HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Request by McDonald's USA, LLC for a Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit for the Drive-Through to Rebuild the Existing McDoanld's Restaurant, Case 11-10-SP & 11-11-CUPAGENDA ITEM: Case 11 -10 -SP 11 -11 -CUP: Request by McDonald's USA, LLC for a Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit for the Drive Through to Rebuild the Existing McDonald's Restaurant AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Site Map; Color Rendering; p, 9, Survey; Site and Paving Plan; Architectural Cover Sheet; Exterior Elevations; Floor Plan; Landscape Plan; Site Photometrics; Utility Plan; Public Works Memorandum dated April 11; Excerpt from the April 26 Planning Commission Minutes. APPR VED BY: Mel RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Conditional Use Permit for the Drive Through Facilities for McDonald's USA, LLC. 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: May 17, 2011 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE The McDonald's at 15035 Canada Avenue was constructed in 1981 and is being proposed to be demolished and reconstructed with a new McDonald's on the same site. To accomplish this reconstruction, McDonald's is requesting a Site Plan Review approval for site and building and a Conditional Use Permit for the dual drive through lanes. APRIL 26 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING At their April 26 meeting, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing for the McDonalds proposal. No residents spoke during the public hearing. Brent Nasset, McDonald's design consultant from Kimley -Horn, addressed the Commission on behalf of the applicant. Commissioner Irving asked if the existing sign would be changed with this reconstruction. Senior Planner Zweber stated that McDonald's is not currently proposing to change the sign but staff has discussed the current sign standards with the franchise and that a sign can be approved administratively separate from this application, if found compliant with the ordinance standards. Commissioner Miller asked about sustainability issues, inquiring if McDonald's used the "green" design and if there would be a bike rack installed. Mr. Nasset explained the McDonald's design and stated that a bike rack is not proposed to be installed. Commissioner Powell asked for an explanation on how customers parking in the western stalls would walk through the drive- through lane and asked if the water service would be increased during reconstruction. Mr. Nasset explained the parking lot design and stated that the water service would be increased for better fire suppression. The Commissioner questioned the staff proposed standard that the speakers would be inaudible from the property line. Mr. Nasset asked that the standard be as is written in the Ordinance that the public address system be inaudible at the nearest non commercial property line (which would be on the north side of CSAH 42) instead of at the property line. Staff explained the rational for the property line standard is because of the 12 foot wide trail running between McDonald's and CSAH 42 which would contain residents that are not going to McDonald's. Some Commissioners observed that the traffic on CSAH 42 would be louder than the speakers and that no other drive through facility in town has this more stringent standard. The Planning Commission changed the condition in their recommendation to the speaker being inaudible at the nearest non commercial property. The Planning Commission approved the Site Plan for McDonald's with the following conditions: 1. Install a swoosh atrium on the north side of building (facing CSAH 42) similar to the swoosh atrium on the south side of the building (facing private drive), or comparable embellishment for staff review and approval. 2. Increase the parking lot setback to CSAH 42 to a minimum of 30 feet. 3. Install ground cover and landscaping along the north and east property lines to screen the parking area to a height of four feet. 4. Selection and placement of the rooftop mechanical equipment so that the parapet wall shields the equipment from public view. 5. Lighting fixture cut sheets shall be provided to ensure that are a cut -off style of lighting. 6. Non essential lighting shall be turned off after business hours. Since the Planning Commission meeting, McDonald's has revised their plans (attached) to address a number of these conditions. The parking setback has been increased to 31.7 feet. A berm and landscaping is proposed on the north side of the parking lot and landscaping is proposed on the east side of the parking lot to provide the screening required. A cut sheet has been added to the photometric plan to show the shoebox /cut -off style of lighting they will be installing. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the drive through facilities at McDonald's. BACKGROUND The current McDonald's at 15035 Canada Avenue (southwest corner of Canada Avenue and CSAH 42) was constructed in 1981 with the building sitting on the western half of the site, a playland facing the private drive, a single drive through lane between the building and the Pizza Hut to the west, and a double laned parking lot on the eastern half of the site. To improve and modernize the function of the McDonald's, the corporation is proposing to demolish the building and parking lot and reconstruct the building central to the site with the parking lot on the east, north, and west sides of the building. The new McDonald's will still have an interior playland to the south, but will be within the building architecture instead of the glass addition on the existing McDonald's. The new McDonald's will have double drive- through lanes and menu boards while being served by a single lane pick -up windows. To facilitate reconstruction, the Planning Commission has approved the Site Plan Review (with conditions) and has made a recommendation to the City Council for the approval of the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the drive- through facility. The City Council is only required to approve the Resolution approving the CUP. 2 Frontage Required Setback Provided Setback Building Parking Building Parking North (CSAH 42) 50 feet 30 feet 89 feet 31.7 feet East (Canada Ave) 30 feet 20 Feet 72 feet 20 feet South (Private Dr) 10 feet 10 feet 41 feet 15 feet West (Pizza Hut) 10 feet 10 feet 79.8 feet 11.8 feet SITE PLAN REVIEW Setbacks 1 CSAH 42 is a principal arterial requiring an additional 20 foot building setback and 10 foot parking setback. All setbacks meet ordinance requirements. Parking Required: 1 per 3 seats: 110 seats /3 37 parking stalls Provided: 52 parking stalls Landscaping: Trees Required: Trees Provided: 1 tree per 3,000 square feet of land area: 62.7K sq. ft. /3K sq. ft.= 21 trees 6 existing trees to remain 15 new trees installed 21 trees Foundation Plantings Required: 1 per 10 feet of building perimeter: 326 foot perimeter /10 feet 33 plants Foundation Plantings Provided: 118 scrubs 11 -4 -14 G. C -4: General Commercial Site And Building Standards: To prevent urban blight and ensure quality long lasting construction compatible with both adjacent properties and those throughout the district, all sites and buildings shall comply with the following standards, as well as applicable sections of this title: 1. Architectural Appearance: While variation in materials and colors that support the general theme may be allowed, the overall building shall have "360 degree" architecture. Nonearth tone materials shall be limited to architectural accents. The color of the nonbrick or stone portion of the building shall match the predominant brick or stone color portion. The treatment of the building is similar on the east, south, and west facade, but the north facade is essentially only a brick wall. Staff recommends that a swoosh atrium similar to the one on the south facade, or comparable embellishment, be added to the north facade (facing CSAH 42). 2. Building Massing: Facades shall be articulated to reduce their mass and scale and provide visual interest consistent with Rosemount's identity, character, and scale. Large uninterrupted building walls or elevations are prohibited. Corner architectural elements are encouraged to define the edges of a building. A building more than one hundred feet (100') in width shall be divided into increments of no more than thirty feet (30') through the articulation of the facade. This shall be achieved through combinations of the following techniques: a. Divisions or breaks in the materials. The east, south, and west facades are broken up by the metal awnings and the swoosh architectural features. Staff recommends 3 that a similar swoosh architectural feature is added to the north facade. b. Arcades, entry features, window bays, or the like. Entry features are included in the design. c. Variations in rooflines or slope plane. The rooflines are varied by the metal awnings and swoosh architectural features. Staff recommends adding a swoosh feature to the north facade. d. Variation in building plane or setback. The building planes are broken up by the entry features and swoosh details. e. Equivalent techniques approved by the city. Staff recommends adding a swoosh feature to the north facade. 3. Permitted Materials: The exterior wall surfaces of all buildings shall be constructed of at least fifty percent (50 brick or natural stone. The remaining fifty percent (50 of the wall surface may be specialty integral colored concrete block (including textured, burnished, and rock faced block), tile (masonry, stone or clay), architectural textured concrete panels cast in place, or better. EIFS or masonry stucco may be used for the sign band areas and /or architectural accents totaling no more than ten percent (10 of the nonglass, brick or stone portion of the building. Unadorned concrete is prohibited. The building facades are predominately face brick and windows with architectural accents of metal awning, swoosh details and horizontal fascia bands. 4. Pedestrian Circulation: Appropriate provisions shall be made to protect pedestrian areas from encroachments by parked or moving vehicles. Clear and well lighted walkways shall extend throughout the site and parking area(s) connecting building entrances to adjacent public sidewalks and any parking facilities located on the site. a. Walkway(s) shall be made of high quality, long lasting, and decorative materials and incorporate architectural themes present in the surrounding building. Bituminous or asphalt materials are prohibited. Walkways are installed along two and half sides of the building to all customer entrances and a walkway is added to the east across the parking lot to the sidewalk along Canada Avenue. b. A walkway at least six feet (6') wide shall extend along any facade featuring a customer entrance and any facade abutting a parking or maneuvering area. 4 A six foot wide sidewalk is installed on two and a half sides of the building to all customer entrances. c. A continuous and permanent concrete curb not less than six inches (6 above grade shall separate internal sidewalks from parking, loading, stacking and maneuvering areas. There is a curb installed along the six foot wide sidewalk. d. Concrete sidewalks, five feet (5') in width, shall be provided on all commercial property abutting any collector or arterial street. There is a bituminous trail along CSAH 42 and a sidewalk along Canada Avenue. A walkway is installed between the sidewalk on Canada Avenue to the building. 5. Lighting: Lighting shall be consistent in character throughout the entire property site, in both design and bulb type. a. Any light fixture must be placed in such a manner that no light emitting surface is visible from any residential area or public /private roadway, walkway, trail or other public way when viewed at ground level. Cut sheet information provided for the lighting fixtures shows a shoebox /cut -off type of fixture. b. Light shall be directed toward the ground. Externally lit signs, display, building and aesthetic lighting must be lit from the top and shine downward. Lighting must be shielded to prevent direct glare. The cut -off type of fixture will meet this standard. c. The level of lighting shall not exceed 0.5 lumens at any residential property line or 1.0 lumen at any nonresidential property line. Anticipated lighting levels do not exceed 1.0 lumen at the property line. There are no residential property lines. d. The maximum height for exterior lighting is thirty feet (30'). The maximum height for exterior lighting within one hundred feet (100') of a residential use or district shall be twenty feet (20'). The exterior lighting mounting height is designed for 24 feet in height. There are no residential uses or districts within 100 feet. e. All nonessential lighting will be required to be turned off after business hours, leaving only the necessary lighting for site security. Staff has proposed a condition to require nonessential lighting to be turned off after business hours. 5 6. Parking Lots: To reduce the impact of large expanses of paved surfaces, provide a more pedestrian friendly environment and provide adequate room for snow storage, all parking areas (including driveways and drive aisles) shall be screened and landscaped. Trees, shrubs, flowers and ground cover needed in these areas shall be in addition to the minimum number of trees and foundation plantings required by this title. a. Screening: Landscaping and berming shall be a primary source for screening parking areas. Should landscaping and berming be found ineffective by the city, the city may approve screening walls and /or decorative fencing as an alternative. Screening walls shall be constructed of the same materials as the principal building and shall not extend more than twenty five feet (25') without a change in architecture to reduce their mass and appearance. The screening source (landscaping and berming or walls and /or decorative fencing) shall provide a minimum fifty percent (50 opacity screen to a height of at least four feet (4'). A berm and line of alpine current shrubs are proposed to the north (CSAH 42) and a line of alpine current shrubs are proposed to the east (Canada Avenue) property lines. Staff finds this is adequate to meet the intention of the Ordinance. b. Landscaping: A minimum of ten percent (10 of the parking area shall be landscaped. This landscaping shall be located on islands, peninsulas or the like within the perimeter of the parking area. The parking lot perimeter encompasses about 36,000 square feet. With the four landscaped comers of the parking lot, the island between the two entrances, the peninsula at the southeast corner of the building, the sidewalk peninsula on the east side and the two drive- through islands, there is about 5,800 square feet of landscaping. 1) The islands or peninsulas shall be a minimum eight and one -half feet (8.5) wide and extend the length of the adjacent parking stall(s). These dimensions may be altered to provide sufficient area for the proposed landscaping to mature. Islands and peninsulas are at least 8.5 feet wide and the length of a parking stall. 2) To ensure this landscaping is properly dispersed, a minimum of one island, peninsulas or the like shall be located within each six thousand (6,000) square feet of vehicular use area. Nine islands, peninsulas, or the like are installed within the 36,000 square feet of parking area. 3) A minimum of one tree shall be required for each two hundred fifty (250) square feet or fraction thereof, of required landscape area. Deciduous trees shall have a clear trunk of at least five feet (5) above the ground and a caliper of at least two and one -half inches (2.5 Coniferous trees shall be 6 at least four feet (4') in height. The remaining area shall be landscaped with shrubs or ground cover (not to include rocks or gravel except as a mulch around shrubs and ground cover) not to exceed two feet (2') in height. There is at least one tree in eight of the nine islands, peninsulas, or the like. There is no tree within the peninsula for the sidewalk connection but the sidewalk connection runs through two existing trees that will be saved and maintained. 7. Landscaping: All areas of land other than those occupied by building or hardcover shall be landscaped with a combination of sod and plantings. Rock or mulch may only be used as an accent material around sod or plantings. Trees, shrubs, flowers and ground cover needed in these areas shall be in addition to the minimum number of trees and foundation plantings required by this title. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated. Portions of the site may be exempt from these requirements where future development or expansion is planned. These areas shall either be graded and seeded with prairie grass in accordance with the city of Rosemount grading requirements or remain as undisturbed natural areas containing existing viable natural vegetation that can be maintained free of foreign and noxious plant material and will not produce soil erosion due to potential increases in storm water runoff. There is landscaping or other suitable ground cover in all areas not covered by the building or parking areas. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Drive through facilities for restaurants, banks, and other similar uses. 1. The site and building(s) shall be designed to limit the effects of the drive- through on adjacent properties and public rights of way. No use with a drive through window shall be located abutting any residential use or district. The drive- through lanes turn the cars towards the west (Pizza Hut) when ordering and pick -up windows face the west (Pizza Hut) and are not visible from any public right -of -way. 2. Drive- through facilities shall have a minimum six (6) stacking spaces per drive- through window. Fast food uses operating more than one window per individual drive aisle shall meet the stacking requirements for a single drive- through facility. Each space shall be a minimum of nine feet (9') wide by eighteen feet (18') long. The drive through windows have space for the stacking of at least six cars. The double menu board lanes maximize the amount of stacking while minimizing the length needed for stacking. 3. The principal building shall be the primary source for screening the drive- through facility and stacking and exiting areas from adjacent properties and /or rights of way. Landscaping and berming shall be a secondary source for screening drive- through, stacking or exiting areas. Should landscaping and berming be found ineffective by the city, the city may approve screening walls and /or decorative fencing as an alternative. Screening walls shall be constructed of the same materials as the principal building and shall not extend more than twenty five feet (25') without a change in architecture to reduce their mass and appearance. 7 Stacking areas shall have a minimum ninety percent (90 opacity screen to a height of six feet (6') while exiting areas shall have a minimum fifty percent (50 opacity screen to a height of at least four feet (4'). The building screens the drive through windows from the public right of -ways. The staff recommended ground cover and landscaping to four feet of height will serve to screen the menu boards. 4. Stacking lanes, order board intercom, and service window shall be designed and located to minimize noises, emissions, and headlight glare upon adjacent properties and public rights of way. The stacking lanes, menu boards, and service windows are configured to limit any headlight glare upon public right -of -ways and adjacent residential properties. 5. Stacking lanes shall not interfere with circulation through any required parking, loading, maneuvering or pedestrian area. Stacking lanes do not interfere with circulation or any required parking, loading, maneuvering or pedestrian area. 6. No public address system shall be audible from a noncommercial or nonindustrial use or district. The Planning Commission recommended condition requires the drive through speakers being inaudible from the nearest non commercial property line. 7. In addition to the freestanding sign allowed by the sign ordinance, fast food uses may display menu signs related to drive- through facilities, provided that: a. Not more than one menu sign per defined drive through aisle is allowed. b. Individual menu signs shall be single sided with an area not to exceed thirty two (32) square feet including both menu information and sign cabinet. c. The height of the menu sign(s) shall not exceed eight feet (8') including its base or pole measured from grade to the top of the structure. d. The menu sign(s) shall not encroach into any parking setback and shall be located directly adjacent to the drive through aisle and oriented in such a manner that the sign provides information to the drive- through patrons only and does not provide supplemental advertising to pass by traffic and does not impair visibility or obstruct circulation. The actual design of the menu boards has not been provided. Staff has prepared a condition that requires conformance with the above menu board standards. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council approve the resolution for the Drive Through Facilities at McDonald's. 8 WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from McDonald's USA, LLC requesting a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate a drive -thru facility at their restaurant located at 15035 Canada Avenue, Rosemount. WHEREAS, on April 26, 2011, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed and conducted a public hearing for the conditional use permit application of McDonald's USA, LLC; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the conditional use permit application for McDonald's USA, LLC; and WHEREAS, on May 17, 2011, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission recommendations for the conditional use permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the conditional use permit for the operation of a drive -thru facility at the McDonald's restaurant located at 15035 Canada Avenue, Rosemount, subject to the following conditions: ADOPTED this 17 day of May, 2011 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (CUP) FOR THE DRIVE- THROUGH FACILITIES FOR MCDONALD'S USA, LLC 1. Public address systems and ordering speakers shall not be audible at the nearest non- commercial property lines. 2. The text on the menu board shall not be so large as to be visible from the public right of -way or as to serve as off -site advertising. 3. Size and design of menu boards shall conform with condition seven (7) of the drive through facility conditional use permit standards. William H. Droste, Mayor McDonald's Disclaim: =r: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. 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Maximum slopes of 4:1 are allowed. Revise Note 16 to read "Construct slopes no steeper than 4:1." 4 ROSEMOUNT CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary PUBLIC WORKS Submittal: McDonald's Plan prepared by Kimley -Horn and Associates, Inc., dated March 29, 2011. The following review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: 1. Existing and Proposed Drainage Conditions, McDonald's, Rosemount, MN: Dated March 29, 2011 2. Construction Plans for Rosemount Rebuild "McDonalds Restaurant 13 Sheets, Dated March 29, 2011 and Received March 29, 2011 3. McDonald's Restaurant (Architectural Plans) prepared by Reprise Design Incorporated, 4 Sheets, Dated July 8, 2010 and Received May 29, 2011 General Comments: Grading and Drainage Plan C4.1: 2. Maximum slopes of 4:1 and minimum slopes of 2% are allowed. The grading plan appears consistent with this standard. Revise Note 8 to read "All proposed slopes shall be a maximum of 4:1 and a minimum of 2 Any slopes steeper than 4:1 require erosion and sediment control blanket per Mn /DOT 3885.1 as depicted on the plan." Utility Plan: C5.1 3. Traffic control shall be required in accordance with the MUTCD standards. Construction of the water service within the existing private driveway will require a lane closure or a detour and closure of the driveway. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651- 322 -2015. EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 26, 2011 f. Request by McDonald's USA, LLC for a Site Plan Review and Conditional Use Permit to Rebuild the Existing McDonald's Restaurant (11 -10 -SP and 11 -11 -CUP). McDonald's USA, LLC has submitted applications for site plan review and conditional use permit to allow for the complete rebuilding of the existing McDonald's restaurant. Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the details of the new design and the requirements of the conditional use permit. Commissioner Irving asked about a new sign with the golden arches and whether or not it meets the new sign ordinance. Mr. Zweber replied that the applicant had not submitted a sign plan yet which would be approved administratively. However, the existing sign meets the height standards but not the material standards of the sign ordinance, so if the applicant plans on changing the sign, it would have to meet the existing standards. The applicant, Brent Nasset, of Kimley —Horn Associates, Inc., on behalf of McDonalds, approached the Commission and explained that they are pushing the building more to the center of the site to allow for more landscaping and decrease the amount of impervious surface coverage Mr. Nasset also stated they are updating the existing stormwater catch basins to allow for better drainage on the site and increasing the greenspace. Commissioner Miller asked if there will be bike parking at the site and Mr. Nasset replied no. Commissioner Powell asked if there was any way to change how pedestrians have to walk across a drive -thru lane and whether or not the water service was being upsized. Mr. Nasset replied that pushing the building was further to the west would not allow an exit lane and there would be more pedestrian problems on the east side. Mr. Nasset stated that the water service is being improved to meet the fire code. Mr. Nasset requested Condition #1 of the conditional use permit be modified to extend the noise boundary from the property line to the nearest non commercial property line. He stated that the applicant will try to minimize the noise but they do not want to be limited by the requirement to be inaudible at the property line. Mr. Zweber clarified the reason for the property line requirement was due to the trail on the north side of the property used by people not necessarily visiting McDonalds and they should not have hear the drive -thru speakers. A discussion took place among the Commissioners as to whether not they felt it would be an issue to hear the speakers from the trail. Commissioners Ege and Irving felt it may be an unrealistic expectation. Commissioner Powell stated his understanding that staff is trying to provide an experience for pedestrians along the trail. Commissioner Miller asked if there was a noise pollution provision within the applicant's sustainability vision and possibly a way to gather residential concerns and comments about the noise. Mr. Nasset replied that he doesn't know if McDonalds has a process to gather residential comments but that the sound system in the new speakers will be a better quality than what is there now. Commissioner Powell stated his opinion that Condition #1 of the conditional use permit should remain as is to encourage McDonald's to achieve that standard. The public hearing was opened at 8:39p.m. There were no public comments. MOTION by Ege to close the public hearing. Second by Irving. Ayes: 7. Nays: None. Motion approved. The public hearing was closed at 8:40p.m. Commissioner Irving asked staff if the City has ever received complaints from other public address systems or drive -thru speakers from other businesses or if this is a special situation in this case. Mr. Zweber responded the ordinance states that the public systems cannot be audible from any non- commercial district but the difference in this case is due to the residents on the trail at the property line. Commissioner Ege stated her concern that if this restriction is not placed on other businesses with drive -thrus close to residential areas, then the City would be singling out McDonald's. Mr. Zweber stated the Commission could decide to change the condition to what the ordinance requires. MOTION by Powell to approve the Site Plan for McDonald's subject to the following conditions: 1. Install a swoosh atrium on the north side of building (facing CSAH 42) similar to the swoosh atrium on the south side of the building (facing private drive), or comparable embellishment for staff review and approval. 2. Increase the parking lot setback to CSAH 42 to a minimum of 30 feet. 3. Install ground cover and landscaping along the north and east property lines to screen the parking area to a height of four feet. 4. Selection and placement of the rooftop mechanical equipment so that the parapet wall shields the equipment from public view. 5. Lighting fixture cut sheets shall be provided to ensure that are a cut -off style of lighting. 6. Non essential lighting shall be turned off after business hours. Second by Ege. Ayes: 7. Nays: None. Motion carried. MOTION by Demuth to recommend that the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for the Drive Through Facility for McDonald's subject to the following conditions: 1. Public address systems and ordering speakers shall not be audible at the nearest non- commercial property lines. 2. The text on the menu board shall not be so large as to be visible from the public right -of -way or as to serve as off -site advertising. 3. Size and design of menu boards shall conform with condition seven (7) of the drive through facility conditional use permit standards. Second by Powell. Ayes: 7. Nays: None. Motion carried. Mr. Zweber stated this item will go before the City Council at the May 17, 2011 meeting provided staff receives plan modifications on the landscaping and setbacks prior to the meeting.