HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Dakota County Technical College Rezoning & Site Plan Review to Allow Construction of an Outdoor Baseball Complex and Associated Accessory Structure, Case 10-20-SP & 10-21-RZAGENDA ITEM: Case 10 -20 -SP 10 -21 -RZ Dakota County Technical College Rezoning Site Plan Review to Allow Construction of an Outdoor Baseball Complex and Associated Accessory Structures. AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahi, AICP Planner AGENDA NO. (.0- ATTACHMENTS: 8 -24 -10 4 -24 -11 PC Excerpt Minutes, Rezoning Ordinance, Site Plan Approval Letter, Site Map, Revised Storage Building Plans, City Engineer's Memo dated 4/13/11. APPVED BY: Dpi RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the City Council make the following motion: 1. Motion to approve an ordinance rezoning subject properties from AG Agriculture to P/I Public and Institutional. 9 ROSEMOUNT City Council Meeting Date: May 17, 2011 SUMMARY Applicant Property Owner(s): Location: Area in Acres: Comp. Guide Plan Desig: Current Zoning: CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) 1300 145 Street East East end of campus, south of 145 and west of Audrey Avenue. Approximately 8 Acres POS Parks and Open Space AG Agriculture The applicant, Dakota County Technical College (DCTC), requests rezoning to allow construction of an outdoor baseball complex. The project includes a full sized baseball field with associated accessory structures including bleachers for 640 people, a 7,200 square foot building for storage, a batting cage, and two dugouts. The rezoning from AG Agriculture to PI Public /Institutional is necessary to facilitate the requested use as well as to apply a uniform zoning district to the DCTC campus. Both the Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of the rezoning request. BACKGROUND In August of 2010, Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) requested rezoning and site plan approvals to allow construction of an outdoor baseball complex. The Planning Commission approved the site plan subject to conditions (see attached approval letter) and recommended the City Council approve the rezoning at their September 7, 2010 meeting. Environmental and grading issues with the site caused the applicant to delay action on this project. The applicant would now like to move forward with the project and has provided updated building plans and new information from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regarding the environmental conditions on site. The Planning Commission reviewed this information during their April 24, 2011 meeting and found the plans acceptable. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission first reviewed this application and held a public hearing on this item during their August 24, 2010 meeting. Meeting minutes are attached for reference. After hearing a presentation from staff and no public comment, the Commission asked several questions of both staff and the applicant. Commissioner Irving asked about the field lights and scoreboard. Staff explained that the plans did not include information on either item but a condition of approval requires them to provide all necessary information during the building permit process. Commissioner Demuth asked about the timeline and environmental issues for the project. Dr. Thomas, President of Dakota County Technical College stated that they hope to complete the field and landscaping this fall. There would be limited practice on the field next spring and games would take place next fall. Dr. Thomas stated that he was unaware of any environmental issues on the site. Commissioner Powell asking the applicant why most of the grading work was completed prior to getting City approval. Dr. Thomas stated that Ames Construction had donated their services but needed to begin the work quickly to maintain their own schedule. Commissioner Demuth stressed that she had reviewed several items that indicated there may be environmental issues on the subject property and recommended a condition of approval require DCTC provide documentation from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) that there are no environmental issues with this site. The Commission then strongly expressed their disappointment with DCTC for not honoring the City's review process and for not being able to answer basic environmental questions. The Commission then recommended the City Council approve the rezoning and approved the site plan, subject to conditions. More recently, the Planning Commission received a project update during their April 24, 2011 meeting. Minutes from that meeting are attached. During that meeting, staff stated that the updated building and environmental information provided by DCTC are consistent with the original conditions of the site plan approval granted by the Planning Commission in August 2010. Details on the updated building materials are provided in the Site Plan Review Update section below. ISSUE ANALYSIS Rezoning. The applicant requests rezoning of the subject properties (see attached map) from AG Agriculture to P/I Public and Institutional to allow construction of the proposed baseball complex as well as to apply a uniform zoning district to the DCTC campus. The criteria to weigh when considering a rezoning request are outlined below. Based on this information, staff recommends approval of the rezoning. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan. The subject property is located outside the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) boundary and the 2030 Land Use map guides it as POS Parks and Open Space. According to the Comprehensive Plan, this category is intended to provide a wide variety of recreational and open space opportunities from ballfields to nature preserves and designates P/I Public and Institutional as the corresponding zoning classification. Currently, the property is zoned AG Agriculture as the default holding category until development occurs. Given the POS land use designation and the proposed baseball complex use, staff recommends approval of the rezoning, subject to conditions. 2 Present and Future Land Uses Surrounding the DCTC Baseball Complex Direction Present Future North Agriculture Commercial South Public and Institutional Parks and Open Space East Agricultural Research Parks and Open Space West Public and Institutional Public and Institutional Compatibility with Present and Future Land Uses. The proposed baseball complex use is compatible with present and future land uses. The surrounding present and future land uses are detailed in the table below. Rezoning the subject property to P/I Public and Institutional is consistent with the standards in the comprehensive plan and is appropriate for the proposed baseball complex use, subject to conditions. Engineering Comments. Engineering comments for the site are found in the attached memo. Last summer the applicant had substantially graded the site prior to city review and approval of these applications as well as issuance of a grading permit. Over the winter months DCTC and the City's Engineering Department worked together to devise a grading plan that is appropriate for the site. Availability of Utilities. The subject property is located outside the Metropolitan Urban Service Area (MUSA) boundary. The applicant intends to supply potable water to the site through the City's water system. The revised building plans now include bathroom facilities. However, DCTC will also be required to provide additional sanitary facilities (portable satellites) for large events. As a result, staff established a condition of site plan approval require the applicant to provide handicap accessible satellites in conformance with Dakota County Health standards for portable sanitary facilities. Site Plan Review Update. The original site plan approval granted by the Planning Commission in August of 2010 approved the project including a full sized baseball field with associated accessory structures, bleachers for 640 people, a 7,200 square foot storage building, a batting cage, and two dugouts. The original approval included nine conditions. Those conditions and their current status are provided below. 1. Approval of a rezoning from AG Agriculture to P/I Public and Institutional. Status: Last fall the applicant requested the City delay action on the rezoning application due to environmental and grading issues with the site. The applicant has worked to resolve these issues (see below) and now requests the City Council take action on the rezoning. It should be noted that the conditions associated with the site plan approval remain in effect under either the existing AG Agriculture or the proposed P/I Public and Institutional zoning. 2. Revise the storage building and dugout plans to be constructed of a masonry material similar to those used on the principal college building with the proposed metal roof shaped and painted to look like shingles. Status: Originally, the storage building was to be constructed of metal panels with a stucco finish and a metal roof material shaped and painted to look like shingles (attached). Staff recommended and the Planning Commission approved a condition of approval requiring the 3 storage building be constructed of masonry materials similar to those used on the principal college building. The revised plans now show the building will be made of rockface concrete masonry units (C.M.U.) with two horizontal accent bands and asphalt shingles. The upper half of the building includes aluminum framed windows while the lower half has glazed block accenting the concession area in the northeast corner of the building. The building is similar to the structure located at the DCTC soccer fields. Staff finds these plans conform to the original condition of approval. 3. Submit and receive approval of a revised landscaping plan providing an additional 41 trees and 34 foundation plantings around the proposed storage building. The applicant shall also provide a landscape security equal to 110% of the value of the required landscaping. Status: The applicant has yet to submit a revised landscaping plan but will be required to do so prior to issuance of a building permit. It should be noted that the City Engineer requires the applicant to relocate any tree located within a diversion swale to another appropriate location on the site. 4. Submit and receive approval of a lighting plan for all exterior lighting prior to installation of the lights. Status: The applicant has yet to submit a lighting plan but will be required to do so prior to receiving a building permit for installation of any exterior lighting. The applicant has indicated that it may be some time before funds are available to install exterior lighting. 5. Submit and receive approval of a plan that includes a trash enclosure made of similar materials to the principal college building or document that all trash will be stored inside the proposed storage building. Status: A trash enclosure is no longer required because the applicant now plans to store their trash containers inside the proposed building. 6. Receive approval of an amendment to the existing sign Planned Unit Development agreement for the overall campus to include the four proposed signs and scoreboard. Status: The applicant has yet to submit a PUD amendment for the proposed signs but will be required to do so prior to installation of any additional signs. 7. Conformance with all the requirements of the City Engineer. Status: DCTC and the City's Engineering Department have worked together to devise a grading plan that is appropriate for the site. 8. The applicant shall provide handicap accessible satellites in conformance with Dakota County Health standards for portable sanitary facilities. Status: The revised building plans now include bathrooms. As a result, no satellites will be required for daily use. However, they may still be required for future events that draw significant numbers of patrons to the facility. 4 9. The applicant shall demonstrate to the City, Dakota County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that there are no environmental issues on the property. Status: While the applicant has submitted a letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) stating their Asbestos Mitigation Control (AMC) Work Plan was approved, DCTC still has several more steps to take with the MPCA before any construction can take place. CONCLUSION RECOMMENDATION Both the Planning Commission and staff recommend the City Council approve rezoning the subject properties from AG Agriculture to PI Public /Institutional to allow the construction of an outdoor baseball complex with associated accessory structures as well as to apply a uniform zoning district to the DCTC campus. DCTC must comply with all conditions of the site plan approval including, but not limited to, demonstration that they have complied with all grading requirements of the City and the environmental standards of Dakota County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency prior to any construction on the subject property. The site plan approval was given by the Planning Commission in August 2010, however the information is provided to the City Council for information purposes. 5 EXCERPT OF MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 24, 2010 c. Request by Dakota County Technical College for Rezoning and Site Plan Review to Allow Construction of an Outdoor Baseball Complex (10- 20 -PLN, 10- 21 -RZ). Planner Lindahl reviewed the staff report and that the applicant, Dakota County Technical College (DCTC), requests rezoning and site plan approvals to allow construction of an outdoor baseball complex. The project includes a full sized baseball field with associated accessory structures including bleachers for 640 people, a 7,200 square foot building for storage, a batting cage, and two dugouts. The rezoning from Agriculture to PI Public /Institutional is necessary to facilitate the requested use as well as to apply a uniform zoning district to the DCTC campus. Mr. Lindahl reviewed the plans and site plan review process to the Commission. Commissioner Irving asked about the lighting, the scoreboard in particular, in concern for future surrounding housing. Mr. Lindahl stated that the applicant's plans do not provide any details as to signage or the scoreboard but the signs would have to go through the planning process to get sign approval. Commissioner Demuth asked that what the timeframe for completion of the project would be. Mr. Lindahl replied that the applicant would like to have the field and landscaping in place by this fall. Beyond that, the applicant has not provided timing on additional items. Commissioner Powell asked how the baseball complex fits into the future expansion plans of DCTC and also how the Planning Commission is to approve a project that is almost completely graded before the fact. Mr. Lindahl replied that he would forward those questions to the applicant for answering. Dr. Ron Thomas, the President of DCTC and Paul Demuth, Director of Operation, both approached the Commission. Dr. Thomas spoke about the grading work completed by Ames Construction Company stating that during discussions with Ames about working on the project, it was determined that they needed to move quickly. He stated that state and city responsibilities have yet to be resolved at this point. Dr. Thomas further stated that they want the landscaping and field complete by the end of next semester and hope to play baseball by next fall with practices in the late spring. He stated quite a bit of the final work will be done by students to provide a learning experience with landscaping, electrical work, and concrete details. In response to Commissioner Powell's question about DCTC's future plans, Dr. Thomas stated the baseball complex is part of the upgrade to the master facilities plan as required by the Office of the Chancellor. They hope the complex will be an additional item to make the campus attractive for future students. Commissioner Demuth asked the applicant when DCTC acquired the parcel the baseball complex was being constructed on. Dr. Thomas replied that property consisting of the driving range south of complex, the baseball parcel and the soccer complex parcel were leased from the University and last year they negotiated to purchase the property. Commissioner Demuth asked the applicant if they obtained a Letter of No Association with respect to any environmental contamination on the property because she stated that the MPCA has concerns about the baseball complex parcel. Paul Demuth replied that the University informed them there were no contaminants on that parcel but if there were, the University would be responsible for cleanup. He further stated that they did conduct soil bore testing on the property and the tests were negative. Commissioner Demuth asked if they tested for industrial contaminants. Mr. Demuth stated they can check the testing that was conducted but they were not aware of any issues. The public hearing was opened at 7:42p.m. There were no public comments. MOTION by Powell to close the public hearing. Second by Kolodziejski. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. The public hearing was closed at 7:43p.m. Chairperson Ege stated she is supportive of the project as a whole but believes that "the cart was put before the horse" in that correct procedure was not followed and this case should not be precedent setting for other applicants wanting to speed things up on their own. She stated that DCTC should be cognizant of the procedure to contact the Planning Department before any work is started. Commissioner Powell agreed with Chairperson Ege's comments and also hoped this would not be precedent setting. MOTION by Demuth to recommend the City Council approve the rezoning request from Dakota County Technical College to rezone the subject properties from AG Agriculture to P/I Public and Institutional. Second by Powell. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. MOTION by Demuth to approve the site plan illustrating a full sized baseball field with associated accessory structures, subject to the following, and adding a final condition with respect to the environmental assessment of the property: Approval of a rezoning from AG Agriculture to P/I Public and Institutional. Revise the storage building and dugout plans to be constructed of a masonry material similar to those used on the principal college building with the proposed metal roof shaped and painted to look like shingles. Revise their landscaping plan to provide an additional 41 trees and 34 foundation plantings around the proposed storage building. Submit and receive approval of a lighting plan for all exterior lighting prior to installation of the lights. Submit and receive approval of a plan that includes a trash enclosure made of similar materials to the principal college building or document that all trash will be stored inside the proposed storage building. Receive approval of an amendment to the existing sign Planned Unit Development agreement for the overall campus to include the 4 proposed signs. Conformance with all the requirements of the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide handicap accessible satellites in conformance with Dakota County Health standards for portable sanitary facilities. The applicant shall demonstrate to the City, Dakota County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that there are no environmental issues on the property. Second by Powell. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. Mr. Lindahl stated this rezoning item will go before the City Council for approval at the meeting on September 7, 2010. EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING APRIL 26, 2011 a. Dakota County Technical College Rezoning and Site Plan Review to Allow Construction of an Outdoor Baseball Complex and Associated Accessory Structures (10- 20 -PLN and 10- 21 -RZ). Planner Lindahl stated in August of 2010, Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) requested rezoning and site plan approvals to allow construction of an outdoor baseball complex. The Commission approved the site plan subject to conditions and recommended the City Council approve the rezoning at their September 7, 2010 meeting. Environmental and grading issues with the site caused the applicant to delay action on this project. The applicant would now like to move forward with the project and has provided updated building plans and new information from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regarding the environmental conditions on site. Mr. Lindahl went on to say that staff finds the updated building and environmental information provided by Dakota County Technical College (DCTC) consistent with the original conditions of the site plan approval granted by the Planning Commission in August 2010. Commissioner Irving asked about the approval of the lighting and the scoreboard and Mr. Lindahl replied that those items are conditions of approval through the permitting approval process. Commissioner Powell asked if this item will come before the Planning Commission again in the future and Mr. Lindahl replied that the Commission would not see additional plans beyond this point unless requested. City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B -213 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE Dakota County Technical College THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled "City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance," is hereby amended to rezone property from AG Agricultural to P/I Public and Institutional that is located on the east side of the Dakota County Technical College campus within the City of Rosemount legally described as follows: PART OF THE SW 1 /2 OF SECTION 26, TOWNSHIP 115, RANGE 19, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, BEG SE COR OF N 1052 FT OF W 730 FT THEREOF N ON E LINE SAID W 730 FEET 915.02 FT TO S LINE OF N 137 FT E 478.89 FT S 01D287M55S W 538.40 FT S'LY 141.25 FT ON TAN -CUR CONC TO W RAD 366.07 FT C/A 22D06M25S S'LY 99.48 FT ON REV CUR CONC TO E C/A 23D38M14S RAD 241.12 FT S TANG TO CURVE 142.94 FT TO S LINE OF N 1052 FT OF SW 1/4 W 422.50 FT TO BEG. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled "Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount," shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk's office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 17 day of May, 2011. ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this day of 2011. 4 ROSEMUu\ r August 26, 2010 Paul Demuth Dakota County Technical College 1300 145 Street East Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: DCTC Site Plan Review and Rezoning Applications Dear Mr. Demuth: At its regular meeting on August 24, 2010, the City of Rosemount Planning Commission recommended for approval the rezoning application and approved the Site Plan pursuant to the following conditions: Approval of a rezoning from AG Agriculture to P/I Public and Institutional. Revise the storage building and dugout plans to be constructed of a masonry material similar to those used on the principal college building with the proposed metal roof shaped and painted to look like shingles. Submit and receive approval of a revised landscaping plan providing an additional 41 trees and 34 foundation plantings around the proposed storage building. The applicant shall also provide a landscape security equal to 110% of the value of the required landscaping. Submit and receive approval of a lighting plan for all exterior lighting prior to installation of the lights. Submit and receive approval of a plan that includes a trash enclosure made of similar materials to the principal college building or document that all trash will be stored inside the proposed storage building. Receive approval of an amendment to the existing sign Planned Unit Development agreement for the overall campus to include the 4 proposed signs and scoreboard. Conformance with all the requirements of the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide handicap accessible satellites in conformance with Dakota County Health standards for portable sanitary facilities. The applicant shall demonstrate to the City, Dakota County and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency that there are no environmental issues on the property. This item is scheduled to go before the City Council on Tuesday, September 7, 2010. If you have any questions, please contact Jason Lindahl at 651- 322 -2090. Sinccrel I a Hanson Planning Secretary 651- 322 -2051 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND PROGRESS Rosemount City Hall 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 651 423 -441 1 TDD /TTY 651-423-6219 Fax 651-423-5203 Print Preview Page 1 of 1 Dakota County Technical College +15TH >ST W OCTC• Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. 4 T l$ Map Scale 1 inch 934 feet iitip: /9- IS.CO.dal(019.11 n11Siv,rbS1teid, Ot:71nrsti_Ti iniinlPtrvirn n c t ('n„nT.,, rhl i 0Q 111!7(11 April 21, 2011 Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North I St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 -4194 1 651- 296 -6300 800- 657 -3864 1 651- 282 -5332 TTY I www.pca.state.mn.us I Equal Opportunity Employer Mr. Gregory Ewig Director of Real Estate and Facilities Business Support Minnesota State Colleges and Universities 350 Wells Fargo Place 30 East 7 Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 -4946 Mr. Paul Demuth Dakota County Technical College Main Building 1300 145 Street Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 RE: DCTC Leased Property Parcel A, Southwest of Audrey Avenue 145 Street East, Rosemount MPCA VIC Project Number VP22482 ACM Inspection Work Plan Approval Dear Mr. Ewig and Mr. Demuth: The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff in the Voluntary Investigation and Cleanup (VIC) Program has reviewed the "ACM Inspection Workplan" (Work Plan), dated February 18, 2011, for the DCTC Leased Property site, located at the address referenced above (the Site). The Report was prepared and submitted on your behalf by ATC Associates, Inc. (ATC). An ACM Inspection Report shall be submitted to the MPCA for review and approval following the implementation of the work plan activities and final grading activities for the Site. The Work Plan is hereby approved, subject to the following conditions: 1. The soil screening process of the approximately 20,000 cubic yards of topsoil that was generated during grading activities last autumn shall include wetting down the soil while it is passing through the screen; and 2. The screened soil may be reused onsite, however, is shall be placed at least two (2) feet below a non impacted, non debris containing fill. The fill material should be from a native source and documented in the subsequent ACM Inspection Report. In addition, because the future use of the Site is a baseball field, which MPCA staff considers an active recreational use, at least two (2) feet of non impacted, non debris containing fill from a native source shall be placed as a cover over the Site. This will ensure that a cover is in place over any potentially ACM containing fill /soil and that human health is protected. Mr. Gregory Ewig Mr. Paul Demuth Page 2 April 21, 2011 Please note the disclaimers found in Attachment A. If you have any questions on the above, please contact Shanna Schmitt at 651 757 -2697 or Patrice Jensen at 651 757 -2465. Sincerely, Sanna Schmitt Hydrogeologist Superfund, RCRA and Voluntary Cleanup Section Remediation Division SS /PJ:jmp Attachment cc: Donovan Hannu, ATC Associates, Inc. Jason Lindahl, City of Rosemount David Swenson, Dakota County Katie Koelfgen /Jennifer Lopac, MPCA Industrial Division E 1. Reservation of Authorities The MPCA Commissioner reserves the authority to take any appropriate actions with respect to any release, threatened release, or other conditions at the Site. The MPCA Commissioner also reserves the authority to take such actions if the voluntary party does not proceed in the manner described in this letter or if actions taken or omitted by the voluntary party with respect to the Site contribute to any release or threatened release, or create an imminent and substantial danger to public health and welfare. 2. No MPCA Assumption of Liability The MPCA, its Commissioner and staff do not assume any liability for any release, threatened release or other conditions at the Site or for any actions taken or omitted by the voluntary party with regard to the release, threatened release, or other conditions at the Site, whether the actions taken or omitted are in accordance with this letter or otherwise. 3. Letter Based on Current Information ATTACHMENT A DISCLAIMERS DCTC LEASED PROPERTY MPCA VIC PROJECT NUMBER VP22482 All statements, conclusions and representations in this letter are based upon information known to the MPCA Commissioner and staff at the time this letter was issued. The MPCA Commissioner and staff reserve the authority to modify or rescind any such statement, conclusion or representation and to take any appropriate action under his authority if the MPCA Commissioner or staff acquires information after issuance of this letter that provides a basis for such modification or action. 4. Disclaimer Regarding Use or Development of the Property The MPCA, its Commissioner and staff do not warrant that the Site is suitable or appropriate for any particular use. 5. Disclaimer Regarding Investigative or Response Action at the Property Nothing in this letter is intended to authorize any response action under Minn. Stat. 115B.17, subd. 12. Page 1 of 1 ,or ns,47v7 SMl f'O NJM 6 aP Sro11d0 6° P \v >,o \962SO6C1 \ne:■4 'FMM0a000Vsl ,sa 01/0 N1n.0PMs,o.aa 0 34010nr 'OMUVlq IVNIOupx0Kva.0619v6 a A Z 05 U Z �J CL tY 0 0 W O w W C/) 0 W X W In CN 6 •p'I'CSbl $6+p\ Wye \911.0621 \Me \I Y 1 11Y['K W QIYUb Lao ,014041007Y63MJP L9WY 0 MI'Y0 PNI NONOM 0 3N0101. MYbO MOONIOM KW 3N09 tlW 6.D' \.6aD\ Yam \N11:06CI D\:Y Wy�t •ttD[ K DATE: April 13, 2011 TO: Paul Demuth, Dakota County Technical College CC: Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Jason Lindahl, Planner Dan Schultz, Park Recreation Director Brian Kelly, TKDA FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: DCTC Baseball Complex Submittal: Prepared by TKDA, the DCTC Baseball Complex, dated July 19, 2010, was received August 20, 2010. Additional follow -up questions were received September 3, 2010. The following review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: 1. Email with plan review questions from Darren Schwankl dated September 3, 2010. 2. Dakota County Technical College Baseball Complex Letter -dated August 20, 2010 3. Dakota County Technical College Stormwater Volume Design Calculations -dated June 14, 2010 4. Dakota County Technical College Pre Treatment Design Calculations dated August 12, 2010 5. Dakota County Technical College Swale Design Calculations dated August 20, 2010 6. Dakota County Technical College Stormwater Basing Design Calculations dated August 20, 2010 7. Dakota County Technical College Drainage Plan -Exh. 1 dated July, 19, 2010 8. Dakota County Technical College Baseball Complex Construction Documents dated July 19, 2010 9. Baseball Complex Project letter from TKDA Dated March 28, 2011 Stormwater Quality and Quantity Review MEMORANDUM 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS 1. As proposed in the TKDA letter, the existing gravel parking lot north of the ballfield area shall be restored to its natural habitat. The gravel substrate shall be removed and replaced with native soils and wild prairie habitat plantings. 2. The proposed swale and pretreatment cell along the north side of the infiltration basin may be eliminated from the plan. This system is not required due to the removal of the gravel parking lot and the installation of natural habitat. 3. The proposed drainage swale rational method calculations indicate that a 0.5% slope will be constructed. The City grading plan criterion as specified by 6d in the Engineering Guidelines is a minimum slope of 2.0 The design frequency of 2 -year event under vegetated conditions has a capacity of 1.1cfs which does not convey the 2 -year event to the pretreatment cells. The drainage swales should provide adequate capacity to direct the 2 -year event to the treatment cells prior to discharge to the infiltration basin. DCTC Construction Plans: Sheet L1.1 —Site Plan 1. The trees located in the diversion swale on the west side of the pretreatment cell and infiltration basin shall be removed to avoid obstruction of drainage to the pretreatment basin. 2. The placement of trees in the emergency overflow route to the south should be revised. Sheet L2.1 Details 1. The size of the diversion swale should be increased to convey the 2 -year event under vegetated conditions to each treatment cell. It is requested that the swale details be revised accordingly and resubmitted for review. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the item listed above, please contact me at 651- 322 -2015.