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Goals for City of Rosemount 2010GOALS for CITY of ROSEMO LP 2010 Efficiency /Services Provide exceptional City services at a cost -value proposition supported by citizens Outcomes • Continue to develop and implement long term strategies to decrease tax burden • Increase business tax base • Maximize grant or collaborative agency funding opportunities Provide quarterly review and updates of opportunities ■ Increase partnership base and opportunities ■ Investigate summer youth employment funding opportunities • Investigate and consider retiring outstanding debt • Review current equipment replacement program ■ Challenge current replacement metrics time frame ■ Investigate total life cost opportunities to rent or lease in lieu of purchase ■ Investigate outsourcing large vehicle maintenance ■ Investigate cost share opportunities with other government agencies o Complete labor contract negotiations Develop and implement existing City services efficiency and improvement strategies • Investigate opportunities to remove or automate manual tasks • Engage employees for suggestions to improve work processes • Define level of service (LOS) reductions potential • Automate record systems with long term focus across all departments • Expand city wide department level performance measurement of services ■ Focus on quality vs. quantity measures ■ Investigating service sunset opportunities Expand long range financial planning supporting new or expanded services • Infrastructure • Police • Continue planning for senior programs and facilities • Develop Youth - centric initiatives through Youth Commission • Schedule review timing for fee based services comparisons with other communities • Update Council transition / New member onboarding materials Pagel of 5 GOALS for CITY of ROSEMOUNT 2010 Communication Implement purposeful conversation strategies with the public and private organizations fostering actions and results to educate, promote, involve, sustain and strengthen the community. Outcomes Increase citizen - council engagement • Conduct up to three town hall meetings • Review updating process and timeline for new resident booklet (web based ?) • Study and implement cost effective technical communication solutions JCS) • Continue citizen education of City activities and performance • Establish community dialog on public facilities • Increase local business - council engagement • Establish quality business visit template • Conduct an ongoing quality business visits program including 30 new businesses • Study and implement cost effective technical communication solutions JCS) • Investigate new technical /communication solutions (TCS) • Maintain business electronic mail database • Data services • Website -City of Rosemount • Investigate new or revised platform needs and costs • Increase citizen interaction /dialog on infrastructure/ public facilities • Consider citizen dialog • Link to other community based groups • Tracking capabilities for metric development and citizen engagment • Social media for city broadcast • Cable • Print media Page 2 of 5 GOALS for CITY of ROSEMOUNT 2010 Partnership Combine focus and resources with cooperating local and regional governmental agencies, businesses and civic organizations to develop common cultural and economic opportunities Outcomes • Partner with regional efforts for economic development marketing • Establish targeted business sectors to market • Utilize current business community to assist in marketing • Increase a greater Port Authority role and involvement • Develop a strategic vision on industry sectors to pursue • Continue marketing major property opportunities • Foster greater connection to current businesses • Continue Downtown Development next steps -Core Block East opportunities • Continue to establish partnerships with civic and non - profit organizations o Continue developing volunteer network ■ Consider sponsoring another community festival or activity • RAAC —art • Golf tourney — Business outreach, Leprechaun Days • Develop Youth outreach through Youth Commission • Develop operating structure • Create city -wide youth activity (one in 2010) • Formalize connection opportunity between youth and senior citizens • Review St Joes Plan addition addendum from youth perspective • Create Youth communication plan for city • Improve transit services and facilities to Minneapolis and St. Paul • Pursue funding for downtown park and ride lot • Investigate service opportunities to St. Paul • Monitor Robert St preliminary study • Continue to build partnership with ISD 196 o Middle School after school activities and athletics Page 3 of 5 GOALS for CITY of ROSEMOUNT 2010 Infrastructure /Facilities Increase the value and extend the useful life of the city's physical structures, parks, utility systems and similar assets. Outcomes Establish future uses for the former St Joe's Church Campus and plan building renovation • Solicit Developer proposals • Consider public /private partnership • Pursue potential users actively • Develop need base criteria to assist recreational /athletic improvements • Respond to defined needs through UMORE complex partnership • Respond to defined needs through DCTC partnership • Respond to defined needs through USTA partnership • Continue transportation infrastructure improvements and development o Develop policy regarding Complete Streets o Develop policy regarding fiber tubing at street reconstruction o Streets • Monitor timing and funding of Hwy 42/52 Interchange • Investigate and determine Connemara extension installation timing o Transit ■ Monitor timing and funding for downtown Park and Ride facility ■ Expand east — west connectivity to regional services ■ Monitor continued MVTA participation or Opt Out options • Revise tree ordinance to address diseased trees (Le ash borer) • Investigate automating and implementing utility reading and meter process • Continue engagement of UMORE development • Monitor environmental impact statement • Monitor gravel mining progress • Continue to monitor county transportation roadway development Page 4 of 5 GOALS for CITY of ROSEMOUNT 2010 Growth Ensure balanced community and economic development offering residents a safe and well - planned neighborhood environment in which to live, work, shop and play Outcomes • Develop strategic plan to meet Comprehensive Guide 2030 growth projections • Develop regional action plan partnering with other cities • Identify expansion opportunities of targeted industries • Visit/Contact businesses and developers outside of our city boundary • Establish business attraction /outreach plan • Consider support industries of existing top ten business • Investigate criteria /thresholds for wish list businesses • Examples- Chipotle, Denny's, Oral Surgeon, Health Clinic (pediatrician & emergency), Trader Joes, Whole Foods o Provide biweekly updates to council on efforts and responses o Pre -plan access and development options for key commercial and industrial sites o Consider Connemara roadway extension and timing o Enhance Parks Master Plan to develop long term recreational /athletic field needs • Update and enhance community information database o Secure City /City business input o Secure Business input • Continue to participate in studies and plans for UMORE property • UMORE Gravel Pit • UMORE next steps Page 5 U5 Ie,VK S I e 02 . 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