and fuel consumption. Discussion ensued regarding the tax rate comparisons for cities in Dakota County. Council Member Kearney stated he had a number of questions on the budget. He will send his questions directly to Mr. Johnson. UPDATES 3.A. Recognition Policy for non residents City Administrator Johnson summarized the information provided in the staff report. The City Council preferred to recognize all students that attend a Rosemount school or do a project in Rosemount. 3.B. Updates from City Council /Staff Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler provided drawings of the Way Finding signs. The City Council suggested using the triskelle in the drawing and preferred having a brown contrast in the sign. City Administrator Johnson questioned if there would be a quorum of City Council members for the July 5, 2011 meeting. Members will let Mr. Johnson know by June 21, 2011 if they are available. Mr. Johnson also provided information on upcoming tour dates for Spectro Alloys. Chief of Police Kalstabakken provided an update on the coyote sightings on local trails. He planned to bring forward a request to allow authorization for staff to contract with a wildlife specialist as needed at the next City Council meeting. Council Member Shoe Corrigan provided information on a proposed aquatic center in Lakeville. Discussion ensued regarding amenities in Rosemount. Council Member Kearney stated he attended an RAAA meeting and received preliminary numbers on participants. He planned to bring a preliminary analysis to the July work session for discussion. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 15, 2011 ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 11:01 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk