HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.m. U.S. Home Corporation Request for Approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Outlot G, Pretwick Plan from MDR - Medium Density Residentail to LDS - Low Density Residential, Case 11-05-CPAGENDA ITEM: Case 11 -05 -CP U.S. Homes Corporation. Request Approval of a Comprehensive Plan Amendment for Outlot G, Prestwick Plan from MDR Medium Density Residential to LDR Low Density Residential. AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, AICP Planner AGENDA NO. to I l ATTACHMENTS: 4 -26 -11 Draft Excerpt PC Minutes, Resolution, Site Map, Existing and Proposed Land Use Map, AUAR Concept Plan, Concept Plan for Outlot G, Prestwick Place, Comments from Dakota County APPROVED BY: on.) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve a resolution granting a comprehensive plan amendment changing the future land use designation of Outlot G, Prestwick Place from MDR Medium Density Residential to LDR Low Density Residential subject to condition. 4 ROSEMOUNT SUMMARY Applicant: Location: Area in Acres: Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Current Zoning: CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: May 17, 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY U.S. Homes Corporation (Lennar) Outlot G, Prestwick Place. West of Akron Avenue, north of County Road 42, and south of the future extension of Connemara Trail. 27.32 Acres MDR Medium Density Residential R -3 Medium Density Residential with the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development (PUD) The applicant, U.S. Homes Corporation (Lennar), requests approval of a comprehensive plan amendment to change the future land use designation of Outlot G, Prestwick Place from MDR Medium Density Residential to LDR Low Density Residential. Should the City approve the comprehensive plan amendment, the application will move on to the Metropolitan Council for final approval. It is anticipated that, upon City approval, the applicant will begin the review and approval process for a major planned unit development (PUD) amendment, preliminary plat and final plat applications. Any future approvals will be contingent upon Comprehensive Plan amendment approval by the Metropolitan Council. BACKGROUND In 2007, the City adopted the CSAH 42 /Akron Avenue Alternative Urban Areawide Review (AUAR) which depicted the future development of 1,500 acres of land east of the Bloomfield neighborhood and south of Bonaire Path, including the subject property. Scenario 1 of the AUAR (see attached map) shows commercial development north of the intersection of Akron Avenue and County Road 42 surrounded by residential land uses that transition from high to medium and then to low density residential as you move away from the commercial nodes. The land uses shown in Scenario 1 were adopted in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Later in 2007, the City approved the Prestwick Place preliminary plat that generally followed the land uses of Scenario 1 for the 80 acres northwest and 80 acres northeast of Akron Avenue and County Road 42. The modified land use boundaries of the Prestwick Place plat were adopted by the City in its 2030 Comprehensive Plan. This modification shows that the land uses depicted in Scenario 1 of the AUAR are meant as a generalized land use boundaries with each land use roughly proportional to the AUAR scenario but not necessarily in the exact location with a definitive border. The final land use boundaries for development are affected by the housing market at the time of development, the infrastructure available to support development, and the economic reality of the two. Staff has been told that the current housing market has many available, vacant townhouse lots while the single family lot inventory in Dakota County, and specifically Rosemount, is low. In 2009 municipal sewer and water were installed in Akron Avenue. In 2010 Akron Avenue was paved and constructed as needed to support development in the area. For all these reasons, residential development is attracted to this area. However, the residential demand is for single family housing, not additional townhouses or apartments. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission reviewed this item on April 26, 2011. An excerpt of the draft minutes from that meeting is attached for your reference. After a presentation from staff, the Commission held a public hearing that produced no comments. Commissioner Miller asked about the proposed housing type, how the reduction in density could impact traffic and the adjacent commercial sites, and the applicant's motivation for this change. Planner Lindahl stated the applicant has proposed to build houses similar to the 50' wide product currently being built in Glendalough. Staff went on to say that they do not feel the reduction in density will have a substantial impact on either traffic or development of the adjacent commercial property. Finally, Planner Lindahl stated that according to Lennar, Dakota County in general, and Rosemount specifically have an abundance of townhomes and a shortage of developable single family lots. After hearing confirmation of staff's responses from the applicant, the Commission voted six (6) to one (1) to recommend the City Council approve the comprehensive plan amendment from U.S. Homes (Lennar). Commission Miller voted against the motion based on his concerns over amending the comprehensive plan in reaction to changing market conditions. ISSUE ANALYSIS The City adopted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan in November 2009. This document includes the Future Land Use Map which lays out the future land use designations for each property in the community. That map designates the subject property as MDR Medium Density Residential consistent with the approved concept plan depicting 190 attached townhome units creating a development density of nearly 7 units /acre. The proposed amendment calls for approximately 65 single family lots creating a development density of approximately 2.5 units /acre. Below, staff compares the original plan for this property and the current proposal with the goals and policies of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Comments from Surrounding Communities. State law requires local governments to inform surrounding communities of any comprehensive plan amendments. Sixty days from the date of the notice, surrounding governmental units may (but are not required to) provide comments to the City and the Metropolitan Council on how the proposal could impact regional services. 2 Surrounding Future Land Use Designations within Prestwick Place Parcel Direction Designation Status Outlot A, Prestwick Place North LDR Low Density Residential Conforming Outlots C F, Prestwick Place Northwest PO Parks and Open Space Conforming Outlots E D, Prestwick Place West LDR Low Density Residential Conforming Outlot I, Prestwick Place East C Commercial Conforming The City distributed notice of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment to surrounding local governments on April 6, 2011. To date, the City has received responses from six of the 14 governmental units. Of these responses, only Dakota County provided comments. These comments will be included with the formal comprehensive plan amendment application to the Met Council. Dakota County's comments (see attached) focused on two issues: future expansion of County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) and future development of a greenway from Lebanon Hills Park to a new regional park in Empire Township. First, the Rosemount /Empire /UMore Area Transportation Study found that Akron Avenue will become a more significant highway in the future. While any future expansion of Akron will not directly impact the subject property, the City will continue to work with Dakota County to plan for any future expansion of Akron Avenue. Second, the County also noted that, while a master plan and alignment haven yet to be completed, it is anticipated that a greenway between Lebanon Hill Park and a new regional park in Empire Township will pass through the Prestwick Place development and could include an underpass beneath County Road 42. Until a master plan and alignment are completed, it is difficult to plan for a greenway within Prestwick Place. The City will continue to work with the County through the master planning process to identify an acceptable alignment for any future greenway. Existing and Proposed Land Use. Staff finds the proposal to re -guide the subject property from MDR Medium Density Residential to LDR Low Density Residential consistent with the overall goals and policies of the 2030 Comprehensive plan. Specifically, staff finds the proposal consistent with the over arching goals listed below. 1. Maintain a manageable and reasonable growth rate that does not adversely impact the delivery of services but allows the community to grow and become more diverse from now until 2030. 2. Preserve the existing rural residential areas designed in the comprehensive plan and increase housing opportunities in the community to attain a balance of life cycle housing options. 3. Preserve natural resources and open space with the community and ensure development does not adversely impact on -going agricultural uses until urban services are available. Staff also finds the proposed LDR Low Density Residential Development classification consistent with the surrounding proposed land uses. The future land use designations of the surrounding parcels are detailed in the table below. Finally, staff finds the density of the proposed LDR Low Density Residential land use classification consistent with the goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The 2030 Comprehensive Plans call for residential development in Rosemount to average 3.8 units per acre over the minimum required by the Metropolitan Council. The proposed amendment would reduce the density of the subject property from 6.9 units /acre to 2.5 units /acre. Staff believes that future development of other parcels within the Prestwick Place can make up for the density reductions associated with this application. 3 This request raises a larger issue that many communities, and the Metropolitan Council, will be facing with the changing housing market When the City adopted the Comprehensive Plan, many of the land owners were requesting multi- family housing designations. The cost of single family housing was becoming unaffordable for some residents and an attached homeownership product was economical. Changes in the economy and lending have shifted demand from multi- family housing to single family homes. While staff wants to have a mix of housing options, and provide differing densities and product types in our neighborhoods, all developers talking to staff about potential subdivisions are looking at detached single family housing products. Presently Rosemount has an abundance of multi- family housing options approved in Harmony and conceptually approved in Prestwick Place. At this time the inventory of single family lots is low. Recognizing that the Comprehensive Plan land uses reflect a market that has substantially changed, and that the current single family lot inventory is low, additional new lots should be added to our community. Housing Type Staff finds the proposed re- guiding the subject property from MRD Medium Density Residential to LDR Low Density Residential will produce a housing product consistent with goals and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The original concept plan for the subject property called for a mixture of attached Manor and Rowhouse style townhomes. The proposed LDR land use designation allows for 1 to 5 units /acre. The associated concept plat calls for 65 to 67 single family lots with dimensions of 65' wide by 130' to 140' deep. The applicant has proposed to build a 50' wide single family product similar to homes constructed in the most recent phases of Glendalough. RECOMMENDATION Both the Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of a comprehensive plan amendment to change the future land use designation of Outlot G, Prestwick Place from MDR Medium Density Residential to LDR Low Density Residential. This recommendation is based on the information provided by the applicant and the findings made in this report. Should the City approve the comp plan amendment, the application will move on to the Metropolitan Council for final approval. It is anticipated that, upon Council approval, the applicant will begin the review and approval process for a major planned unit development (PUD) amendment, preliminary plat and final plat applications. Any future approvals will be contingent upon Comprehensive Plan amendment approval by the Metropolitan Council. 4 EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 26, 2011 a. Request by U.S. Home Corporation for a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment (11 05 CP). U.S. Home Corporation Lennar) has submitted an application for a comprehensive guide plan amendment to change the land use designation for a 27 acre parcel in Prestwick Place from Medium Density Residential to Low Density Residential to construct approximately 65 single family homes. Commissioner Miller asked what the unit size was; how changing the density will affect the traffic volume and the lots closest to the highway; how reducing the density will affect the economic impact of the commercial area; and what was Lennar's motivation was behind the density reduction. In response, Mr. Lindahl replied that Lennar had looked at a smaller house design, similar to the Glendalough neighborhood, at 50 feet wide within a 65 foot lot, but that detail will be discussed more during the PUD amendment stage. With respect to the traffic in the area, Mr. Lindahl stated that staff is confident that decreasing the density will not have an adverse affect of the traffic in the neighborhood. He further stated that traffic will be buffered from the lots adjacent to the highway with berming and landscaping and the lots will be at a greater depth in that area. Mr. Lindahl stated that staff anticipates that the businesses in Prestwick would draw from a larger trade area then just this development and any type of residential development in this area would encourage commercial development. To answer the question about Lennar's reason for the change, Mr. Lindahl stated that with the change in the housing market, there is a shortage of single family homes in Rosemount and Dakota County but the applicant could provide a more detail response. In addition, Senior Planner Zweber gave a brief background of Lennar's building history and current status of multiple family housing projects within Rosemount. Commissioner Powell stated his concern with losing commercial possibilities due to the reduction in density and with the berming and landscaping to screen' the homes from the highway. Mr. Lindahl showed the Commission on the land use map where other medium density housing will be located. Commissioner Powell also asked if there was any infrastructure in Outlot G at this point and Project Engineer Olson replied that there is no infrastructure there at this time. He further stated that the design plans and details for the extension of Connemara Trail to Akron Avenue are nearing completion. The application, John Aune, with Lennar, approached the Commissioner and stated he would welcome any questions from the Commission. Commissioner Miller asked for evidence from the applicant as to how Lennar has determined that single family homes are selling faster than townhomes. Mr. Aune replied that in their experience in the metro area, all of Lennar's attached products are struggling and they have had success in the Glendalough community with single family homes. He further stated that certain submarkets are historically higher and Glendalough has been rated number 2 or 3 in the Twin Cities area. Commissioner Miller asked what Lennar will do to make the community a more green sustainable community to coincide with the future UMore development to the south. Mr. Aune stated that Lennar always strives for energy efficient homes and more details on this will be provided in the preliminary plat process. The public hearing was opened at 7:03p.m. There were no public comments. MOTION by Powell to close the public hearing. Second by Kolodziejski. Ayes: 7. Nays: None. Motion approved. The public hearing was closed at 7:03p.m. Commissioner Powell stated there should also be screening of the commercial area to the east of the housing development. MOTION by Powell to recommend the City Council approve a comprehensive plan amendment to change the future land use designation of Outlot G, Prestwick Place from MDR Medium Density Residential to LDR Low Density Residential subject to the following condition: 1. Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment by the Metropolitan Council. Second by Demuth. Ayes: 6. Nays: 1 (Miller). Motion carried. Planner Lindahl stated this item will go before the City Council on May 17, 2011. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR PRESTWICK PLACE 3rd ADDITION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount has received an application from U.S. Home Corporation (Lennar) requesting a Comprehensive Plan Amendment concerning property legally described as follows: OUTLOT G, PRESTWICK PLACE, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA. WHEREAS, on April 26, 2011, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the Comprehensive Plan amendment changing the land use for the property by reguiding it from MDR Medium Density Residential to LDR Low Density Residential; and WHEREAS, on April 26, 2011, the Planning Commission recommended that the City Council adopt an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation for approximately 27 acres south of the future Connemara Trail from MDR Medium Density Residential to LDR Low Density Residential; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2011, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations; and. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to change the land use designation for approximately 27 acres south of the future Connemara Trail from MDR Medium Density Residential to LDR Low Density Residential, subject to the following condition: ADOPTED this 17th day of May, 2011, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: 1. Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment by the Metropolitan Council. Amy Domeier, City Clerk William H. Droste, Mayor Outlot G, Prestwick Place Disclaimer. Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. Mao Scale 1 inch 934 feet 4t (111. 4 ti" LC 1 11 I r at: 11 41W-a1410 0 0 1 1Praglit ct-A =E 6- V 3 A I rcri til 17- H fl1T r7.1'71 1 Frr \J 1 1 1 1 11 9 p i i-s LL_L L LL;1 1 Physical Development Division Lynn Thompson, Director Dakota County Western Service Center 14955 Galaxie Avenue Apple Valley, MN 55124 -8579 952.891.7000 Fax 952.891.7031 www.dakotacounty.us Environmental Mgmt. Department Office of GIS Parks and Open Space Department Surveyor's Office Transit Office Transportation Department Water Resources Department Printed on recycled paper with 30% post consumer waste. AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER May 4, 2011 Jason Lindahl, Planner Community Development Department City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Prestwick Place (U.S. Homes Corporation) Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Dear Mr. Lindahl: Thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment for Prestwick Place. Because we had the opportunity to review a related CPA within Prestwick Place about a year ago, we have very few new comments, except that we are now working on a route for the proposed Greenway that likely will cross County Road 42 in the vicinity of the Prestwick Place neighborhood. Please refer to the enclosed comments from my staff for more details. My staff will be happy to provide any data, information, or maps, as needed. We look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with you and the developer as the project moves ahead. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at (952) 891 -7007 or Planning Supervisor Kurt Chatfield at 9512- 891 -7022. Sincerely, Lynn Director Physical Development Division Enclosure cc: Commissioner Willis E. Branning, District 7 Brandt Richardson, County Administrator rPHTM MAY eon By Dakota County Staff Comments Comprehensive Plan Amendment Prestwick Place: US Homes Corp. May 3, 2011 Avenue, in the general vicinity of the western edge of Prestwick Place, with a desired grade separated crossing at County Road 42. Dakota County staff are looking forward to working with the city to incorporate the greenway either into Prestwick Place or at a nearby location. The proposal appears to have no affect on the Farmland and Natural Areas Program. Office of Water Resources: Groundwater Protection and Contaminated Sites issues No new comments. However, the standard caution applies: If affected soil or water is encountered as work proceeds as outlined in this development proposal, state rules and County ordinances require that work stops so a site investigation can be considered or conducted. Remediation could be required. If affected soil or water is found, or for more information about potential waste sites nearby, for applicable procedures, or other information, please contact the Dakota County Water Resources Office staff at (952) 891 -7532. There were no active wells associated with this property in the County's database, but it is possible that old wells not known to our staff could be found on the site. If so, Dakota County requires that unused wells either be sealed or updated to current standards for use when the property`is transferred. State law requires sellers to disclose information about known wells. Please contact staff in the Dakota County Well Program at (952) 891 -7553 for additional information. Dakota County Staff Comments Comprehensive Plan Amendment Prestwick Place: US Homes Corp. May 3, 2011 Description In the city of Rosemount, U.S. Homes Corporation is proposing a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to change the land use designation in a proposed housing development known as Prestwick Place. The 27 -acre site is west of Akron Avenue, north of County Road 42 and south of the proposed extension of Connemara Trail. The land use designation would change from medium density residential to low density residential. Instead of a more dense land use, the developer now proposes to build 67 single family homes, instead of 186 attached residential homes, on the site known as Outlot G. Dakota County staff were offered the opportunity to review the first CPA (Comprehensive Plan Amendment) for an earlier phase of Prestwick Place in June 2010. Because Outlot G is close to the site that was reviewed a year ago, many comments from Dakota County staff have not changed since then. Transportation issues These comments, made last year, are still valid: Dakota County Transportation staff have been working for some time on draft plans to identify north -south routes that could supplement existing state highways. With the Rosemount /Empire /UMore Area Transportation System Study now complete, it has become apparent that County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) will become a more significant highway, for moving traffic north and south within the county, than was originally planned when considering predicted future development on the north and south sides of CSAH 42. Any future development adjacent to CR 73 should be closely coordinated with the County. In addition: Dakota County has identified the need for a future study of north -south arterial connections in the County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) area. The study will include participating with Mn /DOT and the cities of Eagan, Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount to study the roadway system needs and implications of potential future connections between recommendations of the Rosemount /Empire /UMore Area Transportation system Study (south of CSAH 42) and the Regional Roadway System Visioning Study (north of CSAH 32). Because the number of vehicle trips drops almost by half with the change in designation from medium to low density, there are no traffic concerns. Park and Greenway Issues A regional greenway is proposed for this general area, but a master plan identifying the specific alignment has not yet begun. The greenway traverses several cities and will connect Lebanon Hills Regional Park to the new (as yet un- named) Regional Park in Empire Township. The conceptual alignment of the greenway passes between the Bloomfield neighborhood and Akron