HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Former St. Joseph's Church Facility - Policies & Procedures, Pricing and NamingROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Counc I Special Work Session Meeting Date: April 26, 2010 AGENDA I'7EM: Former St. Joseph's Church Facility — AGENDA SECTION: Policies & Procedures, Pricing and Discussion Naming PREPARE ) BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO.2.A. Director ATTACHM =NTS: A Policies and Procedures B Pricing Information APPROVED BY: C Naming of Facility RECOMME, NDED ACTION: Discussion and provide direction to staff. ISSUE The construction on the improvements to the former St. Joseph's Church started in mid February and is moving along as planned. The contractor has provided staff with a timeline that identifies an estimated completion date around July 1. Staff would like to discuss with the City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission a number of items relating to the future use of the facility. Staff are in the process of working towards a mid- summer opening of the former church. Items to be discussed include policies, pricing, general use of facility and the naming of the facility and are detailed below. Pmceduresl Policies — Staff have developed a draft "Use Procedures, Polices and Rental Agreement" for the use of former church facility. The new policies were developed from the basic format of the policies used at the Rosemount Community Center. We also looked at the policies from the Lakeville Arts Center to see if anything could be added to our materials. The proposed procedures and policies are included in the packet as Attachment A. Pricing —"The proposed pricing for the former church is included in the packet as Attachment B along with the pricing information from the Rosemount Community Center and the Lakeville Arts Center. The discussion that staff recently had with the City Council regarding pricing concluded with the direction to create a reasonable pricing format that would promote use of the facility and that all non -City renters should be expected to pay to use the space. Some groups have already asked about using the space at no cost or at a reduced rate. General Use of the Facility — Staff plans to promote the use of the facility as a multi- purpose venue. The space will accommodate 280 people if it is set up theater style (chairs only) and 192 if set up banquet style (chairs and round tables). The numbers will be impacted if special set ups are requested or if temporary staging is brought in. The area known as the gathering space which is located between the church and school, also is a possibility for rentals. There are a few issues with the gathering space being used at the same time as the main sanctuary area. The gathering space provides the only accessible entrance to the sanctuary and is also the location of the accessible restrooms. It is expected that in many cases when the sanctuary is rented, they renter will also need the gathering space for a lobby area, registration area, ticket booth, coat room, coffee /break area, or possibly a bar. Making that space available for separate rentals makes it more difficult to rent the sanctuary. The users most likely to be interested in only the gathering space would generally find a classroom at the Community Center to meet their needs. The gathering space can accommodate approximately 50 people if set up theater style (chairs only) and approximately 35 people if set up banquet style (chairs and round tables). Naming of the Facility - Staff recently provided an opportunity for the public to submit ideas for naming the facility. A list of the names that were submitted is included in the packet as Attachment C. Staff would like the Council and Commission members to bring their top three name choices to the meeting on Monday. We will then discuss the naming ideas and work towards choosing a name. Once a name has been established, staff will incorporate the name into the marking materials being developed and start the process of designing a logo and future signage for the facility. SUMMARY Staff would like to discuss the items above with the City Council and Parks and Recreation Commission to get direction on moving forward with these items. 2 Jse Procedures, Policies and Rental Agreement ig Former St. Joseph's Church 14375 South Robert Trail Mailing Address: Rosemount Parks and Recreation Dept. 13885 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068 651 - 322 -6000 Table of Contents Introduction Rental Proc Aures Facility Use Policy ................. .. Liability /Cat )ring Policy ........... Alcohol /Sec irity /Conduct Policy Rates Facility Floc r Plan Rental AgrE ment 2 3 4 5 ...... ............................. 6 7 MEO Introduction Thank you for your i Merest in the former St. Joseph's Church facility as a general multipurpose assembly space. Rental of the facility s handled through the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department. Organizations, businesses and individuals wishing to rent the facility are required to obtain and sign a Facility Rental Permit and Rental Agreement with details of the event and submit the appropriate deposit and final payment. The City of Rosemo,.ant reserves the right to schedule activities in the facility, as well as the right to negotiate with all renters to make the best use: of the time available. The use of the facility will be for the scheduled time only based on your permit. Other renters will be scheduled around and in between reservations as space and time is available. There may be times when renters canno-, be accommodated. For additional inforrnation, contact Rosemount Parks and Recreation 651 - 322 -6000 or www.ci.rosemount.mn.us /parks. Rental Procedur �s 1. Contact the Ros amount Parks and Recreation Department at 651 - 322 -6000 to check availability and secure date(s). 2. A reservation is iot guaranteed until a deposit equal to 50% of the facility rental cost is received. Rental deposits are due three week: after receiving the facility rental permit, unless otherwise specified. All deposits are nonrefundable. 3. The rental fee balance is due two weeks prior to the event date. Make checks payable to: City of Rosemount. We also accept Vise or MasterCard payments. 4. The damage de >osit (if applicable) is due no later than two weeks prior to the event date. The deposit will be refunded within three weE Ks (21 days) after the event date, if the Rental Agreement and /or Permit has not been violated during the event, or apl:)lied to any outstanding balance due. In some cases Parks and Recreation staff may waive the damage deposit Any infraction of facility rules may result in partial or complete loss of damage deposit. 5. A single (one) contact person should be designated to oversee all arrangements. This will help to eliminate problems with communication and ensure a quality event for the renter. Facility set -up (if applicable) will be reviewed with this contact person a week prior to the event date. 6. Once a permit h ss been issued, the holder cannot assign, transfer nor sublet the facility they have reserved to another party, 7. Youth and youti groups (participants 18 and younger) attending your event must be supervised /chaperoned at a ratio of one adult per ten (10) youth, or other ratio as staff deems necessary. 8. Parks and Recreation staff reserves the right to cancel a rental agreement prior to the event if certain conditions exist. Possible reasons for cancellation include, but are not limited to: a declared state of emergency, unsafe environmental or health conditions, or interruption of utility service. In such an event, the renter agrees that the City of Rosemount shall have no responsibility for anything the renter may suffer or incur due to such a cancellation. The City will attempt to notify the renter as soon as possible if such a cancellation occurs. All fees paid to the City by the renter shall be refunded to the enter if the reservation is cancelled by the City for any of the above reasons. 2. Facility Use Policy FACILITY USE /SET-UP/ DECORATIONS: 1. Rental fees include the use of the specific facility, set -up of tables and chairs and tear down. Maximum capacity in the Church facility is ### and the Gathering Space is ###. 2. No decorations, banners, or signs can be taped, pinned, or affixed to the walls, ceilings or windows unless Parks and Recreation staff has granted permission prior to the event date. The use of all confetti including types such as metallic, plastic and paper along with rice and birdseed is prohibited as a decoration inside or outside the facility and associated areas. 3. Candles used for decoration must be encased in glass and have all flame contained. Helium balloons and the use of ladders are prohibited. Failure to comply with these rules may result in partial or complete loss of damage deposit. 4. The hours of use stated on the facility use permit must be adhered to, as the facility will be opened for the applicant and locked at the times stated on the permit. This includes all set -up time by the caterer and /or the renter. Failure to comply with these rules may result in partial or complete loss of damage deposit. 5. Occupancy of the facility after the ending time on the permit will result in partial or complete loss of damage deposit. 6. The renter is to inform the food caterer that the serving of red and orange beverages such as punch is not allowed due to the staining factor. Failure to comply will result in loss of damage deposit. 7. Specific to food caterer and liquor providers, all tables should be cleared off after the event and trash consolidated into the proper receptacles. The food caterers and liquor providers are responsible for taking their bags of trash to the dumpster located ##### following the event. 8. If applicable, the renter should arrange for contracted items (linens, dishes, etc.) to be removed from the facility by the ending time stated on the permit, unless the renter has made other arrangements with the Parks and Recreation Department. The City of Rosemount is not responsible for any items that are left at the facility. 9. Facility furniture including tables and chairs is not allowed on the exterior of the facility. 10. There is no long -term storage available at the facility. All items and materials must leave the building immediately following the end of the rental period. The City of Rosemount is not responsible for items that are left at the facility. 11. This is a smoke free facility. There is no smoking allowed anywhere in the building. Smoking is allowed 100 feet from the entrances to the facility. 12. The use of pyrotechnics, open flames or other combustible materials within the facility is strictly forbidden. 13. The renting organization, group or individual is responsible for the conduct of its guests, representatives, casts, students, volunteers and workers while in the facility. 14. All organizations, groups or individuals using the facility to conduct any performance, public or private meeting, lecture, concert, class or other event shall conform to, comply with and abide by all laws of the United States and the State of Minnesota, the rules and regulations of all Federal and State Boards and Bureaus, the ordinances of Dakota County, the City of Rosemount and the regulations of the Fire Department, Health Department and Police Department. 15. All public events must avoid offensive, vulgar, graphic or hateful language and /or behavior. Hate language, excessive profanity, or other patently offensive language or behavior will not be permitted at this facility. Please respect others. 0 Liability 1 Catering Policy LIABILITY / INSURANCE: 1. The City of Rosemount is not liable to the renter of the facilities for any loss, damage, injury, or illness. Neither the City of Rosemount nor its employees can be held responsible for any items that are left at the facility by the renter, caterer or contracted service. 2. The organization, group or individual using the facility will sign a waiver of liability as part of the Rental Agreement. Policies including, but not limited to, the facility Alcohol and/or Food Catering Policy may require the organization, group or individual to provide a copy of their Certificate of Insurance as proof of liability coverage. 3. Renters take full responsibility for their group's conduct and for any loss, breakage, or damage to the rooms, equipment, or other property. The City reserves the right to assign supervisory staff or maintenance personnel at an additional cost to the renter, if deemed necessary by the particular function or activity. FOOD/CATERING POLICY: 1. If alcohol will be served at the event, refer to the Alcohol Policy in addition to the Food Catering Policy. 2. There is no kitchen use in this facility. If food is served the facility must be left in a clean condition following each event. All tables must be wiped down and refuse must be removed and placed in the dumpster. 3. Food is only allowed in the facility if it is entirely supplied by a licensed food establishment or catering company. Proof of this license will be required prior to the date of the event. 4. Caterers or renters are responsible for all items for the event such as table coverings, plates, silverware, glassware for tables and equipment such as coffee pots, water pitchers, etc. The City of Rosemount does not have any of these supplies available. 5. Deliveries of supplies must be approved by, and arranged with the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department. The facility is not open normal business hours to accommodate deliveries. The hours of use stated on the facility use permit must be adhered to, as the facility will be opened for the applicant and locked at the times stated on the permit. 6. Supplies must be removed by the end of the rental period unless approved by, and arranged with the Parks and Recreation Department. The food caterer and liquor provider are responsible for taking their bags of trash to the dumpster located ### following the event. 7. This is a smoke free facility. The caterer's employees must abide by this policy at all times. 8. The caterer shall comply with all laws and regulations related to the preparation and disposal of food, and shall procure at its own expense all permits and licenses required by law or regulation for the operation of catering services. 9. The caterer will furnish the City of Rosemount with a copy of the applicable permits or licenses prior to the date of the event. 10. The caterer agrees that they will at all times, have and keep in force at its expense, workers' compensation and employers' liability, automobile liability and professional liability insurance covering 11. The caterer will furnish the City of Rosemount with a copy of its Certificate of Liability Insurance naming the City of Rosemount as additional insured. 12. The caterer shall be deemed to be an independent contractor and not an employee of the City of Rosemount. 4. Alcohol 1 Securi y I Conduct Policy INTOXICATING BE /ERAGES: Alcoholic beverages may be served at activities and events held at the facility according to the following guidelines: 1. The consumptic i of alcoholic beverages is allowed in the facility in designated areas according to the procedures and guidelines of the facility and any applicable laws. In accordance with the City Liquor Ordinance the serving of intoxicating bevf !rages is restricted to those individuals companies or organizations that are granted an 'On -Sale License on Publ c Premises' by the City of Rosemount. A list of authorized liquor providers who are granted the proper license to serve intoxicating beverages in the facility is attached for your convenience. Renters may choose from this list of liquor pro, iders only. It is mandatory that the renters purchase the alcohol beverage from the liquor provider chosen and hay � the provider serve the beverage as well. Private renters are not allowed to bring in and /or serve their own alcol ol. 2. If the renting organization /individual would like to serve alcohol, they are required to hire the services of an authorized liquor provider li ,ensed by the City of Rosemount. 3. The liquor provi ler will pay an event fee of $30.00 when alcohol is being served. 4. All renting organ izations /individuals distributing and /or consuming alcohol in the facility must comply with and abide by all Federal, Stat and Municipal laws and ordinances. 5. The renting organization /individual shall be responsible for reimbursing the City for security provided. a. Events that serve alcohol are required to have security personnel present during a portion of the event to be decided on jy the City of Rosemount. Parks and Recreation staff, in conjunction with the Rosemount Police Departmen arrange security and the fee is itemized on the facility use permit received by the renter. The average fee is $175.00 for a 3.5 hour block of time. 6. Alcoholic beverage service will end no later than 11:00 p.m. Alcohol must stay in a clearly defined rental space. The renting organization /individual will be responsible for making sure its guests follow this policy. All containers used for consumption must also remain in the defined space. 7. Smoking is prol ibited in all interior areas of the building. Smoking is allowed 100 feet from the entrances to the facility. 8. Persons attending events must confine themselves to the rooms and corridors assigned to their use. 9. The renting organization, group or individual is responsible for the conduct of its guests, representatives, casts, students, volunteers and workers while in the facility. I Facility Floor Plan 7. 4 R(0-ISEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION Former St. Joseph's Church Rental Agreement We at the Rosemouni Parks and Recreation Department are prepared to make every effort to assure your event will be a success. To aid in this philosophy ind to clearly communicate our policy, we ask that the contact person for your event read this contract and abide by it. If at any time yc a have any questions regarding this contract or are in need of other information please contact us immediately. RENTAL PROCEDI, IRES: 1. A reservation is r )t guaranteed until a deposit equal to 50% of the facility rental cost is received. Rental deposits are due three weeks after recei Ling the facility rental permit, unless otherwise specified. All deposits are nonrefundable. 2. The rental fee ba ance is due two weeks prior to the event date. Make checks payable to: City of Rosemount. We also accept Visa or MasterCE -d payments. 3. The damage dep:)sit (if applicable) is due no later than two weeks prior to the event date. The deposit will be refunded within three weeks (21 days) :after the event date, if the Rental Agreement and /or Permit has not been violated during the event, or applied to any outstanding I alance due. In some cases Parks and Recreation staff may waive the damage deposit. Any infraction of facility rules ma i result in partial or complete loss of damage deposit. 4. A single (one) cc )tact person should be designated to oversee all arrangements. This will help to eliminate problems with communication e A ensure a quality event for the renter. Facility set -up (if applicable) will be reviewed with this contact person a week prior to the event date. 5. Once a permit h� 3 been issued, the holder cannot assign, transfer nor sublet the facility they have reserved to another party. 6. Youth and youth groups (participants 18 and younger) attending your event must be supervised /chaperoned at a ratio of one adult per ten (10) youth, or other ratio as staff deems necessary. 7. Parks and Recreation staff reserves the right to cancel a rental agreement prior to the event if certain conditions exist. Possible reasons for cancellation include, but are not limited to: a declared state of emergency, unsafe environmental or health conditions, or interruption of itility service. In such an event, the renter agrees that the City of Rosemount shall have no responsibility for anything the renter may suffer or incur due to such a cancellation. The City will attempt to notify the renter as soon as possible if such a cancellation occurs. All fees paid to the City by the renter shall be refunded to the renter if the reservation is cancelled by the Community Center for any of the above reasons. SET -UPI DECORATIONS: 1. Rental fees incluhe the use of the specific facility, set -up of tables and chairs and tear down. Maximum capacity in the Church facility is ### and the Gathering Space is ###. 2. No decorations, banners, or signs can be taped, pinned, or affixed to the walls, ceilings or windows unless Parks and Recreation staff has granted permission prior to the event date. The use of all confetti including types such as metallic, plastic and paper along with rice and birdseed is prohibited as a decoration inside or outside the facility and associated areas. 3. Candles used foi decoration must be encased in glass and have all flame contained. Helium balloons and the use of ladders are prohibited. Failure to comply with these rules may result in partial or complete loss of damage deposit. 4. The renter is to inform the food caterer that the serving of red and orange beverages such as punch is not allowed due to the staining factor. Failure to comply will result in loss of damage deposit. 5. Specific to food caterer and liquor providers, all tables should be cleared off after the event and trash consolidated into the proper receptacles. The food caterers and liquor providers are responsible for taking their bags of trash to the dumpster located ##### following the event. 6. Facility furniture including tables and chairs is not allowed on the exterior of the facility. 7. This is a smoke free facility. There is no smoking allowed anywhere in the building. Smoking is allowed 100 feet from the entrances to the facility. 8. The use of pyrotechnics, open flames or other combustible materials within the facility is strictly forbidden. 9. The renting orgar zation, group or individual is responsible for the conduct of its guests, representatives, casts, students, volunteers and workers while in the facility. 10. All organizations, ]roups or individuals using the facility to conduct any performance, public or private meeting, lecture, concert, class or other evE it shall conform to, comply with and abide by all laws of the United States and the State of Minnesota, the rules and regulations o all Federal and State Boards and Bureaus, the ordinances of Dakota County, the City of Rosemount and the regulations of the Fire Department, Health Department and Police Department. LIABILITY / INSUR kNCE: 1. The City of Rosei count is not liable to the renter of the facilities for any loss, damage, injury, or illness. Neither the City of Rosemount nor it ; employees can be held responsible for any items that are left at the facility by the renter, caterer or contracted service. The organization group or individual using the facility will sign a waiver of liability as part of the Rental Agreement. Policies including, but not limited to, the facility Alcohol and /or Food Catering Policy may require the organization, group or individual to provide a copy of their Certificate of Insurance as proof of liability coverage. Renters take full responsibility for their group's conduct and for any loss, breakage, or damage to the rooms, equipment, or other property. The City reserves the right to assign supervisory staff or maintenance personnel at an additional cost to the renter, if deemed necessa y by the particular function or activity. The City of Rosemount has the right to exclude caterers or liquor providers if appropriate policies and procedures are not followed. Specific to food caterers, if the caterer chosen has not catered at the facility before, it is necessary to arrange an orientation from the Parks and Recreation Department before the date of the event. Alcohol I Security 1 Conduct: 1. The consumption of alcoholic beverages is allowed in the facility in designated areas according to the procedures and guidelines of the facility and any applicable laws. In accordance with the City Liquor Ordinance the serving of intoxicating beverages is restricted to those individuals companies or organizations that are granted an 'On -Sale License on Public Premises' by the City of Rosemount. A list of authorized liquor providers who are granted the proper license to serve intoxicating beverages in the facility is attached for your convenience. Renters may choose from this list of liquor providers only. It is mandatory that the renters purchase the alcohol beverage from the liquor provider chosen and have the provider serve the beverage as well. Private renters are not allowed to bring in and /or serve their own alcohol. 2. If the renting organization /individual would like to serve alcohol, they are required to hire the services of an authorized liquor provider licensed by the City of Rosemount. 3. The liquor provider will pay an event fee of $30.00 when alcohol is being served. 4. The renting organization /individual shall be responsible for reimbursing the City for security provided. 5. Smoking is prohibited in all interior areas of the building. Smoking is allowed 100 feet from the entrances to the facility. 6. Events that serve alcohol are required to have security personnel present during a portion of the event to be decided by the City of Rosemount. Parks and Recreation staff, in conjunction with the Rosemount Police Department, arrange security and the fee is itemized on the facility use permit received by the renter. The average fee is $175.00 for a 3.5 hour block of time, 7. Persons attendir g events must confine themselves to the rooms and corridors assigned to their use. 8. The renting orga iization, group or individual is responsible for the conduct of its guests, representatives, casts, students, volunteers and workers while in the facility. RE NTAL CONTACT PERSON (SIGN) DATE Former St. Joseph's Church Fee Rate Schedule 2010 Rental Rental Rental Event (6 -hr Rental) (4 -hr Rental) (6 -hr Rental) Thursday- Saturday Monday - Wednesday Sundays THEATER /AUDITORIUM (Theater Seating for 280) Event /Performance $110.00 $65.00 $200.00 (Banquet Seating for 192) (Public Events or ($30 /hr additional) ($30 /hr additional ($30 /hr additional) attended by an • Seating is depending on stage audience) configuration), including space for wheelchairs • Stage is 26' to 32' wide and up to Practice /Rehearsal $70.00 $40.00 $70.00 28' deep. (Events not ($20 /hr additional) ($20 /hr additional) ($20 /hr additional) attended by an • Dinner seating for up to 192 at 5- audience.) foot round tables (depending on stage configuration). • Long term or multiple day rental prices are negotiated by staff. • Users are to provide their own i specialized lights, sound and support staff. Item Fee EQUIPMENT RENTAL • Screen Rental $25 /per event Individuals /organizations using the facility may rent a portable screen 0 LCD Projector $100 /per event and /or an LCD projector. • TV /DVD Player $25 /per event Rental Rental Rental Event Thursday- Saturday Monday - Wednesday Sundays LOBBY /GALLERY /GATHERING SPACE 4 Hour rental) $40.00 $30.00 $30.00 • Seats 50 theater style and 35 with tables and chairs Daily (up to 12 hr rental) $115.00 $75.00 $115.00 • Sink and limited countertop space ($15 /hr additional) ($15 /hr additional ($15 /hr additional) available Fee Class Definitions: Tax will be added to all fees where applicable Class 1 City Sponsored Activities. Class 2 Residents, Resident Civic, Resident Non - Profit Groups, School District #196 and other Rosemount Schools. Class 3 Non - Residents, Non - Resident Civic and Non - Profit Groups, and other Governmental Agencies. Class 4 Commercial Groups. Auditorium Class 1 Fees based on set -up and clean up of event Class 2 $50 per hour /$350 for 8 hours or more Class 3 $55 per hour /$400 for 8 hours or more Class 4 $75 per hour /$550 for 8 hours or more Banquet Room Class 1 Saturday: $550; Sun -Fri Fees based on set -up and clean up of event. Class 2 Saturday: $700; Friday: $600; Sun -Thur $300 Class 3 Saturday: $850; Friday: $750; Sun -Thur $350 Class 4 Saturday: $900; Friday: $800; Sun -Thur $400 'Add $100 for Sun - Tours events past 10:00pm. Auditorium Banquet Room & Lobby Class 1 Sat: $700; Sim -Fri based on setup /cleanup Class 2 Saturday: $850; Friday: $750; Sun -Thur $400 Class 3 Saturday: $1,050; Friday: $950; Sun -Thur $600 Class 4 Saturday: $1250; Friday: $1150; Sun -Thur $800 `Add $100 for Sun - Tours events past 10:00pm. Meeting Rooms Class 1 Fees based on set -up and clean up of event Class 2 $25 per 3 hours Class 3 $30 per 3 hours Class 4 $30 per 3 hours Gymnasium Full Gymnasium Daily Usage Class 1 Fees based on set -up and dean up of event Class 2 $30 per hour $200 Class 3 $40 per hour $300 Class 4 $60 per hour $450 Groups of 50 or more will be charged at $15 per hour custodial charge. Gymnasium Kitchen rental available for $50 per day. Banquet or Dance Events in Gymnasium will be charged Banquet Room Rates. For reservations, rental information, or to schedule a tour, please call the Rental Coordinator at (651) 32276002 during office hours. 1,-A,te- vill''C RATES THEATER /AUDITORIUM (Theater Seatinal GARAGE RENTAI • The three -car garage can be rented for set construction when it is available. No long term storage is provided in the garage. Thursday — Sunday • 250 - 300 seats (depending on stage configuration), including space for wheelchairs Performance $220 4 hour maximum $42 /hour additional hours • Stage is 24' wide and up to 32' deep performance. When a sound /lights technician Tech Services can be used for programs or dancing Rehearsal $140 4 hour maximum • The LAAC does not provide linens. be used. $26 /hour additional hours NOTE: There are additional fees when using Monday — Wednesday theatrical lighting, sound system, tech booth, etc. or serving food. See Technical Service and Catering Fees below. performance $135 4 hour maximum $25 /hour additional hours Rehearsal $85 4 hour maximum $16 /hour additional hours GARAGE RENTAI • The three -car garage can be rented for set construction when it is available. No long term storage is provided in the garage. Heating season 25 Per hour Non - heating season $10 Per hour performance. When a sound /lights technician Tech Services THEATER /AUDITORIUM (Banquet Seatina) • Dinner seating for up to 175 at 5 foot Thursday — Sunday round tables (depending on stage configuration), including space for wheelchairs Event $440 4 hour maximum $80 /hour additional hours • Stage is 24' wide and up to 32' deep and performance. When a sound /lights technician Tech Services can be used for programs or dancing Per Hour is needed, only LAAC trained technicians will • The LAAC does not provide linens. be used. Screen rental $25 Monday — Wednesday NOTE: There are additional fees when using theatrical lighting, sound system, tech booth, etc. or serving food. See Technical Service Event $270 4 hour maximum $50 /hour additional hours and Catering Fees below. OUTDOOR RENTAL ON LAAC GROUNDS Rental events using the lawn and /or the parking lot will be charged a fee based on the number of people attending the event. Set up shall be under the supervision of LAAC or Parks Staff. Staff must be notified of any posts driven into the ground one week in advance. Electric service may require additional set fees. TECHNICAL SERVICE FEE Up to 100 people $175 /day 101 to 200 people $225 /day Over 200 people I $275 /day Individual /organizations using the theatrical Tech Booth $50 Per performance lighting or sound system must pay a $50 per performance. When a sound /lights technician Tech Services $25 Per Hour is needed, only LAAC trained technicians will be used. Screen rental $25 Per event (rear or front projection available) -3- Lotkovalie BOX OFFICE SERVICE Individuals /organizations using our ticketing services must use the City's $25 set up fee registration program. All ticket sales will be entered into our database, and $1 /ticket reimbursement of sales will follow the event on the City's payment schedule. PIANO FEES One performance with piano tuned as per tuning schedule $50.00 One performance with piano tuned at the renter's request $100.00 Each additional performance on one rental agreement $35.00 LARGE ART CLASSROOM • 42'x 44', 1848 square feet • Sink and limited countertop space Daily Thursda -Sunday Hourly $25 /hr 2 hour minimum Daily $115 6 hour maximum $16 /hour additional hours Monday — Wednesda Hourly $15 /hr 2 hour minimum Daily $75 6 hour maximum $10 /hour additional hours KITCHEN /CATERING • Refrigerator • Microwave Daily $30 Up to 5 hours 5 /hr additional hours Caterer Fees $60 Without alcohol • Dishwasher • Stainless steel worktable Caterer Fees $150 When alcohol is served • Coffee Maker • 3 compartment stainless steel sink CONCESSION SALES Groups that choose to sell concessions during intermission, before an event, or after an event will use the downstairs classroom. If this space is unavailable, an alternative site may be arranged by the LAAC Manager. The classroom and /or kitchen fee will be charged. -4- U0 V 1 E 0 U v �U °o . _ i a, a 4- C Q L s Q) 0-0 O r•i W rml N V} O O v_ •L a U Co H LL v v 3 v a ra a 0 a L — a C v cc Q c '^ Q1 V) L W m W s H ° C Q L s (3) O" O O N 0 f*l M in• a cv "a Q (L) Q) Q" o 0 0 0 I- V)- L 0 O t v Q O Ln 0 � C a L t Q) 00 O" O 0 Ln Ln M M 4A- 4- C Q L s Q) 0-0 O r•i W rml N V} u v_ •L a -a c ra m C. m 76 v 4, c o m ro • O � a L L +' Q L t Q C Q L QJ a 0 w d' O w 0 Q) to Q O Q O Q O m F,� 0 o r- Q rn� m r-I V). 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