HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Approve contracts for new Fire Pumper TruckAGENDA ITEM: Approve contracts for new Fire Pumper Truck AGENDA SECTION: A) I1 1 PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator with Jim Voelker, Assistant Fire Chief AGENDA NO. IA. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Description of proposed new fire pumper truck by Assistant Chief Jim Voelker; interlocal contract with HGAC Buy; contract with General Safety Equipment LLC; packet information from November 10, 2010 Council packet APPROVED BY: Di RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the resolution authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an Interlocal Contract with HGAC and a contract with General Safety Equipment LLC to purchase a new Fire Pumper Truck 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: February 15, 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BACKGROUND: The City Council met with the Fire Department on September 28, 2010 at Fire Station 1 and heard a presentation on Fire Department equipment needs, including a replacement fire pumper truck for the current 25 year old pumper truck. On November 10, more detailed information was presented to the Council as a part of the Capital Improvements Program update. Economic and operational considerations indicated that a new vehicle should be acquired at this time (see memo dated November 5, 2010). DISCUSSION: Proposed Contract The Fire Department has identified an organization that bids Public Safety and Public Works vehicles on a national basis known as H -GAC (Houston Galveston Area Council) which is a 13 county association of local governments in the Houston, TX area. H -GAC has formed a national purchasing consortium known as HGACBuy. Their information indicates that they receive bids for Fire Trucks from 22 companies in 37 states, including companies that serve Minnesota, Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest. Area cities that have purchased from HGACBuy include Apple Valley, St. Louis Park, Edina, and Stillwater. In effect, this consortium operates like a much larger version of the state purchasing program which we used to buy two pickup trucks recently. For fire pumper trucks, a base bid is sought along with individual bid costs on a variety of options. The Rosemount Fire Department has developed its highly detailed desired specifications for a new pumper truck. The specs are 143 pages long and can be provided to the Council if you wish to review them. Assistant Chief Jim Voelker has provided a summary of the new truck (see attachment). HGACBuy has a bid on a specific pumper truck that, with certain bid options, meets our specifications. This particular pumper truck is a Rosenbauer model that is made by General Safety Equipment LLC of Wyoming, MN. One other specific truck by Central States company was investigated on the HGACBuy program that is nominally $29,000 cheaper on the base bid comparison. However, upon further review, its aluminum structure is less thick and the provided warranties are materially less desirable. The base bids of several other companies that the Fire Department investigated were similar or greater in cost. Cost and Source of Funding The cost of the Fire Pumper truck contract is $524,994. A few contingency items or modifications may be needed once the truck is under construction and is delivered. The budgeted amount in the 2011 CIP is $550,000. We believe that the final cost will be under $530,000. Delivery of the truck would occur late in 2011. The source of funds will be the Equipment Capital Improvement Fund. Since the need for this truck has been evident for several years, we have been able to carefully plan the current and future funding of this fund to be able to accommodate this purchase on a cash basis rather than have to borrow for it. Furthermore, because this new Fire Pumper truck will also be equipped for rescue duty, the City will be able to replace one of its current rescue trucks in 2016 with a significantly smaller vehicle, saving approximately $160,000 in 2016 compared with the current projection. Finally, the Fire Department is still investigating re -sale opportunities for the current fire pumper and already has found some interest from at least one company. Any proceeds from re -sale will further reduce the net cost of the new vehicle. Since the construction of a new truck takes many months of lead time, we would like to proceed with ordering a new truck before we have a final disposition for the current truck. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION Assistant Chief Jim Voelker and the truck committee of the Fire Department have done an excellent job in researching and developing very detailed specifications for the new Fire Pumper truck. They have volunteered many hours to organize this effort. It is recommended that the City Council approve the proposed contract with HGACBuy to purchase a new Fire Pumper truck. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO ENTER INTO A CONTRACT WITH HGAC AND GENERAL SAFETY EQUIPMENT LLC TO PURCHASE A FIRE PUMPER TRUCK WHEREAS, the Rosemount Fire Department has prepared specifications for the replacement of a Fire Pumper Truck; and, WHEREAS, the Houston Galveston Area Council (HGAC) is a consortium of local governments that conducts nationwide bidding on public safety and public works equipment; and, WHEREAS, HGAC has conducted bidding on a Fire Pumper Truck built by General Safety Equipment LLC that meets the specifications of the Rosemount Fire Department; and, WHEREAS, the bid for the Fire Pumper Truck from HGAC is under the amount budgeted in the City's adopted Capital Improvements Program for 2011; and, WHEREAS, sufficient funds are available in the City's Equipment CIP Fund for the acquisition of this vehicle; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into a contract with HGAC and General Safety Equipment LLC of Wyoming, MN for the purchase of a Fire Pumper Truck. ADOPTED this 15 day of February, 2011 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk William H. Droste, Mayor Description of proposed new fire pumper truck The Rosemount Fire Department is requesting approval to purchase, through the HGAC Buy program, a 2011 Rosenbauer fire truck built by General Safety Fire Apparatus in Wyoming, Minnesota. This program is a nationwide buying consortium based in Houston TX. A truck committee comprised of 9 Rosemount firefighters along with the truck vendor has written a detailed specification comprised of 143 pages of details regarding the proposed truck. Here are a few of the highlighted details. The truck is a Spartan Gladiator chassis with a Rosenbauer aluminum body. The truck has 7 cabinets, with rollup doors that will carry our various tools and equipment. The engine is a pre -2010 emissions C -13 Cat engine. The truck will have a 1000 gallon water tank with a 1500 gallon per minute pump, this would be an improvement from the 1250 gallons per minute that we currently have, for pumping the water at fires. This truck will also have a 10K hydraulic driven generator. We will have 1 transverse cabinet behind the cab for backboards, pike poles and a step ladder. The cabinet on the left side next to the pump operator's panel will have the appliances such as nozzles, hose couplers and hose adapters in a 4 drawer cabinet to keep them from the elements. Also, in this cabinet will be 4 spare SCBA's (self contained breathing apparatus). The middle cabinet on the left side will house 4 different saws. The last cabinet on the left side will have 2 fire extinguishers. On the 2 slide out boards we will be carrying our Rescue Jacks taken off of the current rescue truck for vehicle stabilization at motor vehicle accidents. This will help utilize this truck by having extrication tools and water on one truck in case of fires at accidents and in turn reduce the amount of trucks needed at the scene. On the right side of the truck we will also be able to access the backboards and pike poles through the other side of the front transverse cabinet. The next cabinet back on the right side will be for our apartment pack hose bundles and the RIT (rapid intervention team) tools. The center cabinet on the right side will be for wood cribbing, which is used in motor vehicle accidents. The back cabinet on the right side will be for our extrication tools and a hydraulic pump, most of which were previously housed on a different truck once again utilizing one truck. The hose reels for the extrication tools will be in the compartments above this cabinet; this will help maximize the lower cabinets. The cabinet in the back of the truck will carry our 2 positive pressure fans and will also have the 120 volt electric cord reel. Below the rear bumper will be a class V towing receiver with a light hookup for towing trailers if called upon. This truck will also have a left side accessible drop down ladder rack carrying 3 different ladders and longer pike poles. Also, on the ladder rack we have incorporated a compartment that will have a 2500 gallon collapsible water tank for non hydrated rural fires. This truck will carry 1800 ft of hose that is currently on our existing engine truck. 800 feet of 1.75 inch, 600 feet of 2.5 inch and 400 feet of 4 inch hose. On the top will be a 1500 gallon per minute rated deck gun nozzle that can be operated with a remote control. #I G A C B u y INTERLOCAL CONTRACT THE SMART •URCNASINO SOLUTION FOR COOPERATIVE PURCHASING THIS INTERLOCAL CONTRACT "Contract made and entered into pursuant to the Texas Interlocal Cooperation Act, Chapter 791, Texas Government Code (the "Act by and between the Houston Galveston Area Council, hereinafter referred to as "H- GAC," having its principal place of business at 3555 Timmons Lane, Suite 120, Houston, Texas 77027, and a local government, a state agency, or a non profit corporation created and operated to provide one or more governmental functions and services, hereinafter referred to as "End User," having its principal place of business at WITNESSETH WHEREAS, H -GAC is a regional planning commission and political subdivision of the State of Texas operating under Chapter 391, Texas Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, H -GAC is authorized to contract with eligible entities to perform governmental functions and services, including the purchase of goods and services; and WHEREAS, in reliance on such authority, H -GAC has instituted a cooperative purchasing program under which it contracts with eligible entities under the Act; and WHEREAS, End User has represented that it is an eligible entity under the Act, that its governing body has authorized this Contract on (Date), and that it desires to contract with H -GAC on the terms set forth below; NOW, THEREFORE, H -GAC and the End User do hereby agree as follows: ILC No.: Permanent Number assigned by H -GAC ARTICLE 1: LEGAL AUTHORITY The End User represents and warrants to H -GAC that (1) it is eligible to contract with H -GAC under the Act because it is one of the following: a local government, as defined in the Act (a county, a municipality, a special district, or other political subdivision of the State of Texas or any other state), or a combination of two or more of those entities, a state agency (an agency of the State of Texas as defined in Section 771.002 of the Texas Government Code, or a similar agency of another state), or a non profit corporation created and operated to provide one or more governmental functions and services, and (2) it possesses adequate legal authority to enter into this Contract. ARTICLE 2: APPLICABLE LAWS H -GAC and the End User agree to conduct all activities under this Contract in accordance with all applicable rules, regulations, and ordinances and laws in effect or promulgated during the term of this Contract. ARTICLE 3: WHOLE AGREEMENT This Contract and any attachments, as provided herein, constitute the complete contract between the parties hereto, and supersede any and all oral and written agreements between the parties relating to matters herein. ARTICLE 4: PERFORMANCE PERIOD The period of this Contract shall be for the balance of the fiscal year of the End User, which began and ends This Contract shall thereafter automatically be renewed annually for each succeeding fiscal year, provided that such renewal shall not have the effect of extending the period in which the End User may make any payment due an H- GAC contractor beyond the fiscal year in which such obligation was incurred under this Contract. ARTICLE 5: SCOPE OF SERVICES The End User appoints H -GAC its true and lawful purchasing agent for the purchase of certain products and services through the H- GAC Cooperative Purchasing Program. End User will access the Program through HGACBuv. com and by submission of any duly executed purchase order, in the form prescribed by H -GAC to a contractor having a valid contract with H -GAC. All purchases hereunder shall be in accordance with specifications and contract terms and pricing established by H -GAC. Ownership (title) to products purchased through H -GAC shall transfer directly from the contractor to the End User. (over) ARTICLE 6: PAYMENTS H -GAC will confirm each order and issue notice to contractor to proceed. Upon delivery of goods or services purchased, and presentation of a properly documented invoice, the End User shall promptly, and in any case within thirty (30) days, pay H -GAC's contractor the full amount of the invoice. All payments for goods or services will be made from current revenues available to the paying party. In no event shall H -GAC have any financial liability to the End User for any goods or services End User procures from an H- GAC contractor. ARTICLE 7: CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS This Contract may be amended only by a written amendment executed by both parties, except that any alternations, additions, or deletions to the terms of this Contract which are required by changes in Federal and State law or regulations are automatically incorporated into this Contract without written amendment hereto and shall become effective on the date designated by such law or regulation. H -GAC reserves the right to make changes in the scope of products and services offered through the H -GAC Cooperative Purchasing Program to be performed hereunder. ARTICLE 8: TERMINATION PROCEDURES H -GAC or the End User may cancel this Contract at any time upon thirty (30) days written notice by certified mail to the other party to this Contract. The obligations of the End User, including its obligation to pay H -GAC's contractor for all costs incurred under this Contract prior to such notice shall survive such cancellation, as well as any other obligation incurred under this Contract, until performed or discharged by the End User. ARTICLE 9: SEVERABILITY All parties agree that should any provision of this Contract be determined to be invalid or unenforceable, such determination shall not affect any other term of this Contract, which shall continue in full force and effect. ARTICLE 10: FORCE MAJEURE To the extent that either party to this Contract shall be wholly or partially prevented from the performance within the term specified of any obligation or duty placed on such party by reason of or through strikes, stoppage of labor, riot, fire, flood, acts of war, insurrection, accident, order of any court, act of God, or specific cause reasonably beyond the party's control and not attributable to its neglect or nonfeasance, in such event, the time for the performance of such obligation or duty shall be suspended until such disability to perform is removed; provided, however, force majeure shall not excuse an obligation solely to pay funds. Determination of force majeure shall rest solely with H -GAC. ARTICLE 11: VENUE Disputes between procuring party and Vendor are to be resolved in accord with the law and venue rules of the State of purchase. THIS INSTRUMENT HAS BEEN EXECUTED IN TWO ORIGINALS BY THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: Houston Galveston Area Council 3555 Timmons Lane, Suite 120, Houston, TX 77027 Name of End User (local government, agency, or non profit corporation) B Executive Director Mailing Address City State ZIP Code *B Signature of chief elected or appointed official Typed Name Title of Signatory Date Date: Attest: Date: *Denotes required fields Manager rev. 7/07 To expedite service, please complete the following blanks relevant to your agency's administrative /elective personnel and return the completed form to H -GAC, Cooperative Purchasing Program, P.O. Box 22777, Houston, TX 77227 -2777. Name of End User Agency: County Name: (Municipality County District etc.) Mailing Address: (Street Address /P.O. Box) (City) (State) (ZIP Code) Main Telephone Number: FAX Number: Physical Address: (Street Address, if different from mailing address) (City) (State) (ZIP Code) Web Site Address: Authorized Official: Title: (City manager Executive Director etc.) Ph No.: Mailing Address: Fx No.: (Street Address/P.0. Box) E -Mail Address: (City) Official Contact: Mailing Address: (City) (City) (City) *Request for Information (State) (ZIP Code) (Purchasing Agent /Auditor etc.) (Street Address /P.O. Box) (State) (ZIP Code) Title: Ph No.: Fx No.: Email Address: Official Contact: Title: (Public Works Director /Police Chief etc) Ph No.: Mailing Address: Fx No.: (Street Address /P.0. Box) Email Address: (State) (ZIP Code) Official Contact: Title: (EMS Director /Fire Chief etc.) Ph No.: Mailing Address: Fx No.: (Street Address/P.0. Box) Email Address: (State) (ZIP Code) rosenhauer Firefighting Technology To: City of Rosemount 2875 145 St West Rosemount, MN 55068 We hereby propose and agree to furnish, after your acceptance of this proposal and the proper execution by the City of Rosemount, hereinafter called the BUYER and an officer of General Safety Equipment LLC, a division subsidiary of Rosenbauer America, hereinafter called the COMPANY, the following apparatus and equipment: Rosenbauer General Safety Heavy Duty Pumper Body Spartan Gladiator ELFD chassis $295,603.00 $229,341.00 TOTAL $524,944.00 Five Hundred Twenty Four Thousand Nine Hundred Forty Four Dollars and 00 /100. All of which are to be built in accordance with the specifications and drawing attached which are made a part of this agreement and contract. Total contract price includes required HGAC interlocal agreement fee and also apparatus familiarization class. Price also includes painted stainless steel wheel liners and painted stainless steel upper headers. *CHASSIS IS TO BE PROGESS PAID FOR IN THE AMOUNT SHOWN ABOVE UPONS ITS COMPLETION AND ARRIVAL AT THE APPARATUS MANUFACTURERS FACILITY OR ADDITIONAL INTEREST CHARGES MAY APPLY. A PRE -2010 EMMISSIONS BIG BORE CAT ENGINE HAS BEEN PROPOSED AND CHASSIS AVAILABILTY AND PRICING IS SUBJECT TO PRIOR ENGINE SALE. Delivery: The estimated delivery time for the completed apparatus, is to be made 295 calendar days after receipt of and approval of this contract duly executed, (Chassis must arrive within 180 days or delivery may be delayed) subject to all causes beyond the Company's control. The quoted delivery time is based upon our receipt of the specified materials required to produce the apparatus in a timely manner. The Company can not be held responsible for delays due to Acts of God, Labor Strikes, or Changes in Governmental Regulations that result in delayed delivery to our manufacturing facilities of these specified materials. This delivery estimate is based on the Company receiving complete and accurate paperwork from the Buyer and that no major changes take place during pre construction, mid point inspections or final inspections. Changes required or requested by the Buyer during the construction process may be cause for an increase in the number of days required to build said apparatus. Payment Terms: Final payment for the apparatus shall be made at time of final inspection and pick up of the completed vehicle. It is the responsibility of the Buyer to have full payment ready when the apparatus is complete and ready to pick up. If payment is delayed or delivery is delayed pending payment, a daily finance and storage fee may apply. Upon pick up of the apparatus by the Buyer, Buyer agrees to provide all liability and physical damage insurance. It is further agreed that if on delivery and test, any defects should develop, the Company shall be given reasonable time to correct same. Guarantee of the chassis is subject to the guarantee of the chassis manufacturer. The amount in this proposal shall remain firm for a period of 30 days from the date of same. Respectfully submitted, BUYER BIDDER GENERAL SAFETY FIRE APPARATUS INC. We accept the above Proposal and enter into contract with signature below. Dealer Title Title Date Dealership Principal GENERAL SAFETY EOUIPMENT LLC. Title Date Date: 01 26 11 After company receipt of this document signed by the Buyer, the document will be reviewed and upon approval, countersigned by the Company putting the document in force. 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL M E M O R A N D U M To: Mayor and City Council From: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator Date: November 5, 2010 Subject: Summary of Engine 11 Replacement Considerations Attached are some informational items from the Fire Department and maintenance staff regarding the possible replacement of Engine 11. This brief memo summarizes some of the considerations for staff in recommending the replacement of this vehicle in 2011. Engine 11 is a Fire Pumper that operates out of Station 1. It is a front line response vehicle, not a reserve truck. It will be 25 years old in 2011. 1. Based on information from suppliers, price increases may accelerate in coming years. From 2005 to 2008, prices increased by about 6% annually. Companies indicate 3 to 5% increase in 2011 but predict larger increases in 2012 and beyond. New NFPA standards may be required in 2012. Price per year may be a valid way to review the options. Examples: Current Cost for 2011 is $550,000. Cost per year is $550,000/25 years= $22,000 /yr If cost is $583,000 in 2012 +6 cost per year is $583000/26 years =22,423 /yr If costs climb 6% for 5 years, cost per year is ($550,000 *1.338) $736000/30 yrs= 24,533/yr If no inflation for 5 years, cost per year is $550,000/30 yrs= $18,333/yr 2. Parts harder to find 3. Less predictable performance 4. Only one or two other cities in a recent survey keep this type of vehicle Longer than 25 years. 5. Current truck may still have residual value now; less likely in future years. 6. Newer trucks are more firefighter friendly. Ex. Enough space to put on SCBA gear in the truck. 7. Intangibles: effect on recruitment /retention 8. The current Engine 11 is in good shape for its age, and we have no objective reason to believe it won't last another year. Items 1 should be the considerations for replacing it now, not that it can't last another year. Johnson, Dwight From: Sent: To: Subject: Dwight, 2005 8% 2006 7% 2007 7% 2008 5% 2009 5% 2010 5% 2011 +3 -5% Voelker, Jim Wednesday, November 03, 2010 3:55 PM Johnson, Dwight Price increases I talked to three different fire apparatus vendors and all three had different estimates on the price increases in the last six years and into the future. I am going to try and explain the different vendors reasoning for the increased prices in the past and into the future. Since 2005 E -1 fire trucks have had the following increases due to metal price increases, new NFPA requirements and also the new engine emissions price factors. From Pierce Fire Apparatus the increases have been. 2005 2007 6% plus a $10,000 metal surcharge 2008 5% 2009 no increase 2010 +4% 2011 +3 -4% From Rosenbauer Fire Apparatus the increases have been. 2005 2010 +3.5% 2007 7,000 for engine emissions 2009 7,000 for NFPA standards 2010 25,000 for engine emissions There will also be an NFPA Standards increase in 2012 from what the manufacturers are hearing. Hopefully these numbers help you, let me know if you need anything else. Jim Voelker Assistant Fire Chief, City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 jim.voelker ci.rosemount.mn.us 651- 322- 2067(office) 612-414-0721(cell) 1 Engine 11 is a 1986 Ford L -9000, it was refurbished in 2002 with some repairs, body work and new paint to extend the life of this apparatus. As with any vehicle that is over 24 years old it is now starting to show its age with the inability to get parts for any needed repairs, that was found by the Cities Mechanic when he had to locate parts on the cab. The wiring is also starting to deteriorate as we found in a repair that was done in March for the siren that cost $2437. This truck has never had any major engine or transmission work done to it but could give us problems at any time. E -11 has 42,657 miles and 3361 hours on the truck, the hours are more realistic than the miles because of the engine is running while pumping water for fires and also training. The way that the cab is configured on this age of an apparatus it is difficult if not impossible for Firefighters to safely don their SCBA's because of the close quarters of the back of the cab. With the new fire engines the cabs are much more spacious for this to be done while enroute to a fire, where as we all know time is precious. E -11 is at an age where we could possibly get some money for it, if sold to an outstate agency. 2010 Equipment Replacement Schedules 'Woodbury 4.11111, [White Bear Lake [West Metro 'South Metro 'Shoreview 'Shakopee 'Savage A IP. 'Rosemount 7 [Ramsey 'Oakdale 'Prior Lake (Minnetonka 1 'Maple Grove 'Lakeville 'Hastings 1 'Golden Valley 'Edina 'Eagan Cottage Grove 1 'Burnsville 'Brooklyn Center I Apple Valley !Andover City Name Ito 2012 and 2013 'currently extended 115 years in 2000; 120 years 110 -15 years 110 years reserve 110 years front line 120 years 120 years 120 years 120 years 120-25 years (20 years (20 years sunder review 125 years 20 years 20 years 125 years 25-30 22 years 20 years 20 years 30 years 20 years 20 years 21 years 20 -25 years Engines INA 'rebuilt in 2000 'current is 29 years INA I NA 125 years 120 years 120 years 120 -25 years 120 years INA [under review 1 [25 years INA 20 years 30 years NA NA NA 20 years 30 years NA NA NA 20 years Watertenders 120 years 120 -25 years 120 years P5 years 125 years 120 years 125 years 120 -25 years 125 years 120 years 1under review 125 years '35 years 125 years 30 years 30 years 25 years 20 -25 years 20-25 years 30 years 20 years 25 years 21 years 25 years Ladder Trucks 18 years 110 years 1 NA 16 years reserve 16 years front line 112 years INA INA INA 1 NA 'NA 18 years INA (NA NA NA 9 years NA 6 years N/A 2 years reserve 4 years front line NA NA 1 NA Ambulances 1 115 years 120-25 years INA INA 115 years 110 years 110 years 110 years 115 years 115 years 112 years 17 years 10 years 20 years 15-20 years 12 years 15 years 10 years 20 years 10 years 1 25 years 10 years 10 years Brush Trucks 1 110 years 1 110 years 110 years 110 years 115 years 110 years 1 110 years 'current is 12 110 years 110 years 16 years 110 years 7 years 7-10 years 9 years 10 years 1 8 -10 years 10 years 10 years 15 years 1 10 years 5 years 10 years 10 years I Chiefs Vehicles 1 2010 Equipment Replacement Schedules ID 9183 Description ENGINE 11 (35183) Manufacturer FORD Maintenance Details Activity 480 Equipment Maintenance Date 09/10/2010 Total Cost $65.24 Details Replace bulb for right side scene Tight. Parts: Q500T3 Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 08 /27/2010 Total Cost $35.00 Details Removed radio, found and repaired loose connection. Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 08/09/2010 Total Cost $18.50 Details Panel lights out. Replaced bulbs. Parts: 1156 Model L9000 Model Year 1986 Odometer 42,974 4 ROSEMOLINT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 08 /09/2010 Total Cost $828.70 Details Brake shoes separating. Replaced brake shoes and drums. Parts: 3699, EXPK4515QE, E5977L, E7895L Activity 003 General Service Date 07/21/2010 Total Cost $735.13 Details Emergency Apparatus annual pump service. See attached. Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 07/21/2010 Total Cost $159.65 Details Front suction drain still won't open. Replace front suction drain valve. Parts: NO110 Activity 475 Equipment Repair Total Cost $70.00 Details Front suction drain won't open. Lube drain. Activity 475 Equipment Repair Total Cost $52.50 Details Repaired left marker stick on bumper. Activity 480 Equipment Maintenance Total Cost $26.25 Details Fill all tires to 100 P5I. Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Report Title: Mainenance Summary Rosemount Date 07/07/2010 Date 06/01 /2010 Date 05/04/2010 Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 02/19/2010 Total Cost $2,437.27 Details EAM service to lights and water tank. See attached for details. ID 9183 Description ENGINE 11 (35183) Manufacturer FORD Activity 003 General Service Date 11/12/2009 Total Cost $275.61 Details Service generator 40 hours. Parts: 87778, 86118, 86120, 85970, 15W40 (21 qts), 10W30, 85358 Maintenance Details Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 01/28/2010 Total Cost $103.18 Details Had to make a new door stop can no longer get parts. Parts: CPS80076 Activity 480 Equipment Maintenance Total Cost $84.00 Details Repair rear scene light. Date 10/01/2009 Activity 480 Equipment Maintenance Date 08/19/2009 Total Cost $780.39 Details Serviced by Emergency Apparatus. See attached for details. Activity 480 Equipment Maintenance Date 06/09/2009 Total Cost $188.49 Details Replace chain on chop saw. Parts: 99988800045 Activity 475 Equipment Repair Total Cost $66.00 Details Replace auto air eject. Parts: 2800 -1360 Date 04/28/2009 Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 03/31/2009 Total Cost 838.37 Details Repair hose cap chains, right side. Parts: D6 (s- hooks) Model L9000 Model Year 1986 Odometer 42,974 Activity 003 General Service Date 10/14/2008 Total Cost $256.07 Details Service generator 29 hours. Parts: 87778, 86118, 86120, 85970, 15W40 (22 qts), 10W30, 85358 Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 09/10/2008 Total Cost $1,821.53 Details Replace P/S assist cylinder. Parts: E4HZ3A540B, RGTL2OSV8282A13 Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 12/20/2007 Total Cost $112.81 Details Repair RR Rood light. Repair LR flood Tight. tube passenger side seat belt latch. Parts: H5OTL12, CIB -4537 Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 10/04/2007 Total Cost $24.00 Details Repair two compartement lights. Check rear tire air. Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Report Title: Malnenance Summary Rosemount ID 9183 Description ENGINE 11 (35183) Manufacturer FORD Activity 475 Equipment Repair Total Cost $24.00 Details Repair RR door latch. Activity 480 Equipment Maintenance Total Cost $72.00 Details Clean front suction hose drain valve. Activity 499 Miscellaneous Total Cost $9,557.00 Details Historical data from Manager Plus Activity 003 General Service Total Cost Details General service. Total Cost $19,244 Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Report Title: Mainenance Summary Rosemount Maintenance Details Date 09/05/2007 Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 04/25/2007 Total Cost $24.00 Details Right windshield wiper doesn't work. Check front tire pressure. Valve cap missing. Done Bill Murphy Activity 480 Equipment Maintenance Date 01/02/2007 Total Cost $24.00 Details Tighten rear door hinges. Tighten packing on heater core valves. Activity 475 Equipment Repair Date 12/05/2006 Total Cost $1,364.00 Details Check for oil leak under belly pan. Found oil dripping from primer pump discharge, normal per Mike H. Remove and clean auto air eject. Replace pump drain (part #71803 -3B). Date 11/13/2006 Date 11/01/2006 Date 10/16/2006 Model L9000 Model Year 1986 Odometer 42,974 Activity 480 Equipment Maintenance Date 10/09/2006 Total Cost Details Change differential lube. Repair right pump compartment Tight. Replace air filter.