HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Request for Extended Working Hours - McNamara Contracting Inc. for MnDOT TH 3 ARRA ProjectROSEMOLINTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: May 4, 2010 AGENDA ITEM: Request for Extended Working Hours — AGENDA SECTION: McNamara Contracting Inc. for MnDOT New Business TH 3 ARRA Project PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of P c AGENDA NO. q,a, Works /City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Letter from McNamara Contracting, 16 15. APPROVED BY: and Exhibits RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve extended construction work hours as noted. BACKGROUND Attached for City Council review and consideration is a request by McNamara Contracting, Inc. for an extension of working hours and days for work associated with improvements on TH 3 (South Robert Trail) within Rosemount. This is an ARRA funded MnDOT project that involves mill and overlay improvements on TH 3 from TH 149 in Eagan to the railroad bridge south of CSAH 42 in Rosemount. City Code 9 -7 -2A for construction hours states: Construction activities described below shall be restricted to the hours of seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. through ten o'clock (10:00) P.M. Monday through Friday, seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. to seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. on Saturday's and nine o'clock (9:00) A.M. to five o'clock (5:00) P.M. on Sundays. The initial attached request by McNamara Contracting, Inc. is for approval to work 24 hours per day, 7 days per week within dates highlighted on the attached exhibits. As noted in the letter, the request is to accommodate the completion of work in a shorter time period with less disruption to traffic. Upon review of this request and given the number of residential properties in close proximity to TH 3, particularly north of 145t' Street, staff discussed with McNamara Contracting, Inc. an option for allowing 16 hour work days, 7 days per week north of 145th Street. Based on this discussion, McNamara Contracting, Inc. is requesting the following work hours for the project: • Railroad Bridge to CSAH 42 0 24 Hours per day o May 14 to May 17 • 145`'' Street to Connemara Trail 0 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M., 7 days per week o 8 Working Days Total, June 8 to June 18 • Connemara Trail to McAndrews Road 0 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M., 7 days per week o June 1 to June 5 • McAndrews Road to north city limit 0 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M., 7 days per week o May 19 to May 25 G: \MNDOT \05042010 McNamara Extended Hours.doc A representative from McNamara Contracting, Inc. will be in attendance at the meeting to address questions or comments which the Council may have. SUMMARY Should Council support this request, staff would recommend Council approval of the above motion. 2 Aph."126, 2010 The Honorable Mayor and City Council of Rosemount 2875 145" St. W Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: Request of extension of work hours for ARRA project on TH 3 ATTN: Andy Brotzler, City Engineer Honorable Mayor and Council, McNamara Contracting, Inc. has been awarded the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act project let through the State of Minnesota (S.P. 1981 -23) with work to be performed in Rosemount, Inver Grove Heights, and Eagan. This scope of work includes milling and overlaying of bituminous, culvert replacement, signal system revisions, guardrail improvements, and landscaping on Highway 3. Specifically, construction on this project located within Rosemount is located on Highway 3 between %z mile south of County Road 42 to County Road 42 and from 145th St. W to Biscayne Ave. The project has a start date of May 10, 2010 and completion date of June 18, 2010. Specifically we have work scheduled to be performed in Rosemount to occur as follows: from the south end of the project to County Road 42 from May 10th through May 17" (with extended hours May 14 through May 17); from McAndrews to Biscayne from May 19 through May 25; from Connemera to McAndrews from June 1 through June 5; and from 145th St. W to Connemera to on or after June 8 and lasting 6 working days (specific dates are yet to be determined). We have planned this project with a very aggressive schedule to limit the impact to the traveling public. That said, our schedule allows for no lane closures in areas that are not detoured and/or closed from 6 am to 9 am and 3 pm to 6 pm Monday through Friday. In Rosemount the there will be 2 detours /closures associated with the project. The first closure /detour we will be working on is from McAndrews to Biscayne and the second detour /closure is from Connemera to McAndrews. Both closures are part of the contract documents with MN DOT with the McAndrews to Biscayne lasting 6 working days and the Connemera to McAndrews lasting 5 working days. Additionally, as part of our aggressive schedule we would like to request an extension of work hours allowed by code and/or ordinance in the City of Rosemount. We request that you consider allowing work 24 hours a day (Monday through Saturday) on this project from May 14 through May 27, June 1 through June 7, and an additional 7 working days (specific dates TBD) between June 8 and June 18. We also request that you consider allowing Sunday work as well. It is our belief that by allowing these extended work 16700 Chippendale Avenue - Rosemount, Minnesota 55068 Office (651) 322 -5500 - Fax (651) 322 -5550 - Plant (651) 322 -3939 hours we can drastically reduce the impact this project will have on the community. Should this request not be granted our schedule would be adjusted and it is anticipated that the calendar days we would be working in Rosemount could double. Further, should the request not be granted we would adjust our schedule to include significantly more day time work, with more crews, which would be when traffic levels are at their peak. It is of our belief that granting the extended hours requested for this project would be in the best interest of the residents of Rosemount, surrounding communities, as well as of the project as a whole. However, should the request be deemed unacceptable as stated, I would appreciate the opportunity to work with you and come to a mutually beneficial compromise to the request above. McNamara Contracting, Inc. looks forward to improving the infrastructure of your community on this project.. If you have any questions or need any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me at 651.322.5500. Sincerely, Mike McNamara McNamara Contracting, Inc. Cc: Andy Brotzler Morgan Dawley Brotzler, Andy From: Mike McNamara [m.mcnamara @mcnamaracontracting.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 3:17 PM To: Brotzler, Andy Subject: Extended Hours Attachments: TH 3 Hour Extension Plan - Resemount Rev. 1.pdf Andy, Attached is a revised plan indicating the hours we discussed this morning. As you can see I have indicated 24 hours on the work south of CR 42 and 6 am to 10 pm for the other areas. Do you think it could be possible to request 7 am until 11 pm rather than 6 am to 10 pm, still 16 hours just starting an hour later? Please let me know if you need anything else or have any questions. Thanks, Mike McNamara McNamara Contracting, Inc. 16700 Chippendale Ave. Rosemount, MN 55068 (0) 651 - 322 -5500 (C) 612 - 363 -8191 email: m. mcnamaraO -mcnamaracontracting.com -n x O LA -4 D Y .A W W ° 0 —I O N -i D M Ln LA LA N M ('STRICT •1 METRO (PLAT NAM& dfW8J 0J ?ATM 6 PttENAMEi dNZ1( m � i M H 11 i wl a � � r rri n R � m w ObrnZ y y -4 Cl n ` PLATTEDIREVISELI 60.7-WO 1&45 -N - 4 f m -( z� a x m• xw -1x N ° n z r w n ;' c Rl + I `' 14TTH ST. M. r^ v�7 ° Z S rn m �I " 146TH ST. wa� �ro ' l 145TH ST. W.._. ,_f- �✓ S � 1O r a X m vi ~ ~ 0 m ^ Le z W r N W Y ' v 1 _ a fT Ln w .` ° - I J 5 —150TH (CSAH 42 ) -N - 4 f m -( z� a x m• xw -1x N ° n z r w n ;' c Rl + I `' 14TTH ST. M. r^ v�7 ° Z S rn m �I " 146TH ST. wa� �ro ' l 145TH ST. W.._. ,_f- �✓ S � 1O r a X z Y r Cf Z 0 0 N D --i M z O z n N r C. 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