HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.f. Submittal of an Application to the Dakota County Commuity Development Agency Redevelopment Incentive Grant4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Worksession Date: December 15, 2010 AGENDA ITEM: Submittal of an Application to the Dakota AGENDA SECTION: County Community Development Agency Discussion Redevelopment Incentive Grant PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner c AGENDA NO. 2 -T. ATTACHMENTS: Redevelopment Incentive Grant APPROVED BY: Application RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion Only ISSUE The Dakota County Community Development Agency (CDA) has made $1,000,000 available to the Dakota County cities during 2011 for redevelopment grants. The application for the Redevelopment Incentive Grant is to demolish the former St. Joseph's School in preparation of the site's redevelopment. The City has been considering the redevelopment of the site into senior housing including a possible Senior Center. A Resolution authorizing the submittal of the application is required as a part of the CDA application process. Prior to adoption of the resolution staff would like a discussion by Council regarding redevelopment of the St. Joe's school site. The CDA requires a 2 to 1 local match. The demolition may cost as much as$540,000. The grant application is for a grant amount of $180,000 for the demolition. Along with the demolition, staff is looking for funding to organize the site and potentially restructure the parking lot to make it more efficient. The local match would come from excess fund balance which is anticipated due to higher than projected SKB revenues. City staff will also explore other grant or loan opportunities for the 2 to 1 local match. RECOMMENDATION Provide comments or direction on the submittal of a grant application for funds to demolish the former St. Joseph's School. CDA Dakota Coy .ty • • • • . Community Development Agency Redevelopment Incentive Grant Application General Information Project Name: Former St. Joseph's School Site Redevelopment Applicant City: Rosemount Applicant Address: 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount, MN 55122 Application/Project Contact: Kim Lindquist, Communily Development Director Contact Email Address: kim.lindquist ,ci.rosemount.mn.us Phone Number: (651) 322 -2020 Fax Number: (651) 423 -4424 Authorized Official(s) for Execution of Contracts (name and title): Dwight Johnson, City Administrator How much funding are you requesting? $180,000 Project Site Information Site Address(es): 14375 South Robert Trail, Rosemount, MN 55122 Acreage of Site: 1.86 Acres Number of Parcels: 1 Is the site publicly or privately owned? Publicly Current Site Owner(s): City of Rosemount Current Appraised or Assessed Value of the Site: $1,845,700 assessed value Projected appraised or Assessed Value of the Site after redevelopment: About $4,600,000 based on the assessed value of O'Leary Manor in Eagan Attach the appraisal or assessor's current and projected values. After redevelopment is complete, will the site be publicly or privately owned? Currently unknown. Depends if site redevelopment is publics or privately owned. Post - redevelopment Site Owner(s): Currently unknown. A developer hasn't been selected but discussions have been had with a number of senior housing developers, some public and some private. When hastwill the acquisition be completed? Development hoped to be complete by the end of 2013. Legal Description of Site (may be separate attachment): Lot 1, Block 1, Kilcumreragh Addition Provide a location map, photos, and current and projected site plans. Maps should include property boundaries, north arrow, and bar scale. Attach a brief history of the site including previous uses, activities, prior or existing contamination, and other attempts at redevelopment. How many residential buildings are on site? None Institutional buildings? Three How many residential buildings are vacant? None Institutional buildings? Two Project Information Describe the city's goals and need for this project. The City has identified the former St. Joseph's Church site for redevelopment into a community use within the Development Framework for Downtown Rosemount, which was adopted in 2004. Also in 2004, the City acquired the former church site after St. Joseph's moved to its current location on the southeast corner Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail. In 2007, the City gave the southern third of the property to Dakota County for the construction of the Robert Trail Library. Also during 2007, the City evaluated the reuse of the St. Joseph's complex into a public use through a citizen advisory group, The St. Joseph's Task Force. The St. Joseph's Task Force has evaluated the reuse of the St. Joseph's complex, which is made up of three buildings: the 9,000 - square -foot church constructed in 1924, the 21,600 - square -foot school constructed in 1954, and the 2,100- square -foot "gathering area" constructed in 1996 which connects the church to the school. The complex also contains additional properties recently acquired by the City: five parcels located west of the site along Cameo Avenue. The draft recommendation from the St. Joseph's Task Force is for the church and gathering space is to be used as a multi -use center for seniors, teens, banquets, public exhibits, arts and culture, and meeting space. The long term plan is to incorporate more of an arts and cultural use as time and demand for that type of facility expands in the community, until it is primarily an arts and cultural center that will share some of the space for other public uses. With the area occupied by the former school, the City is proposing to redevelop the site into senior housing. Following the demolition of the school, there will be an area approximately 2.5 acres in size that can accept approximately 80 units of senior housing and a senior center. The City is requesting the grant funds to demolish the school to initiate site redevelopment. Some of the funds will be allocated to additional site preparation such as relocation of utilities and removal of a small utility building and patching and reorientation of existing parking. Attach a detailed description the redevelopment project. Attach a site plan, vicinity map, and elevations or drawings of proposed redevelopment. Has an end user committed to redevelopment of site? A developer hasn't been selected but discussions have been had with a number of senior housing developers, some public and some private. Attach letter of commitment. Describe how the project will make more efficient use of the site. There are many civic and service uses Downtown (including the Robert Trail Library, City Hall, the post office, a bank, dentists, and yarn and quilt shops) that would be within walking distance of the future senior housing residents. In addition, to the north and west of this site are Rosemount Elementary, Middle, and High Schools and the Rosemount Community Center. There is current transit service to the site and transit services Downtown will be expanded with the completion of the Rosemount Depot park and ride. These nearby uses and facilities make senior housing a very efficient use of the site. Additionally, the site is currently underutilitized. The ability to use the site, in a higher density development also provides better efficiency of the site. Describe the larger redevelopment project to which this project will be a part. Include details of anticipated businesses, housing units, and other proposed components. Attach copy of Redevelopment Plan. Redevelopment of the St. Joseph's Complex continues the redevelopment efforts of the City in the Downtown area. The anticipated introduction of residential uses on the site is consistent with the Downtown Framework which encouraged additional medium and higher density residential development in the Downtown. To assist in attracting redevelopment of the site, the City had purchased five parcels on Cameo Avenue. This additional land allows from more land use options and greater design flexibility when the site is redeveloped. The City owns approximately 2.5 acres, three blocks south of this site at the former Genz Ryan property. The redevelopment plan for the Genz Ryan site is service commercial and/or professional offices. The City is in the process of demolishing the existing buildings and the City has been awarded a Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) grant to refurbish the sanitary sewer line on the site. There is no development partner at this time but the City is preparing the site for future redevelopment once the economy improves. The City owns approximately 1.2 acres about two blocks south and east at Burnley Avenue and 145' Street for a park and ride site called the Rosemount Depot. The Rosemount Depot will be a 100 stall park and ride that will have an enclosed shelter and provide both local and express bus service. The Rosemount Depot has CMAQ funding for 2013 but the City is actively pursuing advance funding to construct the facility as early as 2011. Describe redevelopment phase(s) already completed and /or other adjacent development/redevelopment. The St. Joseph's complex was purchased in 2004. In 2007, the southern third of the property was given to Dakota County for the construction of the Robert Trail Library, which opened in early 2009. In the greater Downtown area, additional development has also occurred. Stonebridge Development has constructed a three -story building with 13,000 square feet of commercial space and 108 rental units called Waterford Commons which was completed in the summer of 2009. Twenty percent of the units are affordable to people making less than fifty percent of the median income. Describe how owners, tenants, and businesses will be temporarily or permanently relocated. Attach relocation plan, if applicable. There are no tenants to be relocated. St. Joseph's parish had previously relocated to their new site at Biscayne Avenue and Connemara Trail. Itemize all other funding sources. Source of ' • • Dakota County :1 111 ■ $60,000 City of Rosemount •1111 ■ Apartments /Condominiums 80 80 $550 and up Duplexes • ' �1 111 ����� /��� /��� /��� Itemize project expenses. Be as detailed as possible. Itemized Use of Funds/Expenses Costs Funding Source Former St. Joseph's School Demolition $480,000 CDA/City Relocation of utilities, reorientation and upgrading of on -site parking, removal of utility building $60,000 CDA/City Total: $540,000 Are any zoning amendments or variances needed? Yes What is the status? The City is currently pipdating the DT: Downtown zoning district that would allow the senior housing as a permitted use. Is a comprehensive plan amendment required? No What is the status? Is an environmental review required? No What is the status? Will a market or feasibility study be performed? Yes What is the status? The City has received proposals for a market study. Attach a project timeline with all actions, phases and anticipated dates. Indicate the number of housing units planned in the project. Attach separate sheet if necessary. Total # of Units # of Owner Units # of Rental Units Proposed Rents/ Sales Prices Single Family Townhouse Apartments /Condominiums 80 80 $550 and up Duplexes Other: Will any existing affordable housing be demolished? No If yes, please explain. Will there be any mechanisms to ensure long -term affordability? If there affordable housing is created, the City will work with the provider to maintain affordability into the future. If yes, please describe. The City iploringmultiple development partnerships. Some of the providers (CDA) would provide all affordable units, others may be able to provide some affordable units based on financing availability. This will be determined later in the redevelopment process. What are the current property taxes for the project site? $0 Pay Year 2011 What will the estimated property tax be after redevelopment? $42,780 Pay Year 2014 How was this figure determined? Based on the 0.93% tax paid by Rosemount Plaza apartments in Pay Year 2010. Who determined it? Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Project the number of new jobs created after redevelopment. Total new jobs = 2 FTEs. Number of new jobs with wages greater than $15.00 per hour = 2 Project the number of jobs retained after redevelopment. Total retained jobs = n/a FTEs. Number of retained jobs with wages greater than $15.00 per hour = n/a Has the project site been found or suspected to be contaminated? The church was constructed on this site in 1924 and the school building was constructed in 1953. With the lop hg istory on this site, it is expected that some contamination in the structure will be found such as asbestos building_ products and mercury electrical equipment. It is not anticipated that the site will have contamination. Does your project include the clean up of contaminated soils, hazardous waste or materials? Yes, it would be hazardous materials that will be determined with the investigation prior to any demolition work occurring Attach detailed information on the type of clean up, what measures have been taken to address the contamination, consultant reports, and/or Response Action Plan. Describe other positive environmental impacts the project will have. The City has been implementing a number of environmental improvements as sites redevelopment Downtown. Both the library and Waterford Commons employed rain gardens in their site design. The City has upgraded the regional pond in Erickson Park serving Downtown and the redevelopment site. The upgrade occurred in 2009 and included an alum treatment system. It would be anticipated that similar environmental improvements will be included in the redevelopment of the site. Describe how the project incorporates smart growth concepts, including proximity to public transit, pedestrian - friendly design, maximizing green space, mixed land uses, and community building element. Transit is provided to Rosemount through the 420 flex route operated by the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority. The 420 runs east to west along 145' Street West, a half block south of the St. Joseph's complex, from the Rosemount City Hall to the Apple Valley Transit Center. If residents with special needs required direct service to the St. Joseph's complex, a call to MVTA would allow the 420 route to "flex" its route directly to the complex. There is also express service at the Community Center through the 476 and 478 routes. The Rosemount Depot will be a 100 stall park and ride that will have an enclosed shelter and provide both local and express bus service. The Rosemount Depot project has CMAQ funding for 2013 but the City is actively pursuing advance funding to construct as early as 2011. The St. Joseph's complex is within walking distance to many of the public buildings within Rosemount: 20 feet from the future Robert Trail Library, 200 feet from Rosemount Middle School, 600 feet from Rosemount Elementary School, 850 feet from Rosemount City Hall/Police Station, 1,300 feet from Rosemount High School, and 1,850 feet from the Rosemount Community Center. The St. Joseph's complex is also located directly across the street from the South Robert Trail access to Central Park, which leads to the Koch Trail, City Hall, and Erickson Park. Acquiring the five parcels on Cameo Avenue allows flexibility for the City to design the site, particularly with more street frontage. The St. Joseph site currently has about 360 feet of frontage on South Robert Trail and 170 feet of frontage on 143` Street West. The South Robert Trail frontage is difficult for both vehicles and pedestrians because of traffic levels that result from its A -minor arterial status. Acquiring the five houses on Cameo Avenue provides an additional 150 feet of frontage onto 143`d Street West and 360 feet of frontage onto Cameo Avenue. This additional land provides for additional green space (as described in the environmental section above), as well as better pedestrian access to the site, particularly for students from the north via 143`d Street West or residents from the west via Cameo Avenue.