HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Request to Adopt a Resolution In Support of the Livable Communities Demonstration Account Grant Application for South Gateway District%D EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: August 4, 2010 AGENDA ITEM: Request to Adopt a Resolution in Support of the Livable Communities AGENDA SECTION: Demonstration Account Grant Application Consent for the South Gateway District PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. U.I. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Grant Application for the APPROVED BY: South Gateway District. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a Resolution Identifying the Need for Livable Communities Demonstration Account Funding and Authorizing an Application for Grant Funds. ISSUE An application for pre - development grant funding from the Metropolitan Council's Livable Communities Demonstration Account has been submitted to develop a specific area plan for the South Gateway District. A City Council Resolution in support of the application must be submitted to the Metropolitan Council by August 19. SUMMARY Annually, the Metropolitan (Met) Council awards grants through their Livable Communities Demonstration Account (LCDA). This year they have renewed their pre - development grant program to develop specific area plans to help facilitate future development. In the past, the City had received this grant to help create the Development Framework for Downtown Rosemount. Staff has prepared and submitted a grant to prepare a similar plan for the commercial area along South Robert Trail from County Road 42 to County Road 46. Staff has titled this area as the South Gateway District. The South Gateway District is an hourglass shape area that is designated for commercial uses in our Comprehensive Plan. The north half of the district is bounded by County Road 42 to the north, the Union Pacific rail line to the east and south, and Chippendale Avenue to the west. The south half of the district is bounded by County Road 46 to the south, the rail line to the west and north, and extends to the half section line east of South Robert Trail. The north half of the district is developed but has significant sites in need of redevelopment such as the Carlson Tractor business or the Rick's Auto site. The south half of the district is predominately agricultural land but has sites in need of clean up such as the former Rosemount Village dump. The grant funds will be used to hire consultants to conduct a market /feasibility study for the area and to create alternative stormwater guidelines. The grant requires a $1 local match for every $4 of grant funds but allows the matching funds to be provided through in -kind services. Staff has proposed the local match to be the wages and benefits of the staff working with a task force to develop the plan, the actual writing of the plan, and any ordinance revisions necessary to implement the plan. If the grant is awarded, staff is proposing to begin the planning process with the formation of a task force in early 2011 and complete the plan and necessary ordinance revisions by the end of 2012. If the grant is not awarded, development of the plan will be delayed until additional funding is identified for the consultant fees. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution in support the Livable Communities Demonstration Account pre - development grant application for the South Gateway District. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2010 - A RESOLUTION IDENTIFYING THE NEED FOR LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT FUNDING AND AUTHORIZING AN APPLICATION FOR GRANT FUNDS WHEREAS the City of Rosemount is a participant in the Livable Communities Act's Housing Incentives Program for 2010 as determined by the Metropolitan Council, and is therefore eligible to apply for Livable Communities Demonstration Account funds; and WHEREAS the City has identified a proposed project within the City that meets the Demonstration Account's purposes and criteria and is consistent with and promotes the purposes of the Metropolitan Livable Communities Act and the policies of the Metropolitan Council's adopted metropolitan development guide; and WHEREAS the City has the institutional, managerial and financial capability to ensure adequate project administration; and WHEREAS the City certifies that it will comply with all applicable laws and regulations as stated in the grant agreement; and WHEREAS the City agrees to act as legal sponsor for the project contained in the grant application submitted on July 19, 2010; and WHEREAS the City acknowledges Livable Communities Demonstration Account Pre - Development grants are intended to fund activities that can prepare projects to apply for the LCDA Development Grant category; and WHEREAS only a limited amount of grant funding is available through the Metropolitan Council's Livable Communities Demonstration Account during each funding cycle and the Metropolitan Council has determined it is appropriate to allocate those scarce grant funds only to eligible projects that would not occur without the availability of Demonstration Account grant funding. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that, after appropriate examination and due consideration, the governing body of the City: 1. Finds that it is in the best interests of the City's development goals and priorities for the proposed activities to be performed for this particular Project Area site, as identified in the application, and at this particular time. 2. Finds that the project component(s) for which Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is sought: (a) will not occur solely through private or other public investment within the reasonably foreseeable future; and (b) will not occur within two years after a grant award unless Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is made available for this project at this time. 3. Represents that the City has undertaken reasonable and good faith efforts to procure funding for the project activities for which Livable Communities Demonstration Account funding is sought but was not able to find or secure from other sources funding that is necessary for completion of the activities within two years and states that this representation is based on the following reasons and supporting facts: (a) Similar to all cities, Rosemount's tax base is shrinking resulting in the need for budget cuts; and (b) The City does not have funds available to finance the creation of the South Gateway District Plan; and (c) No other grants funds are currently available from any other source. 4. Authorizes its City Administrator to submit on behalf of the City an application for Metropolitan Council Livable Communities Demonstration Account Pre- Development Grant funds for the project activities identified in the application, and to execute such agreements as may be necessary to implement the project on behalf of the City. ADOPTED this 4' day of August, 2010, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk LIVABLE COMMUNITIES DEMONSTRATION ACCOUNT 2010 PRE - DEVELOPMENT GRANT APPLICATION 0 Project Name: South Gateway District Applicant: city, county or development authority City of Rosemount Project Location: City: Rosemount Street boundaries, address or major intersection: South Robert Trail from CSAH 42 to CSAH 46 Contact for Name and Title: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Application: Address: 2875145 1h Street West City, Zip Code: Rosemount, MN 55068 Phone, Fax: 651- 322 -2020; 651- 423 -4424 E -Mail: Kim.lindquist@ci.rosemount.mn.us Grantee Information: Name: Kim Lindquist, Contact person Title: Community Development Director Phone: 651- 322 -2020 E -Mail: Kim.lind uist ci.rosemount.mn.us Authorized city, county or Name: William Droste development authority official(s) Title: Mayor for contract signature(s) E -Mail: wdroste@ci.rosemount.mn.us Section I. A. Requested Activities and Project Area Pre - Development grants fund activities that help prepare a project in a specific project area for a future year's application in the LCDA Development category. Funded activities must be completed within two years of the grant award date (Dec. 2010 /Jan. 2011). No grant extensions will be Dermitted. Development Framework for the South Gateway District including a market/feasibility study, area specific alternative stormwater design guidelines, and the zoning code revision necessary to implement the Development Framework. Total funding requested: $ 23,500 The project area is 210 acres of land located along both sides of South Robert Trail (Minnesota Highway 3) between CSAH 42 (150' Street) and CSAH 46 (1601h Street). The project area is roughly one mile long by one half mile wide. There are railroad tracks that run roughly perpendicular to South Robert Trail dividing the project area in half. The north half of the project area is bounded by CSAH 42 on the north, the Union Pacific rail line to the east, Chili Court to the south, and Chippendale Avenue to the west. The south half of the project area is bounded by the Union Pacific rail line to the north and west, the SW Quarter of Section 32 boundary to the north and east, and CSAH 46 to the south. The project area contains 48 parcels: 34 parcels in the north half and 14 parcels in the south half of the project area. The project area serves as a gateway to Rosemount for all travelers heading north on South Robert Trail including commuters from Farmington, Empire Township, and Northfield. The north half of the project area is developed with commercial and light industrial uses, many of which are over 25 years old. Many of these buildings have had multiple owners and tenants and have outlived their usefulness and are in need of reinvestment or redevelopment. The south half of the project area is a mix of farm fields, a former village dump, a car repair business, and a natural gas storage facility. The majority of the south half is greenfield development but the former dump repair business and the gas storage will need to be addressed as brownfield development. The Development Framework for the South Gateway District will create a development plan that will evaluate what businesses and uses are suitable to remain in the north half of the project area while creating a redevelopment strategy for the other parcels and buildings. The Plan will also evaluate the best and highest development scenario for the south half along with addressing brownfield clean up and redevelopment. Being the south entrance to the City and having numerous rush hour drivers passing by each day, the City sees the potential to add important tax base while providing additional jobs for our residents and the other rush hour drivers commuter v � u3 s3 on cA o E N N N N A tL z7 v ca v v � o U o t B O p F v ,i, ai v L thin C v] U v to 3 3 u a> a oq p c. ct cl 3 CC M ai U d a�i „C .0"0" CC++ N c c >, E tj N ro v a - -a O ccd O c c °c o c u u vcc 3 '•OU2" UU° UU�cnvv O o p v 0 r- cA cn fl N cA ai ° >^ ,, O Q O Q (1) . cn o � G C2C�rU["" y�„i N C� C,3 N 3•-i f� t 03 O ti PC cz cz cz^'cz ; y�� �C7 ao o a,o oQ cz � Q- c v E p a - :.• cn ri 00 0 0 �� N v s a a+ v ❑ M � A r el v O N 'r f^ o i.•,v .O .o�cq yg 69 en 20 15 ry) .. p u ° sv C c� ^O moo° 00 o (U 'r-4 c c,3 +.,,+ a1 � nom' C cC "O �s � cps O cn yer: O p U v Qn IN um CJ p F+ Q. s. ',00 ,:•y'j ��' C3 •Q.,Vi x x;M"rr;i 'c" n a' v>- Q cd Ca C Section I C � How will the -grant funded activities support andhelp implement future development ni'�the Discuss issues you will address or for which you will seek clarification, questions you hope to resolve. (Limit 15 lines) The majority of the property in the north half of the project area is zoned for retail and professional offices, while many of the actual uses in the project area are auto - orientated or general contactor offices. The south half of the project area is relatively undeveloped with business park/light industrial uses planned to the east and existing residential to the west. The market /feasibility study would be used to determine the amount of retail and professional offices that can be supported and what types of job- intensive commercial uses can be developed to transition between the residential to the west and the more industrial uses to the east. The City's engineering consultant, WSB, has previously prepared the City's Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan as well as information related to alternative storm water management infrastructure. This past information has focused on traditional storm water management for the City as well as alternative storm water management that focused on areas with minimal impervious areas. The City is seeking to develop more information and policies related to alternative storm water management that will be effective in highly impervious areas, such as the South Gateway. The intent will be to create the South Gateway Stormwater Infrastructure Design Guideline to develop the alternative policies needed to treat the stormwater, create a livable community, and protect the environment. These two grant- funded activities (market/feasibility study and alternative stormwater guidelines) will be used to create the Development Framework for the South Gateway District to describe the commercial or mixed land uses that should be developed and how they can be developed with the least impact on the environment. Zoning revisions will be implemented following the Framework to regulate and fulfill the development potential. %%MrtD Describe the planning, visioning or other activities that have been completed for the Project Area or for portions of the Project Area. List or describe the products of these activities, such as planning documents, area or neighborhood plans. ('Limit 15 lines) In 2006, the City approved a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the south half of the district from industrial to commercial. In 2007, the City and County conducted a Phase II environmental review and development response action plan (DRAP) for the former Rosemount dump located northwest of Canada Circle and South Robert Trail. Also in 2007, the City acquired the abandoned South Robert Trail right -of -way from Mn/DOT. In 2008, a developer, Ryan Companies, and landowner, the Pahl family, worked with the City to plan for development of the land east of South Robert Trail and south of the rail line, including a 65 acre preliminary plat. From 2007 through 2009, the City created the 2030 Comprehensive Plan including the identification of the South Gateway District as one of four redevelopment areas, identified a policy to develop a specific area plan for the district, and mixed the commercial land use designations to include auto - oriented and general contractor uses with the previously planned retail and office uses. In 2010, the City has been working with the land owner of the southwest corner of South Robert Trail and CSAH 42 to market the property for redevelopment. OR, JV Explain specific goals or expectations for the future project the grant- funded activities will support; and for development generally in the Project Area (if the Project Area is larger than a first development phase). When is development expected to commence in the Project Area or in a portion of the Project Area? Explain how you would phase the project, if applicable. (Limit 15 lines) There are three goals for the future development of the South Gateway District: the development and redevelopment of the district; to provide tax base and job creation, identify the proper mix of uses to transition from the Downtown located to the north, the residential located to the west, and the business park/industrial uses to the east; and the development of the district that has the lowest impact on the surface water, groundwater, and the environment. Development in the South Gateway District has already begun with reinvestments in Rosemount Market Square retail along CSAH 42 and recent commercial development on Chippendale Avenue. Additional development and redevelopment will continue as developers and investors are located. The City sees the value in creating the Framework while the market is slow so that the City can be sure to market this area for the appropriate land uses and develop the properties with the least impact to the environment once the market improves. The South Gateway is large enough and has city services in place to develop multiple phases at once. In the north half, it is expected to redevelop the southwest corner of South Robert Trail and CSAH 42 first, and in the south half, it would be anticipated that the intersection of South Robert Trail and Canada Circle with be developed first, including a street connection to Boulder Trail. Section II. Project Area Status ..3.y+.0 � . - t � ref r z - � - ?� 'ten= }�a, t: : tc.,•y ., .�� �3t.� �" ` s a �' ''r�„ �„ , A Secfion;�I�A..Loca1 Landi)seand �2egulat9 ryStatus �. .4. Mark (X) whether the following will be needed for the Project Area or any part thereof, is underway or is completed, or if not applicable, place `NA' in the box. Briefly state additional information requested. Will be Underway City has Needed YES, state name of the plan: Adopted IF YES, has the plan been adopted by the municipality in which the Project Area is located? X Comprehensive plan amendment. If needed, describe: will include the design standards and the Zoning Ordinance revisions X will codify the design standards necessary. Environmental Reviews — EAW, EIS, AUAR. If needed, describe: The South X Gateway District is large enough that it may trigger the requirement of EISs or X AUARs. Framework and Stormwater Guidelines will include the development Zoning changes and variances. If needed, please list and include change X standards and the Code revisions will codify the design standards to /from: The north half may need zoning changes to allow mixed uses while the necessary. south half will need changes from agriculture to its appropriate zonin . �' ilkI i �® i q' it "i, i "g i Yes No Mark (X) appropriate box Mark (X) appropriate box X Is the Project Area currently within a designated TIF or other development district, or an approved development e.. PUD ? H. B. b) Yes No Mark (X) appropriate box Underway X Is the Project Area currently within or covered by an area, neighborhood, corridor or other local plan? A part of a designated development district, or an approved development (e.g. PUD )? YES, state name of the plan: 1!!1IF IF YES, has the plan been adopted by the municipality in which the Project Area is located? m .. _., Will be Needed Underway City has Adopted NA Design standards. Briefly describe: The Development Framework X will include the design standards and the Zoning Ordinance revisions will codify the design standards necessary. Development standards. Briefly describe: The Development X Framework and Stormwater Guidelines will include the development standards and the Code revisions will codify the design standards necessary. Yes No Mark (X) appropriate box X Does the Applicant or any of its entities or partners own the Project Area site or a developable portion or phase of the Proiect Area? If NO, are steps being taken to gain site control? Explain (Limit 4 lines) Completed p Underway y Will Be Needed Mark X appropriate box to indicate status. If not applicable, write NA in appropriate box. ( ) pp X X Market studies X Feasibility studies If completed, briefly state conclusions of the studies, and for which project components (e.g. retail, office, ownership housing, rental housing): (Liiair G lines) SectonIFDeveloper Sta>��us �` x �. Yes No Mark (X) appropriate box X Has the Applicant selected a developer for the Project Area? If YES, provide the requested information about the develo er(s): Names of Developer(s) Type of contract or commitment Ryan Companies Purchase Agreement with Land Owner Yes No Mark (X) appropriate box X If NO, has the Applicant been working with a developer on future development plans for the Project Area? Briefly explain developer status or next steps for working with or selecting a developer: In the north half of the project area, the City has been working with the land owner to market and design their development and redevelopment projects. On the south half, the City has developed a DRAP for the former dump, has acquired the abandoned right -of -way from Mn /DOT, and has approved a preliminary plat to the east. The City is also negotiating a development agreement with the developer and land owner that would include the construction of the extension of Boulder Trail and associated infrastructure to the intersection of South Robert Trail and Canada Circle. Section III. Information for Evaluating Your Project on the Step One & Step Two Criteria Sectiori'III =`A: Land Use Criteriia = ` 1. Use Land Efficiently a. Describe how you plan to develop the Project Area to use land more efficiently or increase the intensity of land use on the project site, and how you plan to maximize the potential of the Project Area's location. (Lind 10 l The north half of the project area is developed mostly with buildings constructed from 1961 through the early 1980s. From the middle 1990s through the 2000s there have been high percentages of vacancies as the retail moves to new lease spaces to the west and in buildings that not longer suit retailers' needs such as the former farm implement dealership on the southwest corner of South Robert Trail and CSAH 42. The south half of the project area is a mix of agriculture and brownfields. The South Gateway District will be redeveloped into uses that are more suitable to the mature mixed use community that Rosemount is becoming than to the agricultural hamlet that it historically was. The alternative stormwater infrastructure guidelines will focus on infrastructure that is suitable and preferred for intense, high impervious surface land uses such as are expected and planned for the South Gateway. Traditional stormwater ponds are land intensive and the alternative stormwater infrastructure will be more efficient by allowing more land to be used for development and less for stormwater management. 2. Develop land uses linked to the local and regional transportation system. a Yes No Is the proje ct located: • within a one -half mile radius of an existing or identified station on the following transitways: Hiawatha LRT, Central Corridor LRT, Northstar Commuter Rail, or Southwest LRT; I -35W BRT, Cedar Avenue BRT, 1 -394 HOT /HOV Lane. If yes, state the corridor and station • within a one -half mile radius of a station under study along the Bottineau, Rush Line or Red Rock transitways. If yes, state corridor and station location • within a one -half mile radius of a potential station under consideration along these future transitways where no mode or stations have been identified: 1 -35 W North; I -94 East; Central Avenue; TH 36/NE. If yes, state corridor and potential station location: X within a one -half mile radius of a stop on future arterial BRT corridors: Snelling Avenue /Ford Parkway, West Broadway, Nicollet Avenue, Chicago Avenue, East 7th Street, Robert Street, West 7th Street, American Boulevard If yes, state corridor and location of stop Robert Street; South Robert Trail and CSAH 42 X within a one -half mile radius of a park- and -ride facility on an express commuter bus or express bus route. If yes, state the name of the park and ride _Rosemount Depot; Approved for 2013 CMAQ • within a one -half mile radius of a fixed stop on a high- frequency bus route If yes, state route and location of stop b) Identify bus routes that serve the Project Area. State whether they are express or regular route. (Limit 10 lines) MVTA's 420 flex route runs throughout the day along 145`x' Street West and County Road 42 on the north side of the project area. The flex route status allows the route to change the course of the bus as needed to serve the north half of the project area. With the 2013 CMAQ fund, the Rosemount Depot park and ride will be constructed less than '/2 mile north of the project area in Downtown and will include express bus service to both Minneapolis and St. Paul. The City is trying to locate temporary funding sources to construct sooner than 2013. c) Describe plans or potential to achieve development that is designed in relationship to transit and transportation in the Project Area; describe how you propose to provide convenient pedestrian access to transit (if within walking distance) in as much detail as possible; how you will optimize relationships of development to the regional transit system, if Project Area has proximity to transit. ("Limit 15 lines) The City is currently creating a pedestrian and bicycle plan which will include connections between residential neighborhoods, commercial and job centers such as the South Gateway, and transit such as the Rosemount Depot. The City is a participant in the Robert Street Corridor, which studies the transit potential between Downtown Rosemount and Downtown St. Paul, including a possible connection to the future UMore development to the east. The connection between Downtown Rosemount and UMore would occur through the South Gateway District and the Development Framework would explore the connection onto the Corridor. 3. Connect housing and centers of employment, education, retail and recreation uses a) Describe plans or potential to achieve development within the Project Area, and when added to the land uses in adjacent areas, that will result in a variety of uses, improved jobs- housing balance, access to a variety of destinations in a connected development pattern. (Limit 15 lines) The South Gateway district is surrounded by the residential neighborhoods to the west and northwest, commercial strip development existing to the west and planned to the east along CSAH, the mixed use Downtown Rosemount located directly north along South Robert Trail, and business park/industrial use located to the east. Educational uses are less than a mile away to the north with the Rosemount High, Middle, and Elementary Schools and about a mile to the east on CSAH 42 with the Dakota County Technical College (DCTC). The development and the redevelopment of the South Gateway District will improve the jobs - housing balance by providing jobs and employment centers near the existing residential developments. Rosemount High School and DCTC can provide workers trained and educated specifically for the business located in the South Gateway. b) Mark (x) the types of uses within the Project Area and outside the Project Area within 'Amile. Type of Uses (provide more detail on types in the spaces below) Within the Project Area Outside the Project Area within 'Amile Office X X Retail X X Services X X Restaurant X X Entertainment X 2500 Government/civic X Education X County Road 42. There is an approved 2013 CMAQ Arts /cultural application for the Rosemount Deport Park and Ride X Open s ace X Publics ace X X Residential X c) Employment Proximity and Access Estimate the number of jobs within the Project 350 Area Estimate the number of jobs outside the Project 600 Area within' /4 mile How are the jobs within a' /4 mile reached by bus MVTA 420 flex route runs on 145 Ih Street West and or car? (describe bus routes, streets, highways/ County Road 42. South Robert Trail (Mn Hwy 3), freeways traveled) County Road 42, and County Road 46 are the three major streets within 'Amile of the project. Estimate how many jobs are within 1 mile of the 2500 Project Area: How are these jobs within one mile reached by MVTA 420 flex route runs on 145` Street West and bus or car? (describe bus routes, streets, County Road 42. There is an approved 2013 CMAQ highways/ freeways traveled) application for the Rosemount Deport Park and Ride providing express bus service located less than ' /z mile north at 146`h Street and Burnley Avenue. South Robert Trail (Mn Hwy 3), County Road 42, and County Road 46 are the three major streets within I mile of the project. 4. Develop a range of housing densities, types and costs a. Describe how you plan to develop the Project Area — and /or add to the existing housing in adjacent neighborhoods — to include a variety of housing types and costs. This can be by integrating new housing into existing neighborhoods through redevelopment, infill or adaptive reuse; or by building new housing in new neighborhoods. (Lin,il, 10 lines) The Development Framework for the South Gateway District and the market/feasibility study will evaluate the potential of mixed use buildings and senior housing to transition from the residential neighborhood to the west and efficiently use the services and business located with the South Gateway. Mixed use housing in Rosemount has been developed at 16 to 30 units an acre and senior housing has been designed at 24+ units per acre. b. Describe how any new planned housing in the Project Area will diversify housing choices in the community and the city. (Li »,u 10 lines) The City has identified two markets that are in the need of additional housing: young adults who have left their parents' home but have not yet formed their own families and senior citizens. The mixed use housing, particularly with rental housing, would provide housing stock for both markets while the senior housing would provide housing for only the senior citizen market. 5. Conserve, protect and enhance natural resources. a. Describe any ways you plan to develop the Project Area to integrate best management practices that incorporate water resource management into project design; or low impact development (LID) methods to integrate natural hydrologic functions into the overall project design. (Limit 15 Lines) The alternative stormwater guidelines will call for the use and construction of stormwater infrastructure that is most suitable for the high intensity, high impervious surface development while taking advantage of the sandy soils of the area. Initial concepts for this area would include infrastructure that provides infiltration and /or re -use of pretreated stormwater, combining landscaped green space with storm water management, and developing underground storage infrastructure that can be used to irrigate landscaped areas. These types of alternative stormwater management would return the cleaned stormwater to the natural hydrology faster than traditional stormwater methods. Natural resources inventory and assessment Yes No X Has the municipality in which the Project Area is located prepared a local natural resources inventory and assessment (NRI /A) in coordination with the regional NRI /A? If yes, do you plan to use the local NRI /A preserve or integrate natural resources into future X development? Explain. The NRI /A will be used in the design of the subdivisions and the stormwater infrastructure. C. Describe any ways you plan to develop the Project Area to employ natural resources, where feasible and appropriate, as community connections, assets and amenities. (Limn 10 lines) Stormwater management for the area can be used in combination with naturally landscaped areas. Depressed medians in parking lots can use storm water to maintain native vegetation in the area. Above ground storm water management facilities can be designed to enhance local habitat by designing it as a wetland treatment system rather than being a typical pond. These factors can enhance natural resources and become an asset to the community. d. Describe plans or opportunities for future development in the Project Area that go beyond standard sustainable design practices. Be as specific as you can, giving examples or details. (Limit 10 lines) The alternative stormwater infrastructure guidelines will provide for proper stormwater management while maximizing the land available for development. The transition of uses due to the various land uses around the South Gateway also provide opportunities for job- housing balance and pedestrian oriented development that are not available in the other parts of Rosemount aside from Downtown. 6. Other Innovation and Demonstration. Describe how future development in the Project Area has potential to be innovative in ways other than those described elsewhere in Section III.A.1. through III.A. 5. (Limit 10 lines) The South Gateway is innovative because of the mix of new greenfield development and brownfueld redevelopment. In most areas of Minneapolis, St. Paul, or most first -ring suburbs, any new development occurs as redevelopment or brownfields. In most area in the outer suburbs, most development occurs on greenfield sites where the former farm, dump, or burn site is the most difficult development challenge. In the South Gateway, the Development Framework will describe how to intensify the redevelopment and brownfield sites while also planning for additional greenfield development. Section III. B. `Pfitial to implement local and "regional goals. 1. Comprehensive plan implementation Describe how the future planned development for the Project Area is consistent with and will implement the Applicant City's adopted comprehensive plan. (Limit 10 lines) The creation of an area plan for the South Gateway was specifically identified in the adopted 2030 Comprehensive Plan. The redevelopment section of the Land Use Plan on page 74 identifies the South Robert Trail (South Gateway) as one of four redevelopment areas within Rosemount. Land Use Goals 3.C. (page 79) is intended to create a specific area plan development and redevelopment of the commercial properties along South Robert Trail between County Road 42 and County Road 46. The grant funds will be used to fulfill these Comprehensive Plan goals and plan for the development per the land use designations adopted in the 2030 Comprehensive plan. 2. Helping to achieve Applicant City's housing goals: Yes No Mark (X) appropriate box X Do plans or goals for development in the Project Area include helping to achieve the Applicant City's negotiated affordable and lifec cle housing goals? If yes, state plans for helping to achieve the negotiated affordable and lifecycle housing goals. ("Limit 10 lines) The Development Framework will explore transitions between residential neighborhoods to the west and the business park/industrial uses to the east. The Development Framework will examine the suitability of mixed use or congregate housing in the South Gateway to use the land most efficiently and provide this transition. 3. Implementing local area plans Describe how the proposed grant- funded activities and future planned development for the Project Area are consistent with and will implement any local adopted redevelopment plans, corridor or other local area plans applicable to the Project Area: (Limit 10 lines) X (mark (X) this box if applicable) The Project Area is not subject to a local adopted redevelopment, corridor or other local area plan :a?? ax,nq .mm°u,�'yn..gre'r+.�ax+' ^ca,.- ;- �. °v g ,.+- �^�+�cz� 51 I 1 17Y 1 111 1I�'::' 1\I� t < k r f' 1. Local leadership, political commitment and community involvement to date Describe local leadership, political commitment and community involvement or involvement with other partners to date regarding activities in the Project Area. (Limit 10 lines) The South Gateway District has included intergovernmental partnerships with Mn/DOT for South Robert Trail and the purchase of the former right -of -way and Dakota County's departments of environmental management and transportation. The environmental management department has been involved in the funding and development of the Phase II and DRAP for the former dump and the transportation department has been involved in the planning, construction, and access management of CSAH 42 and CSAH 46. The City Council has provided support through adopting the Comprehensive Plan including the policy to develop a specific area plan for the South Gateway. The development scenario of the Development Framework will be created through a task force formed from elected and appointed officials, residents, area land owners, and area businesses. 2. Public involvement in Carrying Out the Grant - Funded Activities Describe how the activities in Question III.C. 1, above, will be continued, or additional public involvement activities included in carrying out the activities funded by the requested grant. (Limit 10 lines) The City Council has provided support through adoption of the Comprehensive Plan including the policy to develop a specific area plan for the South Gateway. The development scenario of the Development Framework will be created through a task force formed by elected and appointed officials, residents, area land owners, and area businesses. The task force will also be involved in creation of the design standards of the Development Framework. 3. Involvement of Partners in Project Implementation. Describe how you plan to include or coordinate with appropriate private and public partners to implement future development in the Project Area. Include mention of any particular `stumbling block' issues you will work on with one or more public or private partners. (Limit 10 lines) The development scenario of the Development Framework will be created through a task force formed by elected and appointed officials, residents, area land owners, and area businesses. The City has been working and will continue to work with local business owners, developers, and land owners in the designing and marketing of the South Gateway Area. The City will continue to look for additional intergovernmental partnerships to add value and resources to the South Gateway District. 4. Capitalizing on Unique Opportunities Offered by Developing the Project Site Describe any circumstances which present an opportunity to capitalize on unique development opportunities or advantages offered by the Project Area. Would these opportunities be jeopardized or potentially lost if the Applicant does not proceed with the grant- funded activities at this time to move the project forward to the development stage? (Limit 10 lines) Many of the existing business and land owners are interested in redeveloping their properties. Some developers have been interested in these site, although no specific development is imminent. It is beneficial to create this Development Framework before the commercial market rebounds to limit the potential loss of high intensity development for the quickest and easiest development allowed under the current planning and zoning regulations. 5. Potential to enhance major state or regional transportation investments Describe the potential for future development to enhance major state transportation investments, such as new interchanges, ramps or major road improvements; or regional investments including transitways. (LIMIt 10111leS) The South Gateway District is bounded by the principal arterial CSAH 42 to the north, by the minor arterial CSAH 46 to the south, and bisected by the minor arterial South Robert Trail (Mn Hwy 3). The development and redevelopment of the South Gateway District will provide for access management through planning and design to utilize the limited accesses while reducing the likelihood of land owners requesting individual access onto these arterials. The development and redevelopment will increase the tax base and employment opportunities along these state and regional transportation investments. Continued participation in the Robert Street Corridor would be planned to maximize the transit ridership from this job center, particularly if Downtown Rosemount is connected to the future UMore development. 6. Potential for replication Describe the potential for replication of future development in the Project Area, its key elements or the project type, within the city in which the project is located or elsewhere in the region. (Lindk 10 lines) Two components of the South Gateway District can be replicated elsewhere in the region: alternative stormwater infrastructure and the mix of brownfield and greenfield development. First, almost any community in the region can use and /or build on alternative stormwater infrastructure for intensive development sites, particularly sites with sandy soils. Second, many suburban communities have older areas of development, typically in their downtowns or formerly rural hamlets that new development has begun to surround. The South Gateway District can be used as an example of how to perform greenfield development while intensifying or redeveloping out of date, low intensity development. South Gateway District Pre-development Grant 2020 Plannec Land Use Grant Applicatio i Type: Livable Communities Demonstration Account U) W a- < co Z 0 W < 0 Z Z z ILL! U) IL IL ------------- DAKOTA >;I W 160TH _ST VY_ 0 1250 2500 ft. ____ --- -_ -_ - - SNNNN�� Planned Land Use Sewers Roads, Railroads, Transit Agricultural Lift Station • Bus Stops Rural or Large-Lot Residential ...... Gravity --e— Bus Routes Single Family Residential ..-- Forcemain Principal Arterial Multifamily Residential ...... Siphon A MinorAugmentor Commercial A Minor Reliever Industrial A Minor Expander Institutional Regional Trails A Minor Connector Mixed Use Trail Status B Minor Multi-Optional Development Existing Major Collector Park and Recreation Planned Minor Collector Open Space or Restrictive Use Proposed Railroads Rights-of-Way (i.e., Roads) Railway (inc. LRT) Airport Vacant or Unknown Open Water Created: Jul 14, 2010 Session URL: http:// gis .metc.state.mn.us /imf /imf.jsp ?session =31892 =2. DISC�IMEROFACCU�CY 1 ft� - � -M IM, L-0 R­ C T� L­ &mp M7 'g" - I,— - ­- South Gateway District Pre-development Grant 2005 Aerial Photos Grant Application Type: Livable Communities Demonstration Account ­17: M. Omc W� TW oz. 17 gpn IN �bN , "'. W - 41 1 40 It qW, S. _V 'D rrr :4�uj .4v :Arvj." A �t, �z 0 f .0 e z I gti -,z k *4z, CCopt < 14- Avi ST F OU IMA -G)TA' Cj/4 UJI > 70, UJI, ­.Tt e T ...... 160TH ST VV-- 0 12 0 2500 ft. Created: Jul 14, 2010 Session URL: http://gis.metc.state.mn.us/imf/imf.jsp?session=31887 Ile Legend ® South Gateway District 2030 Land Use AG Agriculture DT Downtown NC Neighborhood Commercial RC Regional Commercial - CC Community Commercial - AGR Agricultural Research RR Rural Residential LDR Low Density Resicential TR Transitional Residertial MDR Medium Density F.esidential . HDR High Density Res lential PI Public /Institutional PO Existing Parks /Open Space BP Business Park LI Light Industrial GI General Industrial - WM Waste Management Feet N 400 800 1,200 1,600 Prepared By EHZ 07/16/2010 2 9 �R ppSN 138THSTW Z a a > U. 138TH ST W r 139TH ST W a z W Z w 140TH ST W p = I ORAN a r Ww o 17 J Q UPPER 143RD I M Z f ST O 144T C' W 45TH ST ® Lu Q 145TH ST W F-7 G n K�Fac 112 Mile Buffer w 146TH ST W d O U = L. 147TH tL 34 H ST W ¢ LO 147 !U147 TH ST 147TH ST W r yy �V ^A1 w p 148TH TaP!' •1.i:.5N.ri:W a 3: w f 1/4 Mile Buffer 'f' O • 1 140 I ri J 1 VV 9r w p U 48TH ST V' = J w J 1�•, o C7 U > 149TH T D U) 2 Z V� ® J p W M D of %� 5149TH ST 1 S W a s U.150TH ST m' U c' U •�` x U. 149TH < U 5 W if 149TH L. 150TH ST W DECEMBER PLAY OEF P'Y CjG CIR OA OOR a DECEMSE 1RL 2 5' • ,l 9 OAR, CT w 151STS -'01 Cr - Ci61ARPON'• yRp� 152 110 _CT r - 152ND STN/ CC uMSAR W CIR 153Rf? S1 W :153RD ST W 3 ogN1. m /C 154TH C` 54T S• W 'a m 55�N <Z .} J C 0 1 m Q % 155TH ST W on o 0 RNELL TRL Eod P 61 CT qty 156TH ST W • 156TR*i7 W E r eTH ��1R�4 s CC • NLL RNELL T CRO U CT V� w CO LL w P� Q s '\, �pONP p 158'H ST W vo PAT Hcr y ySTq c� c4go, R w H CT W 157TH STN �• Z CT V! 158TH ST W o� CT W DAKOTA DR CASC9IlE 1 OT 'a c w 0 0 File: T: \GIS\City \Maps \Departmertal Maps \Comm unity Development\ Eric \G rant Applications\ 2010\ LCDA \2010PreDev_SouthGateway.mxd, Jul 13, 2010 1 LU 1 d U i to j CIO 1 I 1 1 1 >T Lea (CSAH 46 1 151ST dr I QI Minimum Requirements fOr Devc1opment: Varies per t ,pe 4 recreatimlal OppOrtunit-\-. Conum)nin parks and outdoor recreational complexes are encouraged to be located along collector streets and served with municipal sewer and water, while neighborhood parks or mini - parks may only require local street connections. Non- recreational open space mac oralv require an unimproved driveway to the. site. Utilities: Municipal water and sanitary sewer are encouraged. Private well and septic systems may be permitted for lame parks or recreational centers that have the appropriate land area. Ti-pical Uses: Recreational open space; non - recreational open spaces such as nature preserves or wildlife management areas; and public parks. appropriate Zonin �T: P — Public and Institutional Limited Seconda - Zoning: The zoning district of the adjacent residential neighborhood. Floodplain (FP) Pui• ose: The intent of the bloc dplain district is to regulate the land that is inundated during the 100 year flood event of the Mississippi River. It is in the public interest to limit the uses within the floodplain to minimize Property damage and public safety concerns during flood events. Location Criteria: Within the 100 tear flood elevation of the Mississippi River. Minimum Requirements for Development: Development within the floodplain is limited to river dependent commercial operations or the recreational use of the river. Utilities: Utilities are discouraged with the floodplain except for major transmission crossings. T . ical Uses: Barge facilities, recreation facilities, accessory uses for businesses and residences (such as parking lots, lawns, porches, and docks) Densi No residences are alloayed within the floodplain Appropriate Zoning: FP — Floodplain Limited Secondary Zoning: None Redevelopment The City of Rosemount has over 150 years of history, and, as a result, there are many properties xvithi t,have been im acted by previous development. Downtown Rosemount, th UMore Park (the former Gopher Ordnance Works), and the industrial east side are all areas that have fifty or more years of development history. Abandoned and demolished buildings, former dump sites, and other environmental concerns exist in these areas. It is in the public interest to address, clean up, and redevelop these areas instead of ignoring them and developing only farm fields and vacant sites. The Cin, in cooperation with other government agencies, has an interest in seeing that the sites with environmental concerns are addressed and redeveloped into their full potential. The redevelopment of these properties not only eliminates the environmental concerns from worsening in the future, but also adds tax base, employment opportunities, and 110USIng to the community. The City will work with the ()ther governmental agencies to assist land owners in redeveloping their properties that have environmental issues. 74 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan ,SD OSEMOUNT ! MINNESOTA Land Use Element Goals and Policies 79 Manage the rate of development that occurs within the City-. a. Discourage the development of-property that would require the extension of urban service through undeveloped properties. b. Deny the subdivision or rezoning of land that lacks adequate infrastructures, such as collector streets, public utilities, parks, or public safety services. Ensure that Interim Uses allow for productive use of land before development occurs but does not prevent or inhibit the orderly development of land. a. Gravel mining operations shall be required to have an approved reclamation plan that allows development to occur per the Land Use, Transportation, Utilities, and Parks and Open Space Elements. b. Asphalt plants and similar potentially incompatible interim uses shall be adequately screened, buffered, and /or located as far from residential property as possible and may be required to relocate when residential property is developed per the Land Use Plan. c. Discourage Interim Uses from locating within the 2020 bIUSA. 3. Create specific neighborhood plans to guide the development expected in unique areas of the City. a. Implement the Dereloptvent Fratlteu ork for Doll'litoR7l Roselvollllt. b. \X'ork with the University of Minnesota and its consultants and /or development partners to create a plan for the potential mixed used redev elo mof the Ur_ �o>L' re Park Property. K commercial properties along SdWkobeit lraif ft8rr " County -Road 4Z tt " CountrA* t5 d. Create a specie ea plan for the development of the area surrounding the intersection of US Highway 52 and County Road 42. e. Consider the development of additional specific area plans as opportunities with large land owners become available or if residential development is imminent east of US Highway 52. f. Encourage the preparation of environmental review documents to evaluate large land areas for environment and infrastructural impacts and find a solution before development occurs. 4. Provide appropriate land uses to create a diversified economy. a. Encourage the development of office buildings within the Business Park and Community Commercial designations to provide a high intensity of employees and tax base per acre. b. The four Heavy Industrial businesses within the Cite shall submit Planned Unit Developments to the City that illustrate the development plans of their businesses. c. The Heavy Industrial zoning district shall only be expanded when a Heavy Industrial business expands in conformance with adopted Planned Unit Development. 2030 Comprehensive Land Use Plan 4 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA